
The Nintendo Switch Reveal Was a Perfect Piece of Marketing

Nintendo has finally unveiled their be squared, called Nintendo Switch. Their reveal did a good job of introducing the piece of technology.

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RpgSama2781d ago (Edited 2781d ago )

It was good, but not great, I hate reveals where we almost end up with more questions than answers, I love the trailer per se, it's a great piece of marketing as the title says, but as a reveal for a console, I don't like it, it looks more like the fall trailer to promote an existing console than a reveal, and we still don't know when a proper Switch event or Direct will happen.

After all this silence, I wanted more.

Rippcity2781d ago

I agree man. We practically already knew everything in the trailer given the heavy rumors pointing towards console/handheld hybrid and detachable controllers. The fact that Nintendo took so long to say anything about the damn thing and then go and release a 4 minute trailer to reveal it makes me speculate even further. We still know hardly anything about the console and the trailer didn't wow me at all. Very disappointing.

danny8182781d ago

If you read their announcement on twitter they said a teaser of the fist glimpse of Nintendo. This is a damn teaser not a reveal

RpgSama2781d ago (Edited 2781d ago )


Exactly, it was like a commercial for the Switch they would release AFTER the reveal event, but they skipped the reveal and just gave us the commercial, It's a super cool commercial, but I wanted the event.

Just like you said, we already knew it was a hybrid, they just confirmed it, and showed us just one new game for mere seconds (the new Mario), all the other are games already released or in the case of Zelda, one that will release on both the Wii U and the Switch.


I know they said it was a teaser, but I wanted more, and it didn't end with a date for the real reveal event neither, you can release a teaser for a game, but for a console reveal, at least for me, it doesn't work.

bouzebbal2781d ago

I'm a big Nintendo fan, but that was so confusing.. I think they could have started with a full video log to explain function in detail.
I'm so confused over the controllers ?? Which is what ?come on...

Cindy-rella2781d ago (Edited 2781d ago )

Not really. They should have showed a lot of third party games running on the system, talk about the specs and they should have revealed the price. I love the idea but i dont know about the list of games coming at launch which is suppose to be in 5 months. I like knowing the specs of an electronic device before i buy so until im satisfied im not interested much anymore. When it comes to Nintendo some people expect very little effort and are impressed by very little. The ideas of the nes switch is nice but they should have a lot of the third party big titles coming to the console and they should have showed most in their trailer.

RpgSama2781d ago


Yeah, the controllers look totally limited when playing co-op, they look super small when you share them and they each have a Joystick and 4 face buttons, like a mini snes controller, these games must be super simple to play if you just need 4 face buttons and 1 joystick to do it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2781d ago
freshslicepizza2781d ago

Nintendo still appears lost in nostalgia. They kept targeting party play style where you gather together instead of improving their online features.

The good thing is developing for handhelds and consoles can now share one another which will hopefully finally alleviate the lull in games being released.

Nintendo will forever do its own thing and people can decide if that is good but for me it's just wasted resources for something I don't really see myself using. I have handhelds in the past and they just collect dust. It's way more immersive on the big screen and part of the portability is still being passed onto the customer and adds to the cost. I'd rather they bump up the performance parts

gangsta_red2781d ago (Edited 2781d ago )

I agree, although it was clear it's a console that can be used on the go, Nintendo is notorious for using these types of ads of putting together a diverse group of multi racial youngins gaming where gaming wouldn't usually be found at. It was a glorified commercial more than a reveal.

I also am very concerned about how small those controllers are, not to mention they each only have one analog stick each and no d-pad. What about shoulder buttons, I think I saw them. This automatically tells me that games will be very limited and may have to be specifically made for this feature.

rjason122781d ago

Why because they are appealing themselves to multiple markets instead of one market? I, and my friends enjoy playing games in each other's company, we play online too, but it's totally not the same.

Summons752781d ago

I have to agree. It gave a clear showing of the concept without saying a word. They showed off a new Mario, Mario Kart, a new Splatoon, Skyrim Special Edition, NBA, obviously Zelda BOTW. If this is the launch line up then they are killing it. Can't wait for the direct to answer all the questions.

Vegamyster2781d ago (Edited 2781d ago )

Name makes sense and they showed its purpose clearly, a far cry from the Wii-U lol.

Kramerica132781d ago

It was good, yeah. Could have used a few more concrete details, but they want to tease it out. I get it.

The basketball bit was just weird. Who stops playing actual basketball to play a basketball video game? Felt really forced.

Fist4achin2781d ago

Ha! I felt the same way about the basketball scene as well. I thought it was lame that there was a game going on in the background while these guys were playing on the Nintendo. I get the portability they wanted to demonstrate, but at the same time I felt it was like showing up to an aquarium with a fish stick... Maybe that was a poor analogy.

neomahi2781d ago (Edited 2781d ago )

It's good to finally have the reveal. We'll see what happens. This could still hurt Nintendo, though and would be, again, for the casual gamer and the Nintendo purist. While I'm a Sony fan and can appreciate Nintendo's contributions to the gaming market, Sony does still ride high with the console for everyone but it appears to still not be good enough for the gaming market Nintendo might be going for. Maybe releasing games on Mobile devices will help mobile gamers transition, but now the messaging is confusing. Let's not forget the other elephant in the room to which I referenced with not being good enough with PS4, Pro is around the corner, but what kind of a wrench is Microsoft going to throw into Nintendo's Gears to Switch Nintendo's fans attention back with Scorpio? 4K gaming vs a mobile processor? Use a Surface for portable gaming with "Play Anywhere"?

Nintendo just announced a new console. Great! That generates hype, but it may not last. Everyone's just happy Nintendo satisfied their curiosity, but right now, that's it. It's that instant gratification and then everyone will go back to Sony and Xbox. We may still yet see the Wii U recurrence and third party will drop. Even this article suggests that. If the market really does command 4K gaming and Microsoft is right? It's Game Over Nintendo.

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Take-Two CEO Doesn’t Think AI Will Reduce Employment or Dev Costs; “Stupidest Thing” He’s Heard

Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick doesn't think AI will reduce employment or lower development costs, and calls it "stupidest thing" he's ever heard.

lodossrage1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

They already have AI trained to do coding.......

How he thinks it's stupid is beyond me, Especially since we see it happening in real time.

jambola1h ago

Ceo says stupid thing
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