
Will Price and Accessories Make Up for Switch's Possible Power Woes?

The price of the Nintendo Switch has reportedly been leaked. In addition, a booklet full of accessories also came out. Will this help Nintendo?

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DARKKENT2699d ago

If it's £220 with a game im soo in

ElisaDS2699d ago

I have to admit, I'd be in for that too. Zelda maybe? :)

Moonman2699d ago (Edited 2699d ago )

What will impress me is if Switch works as advertised with a decent battery life. The only two titles we have seen built from the ground up on Switch are Seasons Of Heaven and Super Mario (Switch). Both impress me visually. I'm excited! And I love Breath Of The Wild's visuals, which will probably look sharper on Switch. But it can't conclude what Switch is capable of as it was built for Wii U. The size of Breath Of The Wild's map impresses me most, the gameplay mechanics look sweet. It's going to be awesome.

Seasons Of Heaven: http://gematsu.com/wp-conte...

EddieNX 2697d ago

Yh BOTW does not represent the Switches graphical potential at all. Itl take a while before we see that. Nintendo will be able to make gorgeous games on it

ABizzel12698d ago

Price can, but considering the competition is already $250 the Switch would have to be $199 or less to make an impact on pricing, realistically IMO $199 is the lowest. Price will be important, because the hardware is expected not to live up to the competition therefore they have to sell the device based on functionality aka hybrid console portability. But $250 for a handheld has never worked, luckily for Switch it's the most advanced dedicated gaming handheld (although so was the Vita), so as long as it nails battery life, memory storage (micro SD please), and multiplayer on the go, it will be fine until they launch a Switch slim for $199 or less.

Games can if the Switch is fully backwards compatible with NES - GameCube, and GB - 3DS emulation, with the addition of new releases and Wii U remasters all hitting early in the devices life cycle then games will carry it as well. The top 15% of each generations games need to be on Virtual Console by Year 1, they need at least 6 first party exclusives each year, 6 best of Wii U remasters for the first few years, and finally solid 3rd party support (good from JP, at best mediocre for West), and Switch will be a near perfect Nintendo device.

Accessories I don't think will help NX out at all. Never seen an accessory be the reason 10's of millions buy a console outside of the Wiimote.

jmc88882697d ago (Edited 2697d ago )

Wii had the hook of motion controls. No one else had that.
Wii U had the gamepad (which obviously didn't work out too well). But no one else had that.
Switch has portability, but everyone already has a smartphone and Gameboy came out in 1989.

If anything it's the worst hook of the three. Sure some people will love it. But the average person I don't think will be swayed by it, especially since you won't be playing Cyberpunk 2077 on the go. So it's a hook that can't deliver on even it's promise. You'll be able to play Nintendo games on the go, but brand new Mass Effect Andromeda? GTA VI? Fallout 5? Battlefield? Battlefront? Nope.

Ultimately the hook isn't as strong as before, and it doesn't work on the biggest games, which makes it worth even less.

$299-339 for a console SKU also costs more then a PS4/XB1 at $249, who at any time can lower the price more, and at some point will.

I also don't think we should couch things as a 'near perfect Nintendo device'. That's a very low hurdle. In the marketplace people want a good device compared to what else is out there. Smartphones have no added cost, with free/cheap games. Other console are cheaper, much more powerful, and have AAA 3rd party support.

So while it may be a good Nintendo device, compared to their competitors most consumers might see it as a more expensive inferior device.

Dasteru2697d ago

The hook for the Switch isn't portability, it is transferability. Smartphones and the Gameboy do not allow you to play console games on the go, nor do they allow immediate "switch"ing between home and portable play, with the same cart and same save file.

WickedLester2698d ago

249.99 simply puts it on par, price wise with current gen consoles. That's not some mind-blowing price tag. If it launched at 199.99, now THAT would be impressive!

jmc88882697d ago (Edited 2697d ago )

Well actually that's the rumored handheld SKU. The SKU with a controller is rumored to be $299-339. This is important because when you buy a PS4 or XB1 you get a normal controller. So you have to take that into account.

Thus pricewise, if you plan to use Switch as a console, it's looking like it will be $50-90 MORE expensive then PS4 or XB1. That's not good.

...and if $339, the that's just $60 less then PS4 Pro which if rumors are true about Switch's power, is roughly 1/28th the raw TFlop power of PS4 Pro when undocked and 1/11th the power when docked.

Also just remember that Wii launched at $249 which was a massive $350 cheaper then PS3 60 GB, and had the pull of motion controls. Wii U launched at $349 for 32gb which was cheaper the PS4 a year later by $50 and Xbox One by $150.

...and at ANY time Sony and MS can cut the price and/or add games to their console, and at some point they will. Nintendo will be selling the Switch in that market.

