
Xbox Will Rise Again

The tepid response to the PS4 Pro might signal that times are a changin'. Will Xbox seize the day and use Project Scorpio to reclaim their spot at the top?

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Lennoxb632817d ago

People need to stop betting on Xbox beating PS. Not going to happen. I'm an Xbox only gamer and I know this. I'm just looking forward to the Scorpio and it selling well. Which i'm pretty sure it will.

Neonridr2817d ago

nothing is impossible. But MS would be hard pressed to wrestle away the title from Sony. Gotta keep delivering by providing a console that attracts people and couple that up with compelling titles.

Lennoxb632817d ago

If they could take USA and the UK away they could do it. But I don't see it in the near future. I think MS should focus on acquiring talent tbh. They know where the talent is. They just don't buy them. (ex: Bioware, Playdead, Moon Studios, etc.)

Cindy-rella2817d ago (Edited 2817d ago )

Such a rubbish article with silly dreams that will never happen.

The xbox brand is irrelevant everywhere except for US and the UK so the xbox one doesnt have a chance to catch the ps4 in sales. The xbox one is always having special sales where you can literally get it for almost half the price of a ps4 and four free games. There are even deals where you can get five free games with the purchase of the xbox one and the ps4 still outsells it worldwide. There will be 60million ps4s sold by the time xbox scorpio is out and that console will be significantly more expensive than the ps4 pro. The price of the scorpio will hinder sales. The generation has been over for years. Ps4 is the clear winner of this console generation.

ritchi452817d ago

"Nothing is impossible"? Try stapling water to a tree :)

Neonridr2817d ago

@ritchi45 - life finds a way.. :P

darthv722817d ago

funny thing about this "race" is that it keeps on running. There is no "winner" because there is no finish line in sight. It just keeps getting laps and the participants drop out and new ones come in but the race just keeps running.

Runners trade placement back and forth in the laps but the race keeps on going and going and going and going... (metaphorically speaking)

The real winners are the gamers that choose who and how they want to play. some choose a side, others dont but ultimately we are all enjoying the fruits of the labor. I have seen it stated time and again how it's a good time to be a gamer. It's ALWAYS a good time to be a gamer, there has never been one time in my 40 years when it wasn't as there is always something fun to play.

andrewsquall2817d ago

@Lennoxb63 Technically they had the chance to buy up all the talent when they announced the DRM riddled future and before the main competitor steamed off with gargantuan sales. Its simply not going to happen now.

Angeljuice2817d ago

"Will Xbox seize the day and use Project Scorpio to reclaim their spot at the top?"

What spot at the top? Xbox has never won a generation. Their rightful place is second at best.

Trez12342817d ago

Neonridr@ I 100% agree with you. It's definitely not impossible and you also pointed out what they need to do to make it happen. My only xbox was the 360 and the game that got me into fps was halo 3 so that was an exciting time for me and my friends, but it was when I found fable 1 while going through those xbox classics games that and became a fan, I fell in love with the console.

Then played blue dragon, lost odyssey, gears etc..they had a year start and had the niche crowd too. I think the sudden success of COD really changed Microsoft because their vision changed to this " blockbuster only " mentality and mid gen that console became a shooter console.

If they can get back to that, then they have a good chance for sure but from the outside it seems that most xbox fans now I've bought into this " big name only " idea and just support those so called " major " games.

conanlifts2817d ago

@cindy-rella. I don't live in the us or uk can assure you that the xbox brand is certainly not irrelevant in Australia.
As for sales....who cares. I am glad xbox is losing in sales as ms have made so many great changes that they would not otherwise have. My only concern with sales for all 3 main companies is that they sell enough to warrant them staying in the industry. Whoever wins or loses is otherwise irrelevant to me, its not like i get a profit share i just want to play games.

morganfell2817d ago


This isn't Jurassic Park. Often things are the way they are because life got it right the first time. And it was Sony that found a way. Some days you get the bear and some days the bear gets you. Today the bear gets you and that bear is Sony. It got you, me, it got this generation.

indyman77772817d ago

Nothing is impossible? "Will Xbox seize the day and use Project Scorpio to reclaim their spot at the top?" See that is impossible, because xbox has never finished above second place at the end of all three generations that it has been involved in.

