
Final Fantasy XV - The whine about Cindy Aurum´s boobs and looks

Just recently it came to my (Robin Ek, TGG) attention that people have started to complain about Cindy Aurum´s looks and cleavage in "Final Fantasy XV". So here´s my take on the matter.

PhoenixUp2734d ago

It always amazes me how people got so offended by Cindy's attire but then paid no attention to Gladiolus showing off his entire chiseled torso

TGG_overlord2734d ago

Thank you, you hit the bulls eye right away.

Simon_the_sorcerer2733d ago

Imo, the SJWs are just a bunch of hypocrites. I bet that the female SJWs watch Game of Thrones to see some male studs in-action.

Muzikguy2733d ago


Yes I think so too. Actually I believe that in most cases the people that complain are just as guilty as the ones they're complaining about.

_-EDMIX-_2733d ago

@sim- it's not really just that it's that the people who are portraying themselves as that keep finding stupid non-issues to talk about.

The actual people that bring awareness to diversity are not out here finding such strange reasons to bring up such things. They would actually be bringing up all the instances where a company is over sexualizing a character for the sake of marketing a product.

In my opinion the end goal should be to allow the Creator to create what they intended as opposed to a marketing company trying to purposely have a specific image displayed to sell units.

So I won't say SJW are that, who you're referring to is anything but they might be making those claims masquerading as that but they definitely do not actually stand for truth social justice in regards to seeking diversity.

ie somebody who truly represents that should be against the over sexualization of any character if it was not intended by the original creators.

ie Square throws away the original drawings of this character and instead use something more sexual simply to get sales.

bluefox7552733d ago (Edited 2733d ago )

@EDMIX What is wrong with that? Game companies have been using exaggerated versions of characters since video game tech became advanced enough to make characters that look like actual people, and movies have been doing the same thing for much longer. It's fantasy, people like to look at things that are appealing to the eyes. Why do you think "The Rock" is in so many movies? It ain't his acting chops. And why is it even an issue?

Rachel_Alucard2733d ago

Their logic is that sexy ripped males are a power fantasy for males and sexy fit females are a sexual fantasy. Basically, the concept of fantasy defeats these people.

Eonjay2732d ago

This is bullshit. I have heard no one complaining about Cindy and most likely neither have any of you. Stop following people who follow SJW just so they can report on them. I have half a dozen folks in my immediate circle playing FF 15 and no one has heard or said anything about Cindy's boobs. This is a fake issue. No one is complaining. I feel like sometimes these guys go out of their way to find SJWs.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2732d ago
Simon_the_sorcerer2734d ago

Sexy males is okay, females, nope.

TGG_overlord2733d ago (Edited 2733d ago )

That´s how it is, that´s why they don´t care about all the male characters in pretty much every fighting, action, sport and beat-em-up game since the 80s.

Littil_Devil2733d ago

It´s been like that in the world of games for a very long time now...

The 10th Rider2733d ago

It's not just games. Just look at the success of Magic Mike and 50 Shades of Grey.

_-EDMIX-_2733d ago

Lol Kratos rarely even wear any clothes through the God of War Series this man is completely utterly ripped lol

Nu2733d ago

If I try to be sexy I'll be arrested

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2733d ago
Simon_the_sorcerer2733d ago

They never do, that´s why male nudity and whatnot is okay with them.

Littil_Devil2733d ago

If someone ever got around to make a DOA Extreme game with just males, then I bet that no one would care a single bit about it.

Goldby2733d ago

Anita should be taken out to the back of the barn and sent on her way.

She is part of the reason Extreme-SJW is so prevalent in gaming. and by extreme im talking the Feminazi extreme

_-EDMIX-_2733d ago

@gold- I definitely don't like her cherry-picking characters and not focusing on other aspects of gaming but I cannot also say that she is wrong in the respect of some of the things she's brought up.

I don't like the way that she's going about it as she makes it very difficult to really tackle real solutions. The biggest issue regarding gaming today is not simply just the lack of diversity it's technically the lack of control that writers and directors have over their games.

