
Xbox: “We'll look back on 2016 as our tipping point”

Fresh momentum suggests that Xbox One has overcome its troubled launch

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darthv722739d ago

2016 has been a great year for the XB1. It is a worthy companion system to have.

GtR35olution2739d ago (Edited 2739d ago )

Sony sold 50 million ps4s in three years and they sell 2:1 or more ps4s more than xbox one worldwide on a monthly basis, facts. Npd is just America. Things will be worse november 2017 when ps4 is $250 and $350 for pro while xbox one will be $250 and $500 for scorpio imo.

There isnt any tipping point for microsoft except that theyve only managed to outsell the ps4 in one region a few times by mere thousands which is in america. While xbox one averages about 500k a month the ps4 is doing over one million or so a month so the xbox one selling 20k more than ps4 in npds is insignificant when ps4 wins monthly 2:1 worldwide every month. The xbox one hasnt cut into the ps4s overall lead at all when their competition outsells them by half a million monthly. Its like some talking about about xbox one selling 5k more then ps4 in the UK a few times but ps4 averages 3:1 more sales worldwide in europe. Some people never talk about worldwide because it would make any xbox one tipping point talk look silly

If scorpio is like i think itll be i think itll cost $600 because of the new tech but at that price itll barely move off shelves. Im hoping scorpio will be as powerful as i want because im willing to pay the higher price for more powerful console.

PistolsAtDawn2739d ago

Nothing you said refutes anything he said....stop being so insecure

Thatguy-3102739d ago (Edited 2739d ago )

Regardless of your facts one can't congratulate MS enough for turning it around with the Xbox one this year. Yea when comparing it to ps4's sales there's no competition but that's not what they're talking about. This year they truly made a lot of strides whether people like it or not.

n4rc2739d ago (Edited 2739d ago )

Why does everyone now think Scorpio is some crazy showcase for new tech or something and it'll cost a fortune..

It's a low-mid grade PC by today's standards.. lol.. Rx 480 is about 6tf and under 300 RETAIL right now..

edit... its only impressive for the console space and all the hardware is currently available now at an affordable price.. they are partners with AMD and wont pay anything close to retail. they also dont go into production for awhile now so it only gets cheaper..

ShadowKnight2739d ago (Edited 2739d ago )


christocolus2739d ago


Lol. Your post comes off as insecure. The Xbox One is still doing great just not as great as the PS4.

obidanshinobi2739d ago

They haven't sold 50 million, they have shipped 47 million to retailers.
Also MS have the lead in Brazil as the XB1 is about half the price of the PS4 over there due to MS having a manufacturing plant tin Brazil whereas Sony get stung by Brazil's ridiculous import taxes.

I own both consoles but I love driving games and space games, Elite Dangerous is amazing, so generally use my XB1 more though I'm currently playing Dishonored 2 on the PS4 and looking forward to the Last Guardian. Having both consoles gives you the best of both worlds.

marquisray2739d ago

It will be on my shelf i cant wait

2739d ago
freshslicepizza2738d ago

it's all context. the ps2 did so well it crushed the competition into oblivion. the fact is the xbox one is still holding its own against a very well marketed product the ps4. that system is now hovering at about 50 million in just over 3 years so of course the xbox one does not appear to be doing wel in comparison but ask yourself, where is nintendo?

we all know sony fans seem to be the most apprehensive to give microsoft credit, they will even allow nintendo to fly under the radar as they point most of their negativity towards microsoft and the reason is simple, they are the most competitive to the playstation brand, not nintendo.

microsoft is also doing a much better job spreading out their titles but every time microsoft does something the critics continue to push the goalposts to something else.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2738d ago
Ricegum2739d ago (Edited 2739d ago )

They've been selling the Xbox One for less than £150 all year, and Xbox One S for around £200 with two games & extra controller.

One would hope they are selling a bit more with those kind of prices. Makes you wonder how MS make any profit at all.

Yohshida2739d ago (Edited 2739d ago )

in germany they gave ps4 slims away for 196€, so both have those kind of deals and that system just came out. Pro is discounted 70€ and wasn't even out half a month.

mark_parch2739d ago

@ Unreal01
yep your right how dare microsoft rip us of with those amazing prices

Gazondaily2739d ago

"Makes you wonder how MS make any profit at all."

They must just be doing it for the lols....

Overload2739d ago (Edited 2739d ago )

Companies usually have a budget. If the margin tips in one area (console pricing) it will be recovered in another (game development). That is why they are selling the Xbox One so cheap, they are producing very little in house software. Since the software is selling only decently, I can't imagine they are turning much of a profit with the division.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2739d ago
LastCenturyRob2739d ago

Its a worthy system regardless.

2739d ago Replies(2)
Hoffmann2739d ago (Edited 2739d ago )

Not really. The xbox one is more or less obsolete if you have a PC and a PS4

@bluefox absolutely agreed

2739d ago
Razzer2739d ago

Yep. I would have probably bought an Xbox One by now, but with Play Anywhere......why?

2739d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2738d ago
FallenAngel19842739d ago (Edited 2739d ago )

Even if Xbox One currently has a momentum, it's still selling slower than PlayStation 3 in the same timeframe, and the PS3 had a much more troubled launch than XO.

Just for reference, Sony's slowest selling console sold 33.71 million by the end of 2009. It remains unlikely that Microsoft's fastest selling console can beat that total by the end of 2016.

darthv722739d ago

while that is true... the XB1 will be MS 2nd best selling system while the PS3 will be sony's 4th (just to keep it in your perspective)

moegooner882739d ago (Edited 2739d ago )

@darth wow, that shows how much work MS still has to do.