1, Xbox finished DISTANT behind PS2.
2, Last gen xbox finished third behind Wii, and PS3.
3, This Gen xbox is second behind PS4 and is in front of wiiu.
Last gen xbox finished

vegasgamerdawg2816d ago (Edited 2816d ago )

The little fanBOY's don't realize once Atari was on top, then Intellivision, Nintendo, Coleco, Sega etc. They're all little children that haven't lived that long, let them live their fantasy of always being on top. Never has happened, never will happen. The only thing in life that stay's the same, THE ONLY THING, is change!. Grow up children. At one point Nintendo was so huge no one could of ever imagined them being in 3rd place. NO ONE! Guess what happened, we all grew up. Your turn little brainwashed ignorant children. Maybe not Xbox, but Sony will fall, it WILL HAPPEN, just a matter of time. Go on little robots and worship your corporate entities...your IQ's are showing...lol. Pretty sure Nintendo dwarfed Sony gaming...let that sink in children. Let that reality into your skulls and the TV commercials out.

2816d ago
Godmars2902816d ago

What MS needs to prove and deliver games, and they've never really done that.

DarkHeroZX2816d ago

Lenn taking the US and UK would have to be a 2-1 victory just to almost tie.

Kingthrash3602816d ago

Staple water to a tree...
Ok first I cut a tree down leaving only the stump pour water on the stump ....add staple....walah.

Kidmyst2816d ago (Edited 2816d ago )

I have yet to buy an Xbox and if games will be playable on PC, I have to question is it worth waiting now for Scorpio, or just play the games I want on my PC. I was talking to a friend Yesterday on this because I pay for Ps Plus, do i buy another console, pay $50 a year or so for their online when most gaming will be on PS4. I'd almost rather buy an NX because I already have a PS4 and PC and I have a 5 year old Son and with NX I'd get games that are not playable anywhere else and he'd have Mario, Zelda, and more Nintendo Exclusives.

Omnislashver362816d ago (Edited 2816d ago )

Gears 4 and Scalebound show they're still n00bs when it comes to first party. I played 360 exclusively lastgen and all I can say is MS has had a duncecap all gen. First Xbox One launch woes, cloud, 30% less power/$100 more expensive. Now they have Scorpio, but Gears 4 and Scalebound show they can't even get simple things right like VA/MC. Both MCs are terribad, and J Fenix is nowhere near as badass as his dad. They really screwed the pooch on this one. I might buy a scorpio for 3rd parties, torrents, and perhaps Halo 6, but MS really needs to wake the hell up. They can't mess up on the simple stuff like that. I'm buying PS4 Pro for sure though.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 2816d ago
LackTrue4K2817d ago

The way i see it, Mircrosoft is putting all its beans on the success of how the scorpion sells!!

Xbox division has no other options to go. No hand held or other Xbox products.

If sales are low, it's that much easier for them to go and keep with PC support.

I will say this
"XboxOne owners did pay 150.00 for a controller"

That's a hint that they can sell a powerful system @ a high price.

2817d ago
Artemidorus2817d ago

Xbox One sold well but Playstation 4 did much more.

headblackman2816d ago (Edited 2816d ago )


and it was 150 well spent. i own an elite controller and i don't spend money that i don't have. i don't mind paying for quality and elite controller is nothing less than top notch quality. in fact, im getting another elite controller when the gears of war elite controller comes out. i'll be giving my son my original elite controller, so it's money well spent for the best way to play on a console :-)

Gunstar752816d ago

Exactly. Xbox gamers bought a lot of Elite controllers . MS know there is a market for a premium console. More peer to them.
I was hoping that the xb1 was going to be more expensive than it was and offer more potential

GameNameFame2816d ago

It has no exclusives. Why even wait for Scorpio? You can build PC for same spec today and play Xbox games AND PC.

Without exclusives games, it loses its main pull. Gamer get gaming console for GAMES

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2816d ago
Obscure_Observer2817d ago (Edited 2816d ago )


I´m a PS4 and Xbox One gamer and i totally agree with you. The gap is too wide and i don´t belive people to just stop loving Sony´s amazing exclusive games.

Scorpio should spice up things again alongside with the NX, which will be very helpful for the console market. THE REAL CONSOLE market! Not the fake one with Ouya and Steamvapormachines. :)

2817d ago
2816d ago
scofios2817d ago

"Will scorpio reclaim their spot at the top" when where they at the top ? Sixth generation it was the ps2 at the top ,seventh generation it was the wii , eighth generation it is the ps4 , did i miss something ?

