
Has Sony Been Backed Into A Corner By NX And Scorpio?

ThisGenGaming says "In light of the leaked PS4 Slim, many have doubted the release of Neo this year but here’s why it’s not too insane to stay on course with the rumours that Neo is indeed coming this year. First off, the PS4 Neo has experienced many leaks in the past few months, notwithstanding a 40+ page official document leak."

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naruga2822d ago (Edited 2822d ago )

if NX was a real console maybe Sony would have some difficult times against it , especially in japan ...but now with NX being another portable gimmick ultimatum,absolutely no ...Sony s PS4 will continue to reign with ease ..as for Scorpio , too late for tears ...imo it s a bit DOA

Erik73572821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

I feel like NX has the idea of having the next gen gaming portability (more powerful than a vita is what I mean by "nextgen" for mobile gaming) when you wanna play on the go then you can hook up in the living room to another device that gives it even more power to compete with ps4/xb1.Tegra k1 chip is very powerful for a mobile device, nintendo is rumored to be using a tegra serious chip and if they used the Tegra k1 it would be very powerful for a mobile device. I don't find this gimmicky and I wanna know how you think this is gimmicky?0

Like when has portable gaming been a "gimmick"? Pretty sure it's been around for decades and its here to be around for even more decades so I don't think the ideas NX is running on are gimmicky nor do you know what gimmicky actually means.

I also find it very funny that Nintendo is pursuing portability for their future consoles while Sony is focusing on VR for their future consoles, who is really going after the gimmicky stuff again here?

WickedLester2821d ago

Just curious how does the tegra x1 compare to the newer mobile processors like qualcomm snap dragon 820?

jmc88882821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

If the rumors are true, It's still 2007-2008 level GPU power which is still crappy.

Who wants to play on the go? Most people don't, and if they have a couple minutes, they have their phone. Not many people want to lug around another device for gaming on the go. I see ZERO utility in owning a handheld gaming device. So going that way, actually makes the product worse for me and many others. Because you have to stick to 2007-2008 power levels for a brand new Tegra chip in order to accomplish that.

Handhelds aren't gimmicks. But the rumors are that it still has detachable motion controllers on it.

Tegra also likely concentrates on FP16, not FP32.

It's not a console if it's a handheld. You can't add a HDMI port and call it a console. The games are still going to be handheld focused and quality.... not what home console users are looking for. If you want console games, you're looking at Wii U level of games. In other words a barren landscape.... and of course little/no AAA 3rd party support. So who here wants to buy another WIi U machine? Not me.

I want something that gets more than 1-2 games a year that I want to purchase. Handheld games don't interest me. Thus the whole combining everything under one roof DOES ME NO GOOD. JUST LIKE IT DOES MOST CONSOLE GAMERS NO GOOD WHATSOEVER.

I find it strange people are hyped for something that won't help them at all. Do you play handheld games? No. Do you want to? No. But you think you're getting more console games with them combining? Yes. You're not, sorry. Oh.

So in reality Nintendo isn't focused on consoles at all. They are focused on handhelds. If the rumors are true, they've abandoned consoles. But are going to try to market the NX as a console. SMH.

VR isn't a gimmick. You can buy and enjoy a Sony or Microsoft console without one. VR is an add-on that for many people they have been waiting since the 1980's to own and play. VR is going to be another way to play and it will stick. No one was wishing for the Wii since the 1980's.

A VR gimmick would be for Sony to say the NEO only works with a PSVR. They aren't doing that.

UltimateMaster2821d ago

Not at all, The PS4 Neo hasn't been backed into a corner.
If anything it's Microsoft and Nintendo who needs to prove themselves to gamers.
PlayStation delivers quality games only available on their platform, as well as wealthy amount of 3rd party games.
PlayStation will continue to Strive and be better and more successful.
The question is, can Xbox One catch up to the PS4? Can Nintendo establish a worthwhile successful install base?
*Find out in another exiting N4G Blogpost*

Pekka2821d ago

@jmc8888: Actually, most gamers don't even own a console and console gaming market is tiny compared to mobile gaming market. You and some other gamers may not want to on the go but most people actually want to. Mobile gaming market is where the money is, not in home consoles. It doesn't matter whether you like it or not but that's how it is.

