
Four More Free EA Access Games Revealed: Skate 3, Dead Space Ignition, and More

Today, publisher and developer EA revealed that four new games are being added to the EA Access library of free games on Xbox One: Skate 3, Dead Space Ignition, Madden NFL 17, and Zuma’s Revenge. EA did not provide any specifics as to when the games will be added to the catalog, but it did say they would come sometime later in the year.

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Bigpappy2687d ago

I have never played Dead space. Trying to decide if I should start that or Go for Diablo3. I know I would like Diablo3, but I have to pay for that. Don't mind doing so if Dead space turns out to be not for me and Diablo is not more than $40.

Kribwalker2687d ago

You could do both. Just buy one month sub for EA for $5 and give it a shot, and then buy diablo

2686d ago
Christopher2686d ago

Had to look up what Dead Space Ignition was. Too bad to see bad creative decisions stall the potential of an IP. Happens too often today :(

Profchaos2686d ago

I don't know why but I just can't really get into skate 3 or 2 but I loved skate 1.

My thinking is because the story they tried to add in was cringeworthy and detracted from the actual skating as opposed to skate 1 which was purely focused on skating and meeting the world's best and competing.

Plus I think graphics and the camera angels are better in 1

monsoon_moon2686d ago

I liked 3, but 1 was my favourite, first game I got 1000g and I also couldn't get on with 2 either. They just need to announce Skate 4 already!

Boobgrabber2686d ago

Why does it say free on the title if you have to pay a subscription?


Dead Space Isaac Clarke: Every Cameo in Other Games

Isaac Clarke of Dead Space fame has appeared in many games, both as a playable character and an Easter Egg. Have you played them all?


Dead Space Games Ranked From Worst to Best

BLG writes: "Dead Space. It’s a beloved horror series – one that yours truly can’t stop talking about on stream! Yet there are more Dead Space games than you may be aware of. So it’s my duty to introduce you to the best Dead Space games, and one very, very bad one. It’s time to grab a plasma cutter, cut off the limbs of terrifying necromorphs, and decide once and for all (on this website) which of the Dead Space games reigns supreme!"

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-Foxtrot672d ago

Dead Space Extraction better than the original Dead Space?


lucian229671d ago

I played all three. Didn't find them fun, just had nothing to play. I don't think I beat third game though. Combat was super clunky, graphics and art design were ugly imo, story in first game wasn't too bad, rest were meh.

Over hyped series imo, also it doesn't help horror games don't scare me, so I guess that's a big reason for me too.

MIDGETonSTILTS17671d ago

Play Alien Isolation on Hard or Nightmare.

Start on the movie DLC so that you don’t have to play a bunch of campaign in order to find out if you’ll be scared.

lucian229671d ago

I heard that was a good one. Honestly vr games scare me with jump scares because of how the threat feels real.

MIDGETonSTILTS17671d ago

There isn’t an official VR mode, unfortunately.

The audio should pull you right in if you use headphones.

CDbiggen671d ago

Just finished playing the first, enjoyed the fact Isaac was a silent alien crushing psycho doom-guy type. Just started the second yesterday and I'm annoyed he's a talker now and sounds like a regular guy who hasn't been through hell, but I suppose he couldn't remain silent.

VersusDMC671d ago

Dead Space 2 is my favorite followed by 1 then 3. All are good to me though. Just beat all 3 on series X and they hold up.

Xenial671d ago

As simple as 1,2,3.

Extraction, then Ignition.

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Xbox 360/PS3 Ports That Would Be Great on Nintendo Switch

Here's a list of Xbox 360/PS3 games that would be great on the Nintendo Switch (at a modest, reasonable price of course). These games could really flourish if given a new lease on life, introducing a new generation to their greatness.

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MichaelKnight83692d ago (Edited 692d ago )

I'm sure R* knows the Nintendo Switch install base and probably dont really care to port over more R* games to the Nintendo Switch tho i gotta say playing GTA4 & RDR1 on the go on the Nintendo Switch would be dope

Knightofelemia692d ago

I would buy Lollipop Chainsaw, Alice Madness Returns, Enslaved, Splatter House, Brutal Legends, Dante's Inferno, and Dead Space for sure if they were ported to the Switch.

Mobis-New-Nest692d ago

Deus Ex Human Revolution would be a great title to The Holy Grail of All Consoles aka The Nintendo Switch*. Also Haze Remastered, Grand Theft Auto 4 and 5 Remastered, Silent Hill HD Collection, Max Payne 3 Remastered, Call of Duty World At War Remastered, The Orange Box Remastered, Halo Master Chief Collection, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 Remastered, Metal Gear Solid 4 Remastered, Afro Samurai Remastered, Demons Souls Remastered, Xmen Destiny Remastered, Jack and Daxter Collection, Def Jam Icon Remake, Folklore Remastered, Spiderman Edge of Time Remastered, Persona 5 remastered, the list goes on. (*Best Selling Console of All Time)

MontyeKristo692d ago (Edited 692d ago )

Can we just get a Bully 2? 😒

iplay1up2692d ago

Seriously? Isn't it time Nintendo make a Switch successor? I mean they have the sales and money.

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