
DriveClub VR Review: “Runs like a greyhound; looks like a pug” | finder.com.au

Sony’s launch racer DriveClub VR stays on track, but does not set a blistering pace.

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SlappingOysters2790d ago

Why isn't Project CARS on PSVR? Anyone know?

Yohshida2790d ago

Probably cant handle the game

2790d ago
Utalkin2me2790d ago

What obvious that some kids on here fail to realize. These games was not created with PSVR in mind. They are just updating them to get them to work with PSVR.

Red_Renegade2789d ago

i guess i was wrong. apparently people trolling all the time are not sad.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2789d ago
OB1Biker2790d ago (Edited 2790d ago )

It's supposed to be. Was announced a long time ago as the first game supporting PSVR
Edit. They said it won't support it at launch but I don't see any reason why not later on.

SniperControl2790d ago

They pulled the plug on it a while ago, i even bought Project CARS in anticipation, but i got it for £12 pre owned so not a massive loss.

I have it on PC as well and use my DK2 with it, pretty amazing game in VR.

Aenea2790d ago

They decided to not support it after all.

Am sure it would've meant way more work than they anticipated, Project Cars is a great game, but doesn't have a steady 60fps frame rate, they would need to change a lot of the visuals to hit 60fps...

They could probably easily do it for the Pro but that's a no-no for Sony. Shame really since I kinda bought Project Cars a while back 'cos it would get PSVR support, sigh, ah well....

ONESHOTV22790d ago (Edited 2790d ago )

It definitely can't handle it. If the main platform can't even run the game at max settings with a stable 30 frames how in God's name can a psvr that needs twice the power run project cars. You blind consumers need a serious lesson in technology from GPU to CPU and RAM ex

fr0sty2790d ago

Driveclub was a more impressive looking title in every way, and PSVR pulled it off. Sacrifices have to be made, no doubt, but the point is they made it happen. Having played Driveclub VR, it's quite impressive what they have been able to accomplish.

ONESHOTV22790d ago

fr0sty-- dont play the console version of project cars and tell me that it looks worst than a racer built on that console dude the ps4 wasnt running project cars at maxed settings so what the hell are you telling me driveclub looks better tan it when you have not seen how the game truly looks like at it's maxed settings just like the witcher 3

DEAD-DEVIL-DISCO2789d ago (Edited 2789d ago )

It was developed with psvr in mind and actually used with some pro driver testing the psvr alongside the rift. The developer recently stated they dropped it and are currently working on pc2 with the psvr. Ground up to get it as perfect as possible. Slightly mad said theyre very excited. I read it on n4g a few months ago. Wont be a long wait im sure :)

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2789d ago
ninsigma2790d ago

Looks like a pug xD
It's a shame they had to turn off a load of stuff for it to run in vr but I do hear that the core of the game is the same and that's the main thing!

SniperControl2790d ago (Edited 2790d ago )

I think PS4Pro will be the standard going forward for PSVR, dont get me wrong, it's bloody admirable the PS4 can do VR at all, truly a testament to the engineers at Sony.

But anyway, being a fan of DC, i'll be playing DCVR today on my bog stantard PS4, hopefully in Jan when i get the Pro, there might me a patch to update DC with Pro features.

ninsigma2790d ago

No doubt pro is gonna be a massive help for vr and will be the best place to play psvr. However I am impressed that they made it work for og ps4. They're damn good at what they do.

I only played drive club for a bit. I have the season pass so I can upgrade for 20 euro if I wish. Gonna try it out on the demo disk first before parting with my cash though!

Off to go get my psvr now. Whoop whoop! :D

conanlifts2790d ago

If they could do current ps4 graphics in vr on the pro that would be fantastic.

ninsigma2790d ago

Yeah ok, drive club vr is not for me! Made me feel sick when playing but the others didn't. Couldn't finish the race.

2790d ago Replies(1)
conanlifts2789d ago (Edited 2789d ago )

Just interested in your comment about driveclub making you sick. Do any other titles do this? Have you ever had motion sickness in any games before?
Only asking as vr interests me, but i used to get motion sickness in shooters like wolfenstein etc. Also i only played an oculus once on a low end pc and got really bad motion sickness. Hoping it improves to enable vr as an an option for me. Curious on impressions from early adopters.

ninsigma2789d ago

I feel a slight disorientation on rush of blood but that's just because my brain thinks it's moving on the coaster but I don't feel sick from it. Other than that I don't feel anything. Motion sickness (in games or in real life) is not something I suffer from so when it comes to vr you're not guaranteed to be immune if you don't normally get it. I recommend trying a few things out first if you can. It is really cool though. I enjoyed everything else I tried!

Bolts2790d ago

Figures. This is why the Pro exist. Also this might be the fundamental difference between console VR and PC VR. PC VR doesn't have downgrades. For example Project Cars with VR is simply that, the normal game with its standard graphics and textures but now in VR.

Lamboomington2790d ago

Hopefully devs make full use of it. They can really push the graphical features and increase Image quality as well

SniperControl2790d ago

I have Project CARS on PC and use my DK2 with it, there are some small sacrifices that are made to get it to run in VR, but nothing on the scale as DCVR.

freshslicepizza2790d ago

thats because on the pc you have options out there. vr will also be demanding on the pc but at least you can improve your hardware when you want to.

so many hyped this game for psvr and i told them serious concessions would take place to get it to run but they didnt agree.

Chaos_Order2790d ago

Dirt Rally on VR would be terrifying!

sadsatan2790d ago

i just soiled my pants thinking about that. imagine a night race, on ice haaaaaaaa.....

conanlifts2789d ago (Edited 2789d ago )

With a full racing wheel and seat setup as well

IamTylerDurden12789d ago

The game plays beautifully, and It's funny how grfx didn't matter before, but now they are all important. The game is flawless.

2789d ago
SlappingOysters2789d ago

Flawless?? The guys doesn't have a go at the visuals being old much as the visuals impacting gameplay as you can't see upcoming corners quick enough

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Skuletor5h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde1h ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast47m ago

Which ones should they utilize more?


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