
Has The Sting Been Taken Out Of Scorpio's Tail?

This week the Sparks drill down into the surprising revelations of Microsoft Scorpio’s hardware specifications according to the leaked whitepaper that Eurogamer brought to light. These poured a degree of cold water onto the flames of expectation that Antony and Darren were fanning in anticipation of what was thought to be communicated as a console that would be godlike in its power, delivering true (let’s assume that means native) 4K graphics without batting an eye, a monster of a box that had the Sparks seeing the line between console and PC getting meaningfully blurred.

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stuna12684d ago (Edited 2684d ago )

The sting hasn't been taken out, but the venom is not as potent! I think reality will ultimately set in and people will have more realistic expectations concerning Scorpio going forward! At least that's what I hope. Scorpio is a natural progress of technology moving forward. What people fail to realize when it comes to consoles each generation, all competitors at some point has been able to claim the title as being the most powerful console ever made in some form or another. It's called progression, and at some point even the most powerful console is leapfrogged by better and faster technology.

DivoJones2683d ago

Evolution and not revolution, right? Other companies put out incremental upgrades, so as long as people manage their expectations it'll do fine. People expecting 'godlike' upgrades from Scorpio are the same people who'll be trashing it in the fall. It needs to stay at/around $400 and be a noticeable but not life-changing upgrade, and offer 4K upscaling to games and snappier load and response times. Would be nice if it was the same size as the One S.. and hopefully drops the 'One' identifier altogether.

Bigpappy2683d ago (Edited 2683d ago )

That ararticle had I new information. I always knew that every game wasn't 4k. The only new thing I learn was that they weren't using esRAM. No surprise there. But because you guys fine that they will support and encurage lower resolutions along with native 4K doesn't make it any less of a monster. The most powerful PC support lower resolutions.

Angeljuice2683d ago

Most Xbox fans have been saying definately native 4k on ALL Scorpio games for months now.

I don't recall you ever chipping in to set them straight.

Mrveryodd2683d ago (Edited 2683d ago )

Not Nintendo ☹
Not ever

stuna12683d ago (Edited 2683d ago )

So the Game Cube wasn't considered to be more powerful than the PS2!?


And if you look at my comment above it will explain my statement of technology leapfrogging previous technology. And for a short period it was considered the most powerful console on the market.

Mrveryodd2683d ago

@stuna1 .... The game cube was released a year and half after the ps2

CrazedFiend2683d ago (Edited 2683d ago )



But yeah, I completely agree with you on that one. Sony obviously took advantage of that with their claim about the Pro, because right now it is.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2683d ago
Kingthrash3602684d ago

For fanboys yes....bUT for actual gamers who'd like a boost in their games no.

All fanboys liked to say was ps4p isn't a 'true 4k' machine like the scorpio was supposed to be. (This was started by MS insanely) now that things have come to light it just takes the sting out of the BS "war".
Overall as far as MS's image goes as far as lying about their system they have futher lost the trust.....I won't buy a scorpio. Clearly they haven't learned anything about being truthful to gamers.

stuna12684d ago

Agreed! Sometimes these companies can be as bad or worse than the fans who follow them! All sides are guilty of this practice whether it's subtle or flat out.

Sometimes I can't help but wonder if these companies meet up and have a good laugh at our expense!?

freshslicepizza2683d ago (Edited 2683d ago )

"Overall as far as MS's image goes as far as lying about their system they have futher lost the trust.....I won't buy a scorpio. Clearly they haven't learned anything about being truthful to gamers."

Do you have anything NEW to add? It appears you enjoy repeating yourself and I am not sure why.

None of us really know the pricing or the final specs but it's crazy to come to any conclusion. You just admitted you won't be getting it no matter what so why is your opinion needed?

BizarroUltraman2683d ago

MS didnt lie about anything. They said their 1st party games would be 4K and that devs are free to use as please.

Daoshai2683d ago

Your right I don't ever recall hearing that all games would be native 4k. That's just crazy ps fan boys saying they heard it to make ms look bad now. I didn't think I could consider them any lower, but I was wrong. Xbox really does need to work on games this E3 though. Ps4 getting much more use atm.

Angeljuice2683d ago


That line was actually started by clueless Xbox fans who thought that Scorpio harnessed alien technology or something.

You could find hundreds or even thousands of comments from Xbots claiming Scorpio = 4k everything on this site. They even say it was confirmed by Microsoft.

BizarroUltraman2683d ago

Day one buy for me. At the end of the day. Its still a more powerful console than the PS4 Pro and will still be more capable machine. If Xbox had the games to back up the hardware we wouldnt be having this discussion.

Kingthrash3602683d ago

But it is lacking.
Games are the single most important part of GAMING CONSOLES.
It more capable of what exactly? Native 4k? So you'll ignore games....you'll ignore the xbone and it's complete lack of games. Which won't get any better simply because the ps4 has the userbase. Which means less 3rd party support coupled wit the smallest 1st party line up...then add the fact that all that power will be held back because of the xbone. Lol that gap is just too large. Let's be realistic, xbone has a 26mil user base and the scorpio will never beat that...devs are gunna make a great version of xbone games and then make the scorpio version seeing that they are tied together. They can't make a crappy version of the xbone since that's where the money is....same goes with the ps4/pro. The difference here is the pps4/pro will have a larger user base and a smaller gap between them. Therefore the scorpio will be held back by several factors. If you think devs take power over money you are insane. The ps4 will be the base game for all systems. So far I call everything happening and got flagged for it. The scorpio won't be a native 4k console. It likly will have less native 4k games than the pro. You my friend are stuck on the wrong thing.
Remember this happened with the 360 and ps3....the 360 had a larger userbase. This it's games played better worked better all that. The 360 was the base console even though the ps3 was the slost powerful. You know what made it comeback and win.....the games bro. The games.