Strikepackage Bravo2817d ago

Yeah, so the Xbox 360 was "at the top" in North America, UK and AU. Even beating out the Wii in the US eventually. Supposedly the PS3 caught up in ww sales at the end of the 7th gen. However we later found out in financial circles, it never made it to the gaming media, that Sony was counting PS2 sales and PS3 sales as one towards the end of the PS2s life. But that's just sales, what should really matter is that 360 was on top as far as the console experience, and by that measure 360 owned PS3. Everyone played their 360s religiously, and people with PS3s would trash talk Xbox on the internet, then go and continue playing all their games on Xbox, while their PS3s continued collecting dust. Meanwhile, folks played their Wiis for a week and never turned them on again. So yeah, Xbox was on top last gen, and deep down inside, and sometimes not so deep down, everyone knows this.

MRMagoo1232816d ago

lol bravo 😂😂 what are you talking about the Xbox has won nothing ever wii won last gen then ps3 was second. you crazy fans will say anything to feel better.

2816d ago
Goldby2816d ago

@Project Scorpio

So xbox took 75 million gamers from sony last gen, only to have 20 million stay with them?
Guess what mr scorpio. as much as you are holding onto that, it really doesnt help the situation ms is in now.
They had the gamers last gen and lost them 3 years ago. kept some but lost alot more

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2816d ago
Automatic792817d ago


I keep hearing guys like you claim they need to acquire talent. What do you think they have been doing for the Xbox One generation.

xMANB3ARP1G2817d ago

Back tracking. And ensuring you can play yesterday's games today.

Trez12342816d ago

Yeah, they've acquired the new Gears team to keep making Gears. Who else ?

rainslacker2815d ago (Edited 2815d ago )

Closing studios and having their 1st party work on nothing but their staple games, while contracting out 2nd party games....thus not acquiring talent, but acquiring exclusive software made for them through the imagination and work of 3rd party studios who may take their imagination and work to the highest bidder once their contract is ended.

Consider all those 2nd party games have to sell well for those devs to be compelled to not shop around to another publisher going forward, and while MS can always contract out 2nd party games, it doesn't mean that they acquire talent in the process.

MS takes individual risks on single games, not big risks on acquiring new studios.

Nothing wrong with this method of producing games, as essentially, it does get them exclusives to push their system, but with MS, they barely focus on these 2nd party games beyond the announcement and a few sporatic trailers and some mention here or there by Greenburg, whereas Sony takes it's 2nd party games and makes them a focal point of their entire marketing campaign with things like Detroit, R&C, Bloodborne, The Order, etc. In other cases, they acquire the studios, so those studios can continue to make games for them. MS biggest 2nd party push was with QB, and recently, Remedy said going Multi-plat wasn't out of the question, and they don't seem to care if they publish their own games on PC where possible.

Different methods, both with pros and cons....but MS isn't acquiring talent.

2817d ago Replies(6)
Aceman182817d ago

I have tears in my eyes laughing so hard from this article, and those who believe Scorpio is going to close a 21 million gap worldwide when the system and the company is only popular in two territories.

I think yall should be glad they even bother with it.

XanderZane2817d ago (Edited 2817d ago )

They aren't going to catch the PS4 worldwide, but they really don't need to. Rise again? I think they already did that after Phil took again. They just need to stay the course and keep the games and new IP's coming. Everything will fall into place.

Hhmm. what are you talking about. The Wii was never $599. What point? There was a point in that garbage you wrote?

LastCenturyRob2817d ago

If games such as COD and Battlefield run and look better on the Scorpio many gamers will follow. There isn't as much true loyalty with gamers as there was back in the day. The majority just want the best experience even if it is slight.

johndoe112112816d ago

True, and games wise the better experience has always been with playstation. Their exclusives have always rated higher than xbox's.

nitus102816d ago

I am assuming COD - Infinite Warfare (4th November 2016) and Battlefield 1 (21st October 2016) are the games you are talking about and as I have shown in brackets they both release this year as does the PS4pro (10th November 2016). Microsofts's Scorpio or whatever they are going to call it will release in Q4 of 2017 which will be close to a year after the PS4pro releases.

Say CODIW and BF1 do look better graphically when played on the Scorpio to a 4K TV what does that prove especially when you consider that both games will be over a year old when the Scorpio hits the market?

Most people still have HDTV's and if they look at what the Scorpio can do and compare that to the PS4pro they will most likely see little if any difference that would convince them to go out and purchase a decent 4K TV. Of course, you always will have people who will want the latest "shiny" and are willing to pay for it.

kenwonobi2817d ago

Yes. It is impossible. 20 million console lead is insurmountable. In gaming terms it's like having a 50 point lead in the NBA.

2817d ago
S2Killinit2816d ago

They will rise? Why? Because they have a stronger console in over a years time? Couldnt the competition snnounce an evn stronger console right after that? Does that mean xbox "will rise and then fall"?

