
Mafia 3 Review (PS4) – A Boring & Repetitive Experience - ThisGenGaming

ThisGenGaming says "Mafia 3 is unfortunately a boring video game that is also held back by technical issues. While there is some entertainment to be found in this game, it's not one that I would recommend buying for full price."

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Shaun2k52796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

Rushed review that barely scratches the surface beyond generalisations.

Funny that on the day Phil Spencer says some reviews give low scores for clickbait, this one appears nicely as a prime example of poor critical analysis in the ever furious pursuit to get the most clicks.

RpgSama2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

Let's wait till more reviews come out to form a more informed opinion, but I seriously wasn't expecting a 5.0 for this game, it has the looks of an 8+ game.

rdgneoz32796d ago

If you looked at gameplay videos they've released so far from previews, it's probably around a 7 average. The AI in the game is incredibly dumb, with you being able to melee kill enemies while they death scream and their friend 3 feet away does nothing or sees him being dragged around the corner... Also, not sure if the day 1 patch will fix it, but it looked like texture loading problems when you were going too fast in some previews - guy driving fast, looks behind real quick and you see the buildings / road textures taking a few seconds to load.

Besides that, the story looks like it should be good from what they've shown so far. Hopefully there's more variety in the side missions and some of the bugs get fixed soon.

RpgSama2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )


I guess that's the thing, I read a lot about video games but I don't like to watch gameplay videos if I can avoid it, prefer to save the experience.

Lightning Mr Bubbles2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

Game looks like shit from the videos I've seen.

I saw a video where you go into a place where a photographer is shooting a pinup model and you start killing guys and the girl runs off terrified but the photographer just stays the same way working away like the model is still there and nothing happened. Overall the AI looks ridiculously generic and the gameplay looks clunky and repetitive. From what I saw, the game did not impress me at all. I'm not surprised by this 5/10 score.

sullynathan2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

so this game looks like it can only be great and nothing else? It never crossed your mind that it could be worse?

7 is not average, 5 is

IamTylerDurden12796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

I doubt it gets 8+ on average. Mafia 2 was terrific and it only score a 77 Metacritic, nothing about Mafia 3 suggests it's better than 2 imo. I love Mafia, i love 2K, but i was never impressed with what i saw from Mafia 3. It's impressive visually and it seems very archadey with an unlikable protagonist. Lincoln is no Vito, and Vito is no Joe. I want it to be good, but all along i predicted a 74 Metacritic at best. Lincoln reminds me of Conor from AC3, bruting and unlikable.

SolidStoner2796d ago

well if you search for realism.. old first mafia game nailed it.. modern games are made for mainstream.. they said that they even dumbed down car physics so everyone could drive, which I dont believe in, because everyone can drive with real cars.. so they should make these cars handle like real.. the real thing is that its hard to do so... they just cant say.. we are too lazy to replicate real thing...

the most important part for me in mafia game is story! if its good... ill be satisfied!

Cindy-rella2795d ago

Im buying this game as soon as i can because the previews ive seen has me very interested. I dont need reviews to bolster my interest

Deadpooled2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )


If you looked at gameplay videos they've released so far from previews, it's probably around a 7 average. The AI in the game is incredibly dumb, with you being able to melee kill enemies while they death scream and their friend 3 feet away does nothing or sees him being dragged around the corner... Also, not sure if the day 1 patch will fix it, but it looked like texture loading problems when you were going too fast in some previews - guy driving fast, looks behind real quick and you see the buildings / road textures taking a few seconds to load.'

I guess this was one of the reasons why 2k held back by inflicting a worldwide review embargo.

bouzebbal2795d ago

no one can review games for ME better than myself.
whether it's 1 or 10/10 if i'm interested in the game i buy it and play.. most of the time i end up enjoying the game (Knack, Dead Space 3...).

Eonjay2795d ago

This site is a click whore so please don't give them any attention. They wanted to be first and they want their ad revenue. The game just shipped. There is NO WAY they could have even played it yet. They don't have a review copy either.

Chris_GTR12795d ago

i was looking at angryjoes live stream yesterday and it just looked so repetitive and all i could do i think of this review, i watched the stream for at least 3 hours all the game consists of it going to places and killing people , even AJ said himself it was repedative. then add to this the fact that they didnt send out review copies. that was enough to make me not buy it.

cberg252795d ago

From what I've played (About 6-8 hours?), I think it's a fairly clunky open-world action game that excels at presentation & storytelling. The atmosphere is really well crafted, the story is genuinely interesting & fun, and it has some absolutely badass moments. However, the on-foot movement can feel clunky, the gunplay is stiff, and there's not a ton to do in the open world. I see why you could slam it for being repetitive, and imagine plenty of players would turn it off as a result.

