
Nintendo has just sent a DMCA claim to the AM2R developer personally - Nintendo is on the warpath

And here we go again. Yes, Nintendo is on the warpath again. However, this time Nintendo has sent a DMCA claim to the AM2R developer personally. So this is my (Robin Ek, TGG) take on the matter.

Simon_the_sorcerer2814d ago

I´m not going to buy another Nintendo game or console after this bs move by them...

TGG_overlord2814d ago

That´s the vibes that I get from people on social media and via our homepage as well, Nintendo is digging their own grave.

DiscoMan2814d ago

It's a shame that they cannot embrace fan homage, but in the end, Nintendo is doing them a favor. All the effort that people put into fangames, they could just as easily create an original project and even make profit from it. So it's not all dry bones.

freshslicepizza2814d ago

nintendo will do whatever it takes to protect its intellectual property because without it there is literally no value in the company. the problem is they are not good at all with the community or the press or third party publishers. they continue to alienate themselves and the only way they will ever change is if they stop making money.

NukaCola2814d ago

Sly 4 was a fan project and Sony helped them to finish it. Great game.

WTF Nintendo?

2814d ago
just-joe2814d ago

I hear this so many times by people on social media simply saying how they'll never buy Nintendo stuff ever again going on about how they're digging their own graves and here they are still standing. saying you'll boycott a company is one thing to to actually do it or say actual having to have purchased their stuff to even be considered a boycott is completely different. You can go on and on, but honestly the moment they release the new pokemon or announce some new thing, and this is all forgotten or is swept under the rug because a lot of the people who buy their games don't give a shit about business politics.

2814d ago
ChickeyCantor2814d ago

> Nintendo is digging their own grave.

But hardcore gamers don't play nintendo games. So how does your claim hold any ground?

Where is your logic now?

BattleAxe2813d ago

@ Just-Joe,

News flash: Not many people bought the WiiU.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2813d ago
EcoSos32814d ago

They have to do it if they dont protect their IP they could loose it.

eldingo2814d ago

That applies to trademarks and logos but not video games which fall under copyright Nintendo doesn't need to take down the fan games as if they just let them be they would still retain the copyright to the ip.

I truly do wish for once nintendo would take a note from sega just this once on this one specific idea in association with fan games and hire these people who made pokemon uranium and am2r to publish these games because they were really good and the fact that they did this just sucks this was one of the worst ways to go about it there are alternatives.

SinkingSage2814d ago

Fan games with no profit are not copyright infringement.

veicht2814d ago

I don't know that I buy that. Even if them not acting on potential infringements can be harmful I am certain there are other ways to tackle the situation such as a special use license if they actually wanted to allow it.

Stevonidas2814d ago (Edited 2814d ago )


AM2R is not a "fan game"; it's NINTENDO'S GAME that has been updated with NINTENDO'S ASSETS by a fan.

You cannot legally distribute content you do not own. PERIOD.

Amazing how many people can't grasp this simple fucking concept.

If you want to play Metroid 2, go buy it off the eShop.

2814d ago
ChickeyCantor2814d ago

> Fan games with no profit are not copyright infringement.

Neither is Nintendo making profit of it. Considering you can confuse the game for an actual Nintendo game it isn't strange Nintendo is protecting their IP.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2814d ago
EddieNX 2814d ago (Edited 2814d ago )

Don't see why its a big deal,you're not allowed to use other peoples IP. And I only want to play Nintendo games made by Nintendo, not sum dude in his mums basement.

This is barely even news... Funny how the haters are like ''Nintendo is dead, doomed etc because of THIS quite frankly irrelevant story.

Kryptix2814d ago (Edited 2814d ago )

And if these games are essentially very good enhancements of the classics, maybe even better games than Nintendo games nowadays... (When was the last amazing 2D plane Metroid game?) ...you still rather wait years and years, for something similar in the same universe...and even end up being hit by disappointment?

Wow...that's kind of a linear, shallow mentality. Kind of like a person who would rather listen to mainstream top 40 radio all day, forever when there's better stuff made by less known artists if you really look deep.

You aren't "allowed," but you can use gaming franchises. When do you see smaller ROM hack developers, flash game developers who use pixel copies of big franchises get hit by DMCA notices? Are Nintendo just afraid that maybe those people, in a smaller group, can make equal or better games? All Nintendo has to do is look the other way and pretend that they never knew there was something like this out there. Just like how they do it for small games because I bet there just isn't any money in it if those people get taken to court.

To anyone curious on how this game looked like:

That's real Metroid fan love put in with the project.

EDIT: Looking at other people's comments, it's a 50/50 thing. The best situation would of been to either hire these guys for a new 2D Nintendo made project or at least create a letter that they're glad they have fans like these, that want to work on Metroid related stuff, but they can't allow it for legal reason. Better than a blank nothing.