Any Creator should be free to create their games how they see fit the biggest issue I have is when a marketing company comes in and is making decisions on demographic in other variations of the game simply to sell more units that was not intended by the Creator.

We know this to be true. We can't ask creators to forcefully added demographics just for the sake of it, art is something personal and subjective but what we can do is make it clear that we do not want our games being altered by marketing companies.

The biggest issue I have is with that.

If somebody wants to make their game with a specific demographic that's completely up to them, but the real problem comes from when Publishers bringing marketing companies to intervene with the game's Direction simply for marketing purposes.

In my personal opinion that is what her crusade should have been about not attacking creators.

Goldby2733d ago (Edited 2733d ago )

she has brought up some good points, i feel though that those points, at least to us gamers, aren't given the spot light that "showing off female butts in advertisement" gets.

Her approach isn't the good either,a s you stated, she cherry picks, and that isn't right. if you are going to bring up that Catwoman has latex butt v2.0 bring up Nightwing and his glorious buttock. or Nathan drake when comparing to Lara Croft. both buts can be seen. but only one is focused on.

also she needs to do more research for her "analysis" as she stated you are awarded points for hitman and killing stripper when it isn't even part of the mission, but because we are in a strip joint and theres women who are strippers, agent 47 is seen as an evil man out to kill stripper when in fact he was there to take out their pimp.

bluefox7552732d ago (Edited 2732d ago )

@EDMIX "but the real problem comes from when Publishers bringing marketing companies to intervene with the game's Direction simply for marketing purposes."

Why is this a problem? The publishers are footing the bill. Of course they will have some influence in the creative process. There are ways around this however, do a kickstarter, publish independently, find a publisher that gives you more creative freedom, work your way up to rockstar or ND level and get creative carte blanche, etc. If I go get a tattoo, I have the right to say to the artist: "I want it exactly this way", or I can say "Here's an idea I have, you're the creative one, you run with it". Some publishers do this, but when it's their money, it's their call. Also, it's not like devs go into these relationships blindly. They know what to expect going in.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2732d ago
Littil_Devil2733d ago

Every single female that I know have ZERO problems with Cindy (or any of the other female characters in FFXV). So it´s always the same group of people who whine about stuff like this (there are tons of female Cindy cosplayers out there...).

_-EDMIX-_2733d ago


I'm a huge Final Fantasy 15 supporter and I definitely don't like the over-sexualization of Cindy and I felt it was a bit ridiculous and exaggerated.

That goes the same for gladious bizarre washboard abs being half-naked for the majority of the game lol

That man need some damn clothes, out here looking like an American Eagle model lol

DragonKnight2732d ago (Edited 2732d ago )

She isn't oversexualized. I love this idea that there is somehow an appropriate level, one never outright stated (because it can't be since it's subjective) and you only know when something has gone "over" that level. She's showing cleavage, she isn't nude, don't be a prude. And also, here's the important part, she is not a real person.

Goldby2733d ago

just because some of us like looking at gladious washboard abs doesn't mean it offended. Im mainly offended by Cindy because, for how dirty her face is, there is absolutely no mess whatso ever on her jacket. being a mechanic years ago that is litteraly impossible to do, and i expect more realism from Final Fnatsy games...

Oh we were talking about her boobs, Ya there are good to look at, might practice my jabs and punches of those bags

PhoenixUp2733d ago

Omg me & my were making the same comment about her clean clothes and dirty face as well

_-EDMIX-_2733d ago

Lol agreed.

