
Uncharted 4 PS4 vs PS4 Pro 4K Video Graphics Comparison

"Check this 4K Video Graphics Comparison of Uncharted 4 running on PS4 Pro and regular PS4"

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NewMonday2821d ago

at 1:34 the comparisons are stark, just look at Nate, somebody needs to do a closeup GIF

good job on the video

darthv722820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

UC4 was already a sweet looking game and the notion of them releasing a 4k / HDR update is quite intriguing. And now I found this video that I did not think this possible. Using an XB1S as a pass thru upscaler you can take an existing PS4 and play UC4 in 4k upscaled.

So now there are three ways to enjoy UC4. original PS4, the Pro and a middle ground using the regular PS4 and an XB1S. Talk about finding a happy medium in all this confusion.


Lightning Mr Bubbles2820d ago

You can clearly see a difference, the PS4 Pro version looks a lot cleaner and crisper. It's pretty visible, not sure what people were expecting exactly, did they expect PS4 Pro to be the PS5 or something?

Sparta072820d ago

@ darth, what on earth does that have to do with anything?
1) update for original ps4 comes out tomorrow
2) 4k tvs does the upscale already why are bringing up xbs for?
Stop it already.

CuddlyREDRUM2820d ago

@sparta... yeah TV's and Xbox One S upscale to 4K, just like the footage of everything the Pro has shown. There have been zero footage of native 4K games running on Pro.

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C-H-E-F2821d ago

woa there, that is crazy, that just made me feel like my PS4 is a PS3 in comparison I can't wait for Nov. 10th actually October 13th (PSVR), but hey both dates are welcomed even better that the VR comes out before the PS4 Pro because then I will be able to see changes from PS4 and PSVR when I upgrade to see if it was worth it anyways... that 1:34 comparison shows you the contrast in the difference, and this was on my Macbook Pro so I'm sure on my 4kTvs it will look even better lOl.

donthate2820d ago


That is a terrible video. Can't see any difference. This is doing the PS4 Pro a disservice, because you are now setting the expectation very low. Buyers might just skip it.

Sparta072820d ago

Lol, are you really trying to down play this now?
It's looks incredible. I'm very impressed.

Bahamut2820d ago

Not even using a 4k display and I can see a definite difference in image clarity and texture quality.

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DragonDDark2821d ago

There is a difference but we need to see it in a HDR 4kTV to see the REAL difference

Erik73572820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

How would getting a 4k tv be seeing the real difference when its not native 4k and just upscaled? THis comment is stupid to me and I am confused why it had 11 agrees and so few disagrees.

Literally all this did was got rid of the annoying over powering motion blur which is why the pictures look so blurry for orginal ps4.

medman2820d ago

Your eyes can't tell the difference between checkerboard rendering and 4k. Some people could, but you? Naw.

Rimeskeem2820d ago

Calls a comment stupid then proceeds to make stupid comment.

The upscaling is checkerboard processed making it nearly impossible to see the difference between native and upscaled.

badz1492820d ago

wow you're so uninformed. just because it's upscaled doesn't mean you don't need a 4K display. are you telling me you've been gaming on native 900p on Xbones for all these times? I don't think so because native or not, the Xbone will still send 1080p signals just like how the Pro will send 4K signals which can only be watched on UHDTV. and if you only have FHD, the Pro will only send 1080p obviously.

there will be visible difference in image quality between the stock PS4 and the Pro on UHDTV. that's guaranteed.

blackblades2820d ago

Anyone know how to say dumbazz in english oh wait here it is dumbass.

zeuanimals2820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )


The Xbox One didn't upscale most of the 720p and 900p games the same way the PS4 Pro is up scaling its games. Those Xbox One games were 720p/900p images stretched onto 1080p screens. If those games weren't stretched onto the screen, they'd be letterboxed with giant borders on all sides. The PS4 Pro is taking 1080p images and scaling them up to fit the 4K profile, but it's not stretching them. Without the checkerboarding, you'd see blank lines across the screen, like a checkerboard. The console takes what's natively being shown and adds what it thinks is missing by filling in the blank lines.

If devs utilize this on other devices, including PCs, we might not need to render any games in native 4K until 8K becomes available. This means devs have a lot more power to work with that won't be used up by just rendering things in 4K, and even the best PCs have problems with 4K.

Erik73572820d ago

No im not, get a 4k tv. Play pc 4k footage of a game and compare it to the pro upscalig. It is noticably better than pro upscaling. In my comment i said its not native 4k nor does it look like 4k with its upscaling when compared to native 4k.