And about VR... Most people think VR is a gimmick just like 3D movies and games (which is why nobody cares about 3D anymore). Samsung Galaxy S7 had VR glasses and most people think it is only a useless gimmick. Even those first buyers who got VR glasses for free haven't used them at all. People want to play without VR glasses and talk to other people in the same room while playing. Heck, most people don't even want to use 3D glasses while watching TV (I have 3D TV but haven't used 3D for last 2 years). I don't think VR is ever going to be popular. Most PS4 owners won't buy VR glasses, I'm sure of it. Even most PS4 neo owners won't buy it.

Kingthrash3602820d ago

The neo was never in a corner.....
First of all the scorpio is a response to the neo...even a Sony exec said that ms saw their idea and copied it. It's MS who are throwing things around too soon with nothing to show for it. On the 7th there will be a full showcase of the neo. It will launch with VR and a plethora of games if you ask me it is nowhere near a corner....Nintendo or MS dont have the upper hand and has never had the upper hand this entire generation.
What's up with these deceptive articles acting like sony is in some kind of trouble?

babadivad2820d ago


It compares very well. The GPU in this chip is an absolute beast. It being Nvidia, they never perform as well as they say on paper*Nexus 9 anyone*. Which is why they've been out competed in the mobile phone space.

But the shield tablet with the X1 is very good. Easily stonger than last gen consoles. Actually the one in the shield tablet is about as powerful as the WiiU.

But it has the potential to be as powerful as 1TF.

Nintendo is supposedly using the Tegra X2 chip. So we are looking at X1/PS4 levels of theoretical performance from a mobile chip. That's pretty impressive.

But like I mentioned earlier, Nvidia usually under delivers on mobile so it's really anyone's guess how it would actually perform.

But since they are working with a hardware pro like Nintendo, I'm guessing they will find a way to get the most out of the SoC.

I'm actually excited for what Nintendo has going on for the first time in a long time (maybe since Game Cube).

Derpy2820d ago


It's almost but not quite as good as what the Wii U graphic chip can do, but no where in the PS4 or Xbox One's league.

guitarded772818d ago

Sony rode the PS2 as one of the most successful consoles ever (If not, still the most successful) being the least powerful console on the market at the time. It's all about GAMES!

2816d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2816d ago
trooper_2821d ago

Another day, another silly article.

DragonPaw2820d ago

NX in this comparison puts the image of Mario wielding a hot dog. Watch out Sony!

2820d ago
S2Killinit2820d ago

This is what we get all year instead of gaming news.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2820d ago
Huguinho2821d ago

I doubt at Sony´s share those points of view oy you.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

Fight rumor with rumor. That all you guys have been doing for the past months

sammarshall1022821d ago

Scorpio being DOA is just your dream

Yetter2821d ago

Because the NX is a 'portable gimmick' its going to do very, very well in Japan

2821d ago Replies(3)
N4Flamers2821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

VR is most definitely a gimmick. Its intended purpose is to sell more and is not necessary for the core experience. It's just like how motion controls are a gimmick, and 3d, and curved screens on tvs. Does it do something new and interesting? It sure does. Will it have some exclusive games? Sure. It's not necessary though and only time will tell if it will stick.

DragonPaw2820d ago

The thing is, VR has been out of the average person's grasp for so long. We have gone to the mall and played those games. I had tons of fun like 20 years ago playing a game that made no sense, but the VR was what made it cool.

It is finally within our grasps! It will be at WalMart! Anyone who has seen the evolution of gaming has shaken their heads countless times saying that hardware would be too expensive or too weak. Suddenly, it is affordable on the most popular console system in the world.

The tech world has waited so long for this day, gimmick or not. Augmented reality doesn't immerse you into a different world. A world of supernatural wonder that will be amazing for the majority of people who have never experienced it.

And to see that look of wonder on your own child's face... Parents have that opportunity to gift their children.

Condemnedman2821d ago

dead In the water? that's funny because I will buying the Scorpio not the neo.