NotAFanboyyy2816d ago (Edited 2816d ago )

Yeah, Playstation is just a far larger global brand. It just is. The 360 had many advantages last generation that really cut into Playstation's market share, but those advantages are gone at the moment. I am looking forward to the Scorpio though but worried about price. If it's more than $499 I may wait a little until it comes down. I was ready for a Pro but the lack of 4K Blu Ray put me off a bit. However, I think I can wait a year for Scorpio to get that, so I am in the process of selling my launch PS4 and will scoop up the Pro soon. I think the Pro is going to sell like gangbusters at $399. If MS can somehow launch the Scorpio at $399 I will be shocked but very happy.

Edit: and by soon I mean when the Pro actually launches haha

2816d ago
2816d ago
Gunstar752816d ago

I'm not particularly bothered if my chosen console's sales beat its competition. Funnily enough, when it comes to music, restaurants and holiday destinations, I hope they aren't popular. There's something great about not being the most popular.... Maybe that's just the British "love the underdog" in me, but as long as sales are high enough to warrant its existence, I really don't care.... I don't care either if you think loving more Halo, Gears or Forza is a bad thing. F**k, Iron Maiden have released 16 studio albums, and loads of live albums and nobody is complaiming about that. If you don't like it, don't effing play it, just like non-Maiden fans. You don't hear them bitching and moaning about it.
Console war's are so last year. Get over it.
That was all
*climes down from soapbox

DivineAssault 2816d ago

I respect your honesty and not acting like a fanboy.. Yes the scorpio will be a very powerful console but both companies said these top tier machines wont have games exclusive to them.. The games will only look/run better but keep the same FPS due to the fact everyone will be on the same network to play online.. It wouldnt be fair to have 60 FPS against 30 online.. Like you i plan to buy it but only if they price it correctly but sony has a year lead on them and has a stronghold on the marketshare this gen..

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 2815d ago
PeaSFor2817d ago (Edited 2817d ago )

"when I think of the thousands of hours I spent with my 360 it brings a smile to my face, whereas when I think about my fat boy PS3 I get phantom hand cramps and horrifying flashbacks of Uncharted 2 and 3 DISAPPOINTMENT."

lol, dem flashbacks.... mustve been horrible.(smh, ive been in Afghanistan for 3 rotations in 2002-2004 yet he seem to have been exposed to some horrible things on ps3, poor guy, i really feel bad for him..., i could easily talk about a deserted taliban compound where we found 6 decapitated childrens but it would be anecdotic vs his past struggles..)

"Will Xbox seize the day and use Project Scorpio to reclaim their spot at the top?"

what top? last gen wii was first, ps3 second and 360 third salewise, this gen the ps4 have a unbeatable gap vs the xb one and the wii u.

not even talking about the ps2 vs xbox....., so to resume the author of this BLOG is delusional or blatantly misinformed.

Neonridr2817d ago

in all fairness the PS3 didn't surpass the 360 in total sales until very late in the generation. Launching a year early helped build a solid lead for them.

PeaSFor2817d ago (Edited 2817d ago )

thats the thing, selling at 599$ and launching ONE FULL YEAR LATER,(even longer in some regions) yet IT STILL surpassed the 360, which btw even had multiples extra sales due to the risible RROD problem.

so it just further proves my point.

Neonridr2817d ago

@PeaSFor - I had a broken 360, but I had mine replaced. So not all the sales were due to RROD.

And by the time the PS3 overtook the 360 the consoles were retailing for like $200. PS3 sales were not great during the first year of it's existence. That $599 really hurt them out of the gates. But they built solid momentum by releasing great software. Which is the key. If the games are there, people usually will pick up the hardware.

Shiken2817d ago

Thing is though, the 360 only outsold the PS3 for a year or so. That plus the fact that it was released a year early is what got it its lead.

The PS3 had been consistently outselling the 360 for about 5 to six years to close a gap that was created due to an early release, long before the price dropped.

It did not happen overnight when console prices dropped like you are implying. XBox will never be on top and likely never will be, no point defending the matter. I just want all 3 companies to be healthy and profitable, I could care less who is on top.

andrewsquall2817d ago


@Neonridr Yes but alot of them simply were. Of the few people I know as Xbox 360 fans, yes they had 2 or even 3 of the older 360 models hanging around at any one time. And of course they INSTANTLY replaced them all when the 1.0 console finally launched in Summer 2010.

2817d ago
snoopgg2817d ago

It wasn't too solid considering they had a year headstart and a cheaper console.