Like Mafia II, it's a 7/10 game that will REALLY resonate for some people, and underwhelm most.

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JamesBroski2796d ago

How's the game in your experience?

Shaun2k52795d ago

That's not really the question that should be asked.

The whole point of a review is you paint a vivid picture for the audience so they understand everything they need to make an informed decision. This review however could apply to any game, the generalisations are that broad.

"The Shooting gets repetitive" - how? Does it not get repetitive in GTA:V?
"The world's empty and boring" - How so? Tell me what you can't do here you can in competitors

I also suspect the lack of discussion over the story's development is a sign this reviewer didn't play too long. Are there twists? No interesting callbacks to previous games? If I've skipped over Mafia 1/2 - will I miss these? These are questions that should be answered, yet haven't been. It's lazy journalism.

Heyxyz2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

To be fair, did we expect anything different out of ThisGenGaming?

kdmitchell_toh2795d ago

Just going to toss in that this echo's what many popular streamers have said about the game. Also, you know instead of criticizing what someone says, why not take the chance and reviewing it yourself. Since you didn't like what the review said and instead of respecting their opinion, you started throwing share at them.

2796d ago Replies(3)
MVGeneral2796d ago

How did they review it. When it was clearly stated that no review copies were sent out. And that reviewers were gonna get a copy on day one, like the rest of us. So I don't understand how they were able to finish the game and review it.

GrubsterBeater2796d ago

That's exactly what I was thinking, and why I was so confused. Also, how does Mafia 3 get a 5/10? The game looks like it would be at least a 7.5 or 8. I love the Mafia games, and I would be very disappointed if this game sucks because I really wanted it.

I guess we should wait for some more reviews, but I think I'm going to buy it regardless, unless there are glaring technical issues in the game, in which case I'll wait a bit.

camel_toad2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

I've played about 3 hours of it now and I'm really liking it. Hard to believe I'll give it anything below a 7 by the time I'm done with it. So far the story is pretty interesting, the driving feels really good and the gunplay is fun enough thanks to how the enemy reacts from hits.

Just don't see this game earning anything as low as a 5. The 30fps cap sucks but I can live with it - even though I hope it gets patched soon.

Silly gameAr2796d ago

No one needed Phil Spencer to tell us the obvious.

Valenka2796d ago

Ha, my thoughts exactly, Shaun2k5.

neutralgamer19922796d ago

you know what's funny is how some of you will bash actual gamers who are doing reviews yet believe every word s huge site(getting advertisement funds by same publisher) than same gamers complain about not getting good reviews

everything we have seen so far has been controlled demo

maybe click on the article and read to actually find out he is raising some legit question marks

and to top it all off 2k have made sure reviews don't come out before release

Shaun2k52796d ago

It's awkward because ThisGenGaming has several articles already up saying that no one was getting review copy's of the game; yet here they are several hours before release with what looks like a farted out "review". It doesn't take much to follow the logic that ThisGenGaming has rushed this out the door to get the first clicks off gamers.

cd12795d ago

Thisgengaming dosnt deserve clicks - poor excuse for journalism.

Red_Renegade2795d ago

maybe you should do some research on the site you're defending, neutral.

Mulando2796d ago

well, actually we had the same situation with NMS 2 month ago. Someone made a negative article with the prerelease version and somehow no one believed him ... actually he was correct and the "day 0 patch" didn't change anything meaningfull so it would be a "whole other experience".

But yeah, I think you're right.

chrish19902796d ago

That was me! And it wasn't negative... it got an 8/10 from my site :).

Typing up the review for Mafia 3 right now.... and it ain't a 5, I'll tell you that much.

Mulando2795d ago

sry, should have written "negative" ;) an 8 for NMS was for many people negative because it was such an overhyped game that many many people (yes "even" here on n4g) expected an 11 of 10 ... you know what I mean ;)

mark_parch2796d ago

agree i just ignore reviews like this. there's no way of telling if its clickbait or not but it certainly does exists. the only review i take seriously is ACG. his gears 4 review was outstanding https://www.youtube.com/wat...

KiwiViper852795d ago

ACG is hands down best reviewer on YouTube.

2796d ago
seanpitt232795d ago

Sadly we have been spoilt by Rockstars and cd projekt talents and not every Dev company have that type of talents for open world games.
With what I have seen iam not surprised by this score I will wait for at least another 10 reviewers before I make my decision to buy this game new or not.

DerekFlint0072795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

Here are my spoiler free impressions of my first hour of gameplay.

I'm playing on Ps4 and there is a 2.6 patch download. I played it without the patch as it's still downloading.