Dark_Knightmare22820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

Yeah its Def not doa but I'm the opposite I'll be buying a neo and not Scorpio. I own both consoles right now and with Sony delivering the games both triple aaa and indie and Microsoft not while having all their exclusives go to pc I see no reason to spend money on the scorpio. Power has never mattered to people with the last three generations having proven that and with scorpio pretty much only having that to offer while their competitors will have power but better exclusives, first party studios etc I just see no need for the scorpio. I mean as long as I can play halo 6 on my x1 ill be fine they just better not pull no scorpio exclusive bullcrap because halo is the only reason I own Xbox consoles and I definitely can't go without it even though 5 was a big disappointment.

candystop2820d ago


And just how do you know Sony will have better exclusives? Seriously you guys are trying to hard. Then you talk about power doesn't matter when you know that was the selling point of ps4! I hate to break it to you but both brands have good and bad games. Scorpio will do fine and I'm sure Neo will also do fine as long as guys like you exist.

agame9142820d ago

awesome so you will the 5th person to have an xbox =)

jholden32492821d ago


The 3DS is still outselling the PS4 in Japan. And it's entirely a handheld. Handhelds are not gimmicks, btw.

The ignorance you see on the Internet is unfathomable. I'm sorry.

gamerb62821d ago

I didn't realise that the NX had been revealed? Where's the source to your information? Or are you just a stupid Sony fanboy?

Trekster_Gamer2820d ago

Too late for Scorpio??

Xbox still has the best and most exclusives!

Scorpio will be the dominate Console in the Universe for years to come.

Dark_Knightmare22820d ago

Bro what fantasy world do you live in. I own both consoles and it's Def not Xbox that has the best and most exclusives that's just delusional.

rainslacker2820d ago

Best is subjective, and "most" is outright false.

_-EDMIX-_2820d ago

I would say by default of the term they have the least...

Aceman182820d ago

You know I'd probably say maybe if MS had the same worldwide appeal as Sony when it came to gaming, but we all know that MS systems only appeals to two territories on this planet US and UK.

The only way for MS to ever beat Sony worldwide is the their system to sell 100 mil units in the US and UK alone. We all know this will never happen as long as Sony exists in gaming.

As for Nintendo I'd say sure, but again they are going with a gimmick of their own design, and I don't see this system recapturing the success of the Wii.

So in the end no Sony is not back into a corner by either system launching next year.

Obscure_Observer2820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )


"Backed Into A Corner" is a bit stretchy all right. But "Sony s PS4 will continue to reign with ease" is way far from the truth, and you know it.

Microsoft poses no threat to Sony´s japanese market thats true. But Nintendo certainly does. 3DS is a handheld and outsells PS4 by a large margin in japan and i don´t think you realize what´s Nintendo Master Plan with this NX hybrid concept. They want to maintain their loyal handheld customers/fanbase in Japan, while at the same time remain atractive to home console gamers all around the world. It took almost 3 years for the PS4 sells 3 milion copies in Japan. I think NX will suprass that numbers in less than one year from its realease date.

If the leaks is anything go by and Scorpio turns out to be 2TFs more powerfull than NEO, i can see A LOT of gamers jumping the MS bandwagon so they can have the best graphics and performance on console for third party games like GTA 6, Cyberpunk 2077 and Elder Scrolls, just to name a few.

That said, i think the gap is too wide as it is and Sony probably will continue to be on top till next generation comes.

But i also think Scorpio and NX got them worried/concerned alright. After all, Sony is not stupid to ignore their competitors like fanboys usually do ;)

Dark_Knightmare22820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

Dude the last three generations have shown with cold hard facts that power doesn't sell consoles so why all of a sudden are people trying to act like it does lol. Microsoft just doesn't have the brand power,loyalty and recognition that Sony and Nintendo do especially worldwide and they definitely don't have the first party studios that pump out those classics,goty award winning exclusives hell Xbox doesn't even have exclusives anymore which is why I have no desire to upragrade from my x1 to a Scorpio. They burned me on the x1 and now they think they can release a next Gen console just three years into this generation and don't be mistaken by pr it's not an upgradeable console with those specs that's next Gen and leave me and other people hanging with a console that has trouble even hitting 1080p. Yeah that's a joke and now with no exclusives there's just no reason to own one.

Obscure_Observer2820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )


That´s your opnion dude, and i respect. If you have the money to assemble a rig that match Scorpio´s numbers, by all means, do it. Microsoft will be happy with your choice as well. You see, Xbox integrated ecosystem with Windows10 is a powerful weapon with games that share cross-play, cross-buy and foward and retro compatibility among Xbox One consoles. So, how exactly Scorpio is a next gen console and not an upgraded current one?