2817d ago
XanderZane2816d ago

There's no proof that they've passed them now. Last official sales figures from M$ was 84 million sold and Sony had 80 million sold. Neither one of them have given any new sales figures for that time. All the current numbers out their are just guesses at this point.

Goldby2816d ago


i think you go the numbers wrong there.
VGChartz (it doesn't have 100% accurate info, but more accurate than your claim)

PS3 is placed 6th with 86.57 million consoles sold.
360 sits at 7th with 85.56 Million.

on that note, there probably wont be to many people buying 360's anymore because of the one s and its BC.

Last gen, no matter how you look at it, sales wise Nintedo won, Sony in 2nd and MS in 3rd

rainslacker2815d ago (Edited 2815d ago )


"there probably wont be to many people buying 360's anymore because of the one s and its BC"

MS discontinued the 360, and it's no longer available new from most retailers as part of their standard stocking.

PS3 is still manufactured and support by Sony, and is still selling.

So, PS3 will continue to rise, whereas MS has stopped counting 360 sales.

Not going to speculate on the current numbers. I'd imagine if Sony sells the PS3 long enough, they'll hit some milestone where they'll announce sell-through rates...probably at the 100 million mark. However, with the PS4 becoming so cheap so quickly, and Sony having less room to maneuvuer on the PS3 due to the CELL chip, it'll probably be discontinued sooner....which Sony has already said would be the case(similar to what you posit with the 360/X1S. I wouldn't doubt that the PS3 is close or right around 90 million at the moment, whereas 360 is now what it will always be(85 million based on last reasonable estimates).

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2815d ago
Shadow0fTheDog2817d ago

The Xbox360 and PS3 had similar sales overall, but there's no denying that MS dominated the Western market in that generation. What makes PS4's dominance so total was that it not only retained its traditional Japanese following but it also stole the Western slice of the pie. Xbox used to be associated with relatively positive vibes, but for a long while its very name has been poison. I believe that part of the reason Titanfall failed was that it was exclusive to what was viewed as an inferior console. And I'm sorry, I really didn't like Uncharted 2 and 3 (although 4 was good), and I'm not alone in considering the series to be a tad overrated.

TheGreenMan2817d ago


But Halo and Gears weren't overrated at all, right? Right...

Dark_Knightmare22817d ago

You might not be alone in thinking uc series is overrated. I mean that's how we get the minority opinion but when the majority hail it has a gaming series classic with a one of the best games ever made in uc 2 which 4 will join once enough time passes there's really no reason to say it's overrated when the evidence proves otherwise

DragonPaw2817d ago

I'll keep it real here. I got my 360 for 80 bucks plus a ride to the liquor store. It had Doritos in its plugs. I cleaned it up, but the real reason I bought it is because I knew it could be hacked. I went through several dvd drives and hundreds of Verbatim dl discs. Every game that was good, I had. At the end, it was crazy with how they started overburning games for protection, but I had a drive to do that, too.

People like me.... we ruined the Xbox One launch. MS could not get ahead with the hackers last gen. At most I think I might have had to wait a month after a big system update. That is why there was the big DRM debacle. It was a big problem for them, a huge problem. Then, they made a system that was not as powerful as the PS4 and all of us degenerates who went a whole generation without PS exclusives (that I loved) returned to our console of choice. Mine was the PS.

If I am going to pay to play, I am paying for the best. If you think how people who hacked their Xbox probably had a good knowledge of hardware, it is easy to see why they would choose the best hardware if they had to pay for it.

I saw, though, with my super cheap 360 last gen how games were better than they were on the PS3 because the 360 had the year head start. Games were ported to the PS3 because the 360 market was established first.

This is non existent this gen. It is head to head. There is a winner. I see Sony taking the prerogative this gen in doing what MS did last gen. They are ahead in hardware both in time and in numbers. It doesn't matter so much that Scorpio will release against the NX. PS4 is already winning and it is entering into the next level way before Xbox. Scorpio may be more powerful, but this is not the same market as last gen. Now, Sony has the year head start for the enhanced console niche.

I don't see MS coming out of this on top. Unless they get hacked.

kraenk122816d ago (Edited 2816d ago )

Western market?! Maybe if you don't count Europe as "The West"...lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2816d ago
THAT77GUY2817d ago

Ease up fella. Ever heard of humour? Talking about decapitated children and shit? I also served in Afghanistan and I'm not getting all pissy about this.

Keltech2817d ago

Thank you for your service

conanlifts2817d ago (Edited 2817d ago )

Much respect to you.

aconnellan2817d ago

The PS3 and PS4 were a beast, but I want to focus on this comment:

"thats the thing, selling at 599$ and launching ONE FULL YEAR LATER,(even longer in some regions) yet IT STILL surpassed the 360, which btw even had multiples extra sales due to the risible RROD problem.

so it just further proves my point."

