
Xbox One Users Spend the Most Time Gaming

With the PlayStation Pro and Xbox’s upcoming Scorpio console offering gamers an even more immersive experience, today we look at how long users spend gaming.

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PhoenixUp2805d ago

This survey doesn't take into account every gamer, just selected few for this particular survey.

Blubby2805d ago

No sht sherlock, you cant ask everyone

dirkdady2804d ago

I suspect because ps4 has two times the user base there are more casuals thrown into the mix to bring the average down.

Overload2804d ago Show
Kingthrash3602804d ago (Edited 2804d ago )

And the search for ammo continues. ...each console sold over 17 million....so we are going by what was asked of less than 1 percent of the gamers? And then boast when xbox wins by a small margin, in the US no less...really. this is what it's come to?

Funny how no one replies to my comment. Guess it's that on point.

This survey is equal to having 300 people in a room playing a game and asking only 3 of them how long did you play and then comparing results.

ClickbaitAF2804d ago Show
christocolus2804d ago (Edited 2804d ago )


"Riddle solved: PlayStation users have jobs and we use them to actually buy games on the system we play on which is reflected by sales charts."

Lmao xD. what a load of crap. This must be one of the funniest, weirdest and pathetic comments I've read here on N4G in a while. Overload you sound like a little kid. You are way too invested in console and fanboy wars to enjoy normal/healthy and fun gaming. You make gaming seem like a secret cult. Damn... If gaming gets you this worked up then maybe you should go look for some other hobby and are you saying Xbox owners don't have jobs too? you sound so upset bro..chill out. Hahahahaha

Gazondaily2804d ago Show
DragonbornZ2804d ago Show
illBled2804d ago Show
TheCommentator2804d ago

Overload, I'll try to be nice about this explanation.

The article says that Xbox gamers game more on their consoles than PS gamers do. Matter of fact, Xbox gamers have also consistently bought more games per console since the 360 came out. PS gamers have always been more casual because the PS brand has always been more popular. Since popular things sell to a wider audience, the PS naturally attracts more people who don't game as much.

You mentioned sales charts. Sales charts reflect only the TOTAL sales and not the RATIO of sales to consoles sold so the sales metric alone proves nothing about who games more. Matter of fact, the sales ratio I described doesn't directly relate to average playtime per customer per day either, but one can assume that if someone buys more games, they'll probably have to play more often as well. I mentioned sales ratio because it's the only sales metric that may be able to explain why Xbox gamers like gaming more.

Here's an interesting question: If the Xbox brand doesn't have nearly as many exclusives as PS, shouldn't that mean PS gamers should be buying more games and playing more often?

rainslacker2804d ago


"Sony are masters at crafting the one and done experience and when they do decide to add a multi player option it feels tacked on and horrible."


UC2/3 and TLOU were praised as great MP, and held players retention for a long time, even to today. UC4 itself has been divisive, but most of that is in comparison to UC2/3 and how different it is, not so much that it was just tacked on.

Sony also has DriveClub, which is heavily MP focused, but also a solid SP experience.

LittleBigPlanet is heavily MP focused, and is still heavily active today, and in no way tacked on despite having a solid SP experience.

GT:Sport is an established franchise which is poised to make what has been traditionally a SP experience, and make it into a MP experience.

Killzone series in general has always had a strong SP and MP experience, with great longevity.

Other games have less impactful MP aspects of their game, but don't really feel tacked on, rather just integrated into the design.

I don't tend to ask people in general what they're playing, but based on anecdotal evidence of comments i see on here, it seems plenty of Sony players continue to play games well after their release, sometimes due to MP, other times because the SP is deep enough to provide longevity.

Kribwalker2804d ago (Edited 2804d ago )

Lol overload

According to your charts you posted to prove Xbox gamers don't buy exclusives has FH3 at #8 for the standard edition and #12 for the ultimate edition, even when a lot of the copies of the game will be digital since you get an Xbox and PC version of the game if it's digital which is sitting at 25 right next to the Recore collectors edition at 26

Death2804d ago

lol@Playstation owners have jobs. I'm pretty sure Xbox and even the often overlooked Wii owners have jobs too. The difference is some of you still have that second job Sony told you to take when they launched the PS3. It's all cool now, you can quit that second job and start gaming again. ;)

LexHazard792804d ago


When you get the digital sales for xbox games , then I'll believe you. Amazon doesnt reflect all games sales worldwide. Its not the only major retail that sells games. So get all those numbers as well...

Also, Im assuming that Xbox gamers have jobs too, they bought the more expensive console and have more expensive peripherals.

When are you gonna come out the closest.....you love MS.

2804d ago
Overload2804d ago (Edited 2804d ago )

In the end, I provide data, while others provide excuses and anger filled rants.

The jobs part was obviously a joke.

I could pull up every chart available and all of them will be covered in PS4 games. That tells you all you need to know really, not some small sample survey.

mozzie2804d ago Show
2804d ago
SniperControl2804d ago

Lol, are you guys really arguing over an extra 12 minutes a day?