Yes, i don´t belive that Scorpio will not have its exclusives. VR games will be exclusives, Spencer already said that third party devs has freedom to develop exclusives games for the Scorpio if they choose to do so. But ALL first party exclusives will no be exclusive to the Scorpio. That´s what Spencer means when he said "no one gets left behind". ;)

If there´s really a next gen console comming acording to rumors that would be NEO. If i understood things right, NEO is backwards compatible and not foward compatible. That means that you can play your old library of PS4 games on NEO (without any enhancements) but you can´t run a NEO labeled game on your original PS4. This is not different from what Nintendo does with Wii U and Wii consoles.

And you better think again when you said Xbox has no exclusive because they will be released on PC. PS Now on Windows PC is just the Sony´s first step toward a PC friendly future. Every company care for their pockets first. Sony is not different. With the costs envolved to develop a quality firts party game escalating and the risk of Metacritic destroy the chances of your game sales. This is only a matter of time for Sony expand their fanbase by bring their exclusives to PC.

Last, the world changes. Yesterday Sony was a nobody in this industry ruled by Nintendo and Sega. Today they are leaders and Microsoft is the second name in game this generation. Belive me and mark my words, nothing is set in stone. One mistake, One bad or wrong decision and Sony might loose their leadership.

But that´s just my opnion. ;)

LastCenturyRob2820d ago

NX is a brilliant move by Nintendo and has a chance to dominate in Japan seeing how that country has adopted mobile gaming so rapidly.

wonderfulmonkeyman2820d ago

Aww, that's cute, you're using unsubstantiated rumors to claim the NX isn't a console.
That's just precious.

_-EDMIX-_2820d ago

I don't disagree with you that the rumors are unsubstantiated but the reality is we've yet to see any console or handheld ever released without being at least to a degree leaked and most of the leaks we've read about the nx are all unanimous that it's a handheld that out to the TV. That does not actually sound like a dedicated console because that would technically mean the PSP 3000 and PSP 2000 are also consoles which we clearly know them to not be.

Ygor year ago I predicted exactly what these rumors are simply based on how Nintendo is currently positioned in the market their console is not doing well and their handheld has always been their base so it always makes sense for them to cut their losses and focus on handheld but it also allows console owners to have some sort of comfort and playing their games on the TV to maintain that install base.

You could go look back a year ago and read my comments and I called exactly what these rumors are and it won't shock me if they are all true in fact it would be more shocking if none of what we read was true because to my understanding no console or handheld has ever been announced without having been leaked prior.

Like zero. Mind you some of the people that are leaking the NX also leaked the Wii U and 3DS and they were literally spot on on what those devices were.

You are correct. They're just rumors but seriously don't be so naive to believe that any company has a console or handheld and development in full secrecy because to my understanding it's never happened in gaming.

2816d ago
+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2816d ago
YinYangGaming2822d ago

Sony isn't winning on power alone, I want Neo this year because I'm buying it ASAP so hoping Sony stick to their scheduling, no need to delay it.

Rude-ro2821d ago

Right?! I mean,one company showed off a bunch of games to get excited about and especially playing them on a premium version of the ps4...
The other has nothing. I guess that is one of the downsides of only showing games available now. Nothing to get hyped about to buy a new console for.

YinYangGaming2821d ago

Ha sorry man I disagree. Both companies have exciting games/hardware coming up. No need for people on either side to talk trash since both are in a good position with new games/hardware at the moment, especially Sony since they have VR ready this year

Rude-ro2821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

How is that trash talking? That is a fact.
It also pertains to the article. One company is in a corner and it is not the market leader.
Will they release games? Sure, but outside of their repetitive titles that are not moving their hardware now, there is nothing coming currently known that is enticing thus, their backs are in a corner. Encrusting into releasing a more expensive new console with a loss in market share over their previous gen is a gamble. A back in the corner.
Sony has momentum and has a huge fanbase that has proven to trust them. Releasing the neo has a future.

Obscure_Observer2821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

PS4 NEO will b Awesome! No doubt about it! Specially Horizon @1080p/60fps and God of War @1080p/60fps all of them sporting enhanced graphics, textures, LOD, physics and particles effects.

That said, you must understand that Scorpio with its 6tf of horsepower will be the console of choice for third party developers to achieve their vision technically and performance wise.