I think they could have made her has a pretty fancy-looking jumpsuit to convey more so that she was a mechanic. I just don't know who's going to be fixing cars half-naked like that lol

Goldby2732d ago


i know, huge chance of burning her skin there, or getting oil on her skin (cancerous btw)

paradigmfellow2733d ago (Edited 2733d ago )

The difference is that Cindy is a mechanic. Not even a male mechanic would be that revealing to do the kind of work he has to do. Cindy was purposely made to be objectified. Gladiolus was too, but due to our patriarchal society, it is not being addressed because he is doing something that is normally associated with that kind of body (based on our society point of view); fighting. Which still doesn't make it right.

bluefox7552733d ago

Nonsense, I have seen many mechanics shirtless. Sure, they aren't doing this at corporate chains like Midas, but small town, mom and pop garages? Absolutely. It gets very hot in the summer, especially working on cars. None of that even matters though because it's FANTASY, it's not supposed to match real life. If it doesn't suit your tastes, move onto something that does rather than trying to change it for the rest of us who have zero problems with her cleavage or the bare chest of Gladiolus.

DragonKnight2732d ago

Argument ended with zero credibility once the term "patriarchal society" was used. We live in a gynocentric society.

cash_longfellow2733d ago

One dislike...one extremist SJW lmao!

Taero2733d ago

Didn't you know? That's for the guys so we can feel totally manly, women don't like looking at buff guys /s

DarXyde2733d ago

Beat me to it.

It's very true. There's something for everyone!

_-EDMIX-_2733d ago


I like how everyone was just ignoring that this man legitimately can catch pneumonia.

She's wearing this outside but we don't know how she sleeps or how she dresses up at home, we're literally playing with a character that basically almost always has his shirt off.

DragonKnight2732d ago

I like how you're ignoring that she lives in a desert. You can also change Gladio's clothing at any point.

CrystalFantasy2733d ago

Gladio's chest is magnificent. Something to aspire to, at the very least.

UltraNova2733d ago

Yeah...he is hulking mass of triangles presented in pixels...dont aspire digital creations. Get out, hit the gym and see what real work and sweat can achive. Those people you can aspire to.

k2d2733d ago

A more suiting comparison would be them having Gladiolus flaunting his ass crack though! lol

Godmars2902733d ago

Its because feminist actively dismiss anything having to do with men. Use the excuse that women have been disadvantaged and objectified for so long that when such happen to men it can be ignored.

UltraNova2733d ago

In 10-20 years from now Men will be seriously oppressed and sidelined. We are doomed and its all our fault that we, today allow feminazis to thrive and keep influencing the media, society and young generations under the false pretence of gender equality.

Its sad because just as when we civilaised men (most of us) accepted and embraced gender equality its extremist women and their simple minded supporters that try to derail this monumental shift in modern society.

Trash_Report2733d ago

Most of the country are conservatives due to religion and history of this country (USA), it's why as ridiculous as it was, Trump winning the presidency being the best proof.
People blaming it on SJW but it's actually just how America has always been.

Kombatologist2733d ago (Edited 2733d ago )

To those defending Cindy's look, would you feel the same way about the male cast if they were running around in this? http://bit.ly/2h4zl5E

Serious question.

bluefox7552733d ago (Edited 2732d ago )

That's a silly comparison. Cindy is showing a little cleavage, and somehow that is equal to men completely naked except for their penis being covered? A better comparison would be Gladiolus who has his bare chest exposed, the male chest is something women do indeed sexualize. So why is it different?

@Kombatologist Which was?

Kombatologist2733d ago

I think you missed my point.

DragonKnight2732d ago (Edited 2732d ago )

@Kombatologitst: That's because you don't have a point. You created a false extreme. But to answer your question, There are some games you should look at. Games like Cho Aniki or... Succulent.


Or Rinse and Repeat.


Kombatologist2732d ago (Edited 2731d ago )

You wouldn't be defending this if it were an overly-sexualized male people were complaining about. You guys act like SJWs are the only ones who complain and act hypocritical, but who complained about "emo" Dante in the DmC reboot? Who complained when Capcom patched out Chun-Li's boob physics in SFV? Who complained about Watch Dogs 2 for having a minority as the main character? Who complained about a black soldier being on the cover of Battlefield 1? It goes on and on. I'm not saying characters like Cindy shouldn't exist. Just don't complain when a game features something or someone YOU don't like.

People have become too defensive, judgmental, and self-entitled.

