
Will You Switch To Nintendo?

Is portability the killer move for Nintendo with this new platform in an era where smartphones and tablets do have a chunk of the market? Or does the fully fleshed out, more rounded and complete gaming experience that the Switch will offer give it the edge in that area, or is this a niche of its own, becoming what the Vita or even indeed the Wii U portable screen should have been?

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Hoffmann2775d ago (Edited 2775d ago )

No I won't. The PC + Playstation combo covers more than enough great games already.

And honestly, Tekken 7 is so far the only 2017 game I really care about.

Erik73572775d ago (Edited 2775d ago )

My ps4 collects dust when ever I'm done playing Uncharted 4, god of war 4, persona 5, and final fantasy xv because it has no use outside of playing exclusives.

At Least with Nintendo It would be able to do something my desktop PC can't and it generally offers more first party games that have higher metacritic scores than Sony games.

buttcheeks2775d ago

Dang bro out of all the ps4 exclusives coming that's all you want ?

And I don't think the meta thing is true for overall exclusives

rezzah2775d ago

Only Tekken 7?

Surely you enjoy other genres of gaming.

Hoffmann2775d ago

Yes, of course, but I have a backlog of like 200 games on ps3,4 and steam here right now and alone with ps+ and humble monthly I get around 10 more games per month and there are always some nice ones among them.

And I forgot to mention Persona 5 ..

buttcheeks2775d ago

Broseph sup 2017 is a truly glorious time mass effect ,south park ,horizon zero, persona ,gravity rush2 ,red dead 2 ,no no kuni 2 and shadow warrior on console are all day one purchases for me

camel_toad2774d ago (Edited 2774d ago )

PC + PS4 combo too and happy - Zelda is great n all but the only thing that would drive me to get the Switch would be a new Metroid, and it'd have to be a real Metroid therefore nothing like Federation Force.

Nyxus2775d ago

I will not switch but I'll probably get a Switch alongside my other consoles, for its exclusive games.

mcstorm2775d ago

I'm with you. I always own at least 2 consoles. Last gen I had all 3 but this part of the gen I have xbox one and WiiU. I will be getting the Scorpio and Switch but if I can make time like last gen ill grab a ps4 pro to but hard enough to game on 2 consoles as it is.

buttcheeks2775d ago

Boy you betta get a ps4 this gen I mean it would be a massive shame to miss out on some of the best games this gen

mcstorm2774d ago

@buttcheeks for me there is nothing really want apart from UC4. For me the PS4 dose not have the games I want the most. Nothing against the console its just not got the games I want for my gaming needs plus time I have to.

buttcheeks2774d ago

@mcstorm I feel you bro it's about playing what you enjoy at the end of the day

mcstorm2774d ago

It sure is. Just sucks getting old. I got recore the day it came out but only managed an hour of it so at trying o get through the backlog of other games. Moving house this well so when im settled in ill try and pickup more gaming time.

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Neonridr2775d ago

I will definitely get one, but it will co-exist alongside my gaming PC and PS4 (Pro).

Ristul2775d ago

I could never own only NS, but it will complement my other consoles.

Aloy-Boyfriend2775d ago

No. Been disappointed with Nintendo before.

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Skuletor4h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.


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