The Scorpio´s plus 2tf will make a HUGE difference when we talk about big name upcoming third party games like Red Dead Redemption 2, GTA 6, Cyberpunk 2077, New Elder Scrolls and even Mass Effect Andromeda. I think Scorpio will be able to run those games at minimum 1440p/60fps or 4k/30fps.

With its amazing exclusive lineup running at buttery smooth @ 1080p 60fps on PS4 NEO, i think Sony will maintain their position at the top till next generation comes.

But saying that Scorpio is not a console to get hyped about or to not acknowledge that it may pose a threat to Sony´s domination, is just silly. ;)

Rude-ro2820d ago

I can see your point, but is that what the Scorpio is all about? Monopolizing third party studios? So providing 6 years of mundane repetitive dwindling titles has nothing to do with the mass consumers disapproval of Microsofts direction? Just power?
I apologize, but I have to laugh at that. If you think companies will take full advantage of power pushing two level of consoles from two different businesses with one having the majority of consumers set in stone currently is what is going to happen.., then I fear you might be wrong. If power difference, once solidified with sonys reveal, is there, it does not our way the consumers attached to Sony consoles and the library coming that we all know of. They will have to provide more than power to be a force that a compete with said install base of Sony.
Microsoft has to rebuild a trust with gaming community and thus far is still failing.

Obscure_Observer2820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )


"I can see your point, but is that what the Scorpio is all about? Monopolizing third party studios?"

Choosing the Scorpio as the prime console to develop third party games is up to developers themselves not Microsoft. That said, you do have a point. You simply can´t trust MS when comes to monopoly.

"So providing 6 years of mundane repetitive dwindling titles has nothing to do with the mass consumers disapproval of Microsofts direction?"

Nah man, i don´t know if you have a Xbox One, but if you do and you are not excited about Gears of War 4 or Forza Horizon 3 i´m sorry for you. I don´t know if you have a PS4 either, but if you missed Uncharted 4 because it´s "repetive" i´m also sorry for you.

You see, i like goin flex. I own a PS4 and Xbox One, and i could care less about Sony and Microsoft as they only get better when they are chasing each others tail. I only care about the games.

And in case you didn´t notice, Xbox under Spencer´s regaining the gamers trust. He´s bring more new ips to Xbox One and doing an excelent job bring more and more features with the constant and consistent updates and BC. EVERYONE (me included) though MS shoot themselves on foot when they make the decision to announce both X1 S and Scorpio at the same time. Everyone tought the S was doomed, and look how things are turn out for MS. S is a success and Scorpio for better or worse is the most mentioned upcoming console name on internet."The most powerful console ever". That´s mind sharing, a powerfull tool and MS knows how to use because they know could use this slogan since they probably KNOW that Sony has no chance to counter them in this power matter with NEO.

Sony did the same thing early this generation with the viral video "How you share games on PS4" with Boyes and Yoshida. Remember? Know your enemy. ;)

Honestly? As beautiful this may sounds, most gamers don´t care about brands loyality, the companies or even exclusives. Most care about the games. Big name games like GTA, The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, The Witcher, CoD, BF even Assassins Creed.

The fanboy war is meaningless to them. ;)

Rude-ro2820d ago

Deals are made and developing is done as such. Some will choose, but with rise of developing costs... Like I said, I would not expect anything significant.

I have an Xbox one and no, I am not excited about another forza and gears is not looking good to me. It looks cheesy put on top of the old formula. Makes me cringe to watch gameplay. Definitely nothing marvel over and we have to wait for its release to fully judge.

Spencer is a pr puppet. Building trust? How is that cloud power going that he even lied about to push the Xbox one?

And how can you come close to believing how well the Xbox one s is doing? They fudge numbers with shipping all the time and spent the release of the Xbox one claiming sold out yet one could buy the day one console up to almost a year later...
I do not buy into their pr. Thank you though.

And no, not hyped. Not after the farce of Kinect or the cloud. Microsoft has to prove what they have both hardware, but more importantly, software.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2820d ago
Tru_Blu2820d ago

I'm in the same boat. I'd like the NEO asap and then a full blown net gen PS5 about 2-3 years from now.

wonderfulmonkeyman2820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

You do realize that having too many consoles on the open market at once was one of the factors that led to The Gaming Crash of circa '84, right?
Also, that's roughly the same rate at which smart phones release these days.
I was under the impression that we wanted to AVOID seeing consoles take after phones in that way, previous crash circumstances considered...