Point enough for you?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2732d ago
PFFT2733d ago (Edited 2733d ago )

Cause all those crying about it are nothing but raging women hating flamers.

NecoTehSergal2733d ago

Cause men being objectified don't bother beta-cuck males, SJW's and Feminists, only that women, the special-class citizens of the New World cannot be depicted in a sexualized light or looked down as an object - it's fine if it happens to men, because men are disposable. Duhh.

Nu2733d ago

I whine about the horrible accent lol

PhoenixUp2733d ago

What in tarnation is wrong with the accent

dillydadally2732d ago (Edited 2732d ago )

While I normally agree with this sentiment, COME ON! The fact that there's a scantily clad woman in a video game doesn't bother me so much as the fact that it's just INCREDIBLY out of place. You go to a mechanic and she walks out in stripper clothing, bronzed and oiled? It just makes no sense. And not a single person in your party, which normally can't shut up, says a thing about this woman that walks out with her bra showing?

Doesn't it bother anyone else how out of place it is or just the sheer level of slap-you-in-the-face, immersion ruining fan service it is?

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 2732d ago
Majin-vegeta2734d ago

Csn we like just get hit by an asteroid already??_-_

Little off topic but I just saw this.

Simon_the_sorcerer2734d ago

Well, that would sort out that problem for sure :P What, really? Nice =)

TGG_overlord2733d ago

I´ve been told by quite a few as of lately that humanity needs to be rebooted...

Muzikguy2733d ago (Edited 2733d ago )

A collection huh? 🤔

ninsigma2733d ago

If that crystal complete edition doesn't come to Europe ima be so mad!

Nu2733d ago

AVivi Asteroid or a regular one?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2733d ago
Simon_the_sorcerer2734d ago

I really love the fact that the "you know who" give zero damn about the four main male characters...As if they would be less sexy and attractive than Cindy is.

TGG_overlord2733d ago

All of them are pure eye candy, but "they" don´t want to talk about that part.

Kalebninja2734d ago

if it just came to your attention then you're an idiot. There were complaints all the way back before episode Duscae and Tabata even addressed them. waste of an article, practically two years late to the party.

TGG_overlord2733d ago

What are you talking about? This episode took place for the last couple of days, Hell, Josh even streamed FFXV via Twitch and banned both male and female players who pointed out his bs.

PeaSFor2733d ago (Edited 2733d ago )

im soo outraged at the outrage, because THINK ABOUT THE CHILDRENS!!!!!

Boycott shampoo, demand real poo.

Littil_Devil2733d ago

The guy can´t read I take it, so don´t get too angry at him.

Goldby2733d ago


Thank you for that laugh

Simon_the_sorcerer2733d ago

I guess that you´re not the smartest of cats since you can´t read all that well. No, this event took place just recently.

TGG_overlord2733d ago

Don´t bother with that person, he or she always gets really salty about topics such as this one.

Littil_Devil2733d ago

That dude always goes after posts of this kind, so don´t waste your time on him.

Kalebninja2733d ago

Im not talking about the event, he said it just came to his attention that people ave started complaining, when people had been complaining well over a year and a half ago.

Nara_shikamaru2733d ago

The guy is actually right my friend, people have been complaining about cindy and her appeal since the duscae demo

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2733d ago
Littil_Devil2733d ago

The only waste here is you, so please, move along.

phantomexe2734d ago

World we live in today says if your a guy your evil and a rapist. That's right guys don't look at a women anywhere other then her eyes. It don't matter phoenix women are allowed to have that your not. I'm sorry it's new age

Simon_the_sorcerer2733d ago

That sounds a bit it, yes...And it´s really sad, because far from all guys are evil and bad. Well, that would explain why so many guys are down and blue nowadays...

TGG_overlord2733d ago

It´s the MSM that pumps out that narrative and those lies.

Kabaneri2733d ago

I wouldnt worry that ship is sinking fast.

bluefox7552733d ago

It certainly explains why fewer men are getting married. Feminism has successfully made both men and women far less happy.