Get a pc when you actually want real 4k gaming.

Sparta072820d ago

@fries, thanks for the laugh

badz1492820d ago


"Get a pc when you actually want real 4k gaming."

you do know this is an article about a PS4 EXCLUSIVE UNCHARTED 4, right?

that's what happen when you listen to MS too much as they are trying to change the definitions of the term "exclusive" as they see fit! Nowadays, even "Windows 10 Exclusives" claims barely hold any water anymore. previous Windows 10 exclusives went to Steam and now are no longer Win10 exclusives

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Bahamut2820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

I don't see why they wouldn't include a feature like that for people not using a 4k display. All of the other Uncharteds are available on the PS4 at 60fps, as well as The Last of Us, so it'll probably happen.

wsoutlaw872820d ago

did you really have a problem with uc4s frame rate or do people like you just like to say that, knowing you dont care that much

sadsatan2820d ago

i wanted to love UC4 but i had two problems, the framerate was too sluggish for my taste, and i found the game boring. i bought the digital version so no refund for me. boo

jwillj2k42821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

still not impressed. there is a difference but not enough to purchase a new console.

i want to see the comparison between OG ps4 upscaled with hdr and ps4 pro.

ccgr2821d ago

I'm still on the fence as well

jwillj2k42820d ago

LMFAO at disagrees about being on the fence. Stop drinking the koolaid people and look at things objectively.

Speak_da_Truth2820d ago

Oh so you computer screen has hdr and you've seen it in 4k hdr uncompressed. Ok.

jwillj2k42820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

LOL 4k hdr uncompressed. the video quality is in 4k and it shows differences, just not 400 dollar differences imo. even the current nvidia cards struggle with native 4k gaming. PS pro will be upscaled, just like the scorpio.

I just want to see the difference between an original ps4 with hdr (as they promised) in addition to a 4k upscaler, vs ps pro (upscaled) 4k image.

medman2820d ago

Exactly. The geniuses are sitting in front of a 1080p screen. Watching a stream. And expect miracles on top of miracles. No wonder so many ad and sales executives end up blowing their brains out. They have to try to sell to complete morons.

Sharky2312820d ago

If you read the bottom these images aren't even HDR, they're SDR.

Rimeskeem2820d ago

So basically this isn't even close to how beautiful the game will look in full HDR.

donthate2820d ago

In order to see HDR you have to have a 4K tv that supports that. Not something you can typically see on your home TV/monitor i.e. it has very limited benefit. If you have HDR though, it looks marvelous.

jwillj2k42820d ago

I'm not saying it doesn't look better. it just doesn't look 400 dollars better. Plus the fact that we can do the exact same thing with our current ps4s (on paper) I'm eager to compare the two. Everyone talking about HDR, but my question is still valid. And yes I do have a 4K tv.

Speak_da_Truth2820d ago

First of all no one is forcing you to buy the Pro and second, you should wait and actually see it in motion on a 4k hdr supported display before you claim "There isn't a $400 difference"

jwillj2k42820d ago

Sorry, there's not. Don't waste your money, go buy an upscaler.

Bahamut2820d ago

4k if you have the capable display, higher framerate if you don't. Also, faster cpu, which means faster load times. It's really up to you. Do you want a performance buff or not? If you're happy with what you got, don't change anything. I'll be getting this though because I want my games to look and play better. Which is the same reason I own a PC, and will probably own a Scorpio in the future. Oh... and the NX for Zelda too.

jwillj2k42820d ago

It'll be the framerate difference that wins me over but I'll probably wait til there are more games that show the difference.

wsoutlaw872820d ago

Its a system with 2.3x more tflop gpu. Yes there are differences. how much they matter is up to you. the price difference between the two isnt 400$ its 100$

jwillj2k42820d ago

When I go to the store I'd be dropping 400 dollars, not 100. So to me it's got to be worth 400 more dollars to justify switching.

wsoutlaw872819d ago

your old ps4 still has value

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Skuletor5h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde1h ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast1h ago

Which ones should they utilize more?

BehindTheRows25m ago

Indeed. We hear this “underutilized” talk as if every old franchise should have a comeback or reboot.

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Here lies The Infamous Series; once a shining beacon of free flying, lighting bolt sniping, and wire riding amazing gameplay, it has been laid to rest and be forgotten for what seems like forever despite being loved by millions. Plot next to Wipeout across from NBA Jam.


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