
Rocket League PS4 Pro 4K Patch Is Terrible, Offers No Supersampling; Comparison Inside

Rocket League has been recently updated to add support for 4K rendering on the PS4 Pro. Unfortunately as it stands, this is a pretty barebone PS4 Pro patch

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Fishy Fingers2658d ago

Good for 4K TV owners. I'm sure they'll introduce super sampling later. The devs have been excellent at listening to fan feedback so I'm sure they'll take note again.

Or, treat yourself to a 4K TV.


The problem is any 4K TV that's worth owning at this point is insanely expensive all the ones that most people are buying don't have all the features that people want or don't support them fully as in running 8 bit panels or whatever. Also there's no point at all in buying a 4K TV that doesn't support HDR you might as well take that thing and give it to your parents because it's garbage for gaming from this point forward or at least not worth the studs it's hanging on

DJT85082657d ago

Not necessarily true! I bought a 60" Samsung KS8000 for $999 it has a 10 bit panel! They are getting cheaper every day! It was definitely worth every penny!

OMGitzThatGuy2657d ago

UN55KU6300FXZA is only 800 bucks and is 4k, HDR10, HDMI 2.0 and has low input lag in 4k hdr mode, best budget 4k gaming tv for the price. Unless you want cutting edge then you want a OLED i guess.

jukins2657d ago

Umm I bought a 49 ks8000 for 850 from Walmart 2 days shipped then bought a ks8500 65 a week later for 1497 shipped. Those are very affordable prices for some of the best 4k hdr tvs out on the market really only thing that performs better for gaming is samsung own ks9000 series and lgs oled tv which cost 100s if not 1000s more.

Just a quick search would have shown you that quality 4k and hdr 10bit panels with the correct certified brightness level are available and affordable.

DJT85082657d ago

The Samsung 6300 does accept an HDR Signal but it only has a 8 bit panel so it's not true HDR10! Still a decent T.V!

rainslacker2656d ago

Decent panels with really good picture quality can be had for between $800-1000 for a 55".

But I would recommend people really research what they're buying, because even some of the ones in that price range do lack some features.

Obviously, the $2-4K ones will be a lot better, with more features, that will all likely to be outdated in a couple years anyways.

Good news is, is that the one's that were $1200-1700 late last year are starting to drop in price significantly due to new models about to come out for the spring.

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Hedstrom2658d ago

Supernice image quality on a 4k screen, alot cleaner and without jaggies :)

Poseph2657d ago ShowReplies(1)
gbsrnctaln2657d ago

Looks awesome on my 4k tv, big improvement. I really dont know what more to expect. Lets face it, the pro is primarily for 4k tv owners.

MetroidFREAK212657d ago

Do the graphics REALLY matter for this game?

MetroidFREAK212657d ago

Exactly. Thank you. Gold star for you (🌟)

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The Status of Every PlayStation Franchise

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Skuletor6h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde1h ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast1h ago

Which ones should they utilize more?

BehindTheRows45m ago

Indeed. We hear this “underutilized” talk as if every old franchise should have a comeback or reboot.

Abear2119m ago

Here lies The Infamous Series; once a shining beacon of free flying, lighting bolt sniping, and wire riding amazing gameplay, it has been laid to rest and be forgotten for what seems like forever despite being loved by millions. Plot next to Wipeout across from NBA Jam.


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