Isn't that exactly why people are saying Scorpio's going to fail? It's launching a year later and most likely at a higher price point? What's the difference between them, and why is it ok that the PS3 did it but not Scorpio?

Aenea2817d ago

Might the difference be that the Xbox One Scorpio is still an Xbox One which is 20 million behind?

Not only does it have to close the gap with the PS4 Pro sales that start a year earlier, it also has to close that 20 million gap which, BTW, will be more when the Scorpio arrives.

It would have been better for MS if they had went all out and told everyone that it is the next generation. That way they could start the count from 0 and actually would be ahead of Sony.

So yeah, it is different.

MRMagoo1232816d ago

Sony is a company most gamers go to that's why they caught up . MS is a brand most gamers can't trust and only the US and UK buy them , it's getting smashed everywhere else like here in Australia

rainslacker2815d ago (Edited 2815d ago )

Biggest difference is the brand recognition, and traditional mind share attributed to both systems.

MS problem was never power, in any console it made. The OGXbox was the most powerful. The 360 was as powerful(or sometimes better) than the PS3. The X1 was less powerful, which in itself wasn't a problem, but coupled with a higher price tag over a useless peripheral, and the general bad will they brought with their DRM policies overshadowed anything it could do, and MS own lackluster marketing for promoting their variety have done nothing to compensate for the discrepency in power.

MS problem is, and always has been, getting the mind share and the games which compel people to buy systems. PS1 didn't dominate over the N64 due to power, it achieved it's dominance by delivering new games, and new experiences, which weren't possible on the N64 due to the cartridge limitation, even though more than capable on the hardware side. Every generation has pretty much taken this route. The only time MS actually moved ahead in mind share, and was a strong competitor to Sony is with the 360, and the reason for that was because they were going all out on delivering compelling game experiences, either through 1st party, or 3rd party exclusives.

Games. Always the games.

People can point to all that MS has coming, but those games aren't resonating with people to make them rush out and buy the system with the same effect the PS4 is. Multi-plats may drive sales as well, but for at least a year, Sony will be ahead, and they will have been ahead in terms of power since the start.

So, not only is MS going to be trying to overcome that lingering notion within the average consumer that PS is better, they have to convince people that the extra power is worth their money, and on top of that, now they have to convince people that a perfectly acceptable experience is not acceptable on the competing console at a much cheaper price, and if they're lucky, people won't already be turned off of this mid-gen upgrade BS.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2815d ago
PhoenixUp2817d ago

@ Acon

Because PlayStation is a stronger brand globally Xbox, so none of Microsoft's consoles will ever outsell Sony's in the long term.

Not to mention PS4 has a gap of 20+ million and growing. The Scorpio has no chance of closing such a huge gap. It would have to sell 3x as much as PS4 does on a weekly basis globally just to even have a chance of coming out on top.

Nathan_Hale532816d ago

People who bitched about the PS3 controller probably never owned a PS2 since they never complained about those. Plus, who thinks Uncharted 2 and 3 is disappointing? 3 I can see simply because 2 is hard to beat, but to me it was just as incredible.

Also thank you for your service man.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2815d ago
Relientk772817d ago

If you actually think Xbox will overtake PS4 in sales you're only gonna get disappointment


Just like i was with recore?
No wonder it had a cheaper price i hope they fix all the bugs.

lastking952817d ago

How was recore, i didn't have plans to buy but i was curious about it. Why was it a bad game?

DigitalRaptor2816d ago (Edited 2806d ago )

They continue to remain delusional.... as if trying to argue the point for the past few years hasn't outed them the most embarrassing consumer base in gaming. As if trying to defend things like DX12 and Microsoft's claims about the "power of the cloud" haven't been bad enough - they've got to soldier on with a console they actually don't know much about other than, again, Microsoft's claims.

When it comes out, Scorpio will be released at a greater cost to the PS4 Pro.

When it comes out, Scorpio will STILL have less games, and less impactful exclusive games than PS4.

When it comes out, Scorpio will have to deal with an established to the market PS4 Pro, with strong developer support that isn't going to go away just because MS has a new console iteration out. They're going to cater to the market leader first and foremost - well because it's out first, a year in advance.

Power alone will not save it, like its fanboys think it will suddenly change perception and give it more games throughout the year like MS fails to do. They've already closed a large chunk of their first-party game studios and projects earlier this year, all the new IPs they have tried to establish have flopped or not been well received.