TGG_overlord2733d ago

In Sweden it´s more or less a crime to be a male (if you´re a straight white male, it´s even worse). So, yeah...

Ravenor2733d ago

Hyperbole much shiiiit.

Mr Lahey2733d ago

Yeah, no.. But Yes, Sweden is a progressive and feminist country and some "men", like you, dont like it. I guess you are a straight white male..

DragonKnight2732d ago

Dude, a Swedish guy made an article apologizing for being male. Sorry but it's not hyperbole. Sweden is screwed up for straight white men.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2732d ago
GrubsterBeater2733d ago (Edited 2733d ago )

No, our world says that if you're a straight, white male, then you are a misogynistic, xenophobic, racist who promotes rape culture, white privilege, and are discriminating minorities and women subconsciously.... and you're a bigot, and you need to accept black lives matter, and then hate Trump because reasons, and listen to the mainstream media like a good sheep or we will call you all of these things until your career and/or image is completely defamed.

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Here Are The Games Leaving PS Plus Extra & Premium In May 2024

Here are the games that will be leaving the Extra and Premium tiers of the PS Plus subscription service in the month of May, 2024.

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gold_drake45d ago

crazy, glad i own the ones i wanted to revisit and play

ChasterMies45d ago

Absolver Downfall
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X | X-2
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
How To Survive 2
I Am Dead
Last Stop
Moster Jam Steel Titans 2
My Friend Pedro
Sundered Eldritch Edition
The Artful Escape
The Messenger
This Is The Police
This Is The Police 2
World of Final Fantasy

Asterphoenix45d ago

Glad that I absolutely can't stand subscription services.

Petebloodyonion45d ago (Edited 45d ago )

I don't recall Sony forcing you to subscribe like nobody forced you to go to Blockbuster to rent games instead of buying them.

SonyStyled45d ago

Pay-per-view was almost cheaper than the cost of gas and rental fee from Blockbuster. Blockbuster doesn’t exist today. Are you being sarcastic?


Final Fantasy XV Review – A Royal Road Trip

Gary Green said: With my fondness for (most) Final Fantasy games and my side goal of finishing off games in my collection with loose ends, a return to Final Fantasy XV seemed inevitable. It also serves as my third Final Fantasy platinum trophy after VII and VIII, a reasonable substitute since Final Fantasy IX is nigh on impossible to master.

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Final Fantasy 15 director reveals why he left Square Enix, and announces he's working on 2 new JRPGs

Final Fantasy 15's director has revealed why he left Square Enix back in 2018.

Hajime Tabata famously resigned from Square Enix two years after Final Fantasy 15 shipped in 2016. In a special livestream at the time, Tabata announced his decision to resign from the company, cancelling three of four new story-focused DLC episodes for Final Fantasy 15 in the process.

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Knightofelemia177d ago

FF15 is like FF13 its subjective people either like it or hate it.

raWfodog177d ago

I liked it. I haven’t played the royale edition yet but I’ll get around to it one day.

gold_drake177d ago

no no, 15 wasnt trash.

15 had a tremendous difficult development.

FinalFantasyFanatic175d ago

I really believe 13 was better put together and more complete than 15 ever was.

EternalTitan176d ago

Found the pathetic troll.
How is your jobless life going?
Dot worry, you will never get a job or a girlfriend haha!

Hofstaderman177d ago

Man inherited a train wreck and was expected to release this game in under two years after it spent a better part of a decade in development hell. At one point there was even plans to make FFXIII Versus a musical. He did what he could.

TheColbertinator177d ago

I didn't care much for XV and I always wanted the original vision of Versus XIII but I think the dev team did what they could to salvage the project

Inverno176d ago

And yet people still blame him for the game turning out the way it did, rather than SE for the horrible mismanagement of 13 and Namura for being overly ambitious.

Dwarrior177d ago

Whatever the behind-the-scenes went on over the many years, at the end of the day it was a radical change in direction that I could not go along with. Also why I never bought 16.

gold_drake177d ago

this is also why Sakaguchi (spelling) left.