It's pure comedy in here sometimes.

its_JEFF2804d ago

@Blubby hahaha... so disrespectful, but so true!

Silly gameAr2804d ago

And, that makes this survey pointless and misleading.

BigLurch2804d ago Show
2804d ago
2804d ago
2804d ago
krypt19832804d ago Show
Black0ut2804d ago

Best reply ever Blubby...omg XD

kamisama2804d ago

so your saying this survey means absolutely nothing lol

nitus102804d ago (Edited 2804d ago )

When devices are connected to the internet you actually can ask everyone but the main problem you have is will everyone respond to your survey? It is also important to know what were the questions asked in the survey.

Here is an interesting survey question for married couples. "When did you stop beating your wife?" answer that and you just admitted that you beat your wife.

The whole idea of any statistical analysis is to randomly select a reasonable sample out of a total population. The problem you always have is defining what a "reasonable sample" actually is. From the article the overall sample was 17,990 which to many would appear quite allot, however the total population of consoles surveyed comprises the following PS3 (86+ million), PS4 (43+ million), XBox360 (85+ million), XB1 (22+ million), Wii (101 million) and WiiU (13+ million).

Out of that massive population of consoles how many are still working, does each person surveyed have two or more of the same console or different console or consoles, etc (starts to get complex doesn't it). So now that 17,999 sample actually pales into insignificance and you end up getting massive error bars or if you like a large percentage of uncertainty.

You also hit a problem in your sample in that to get fair results you need to spread the survey over a wide geographical area so you would end up with different results for Europe, Japan and the US. Even if the survey was in the US only you may get different results depending on each state. You also have to consider different ages as well as social and economic groups.

Basically "How to lie with Statistics", see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wi... also a web search will find plenty of references to this statement.

In other words take surveys like this with a grain of salt (assuming you like the taste of salt and most people on this planet do but some don't). 😉

Kryptix2804d ago (Edited 2804d ago )

When mixing the hardcore with a larger number of casuals, amount of time played as an average does goes down worse.

This survey really proves that there are more casuals on the PS4 side, but that is to be expected with the greater sales as it's an attractive choice being the leader of the market. Statistics say that casuals migrate to the most popular item 1st.

Here is a quote from the article:

"PS4 users then fall slightly behind on 2:15 hours, something which is particularly notable given that it tends to outscore the other next-gen consoles for both current ownership and future purchase consideration."

The surveys they conduct people want PlayStation more so it's doing something right with overall marketing. Let it be for the hardcore or casual.

I don't know though, the people being asked in these surveys are strange:


In this one, it says that people are more interested in purchasing an Xbox 360 over an Xbox One. LOL This was in 2016 Q1.

UltraNova2803d ago (Edited 2803d ago )

12 mins more than the ps4 and even less for the Wii U? Thats it? Deviation alone should eliminate such a miniscule difference considering this survey had such a small test pool.

Nivekki2803d ago


People didn't reply to your comment because it was shit.

That's the sole reason.

+ Show (35) more repliesLast reply 2803d ago
Abracadabra2804d ago ShowReplies(6)
KaoSouL2804d ago

Yeah, that's every survey ever taken genius!

2804d ago
BullyMangler2804d ago (Edited 2804d ago )

Shouldnt the PS4 be the most played, as it has the most GLOBAL saLes, by a land sLide ?

And how the fudge, is wiiU even uP there, if wiiU has the least saLes, out of the bunch ??

According to the chart, Most gamers are spending the most time playing wiiU/XB1

As if ps4 collecting dust ?

But Sony says "PS4 is the best place to pLay".


InMyOpinion2804d ago

@bullymangLer - If you and the rest of people in here knew how to read charts, and had some common sense, you'd all see that the difference is miniscule. 2h 27min for X1, 2h 15min for PS4. Spent by user per day.

The extra 7 minutes for X1 might as well be attributed to having to wait to install games. And most games take more than that before you can play them...

2804d ago
S2Killinit2804d ago (Edited 2804d ago )

Of course the average goes down when there are more than twice the PS4s in consumer hands. Its basic statistics.

Also they "asked" them, its hardly a proper study.

Kerppamaister2804d ago

Do you know how averages work?

S2Killinit2804d ago

Better than you apparently.

Now let me ask you. Do you know how a proper study is conducted?

JasonKCK2804d ago

S2Killinit The Wii U being ahead screws up your little fantasy

SuperLupe2804d ago ShowReplies(2)
XStation4pio_Pro2804d ago

That's ever survey... or poll. Statistics and averages and random sampling.... they don't go ask every single American who they're voting for president either when they poll.

S2Killinit2804d ago

Yeah but this is hardly a scientific study.

UCForce2804d ago

Look @Overload, just accept one thing is that we PS aren't always invincible in the end. Just let it go, man.

2804d ago
zb1ftw7772804d ago

The attachment rate on XB1 games has been higher this whole gen.