FallenAngel19842739d ago

@ darth

It still says a lot that Microsoft's best selling console can't sell more than Sony's worst selling console.

n4rc2739d ago

and amazing 10/10 games wont sell close to the worst COD game... whats your point exactly?

MRMagoo1232739d ago


what's yours first ? he's talking about consoles not games.

2739d ago
freshslicepizza2738d ago

how important are those regions for you if a system doesn't sell that well? microsoft will continue to lose out on japanese niche games, so if those are appealing to you then the xbox will likely never be your choice but as far as western games the xbox competes very well in this field, much more than nintendo does.

n4rc2738d ago

What's mine? I made it pretty clear.. and it doesn't matter if it's games, consoles or phones, the point remains the same..

Selling the most doesn't mean you are the best, it means you were most popular... It can be both as well, don't get me wrong..

But grandmother's think all game consoles are "PlayStation" and it's been Synonymous with console gaming for 20 years.. just like a game like cod, Titanfall is a better game yet won't even come remotely close.. cod is a household name and it's name alone will sell.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2738d ago
Automatic792739d ago


2016 has been a fantastic year. Further, not just 2016 but since launch MS has offered the best games Imo. To me its my primary console.

If you wonder why here are my reasons

Console Exclusives
Xbox Live
EA Access

Next year Beam Streaming on Xbox live, smooth stream direct from Xbox live.

and this is just from a gaming perspective.

BizarroUltraman2739d ago (Edited 2739d ago )

Its my main console, but Ive been playing more PS4 Pro lately and have a good collection of games with Pro features. So im kicking it on that.

My Xbox One still get the most plays, plus I do more than just game on it. Its my personal hub to be honest. Espn everything on it and all my movies, Amazon Prime account, Ea Access, Netflix, HBO im good. Only time I watch my TV is when Pats or Celtics are on.

Angeljuice2739d ago

XBox for TV, PS4 for games, it's what they were designed for after all.

I don't see why MS needs congratulations for turning anything around, they've been selling strongly from the start.
I think MS have started focusing more on the US lately, they have more control over public perception there and anything they achieve is magnified.

They haven't sold badly at all, at any point (if you don't compare them to PlayStation sales).

SpaceRanger2739d ago

Console exclusives?? Completely subjective. And since they only had three this year, it seems like it's hardly anything to boast about.

And controller? Lol gotta find something subjective to add to that list when there isn't much else.

Eterna1Ice2739d ago

Horizon 3, Gears 4, Quantum Break, Recore, FRU and Dead Rising 4 in a couple of days.

MRMagoo1232739d ago (Edited 2739d ago )

exclusives eternal not multiplats 😂😂😂

edit: I would but it's not in the dictionary....... i guess it's a made up thing to counter the fact xbone has no exclusives.

Eterna1Ice2739d ago

Try searching the definition of a console exclusive.

christocolus2739d ago (Edited 2738d ago )


And don't forget Scorpio comes out next year. I'll be getting it day one.


Why do you care?All of a sudden you are interested in Scorpio and Xbox games? Huh?


Isn't it obvious? I am not a PC gamer.

Angeljuice2738d ago

Michael was talking about 2016, Scorpio won't be here until the arse end of 2017 (with the next wave of X1 "exclusives).

CaptainObvious8782738d ago

Why not save your money and get a gaming pc instead.

Cheaper games, better performing games, free online, more dedicated servers. It's a no brainer.

BizarroUltraman2738d ago

Angeljuice, was trolling the whole time. You gotta read between the lines.

Razzer2739d ago

Use the reply link, dude.

trooper_2739d ago

...What console exclusives?

Halo, Forza, Gears, Killer Instinct?

What about new IPs?

And how many people will use EA Access? How many will use BC? BC isn't a selling point. Exclusives are.

Microsoft still has a lot of work ahead of them after that DRM fiasco.

BizarroUltraman2738d ago (Edited 2738d ago )

You guys always leave off the new ips. Why? Theres others games besides Halo, Forza, Gears. Cant troll anymore if you ad those huh? And you sound so salty that you dont have those features xbox gamers are enjoying. Face it most if not all features added to Xbox are from consumer feedback. And dont forget external hard drive support and 4K blu-ray !!

trooper_2738d ago

So what are they?
I'm waiting.

By the way, disagreeing doesn't change anything I've said because facts are facts. They still have to do a lot more if they want to at least stay relevant.

CaptainObvious8782738d ago

The fact that you had to say 'console exclusive' instead of 'exclusive' really says it all.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2738d ago
Kashima2739d ago

I don't need a console that doesn't get a support from japanese companies.

BizarroUltraman2739d ago

Then dont get one. Its your prerogative! Bobby said so.

Angeljuice2739d ago

One day's sunshine does not a summer make.

2739d ago Replies(6)
BizarroUltraman2739d ago

In my opinion, the mess Xbox is in, in terms of sales. Is all Microsoft fault had nothing to do with Sony. They made some very big mistakes at E3, Kinect and price and that was nail in coffin for this gen. The Xbox is a very capable machine and does everything Microsoft said it would and more. With more stuff coming down the pipeline its on an upward trend. Im actually glad they turned around and now with this bit of momentum and can manage a great Scorpio preview at E3 or wherever they decide that would be boast well for the next console. Just keep doing their thing.

And they have a great line up of games and more coming.
Day One supporter still have the original model and a PS4 Pro. Lil Jon "YEAH".....

Most Anticipated Game: Death Stranding

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A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

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Status in one word:


The end.

anast1h ago

Which ones should they utilize more?

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Indeed. We hear this “underutilized” talk as if every old franchise should have a comeback or reboot.

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