More money for a 'console' that won't likely have many AAA 3rd party games. So it's a Nintendo box, asking for more money as a console then their competitors.

They are in a very precarious position from a console perspective. As a handheld it will be fine as long as the handheld market holds up close to last generations standard. But as a console, this thing as rumored has issues.

Hopefully the rumors are off and Nintendo has something up their sleeves. If not, there could be big problems.

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Take-Two CEO Doesn’t Think AI Will Reduce Employment or Dev Costs; “Stupidest Thing” He’s Heard

Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick doesn't think AI will reduce employment or lower development costs, and calls it "stupidest thing" he's ever heard.

lodossrage4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

They already have AI trained to do coding.......

How he thinks it's stupid is beyond me, Especially since we see it happening in real time.

CS71h ago

Company A has 300 employees and lays of 200 to replace them with AI to release the same quality game.

Company B has 300 employees and keeps all 300 but instead uses AI to release a game with dramatically larger scale, scope, complexity, short dev cycle etc.

Company B would release a dramatically better product by using humans + AI and consumers would buy the better game.

I actually agree with this concept.

Huey_My_D_Long1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

This is key facet. Its how the AI is used. It's actually is impressive as is and really would make an amazing addition to alot of people in their jobs, not just tech. It also has the potential for businesses to use to lay off large amounts of people, as much as they could to save money on labor. I hope too many companies don't go with the latter. But since usually companies are worried about bottom line over people...we will see some try and hopefully fail. But yeah, if its to help workers like in your company B scenario I'm totally down...Just scared Company A may be too enticing to some ceos and businesses.

Darkegg1h ago

Value of AI and value of humans will both be increased with human-AI complex. Each, by themselves, will not be independently better than the other. Whether AI will ever be independent from humans is the fear question of humans, ironically because of our doing. At this stage, most of the doing is because of humans, not because of AI. AI is doing exactly that by our design, until we have failed ourselves with an AI development that went awry. The biggest take is that humans have only ourselves to blame when things become wrong, and we have to decide what is the ultimate goal with AI we want to accomplish. It would take a person with high morals and high ethics to make right of AI. I would not want businessman to decide what AI should do or what capabilities it can have. AI should be in the hands of people with high moral fiber, or those operating on love, kindness, and compassion.

BlackOni40m ago

AI is SUPPOSED to be used as a tool, not a replacement. It's designed to do two important things artists can take advantage of immediately.

- Make the ideation/reference imaging process much quicker and easier (basically using it as a google search)
- Make mundane and time consuming tasks faster and easier so more time is spent on creation.

Unfortunately, what many have done is used it as a way to replace rather than supplement.

Number1TailzFan1h ago

You can already make your own SFX with text prompts now as well, of course it will lower development cost and time

1Victor1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Sure Strauss and robots didn’t take jobs from car factories.
Edit:Sad thing is he believes it and unfortunately he won’t be replaced for a long time by AI

senorfartcushion3m ago(Edited 2m ago)

He doesn't, he's just lying. These people lay people off so they can get bonuses. If AI takes jobs, their bonus goes bigger and the workforce goes smaller.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3m ago
jambola3h ago

Ceo says stupid thing
Part 5837384

Zeref2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

I think maybe sometimes we give people in these positions too much credit when it comes to intelligence.

romulus232h ago

As long as it doesn't effect his inflated executive salary or his ridiculous bonuses I'm sure he's fine with it.

RNTody1h ago

Hahaha yeah trust the CEO suit over the actual developers making the games. Good one.

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HexGaming Launches Kickstarter Campaign for Hex Phantom

Custom Controller Company HexGaming launched a Kickstarter campaign for their latest pro controller, Hex Phantom. - IS

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Every PlayStation Studios game available now on Windows PC

Windows Central writes: "Many PlayStation Studios games that are ported to PC get dedicated PS5 DualSense support, which allows users to experience haptic feedback and adaptive trigger support without actually having to own a PS5.

According to Hermen Hulst, head of PlayStation Studios, it's still the company's intent to launch the bigger single-player games on PS5 first, before later bringing the games to PC. This might not be the case for multiplayer games however, which are considered okay to launch simultaneously on console and PC."

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ocelot071d 10h ago

My guess is after god of war. Probably last of us 2 that's a almost 4 year old game now and by the time it's released on pc it will be more than 4 years old or close to 5.

Elda1d 4h ago

Every old Playstation game that is now on PC.

shinoff218319h ago

Right. I definitely see what a headlined from a website named windows central was trying to do though. It's cute little wordplay to help out the green box

Flewid63817h ago

Are PlayStation games no longer good or worth playing once they are old?

Elda17h ago

I'm guessing my comment went over your head.

XiNatsuDragnel1d 3h ago

Good at least they can sell hardware