PS4 biased websites just dont like advertising this though.

Red_Renegade2803d ago

higher by not even one whole game.

destroyerz12804d ago

17,990 console users lol what joke

JasonKCK2804d ago

I'v seen every excuse from casuals to jobs (as if), install base, age, active lifestyle (as if) and now this. Some are so desperate they will do anything to deny the data in front of them.

Overload you just got your ass handed to you.

deafdani2804d ago

Yeah, that's how surveys usually work.

SirBradders2804d ago

I think this reflects deeply on the age group, majority I know with xbox are kids and more clued up mature people with ps4.

Although the margin ain't that big I still think there's an element of what Im stating.

DJustinUNCHAIND2804d ago

How can someone be so bitter?

Did this ruin your day?

CrimzonRazor2804d ago

This is how survey's work always have they are still statistically pretty accurate which is why they are used.

2804d ago Replies(1)
wonderfulmonkeyman2804d ago

Sounds like this one touched a nerve for you.

YAO-BLING2804d ago

we dont have games to play.. we dont have time to do surveys.. FOH

DarXyde2804d ago

I don't think it's that unreasonable to believe Xbox gamers play more. They've been paying more longer for Live, they have EA Access, and they do have, at the very least, more free games. Granted, I'm predominantly a PS4 gamer, but I don't see this survey out of the realm of possibility.

You must take into account the sample size, region of this study, and when this data was collected (time window). In doing so, you can determine if it was because a new game came out, PSN was down, people just bought the One S, etc. It's very multivariate with no single answer. If all of this was collected recently in America, it actually makes good sense.

GamingIVfun2804d ago

I call booshit. These polls are a dime a dozen. PS4 sells and has way more revenue from games than Xbox One or any other system available now, US and world wide. I don't think PS4 gamers are buying them and not playing them.

These polls are useless they asked 17,000 people, blanket number of people. no way it could be accurate.

2804d ago
dcbronco2804d ago Show
Night992804d ago

No shit sherlock! This is called a random sample and almost every survey ever works this way, when your sample is a decent representation of the population you get very accurate results.

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 2803d ago
iplay1up22805d ago

Funny, Wii U certainly is played a lot for being a dead console! Still playing mine all of the time!

Just started Lego City Undercover, what a great game! I have had it for 2 years, just never played it, but for maybe an hour! Its like GTA, except I don't hear the F word constantly! Also the humor is great!

Cartman551252804d ago

For real, my little sister plays her Wii U everyday after school

iplay1up22803d ago

Good for her!!! She probably loves Xenoblade X!

cyclindk2804d ago

You, I expect, are not in the survey, therefore you do no exist and do not play games.

DragonPaw2804d ago

I call BS on this survey. I don't even know anyone who owns an Xbox1. The PS4 is definitely dominating the market, so more people on Xbox is illogical. This is just a feature article. Until there are legitimate numbers from MS and Sony will I ever consider this a legitimate topic.

This isn't from MS. It is from a no name website looking for bait clicks. No thank you.

Gardenia2804d ago

Other surveys say Americans spend the most time gaming, and since Xbox is most used in the USA, this does make sense

jholden32492804d ago

Well, it's still going for now but, that won't last much longer. Come Zelda it's a wrap.

There's a good little handful of gems though (personally recommend Pikmin 3, Xenoblade X and DKC Tropical Freeze, oh and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate) and I think with BC for Wii games and the fact you can now mod a Wii U in 20 minutes to play GameCube in HD widescreen with a Wii U pro controller, all from SD card (of course I own the games physically).

I know I've been binging on HD GameCube for some time now.

andrewsquall2803d ago

You play your Wii U "all the time" and use a 3 and a half years old game to talk up this point? You can pretty much say that about any other console then, except some other consoles (not even this gen) have the same if not vastly superior games and a much larger quantity too.

No wonder the Wii U is dead. If you are only playing Lego City Undercover now, what the hell were you playing in March 2013? My bad, of course, like many Wii U owners/hardcore fans, even you didn't have a Wii U back then.

iplay1up22803d ago

Like I said I had the game for 2 years and never played it.

Loadedklip2803d ago (Edited 2803d ago )

Well it does have highly replayable games like Smash 4, Mario Kart 8, Splatoon.

Wii U has great exclusives. It just doesn't have enough QUANTITY of quality games due to lack of third party support.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2803d ago
cl19832805d ago

Interesting no category for pc gamers.

Goldby2804d ago ShowReplies(1)
Livecustoms2804d ago Show
Nathan_Hale532804d ago

Don't get the downvotes. Why exclude PC gamers?

CrimzonRazor2804d ago

It was a console survey why would pc be included

maniacmayhem2805d ago ShowReplies(2)
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anast14h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics13h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX13h ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon12h ago

We are on the same team brother!

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I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.


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RhinoGamer8816h ago

The actual gameplay looks jerky as hell. FC 24 level of stutter!

TGG_overlord11h ago

I can't say that you're wrong...