In regards to sales, it's not even close... in its lifetime, even with Scorpio, Xbox One looks to fail to surpass 50 million units sold. And if Scorpio doesn't do well, then where does Xbox go from here? As another user pointed out, they don't have any other outlet besides PC, an initiative in which they're trying to turn an open platform into a closed one via the same principles that made Games for Windows Live such an atrocity, and it's not going to end well either.

@ EpicSandwich

You're hilarious.

Billions of dollars doesn't help Microsoft to make better games than Sony, nor does it help them support the more unique and risky game projects that gives their overall games lineup larger diversity -- which is what is more important in gaming than claims of a console 12+ months away that still has the same inferior games.

MS has billions and they don't care enough to make ambitious AAA open-world games, whilst Sony has 3 of them in development. They can't even be bothered to give their studios the freedom to spend many years crafting a new IP, for the sake of its quality like Sony does.

MS has billions and they can't even get people to care about their consoles more than a company with less money.

So nope, I don't hold on to sales exclusively. I hold on to power that is relevant to the industry in its given moment in time (4K is not there yet but Sony's solution holds it own), I hold on to quality games throughout 12 months of the year (MS deeply fails to do this), and I hold on to sales (Sony dominates, and always will despite MS's billions).

Good luck hoping that waiting 4 years (LMAO) to be able to boast about a power advantage for roughly 18-24 months until the PS5 comes out bragging more power than Scorpio, helps you or MS in any way. And where is that "cloud power" that MS promised would make their console 3-4 times more powerful back in 2013? The fact that you actually believe anything this company claims.... 😂😂😂

sk8ofmnd2816d ago

I believe by the time scorpio releases the pro will be 299 and 499 will most likely be the asking price for the scorpio.

EpicSandwich2816d ago (Edited 2816d ago )

Microsoft has billions, console sales didn't help Sony the ps pro Is proof of that. And Microsofts billions are evident in the scorpio. Keep holding on to dear sales 😂😂😂

madmonkey012817d ago

rise again to what? it has lost every generation it has been in

andrewsquall2817d ago (Edited 2817d ago )

Lol "rise again"? He obviously means charge 90 quid for wireless adapters, subscription to a service that gives you no value back even requiring a sub to access your Netflix account or even Youtube, very forced proprietary accessory use like headsets that took over 5 years to finally ease up on, horrible rules for devs like restricting game sizes on downloadable content/demos/patches, severe problematic hardware failures.

I just love it when people talk about the "good old days" of Xbox 360 with crimson, blood covered, tinted glasses.

2816d ago
lastking952817d ago (Edited 2816d ago )

It won the western market last gen by a landslide and still was pasted up by about 1 million. PS name is simply too big. After MS shot themself in the foot with the X1 reveal it has no to pass WW. If the gen last as long as last gen did ps4 would be on pace to outsell X1 100million to 60 million. Scorpio may very well take NA and UK back for them but else where no chance.

No even if you country the other western territories 360 still out sold. It outsold os3 by 20 million in US alone. It's when you bring EU, eastern and countries 360 wasnt available do ps3 surpass 360. (Which was around 1 million) so how is stating an obvious fact moving the goalpost?

madmonkey012816d ago

moving the goal posts, is the western market only US and UK?

FarEastOrient2816d ago

The Western market is only the U.S. and U.K., not according to the shareholders of those companies. Way to ignore the rest of the countries that are part of that market in which Xbox 360 did lose overall.

littlezizu2817d ago (Edited 2817d ago )

World Wide impossible as Xbox is relevant in only 2 or 3 countries. Power doesn't sell console; Exclusives especially critically acclaimed games do.
This image sums up what they lack and need in their exclusives games

Lennoxb632817d ago

To be fair, those 2 or 3 countries sell more consoles than all of the other countries combined.

TheColbertinator2817d ago

True which is exactly where Sony outsold Microsoft that clinched their lead. If MS cannot outsell them in their best markets,where will they sell more?

Germany? Brazil? Burkina Faso?

lastking952817d ago (Edited 2816d ago )

Yet an 85 outsold every ps4 exclusive. So nah not everyone nor majority of people go running out to buy 90+ random site rated games. A 71 just sold a s*** ton. Not only that but multiplates sell more (on that 1 console) then the average exclusive showing the rumor people buy consoles for exclusives false. (Some do but not majority) CoD, Madden and NBA2k is what you'd find 10 time before you'd find a gamer with an exclusive

@SonyAddict Learn to read i clearly and specifically mention the fact some do lol, just not majority. Never mind your name says it all lol not gonna waste my time.