So far i have thoroughly enjoyed the game. The story is top notch with engaging well implemented cut scenes. The graphics are a smidgeon hit and miss, one moment the game can look phenomenal and the next it can look a touch bland, muddy and soft. I have noticed occasional pop up, but remember, i'm playing the game unpatched.

The world is incredibly atmospheric and so far it really seems to capture the mood of the era. It's early days but i can already tell that the game doesn't hold a candle to Rockstar GTA series with regards to immersion and depth within the world. That's not wholly unexpected as Rockstar are masters of their craft, but it's a great effort from 2K.

The game is amazingly violent with brutal, very satisfying melee moves. Yes you can deliver a knuckle sandwich to each and every pedestrian.

As i'm new to the game, i'm finding the gun play a tiny bit fiddly, but remember this is mostly down to me still learning the controls. The enemy AI is mediocre to average. I killed a room full of gun toting cops just by running toward each of them and melee attacking them.

The music is fantastic, befitting the era to a tee. I'm an old curmudgeon, so it's right up my street and might not be to the taste of younger whippersnappers.

The driving is pretty good and the rear view mirror is a great addition.

Overall, i'm really satisfied with the very little that i have played so far. It's looking like at the very least a 7, 8, to a 9.1 for me at this early stage.

DerekFlint0072795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

Advanced impressions. The gunplay i'm finding very cumbersome and clunky and your character has a tendency to get stuck to cover and the game could benefit greatly from a roll dodge mechanic. I've only been playing for a few hours and it may have this and i just haven't discovered it yet. I have died numerous deaths partly due to my inexperience with the game but also due to the gunplay mechanics and slow character control. More infuriatingly, if i die near the end of a fierce battle the bl00dy checkpoint system puts me right back to the start. These secondary impressions are with the patch loaded. It still needs further patches, in my opinion, to fix a metric tonne of other issues. The AI borders on moronic. I strangled a baddie in full few from another enemy a few feet away looking right at me with zero reaction.

Unfortunately my score is tumbling.

With the technical issues this game is unfortunately a 6-7 range for me so far.
If the technical issues were to be addressed in a further patch i'd rate it between 8-9.

Edit 3- I'm beginning to adjust and get used to the gunplay mechanics and the story is really great so far and the characters, especially the main lead are very engaging.

NXSwitch2795d ago

Hey shitty games gotta sell somewhere. We have been buying them since the start of videos games so it won't stop as there is money to be made from our stupid buying without thinking ways!

Muzikguy2795d ago

It is funny isn't it? ThisGenGaming is becoming a horrible site for this stuff. Getting dangerously close to gamingbolt

mark_parch2795d ago

no early copies have been sent out to reviewers so how have they reviewed this massive game in just a few hours?

2795d ago
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Lennoxb632796d ago

The word "Repetitive" needs to stop being regurgitated in game reviews. Games are repetitive by nature. Its how fun that repetition is that makes it a good game.

PlayableGamez-2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

It's funny because repetition is a cop out way to criticize a game. Just like when people complain about a game being linear. Repetition is fine as long as the repetitive nature is fun

Lukejrl2796d ago

exactly! sex is repetitive but everyone likes it.

bloop2795d ago

I agree to an extent. All games have a limited number of mechanics so they'll get reused over and over throughout a full game. That's just how games are. It's how they're implemented that makes the difference. Take GTA5 and the Witcher 3. You could say both those games are mostly fetch quests or kill "x" person missions. In both those games they kept it interesting throughout the whole game. Then take MGSV. Basically the same kill and/or fetch quests again, but I wouldn't rate MGSV nearly as high as GTAV or the Witcher 3.

2796d ago
Perjoss2795d ago

usually when a game is labelled as repetitive it just means that the sections of gameplay that you repeat have not been executed in a way that makes the game fun.

uth112795d ago

Yeah overuse of that word are making these articles repetative...

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2pacalypsenow2796d ago

Clickbait at its finest, trying to jump on the 30fps hype

FITgamer2796d ago

500 degrees, People are clicking "Read Full Story". So it was well executed click bait.

2796d ago
Hoffmann2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

After reading the review, I think the reviewer has some good points to give the game such a score. Maybe the majority of the other reviewers will give this a 5-7 as well.

In other news: Never pre-order a game, unless you know exactly what you get.

2796d ago Replies(1)
BozoLoco2795d ago

I've been playing for 4 hours and a lot of his points are valid. The game feels unfinished in parts. The city is dull and ugly. UI is a mess. Driving physics are not good. Mission structure is terrible. Texture pop in and crashed.

This is going to get a wide variety of 4-7/10. It's not very good.

Hoffmann2795d ago

As I thought.

People are fast with judging a review if they don't like the score, without even reading it.

pumpactionpimp2795d ago

Sadly mafia 2 felt the same for me. They made it open world, but there was very, very, very little to do outside the missions. Also the ai was beyond dumb in the first two games.