Shubhendu_Singh2821d ago

Seriously I don't even know how this article came about.

I mean SONY is the market leader right now FFS !! Seriously...

2821d ago
agame9142820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

@rico who would take anything u say serious when your screen name is this dude?

SpaceRanger2822d ago

Has the leading company in console sales, number of exclusives, most gaming features, more powerful console hardware, been backed into a corner by the two companies who struggle to sell consoles and come out with exclusives each year?

Lol I think every smart person can see that the answer is a solid no. I love how people are throwing the term Scorpio around like they did with the cloud and DX12!

KiwiViper852821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

What do sales have to do with it? Were talked about new console so sales are irrelevant.

We get that YOU don't care about power, but the rest of the world does. Scorpio will have mind share, and people jumping off the PlayStation bandwagon left right and centre.

Stop pretending that all PS4 sales were from loyal PlayStation fans, they were power hungry people, casuals, and people following the crowd, getting the console their friends have. They have no loyalty. They will buy the best console for the best price.

I even doubt the loyal fans, the ones that still claim that the ps4 has an extreme power advantage, are gonna settle for an embarrassingly underpowered neo... They will create a new account, and claim loyalty to Xbox, for fear of being ridiculed in internet forums. You know it's true.

And what quality exclusives are releasing between Uncharted4 and Horizon? Pretty much nothing... The last guardian maybe? I hope that doesn't turn out to be a big disappointment...

SpaceRanger2821d ago

"We get that YOU don't care about power, but the rest of the world does. Scorpio will have mind share, and people jumping off the PlayStation bandwagon left right and centre."

What? Who said I didn't care about power? I've always pushed from the start how it mattered. It mattered last gen (How else did the PS3 get games like TLOU, or GOW?) while the competition was so focused on its collection of dude bro games or motion games.

It matters this gen too. I find it hilarious that the same people who think it doesn't right now (by saying 720p is fine while the competition gets true HD) are all of a sudden singing to a different tune with a console that is nowhere close to being released. Like I said, it's cloud and DX12 all over again till it maybe launches in the future.

"The last guardian maybe? I hope that doesn't turn out to be a big disappointment..."

Even if it is, it'll be no where near the disappointment that was QB or the disappointing fact that there's literally 3 quality exclusives coming out for the Xbox One this year.

OB1Biker2821d ago

'I even doubt the loyal fans, the ones that still claim that the ps4 has an extreme power advantage, are gonna settle for an embarrassingly underpowered neo... They will create a new account, and claim loyalty to Xbox, for fear of being ridiculed in internet forums. You know it's true. '

haha is that how you see gaming and gamers who enjoy their passion sharing it on the internet?
thats funny and sad at the same time if you think its all about 'claiming loyalty' to a brand like to be able to wave a lil flag in the comments. Cant you just be more classy and admit Ps4 s success is largely due to its own quality as a gaming platform and its fans are respectable gamers enjoying its games? Its not like God of War or Horizon or all the exclusives they want to play will go anywhere else. For that matter xbox fans are also respectable and no doubt they have their own reasons to stick to a brand.
regarding your first sentence 'What do sales have to do with it? Were talked about new console so sales are irrelevant. ' new consoles release obviously relates to whether or not people will buy them and the install base is important.

morganfell2821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

Rather laughable that dreamers think Sony has been backed into a corner by two items that until they appear in their forecasted form are essentially vaporware. Anyone get a chance to game on a NX? How about Scorpio? No.

Sony is bringing PSVR THIS YEAR and it has appeared IN PUBLIC and people have gone hands on. You want to see people backed into a corner? MS and Nintendo are still fighting to get out of the corner and Sony is refusing to allow that. Sony continues to expand its lead with the original launch PS4. Now they are bringing the PS4 Slim and PSVR...THIS YEAR. MS and Nintendo will both be in the corner for some time to come.

EDIT: And thisgengaming.com... dumb article of the week. Did you even bother to look at the facts, who is in the lead and who has new hardware launching first? No. No you didn't and this ridiculously titled article makes that patently clear. The people under the gun and feeling the heat are Sony's competitors. Before MS and Nintendo can even get their game plan together and counter, Sony is launching two, possibly three (including the Neo) pieces of hardware.

jmc88882821d ago

You do realize that at 1080/60, the power difference between Neo and Scorpio is pretty much wasted right?