Obscure_Observer2683d ago (Edited 2683d ago )


"If you think devs take power over money you are insane"

It´s not a question of money "userbase by your logic". No devs will compromise their "masterpieces" for the weaker system. That´s just not realistic. Seems to me that your are young and have no idea what you´re talking about.

Back then PS2 used to be the most popular consolo by a far large userbase than the OG Xbox and Gamecube. That doesn´t stop big name studios from releasing games on OG Xbox that PS2 simply couldn´t run due its power limitations. Games like KOTOR, Riddick, Half Life2, Doom, Jade Empire and many others where Xbox exclusives for a reason.

The soon you accept that Scorpio will be getting the superior multiplat games, the better for you. Just saying. ;)

freshslicepizza2683d ago (Edited 2683d ago )


the xbox one has over 1,000 games and is only just over 3 years old with plenty more to come and will all be playable on scorpio and scorpio will now be the best system for all multiplatform games. if none of them interest you well then thats your problem.

Kingthrash3602683d ago

Are you counting BC games???
ps4 has 2000 games and many more.....add another 400 with psnow if you'd like.
Came out a week before xbo.
Has an over 100 exclusives to xbox 36
Has over 70 announced games and counting ...has VR and it's games...has native 4k AAA games RIGHT NOW..and has the most new AAA exclusives IPs...xbox has 0 exclusives for the future. All you are bragging about is Kool-aid with no sugar

rainslacker2683d ago (Edited 2683d ago )

I don't really care what promises they make for Scorpio. So far they haven't lived up to their promises for the OGX1. Can't see why anyone would want to upgrade until they can manage to do that.

First, deliver on what you promise, then look at giving more to take advantage of those promises.

So far, the Scorpio is just a distraction that MS hasn't actually delivered on all the hype they put behind their system. I can't see anything beneficial about the Scorpio when it comes to actual experiences to be had. I don't need prettier games, I need the games that I brought a system for. MS is trying to run, and they forgot how to walk. There is nothing that makes me have faith that MS will deliver on their promises for Scorpio. Despite all their talk about Scorpio, they barely talk about games, and all they do is keep saying, Hey look at CD3, which we delayed for Scorpio, hey look at HW3, hey look, another Forza(which is coming). So on and so forth. Even their indie marketing is plummeting.

BigGamersSmallTalk2682d ago (Edited 2682d ago )

Microsoft didn't lie, right at E3 2016 Phil Spencer said developers could use the power however they wished. http://www.gamespot.com/art...
Could be native 4K and it could be 1080p 60fps ultra settings.

The whitepaper gives developers options, it doesn't say it can't do 4K, it says you can do native 4K, but you can ALSO do this, this or this. How is that a bad thing or a lie?

All Xbox first party games will be native 4K, but not mandating 4K on 3rd party developers is a brilliant thing and the right call. (SOURCE ALL FIRST PARTY NATIVE 4K ON SCORPIO) https://www.engadget.com/20...

Sony was "straight up"? Then why do they keep saying 4K mode? Why did they tell developers to say 4K at every single turn? I posted links that show Phil Spencer said last E3 not every game will be 4K and devs don't have to dev at 4K on Scorpio, but all Xbox One first party games will be native 4K.
That's not lies my friend. Learn the term.
As someone who has the whitepaper, it gives developers "OPTIONS" including native 4K.

Kingthrash3602682d ago

They lied about "true 4k". The had it in ads, on twitter on their youtube page...hell it's still there.
When they said 'true4k' what did they mean? Especially if they are using the same techniques as sony?
They led people to believe that they were going full native 4k. That's where the lies live. Sony was straight up. Nintendo was straight up...MS continues to lie...or say 'alternate truths'

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2682d ago
skydragoonityx2684d ago

Its the diehard fanboys dat are repeatedly getting stung by microsoft

G20WLY2683d ago

^OMG this, people never learn...

andrewsquall2683d ago

Not so much, its still going to be pretty good at running standard Xbone games at better performance and resolution what with the more system memory and glorious next gen GDDR5 architecture (maybe its not that advanced going into the 2018, it definitely was in 2013, especially 8gbs of it).
But at least words like "BEAST" can stop being used by idiots now.

stuna12683d ago

Exactly! The word Beast can have a negative connotation attached to it if Microsoft isn't able to live up to expectations placed on Scorpio. Of course there will be those who accept whatever Microsoft throws out there, it not meeting expectations could definitely draw criticism from those who view this as another one of Microsoft's money making schemes.

One only has to look at what many expected Nintendo to show and do with the Switch. Although some are fine with what Nintendo is giving them, there is definitely an outcry from those who are very disappointed with what Nintendo's Switch offers. Especially when stacking it up against the current generation consoles.

BizarroUltraman2683d ago

What? The Scorpio will be a "Beast" console. You cant downplay that...

G20WLY2683d ago

So then do you say that the PS4 Pro is currently a "beast"?

PS4 Pro was expected to be a beefier PS4 and that's what we got.

Scorpio will be much the same increase and is not going to change the gaming landscape. Anything it will do when it comes out at the end of the year, will have been doable in gaming for years. If you go from Xbone to Scorpio, I'm sure you'll be very happy, but the term "beast" is subjective within the industry and within what you know.

OC_MurphysLaw2683d ago

well we have a white paper for E3 2013 with a set of specs which more or less backed up what many were speculating... so basically its so far the machine we thought it was. What changed?

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Skuletor5h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde1h ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast54m ago

Which ones should they utilize more?

BehindTheRows2m ago

Indeed. We hear this “underutilized” talk as if every old franchise should have a comeback or reboot.


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