Watching all the gameplay trailers, I couldn't help but feel like they used their old engine. Put it in a new city, add some shiny graphics to call in ltt next gen, and change the story to suit the new location. $60 please.

So many games this gen have felt that way to me.

OB1Biker2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

You sure got to post that first clickbait review.
Just one bit from it:
'I found shooting and stealth to be quite entertaining, well until almost every mission included that I must kill someone/a lot of people'
Dam you shoot and kill people almost every mission? How boring!!! /S

Blank2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

Caught that BS myself why is this reviewer playing video games again?? Let alone an M rated game????

Kingthrash3602796d ago

From what I understand he wanted to be able play with time, do push ups and sit ups, and invent the iPhone and the Uber app for taxi gameplay . Since all you can do is the admittedly fun action parts it's loses points....
Gaming journalism 101.

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Mafia 3 Deserves A Little More Respect

More people should be making a trip to this bayou.

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cbuc1125688d ago

Agreed....game was fantastic. Especially as a person of color, I enjoyed the side missions.

687d ago
Kakashi Hatake687d ago

I'm Black myself, which is different from Lincoln who is bi racial. (It's trendy to ignore that mixed people are half White for some reason) What would color have to do with enjoying a game like this? Imagine if people playing God of War were like "Gee, I'm enjoying playing as a White person right now". If we want others to relate to things other than skin color, we have to start setting an example as "People of Color" (That term is so stupid btw)

InklingGirl687d ago

I wonder if this comment will get removed like mine? It shouldn't but I'm just curious.

LucasRuinedChildhood687d ago (Edited 687d ago )

"What would color have to do with enjoying a game like this?"

Skin colour matters a lot in the story and setting of Mafia 3. It even affects the gameplay.

The comparison to God Of War doesn't make sense.

I'm Irish (as in, a person born in Ireland), and I'd probably enjoy a game where you can fight in the Irish War of Independence ... a bit more than the average Brit. lol. Who cares? If a British person "Imagine if ...", I'd just laugh.

LucasRuinedChildhood687d ago (Edited 687d ago )

*said "Imagine if ..."

Also, it is cool when you play an Irish character in a game who doesn't put on a leprechaun accent like Tom Cruise did. "Shannon! Tell me you like my hat!" https://youtu.be/eKrEVWGTuR...

Terry_B687d ago

nah..its mediocre and repetitive.

Demetrius687d ago (Edited 687d ago )

I played it once and it was very frustrating compared to mafia 2 I like to enjoy games not get raged all up 😂😂

XbladeTeddy687d ago

It was repetitive and boring. Not a good game at all.

Yi-Long687d ago

The game looked interesting, and from the trailers it seemed it had a great soundtrack, but the buggy release (AI) and disappointing reviews made me pass on it. No idea if they ever fixed its shortcomings post-launch.

XbladeTeddy687d ago

They could only polish a turd so much. Wasn't good at release and isn't good now.

MadLad687d ago

Weakest game in the series.

AuraAbjure687d ago

People said that about Wolfenstein:Youngblood. I played youngblood and it is a masterpiece and so awesome and entertaining and badass, with ray tracing too. Is Mafia 3 a great game on its own merit? I understand compared to the other Mafias, you feel it's weak.

MadLad684d ago

I respectfully disagree.

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GTA V, Mafia, and Red Dead Redemption 2 VR mods are dead – and Take 2 Interactive killed them

From VG247: "If you’ve been enjoying either Red Dead Redemption 2, GTA V, or Mafia: The Definitive Edition in VR thanks to some handy fan-made mods, we’ve got some bad news. Thanks to a DMCA claim by Take Two Interactive - the parent company of Rockstar Games and 2K - has led development on the most popular VR mods to grind to a halt.

This news comes via Luke Ross - the sole creator of a variety of VR mods for the aforementioned games - who released a lengthy post to his supporters. In it, he claims to have received a DMCA request from Take Two Interactive for his projects and that the company requested that he “remove all their copyrighted works from [his] Patreon page”. This was confirmed by Kotaku who reached out to Patreon directly."

Orbilator690d ago

Get the mods on a torrent site and tell the world were they are.

Duke19690d ago

I mean, if he was modding a game that someone else built, and charging for it on patreon - this seems pretty cut and dry for a DMCA.

If he was not profiting from it in any way though, would be nice to let companies let this shit slide more often


Top 10 Mafia 3 Characters

KeenGamer: "Mafia 3 has a huge cast of characters - good, bad, and both - but these 10 characters were the ones who stood out the most. With Mafia 3 set in the 1960's, these characters are influenced by the ever-changing times and the people surrounding them."

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