Digital raptor is so full of **** MS gave numbers, even website trackers which arent even accurate do to not counting digital (which sale more on Xbox)have it ahead. Keep taking those pills though. #NumbersNeverLie

@games4fun ikr it's quite sad digital raptor just cant accept that fact. He went weeks pm me over it, they need some help. Sony addicts indeed, instead of being gamers and not give 2 ***** and just enjoying what they like, its like the other console cant have any success, more or better anything to them.

SonyAddict2817d ago

So you speak for everybody? I buy most exclusives and would rather play them than copy n paste COD so stop talking rubbish and grow up a bit!!

DigitalRaptor2816d ago (Edited 2816d ago )

OH... MY.. GOD...

As if we haven't gone back and forth with this via PM, and you are still spreading your unsubstantiated claims that Halo 5 outsold Uncharted 4. I don't know why you think spreading unsubstantiated claims makes you reputable, but regardless, PS4 has more games, more diverse variety of games, better rated games. We don't need your salt or your excuses about why games were rated well by people who enjoyed them.

What does third-party multiplatform games outselling exclusives have to do with somehow proving people don't buy exclusives or that they don't matter? That has been the case for a long time buddy, and exclusives have by and large represented the legacy of a console. Before Microsoft turned their XB1 into an almost 100% multiplatform machine, you were defending their exclusive lineup as if it was one of the most important things.

The reality is, XB1 has not received a quality AAA exclusive game all year, and that is part of the reason why they stay losing. Forza Horizon 3 looks great, so you've had to wait 10 months for something of quality that intrinsically represents the console.

As for what SonyAddict says:
I'm sure he doesn't actually WANT to be wasting his time with a lying disingenuous Xbox fanboy either.

Nathan_Hale532816d ago

So, even with multi platform games as an argument, why not get the better looking/performing version? I'd prefer a 1080p/60fps game over a 900/720p multiplat with either 30 frames, or worse frame drops from 60.

game4funz2816d ago (Edited 2816d ago )

Sounds like your fans are salty.
Numbers are already out there. Anyone with half a brain knows halo 5 has sold more then uncharted, all they have to do is look. Util Sony says otherwise halo 5 has sold more.

Don't know why you get so many people disagreeing. All they have to do is look it up. It's really easy. And there's no shame in accepting the truth. Uncharted is a fine game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2816d ago
Mulando2816d ago

Playstation 4 sold well almost without exclusives in the beginning. It was just marketing the "power" in the beginning and the marketing missteps MS did.
So, to be fair, it is all about marketing.
Btw, marketing here in Germany is horrible from MS. Don't know why, but they seem to not care if they sell products outside of the US. Since xbox one was revealed, they did almost nothing to tell people they sell a xbox one, ... well at least here in Germany.

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purple1011d 16h ago

adds between 8.3-15.3 milliseconds of latency on the game they tested, - no thanks

darksky22h ago

Base latency is 130.8ms and frame gen takes that up to 139.1ms. A 7% increase in latency is hardly a deal breaker.

Zenzuu22h ago

That's hardly a deal breaker and not really noticeable. Even the folks at Digital Foundry said so as well.

darthv721d 16h ago

Impressive results... sadly I don't have a 120hz display. I was thinking this technique could increase fps on any game that supports it regardless of the display.

purple1011d 16h ago (Edited 1d 16h ago )

I have a vrr telly in the lounge,

On another point, what if it were the other way around where the developer aims for higher fps, then used something like pssr to make the resolution higher, that might be better?

Any which way, PS5 pro sure looks interesting now, being they have already doubled frame rate, with JUST just this fsr3.0

sagapo21h ago

It’s up to dev’s to implement FSR 3 support tho but most probably will I guess (hope).

Eonjay7h ago

Yes it would increase the framerate but it would add more noticeable latency. The impact of latency goes down the more natural frames produced. So a monitor that can push bast 60 will naturally allow the game to operate much smoother. Add VRR to this and now you have a much more enjoyable experience.

BlackDoomAx23h ago

Can it deliver the 60fps dream?

purple10113h ago(Edited 13h ago)

no, it delivers approx 80fps.

which is why I say why not target 60fps with this new tech and use the upscaling pssr, (Sonys version of Nvidia's DLSS, that seems so popular in the pc realm)

then we have best of both, better believe ps5pro will be doing all the above.

andy8522h ago

Now I've extensively tried it I'm not too fussed about 120 fps. Give me a locked 60 and more details and I'm more than happy

anast18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

120 is a bit slow. My eyes can't look at anything less than 260fps.

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