...and that 4k, neither are powerful enough to really do it right.

You also realize that at 4.2 TFlops there's a good chance Neo comes in a $399 and is selling a year later at $349, whereas Scorpio might be selling at $499 or even $599.

So if $349 is competing against $599, and both do 1080/60 great but neither do 4k good... what is the best console for the best price as seen by Joe Q Public?

But you're right I am power hungry, which is why I had a GTX 670 over a year before my PS4 arrived (more powerful than a PS4). It's why I then got a GTX 970, and why now I have a GTX 1070 which is more powerful than Scorpio by a lot. I'm sad to say, a GTX 1070 isn't going to be enough for 4k gaming in the 2018-2020 timeframe. It does 4k/60 for a lot of now games pretty darn well. But future games coming out in 2018? No. So I know for a fact, that much less powerful Scorpio won't be either.

buttcheeks2821d ago

Bruh lol you know that the X1 hasn't had a single AAA exclusive since April right? And the the ps4 will have a 30 million lead over the X1 by March with the neo having a full year on the market before Scorpio it will be the most powerful console available by far the damage is already done. Oh and here is the thing about casuals they aren't going to purchase the Scorpio at over 500$ dollars just because it's stronger when they already have a ps4 that pretty much all their friends have because if they did they wouldn't be a causal.

TKCMuzzer2821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

I can assure I will not be buying a Scorpio just because it's more powerful. Power is pointless without games, has no one realised this. MS are cannibalising their own Scorpio market. I would buy a PC before Scorpio just because I can update it if I wish and I will be able to play any so called exclusives MS bring out.
People who buy just because of power are not gamers, its about games and as it stands one console has more variety and exclusives than the other, judging by E3, this will not be changing any time soon.
I also assume you are one of those 'power' people, or sheep as in commonly known. You talk about an attitude to buying consoles I have never had, neither the people I play online with, they are there for the games, maybe you should give it a go and open up your world a little.

Aenea2821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

"people jumping off the PlayStation bandwagon left right and centre" LOL, dude! In your dreams!

You, and others, should stop pretending that most people buy consoles because of the power. I've never done that and never will. And I highly doubt people are going to switch consoles and leave all their games and digital content behind. Not going to happen in mass numbers.

You're foolish if you even believe the Scorpio is going to achieve that. Yes it will sell, probably will sell even well if the price isn't going to be high, but not to people who are leaving PlayStation behind. Some maybe adding it to their console lineup, but they aren't replacing it!

And you are attacking the exclusives? Are you kidding me? Grow up! Plenty of exclusives coming out between UC4 and Horizon, they might be niche or Indie or whatever negative you Xbox people tend to use to describe the non shooter/racing games, but it's good to have diversity! Heck even MS themselves agree to that, there was an article about that a few days ago!

And why are you still an Xbox owner? Why haven't you created a new account to claim to be a PS fan, 'cos right now you and 20 million other users who apparently didn't give a crap about power, are still with the embarrassingly underpowered X1 and X1S. Why is that? why stick with the inferior console?

It doesn't matter why really, because the reason(s) you will give are the same reason(s) PS fans won't switch to Xbox 'cos there might be one day a console from MS that might actually be performing a little better than a PlayStation console. Yay, ahem.

I really don't believe the Neo will outperform the very theoretical performance of the Scorpio, but sjeesh, people like you makes me want Sony to release a 7Tflop Neo just to shut you up. You don't know the final/real specs of the Neo, you also can't possibly be sure that MS is actually able to reach 6Tflops, they are aiming for it they said, doesn't mean they will reach it. Don't make a fool of yourself just yet, plenty of time to do so when both Neo and Scorpio are actual consoles that can be bought and the specs are known.

Really mate, your whole post is silly, *shakes head*, cut with this stupid fanboy crap!

2821d ago
Kryptix2821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

LOL Wow dude... I rarely comment around these forums and this has to be one of those times.