2814d ago
EddieNX 2814d ago

Simple really, instead of calling it Metroid, i dunno, maybe call it SOMETHING ELSE and make a new character. Before you ask, no , i'm not a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon.

2814d ago
2814d ago
OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2814d ago (Edited 2814d ago )

So a game Nintendo published on Game Boy. Metroid II being remade by someone who isn't apart of NIntendo nor contacted Nintendo using asset from GBA Metroid game.

This isn't a fan game. That straight up remake a commercial and copyrighted product. And YES Metroid II is on My Nintendo right now for 3DS Virtual Console.

2814d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2813d ago
superchiller2814d ago

This really shows how out of touch Nintendo is with the gaming community. They could have taken an entirely different approach that would benefit all their dedicated fans, but instead chose a very anti-consumer approach to the matter. Disgusting.

TGG_overlord2814d ago

Exactly, and Nintendo is going to lose big time because of their bad decisions. And by the looks of it, Nintendo is going after everything and everyone at the moment...

Michiel19892814d ago

This really shows how out of touch you are with protecting your IP and the law around it. They need to do it else anyone can just release a 'metroid' game. Yes it sucks this fan project is being taken down, but Nintendo doesn't have much of a choise.

They could have collaborated with these guys but that rarely happens in the industry, maybe only valve does that :p

ChristopherJack2814d ago

You need to learn the difference between trademark & copyright.

-Foxtrot2814d ago

They literally should be embracing it

Feature a "Fan Content" page on their new console where people can upload Youtube lets play videos and also fan made games which they can send to Nintendo and if it's good enough they will appear on the page to download.

Sony and Microsoft haven't done it, could be a first

BlackIceJoe2814d ago

That is a really cool and innovative idea, but sadly that means they won't do it.

Monster_Tard2814d ago

That would be neat, but it would probably hurt sales of their virtual console games so they wouldn't do it.

LOL_WUT2813d ago

Nintendo would rather do more mobile games and Amiibo before giving us another Metroid. Now that the opportunity came up for a fan made Metroid game, Nintendo decides to shut these guys down. Damn scum! ;)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2813d ago
Darkfist_Flames2814d ago

i guess after that horrible power ranger prime force sales, they went after them personally.

TGG_overlord2814d ago

I bet that they did ("The Metroid game that Nintendo wish that they have made"): http://thegg.net/reviews/am...

2814d ago Replies(1)
iTechHeads2814d ago

It's their right to uphold and protect their IP.

TGG_overlord2814d ago

"I´m more than aware of the fact that it´s Nintendo´s IP´s so they have the legal right to do whatever they please. Even so, I still believe that Nintendo could have sorted out the “AM2R”, “Pokemon Uranium” and the Nintendo Power Online archive “situation” in a much classier way then they did."

Snookies122814d ago

Just because they have the right to do something, doesn't mean they have to do it. This was obviously a labor of love from a big fan of theirs. Yet all they see is their property being used without permission. It's one thing if someone is trying to make money off of something like this, then I could see being aggressive in taking it down. All this would have done was most likely generate more hype for any new Metroid titles that are released by Nintendo itself.

Swiftfox2814d ago

They do have to. Thanks to the way copyright law and trademark law are written out, If Nintendo slack at all in regards to their IP's they actually lose any sort of legal weight when they need to defend it if a situation does come up. Nintendo knows it's dumb, Capcom knows it's dumb, Sega knows it's dumb, Bethesda knows it's dumb-- it's all dumb but they have little choice.

eldingo2814d ago (Edited 2814d ago )

It's the legal right but certainly not something i consider ethical or ok taking these things down wasn't the only option they had there were alternatives they don't have to take down fan games since they fall under copyright and not trademark infringement when i look at capcom and sega letting people make fan games on the internet for their games in peace and never getting challenged in court for their ips i only really see Nintendo as a humongous fucking dick for doing this.

rocketpanda2814d ago

Meanwhile mods on the PC makes games flourish and devs embrace that. Nintendo and most of Japan is stuck in their famicon mindset whilst the most of the world have come into the 21st century. This is a company that doesn't want people to make YouTube videos of their games....unless you sign up to their partner program. They don't get it and never will and could care less about fan made projects or streamers Protect their IPs all they want, but it's ok at least they gave us Metroid Federation Force, right a spinoff nobody wanted even though fans would rather have something like this killed fan project.

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-Foxtrot2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

That's hilarious because he did and said the same thing with 2K Marin who developed Bioshock 2

They've been closed since 2013 but not officially acknowledged

He just doesn't want the backlash so pretends there's no issue.