You're talking about a product that doesn't have anything to show off with. This is the same exact BS fanboys talked about when it came to DX 12 and the Cloud and those didn't change anything or didn't do much. So what if it will be able to do 4K 60fps at launch, will it keep up? How long will it be till we start seeing sub 4k and unstable 30fps. This is why you need to take a dose of realism in. By the time Scorpio launches, Nvidia and AMD will already have it's next set of chips that will do those better and with Sony's patience to deliver power, they still hold the PS5 teaser card with no further details. Once the PS4 consoles combined sales hit around 80 million, teasing the PS5 will make people not give a sh about the competition.

Staying consistent is key. If the Scorpio truly is 6 TFs of power, we're seeing at least $500 at launch. All Sony has to do maintain a constant stream of games, the same way the PS2 became the leader of consoles back in the early 2000s. Did people care that the original Xbox had more power? No, because at the end, games matter the most. We don't look back and say, damn... PS3 had amazing power, we look back and say, The Last of Us, God of War 3, Uncharted 2, Infamous 2, Ni No Kuni...those were awesome games that made the selection have amazing range.

I won't lie, power helps, it really does, but I will always prefer a console with more exclusives, more innovation, and more consistency and Sony delivers that with Playstation.

"And what quality exclusives are releasing between Uncharted4 and Horizon? Pretty much nothing... The last guardian maybe? I hope that doesn't turn out to be a big disappointment... "

Has to be better than Quantum Break, the forgettable journey of time. I remember a chill let's player hilariously forced himself through that and he loved Max Payne and Alan Wake.

To be honest, even if doesn't meet "10/10" expectations, the next game really is around the corner. So far, Playstation 4 has the highest rated games this generation. (Uncharted 4, Last of Us: Remastered, and Bloodbourne) so...yea. You keep hyping a console with more disappointments and less games. I know reality and know as a true gamer from the NES era, what's best for the industry. More good games, less smoke and mirrors.

jb2272821d ago

Sales are absolutely relevant when we are "Beyond Generations" & all of your PS4 games are playable & improved by your Neo in the same manner that all of your XBO games are improved for your Scorpio. If I just bought a PS4 a year or 2 ago & accumulated a large library of games I want to keep playing but I would like to upgrade, I would naturally pick the Neo so I didn't lose access to all of those games & be forced to start my library from scratch. In an iterative cycle like this one, there is no real point for a single console owner to pick up the competitors while losing access to all of those games, unless they are just curious about the exclusives on the other side of the fence.

You are right in that all the PS4 sales weren't solely from loyal fans, they were from people who saw that PS4 was the most powerful console, but also $100 cheaper than its competitor. The only way Scorpio's power truly factors in in a huge manner (aside from core Xbox fans & hardware junkies) is if Neo & Scorpio release simultaneously at the same price point.

As far as an "extreme power advantage" & an "embarrassingly underpowered neo", thats quite a bit of hyperbole regarding two machines that we have next to zero official knowledge of. MS saying '6 tflops' & Sony leaking 4.4 isn't exactly something you can take to the bank. We'd also need to see what these power advantages do to the games themselves. If devs end up coding for the lowest specs, multiplats won't see much difference anyway, & if MS pushes the 4k as a strict edict, their exclusives won't either for a gamer w/o a 4k tv, which is about 95% of the population right now.

As far as exclusives between Uncharted 4 & Horizon, you have NMS as a console exclusive, TLG, Gravity Rush 2, GT Sport & around a dozen or 2 PSVR exclusives. I hope TLG doesn't turn out to be a big disappointment just like you hope that Gears 4 & Recore don't turn out to be big disappointments...that kinda talk is just a bit petty & entirely subjective though. No one can truly even try to argue that MS has a larger more consistent release schedule of exclusives in comparison to Sony, tastes are one thing but that's just down to simple numbers. Everything gets lumped to the back of the year & for as much talk as we have heard about MS rectifying that, they simply haven't yet. Maybe next year turns that around but we will have to see.

Bottom line though is that no one can really see how this all pans out...maybe Scorpio does live up to all of the hype & then some and turns Xbox around in a huge way, maybe it flops & Neo takes off....maybe both consoles end up DOA. This is an entirely new frontier for console gaming & for anyone to make any hard assumptions in either direction w/o having the full picture is just practicing futility.

Roronoa04112820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

lmao pure nonsense.. Playstation will stay on top like it always has. Continue to be ignorant like the fact you only know of the last guardian coming out this year and not other big exclusives like GT Sport, Gravity Rush 2 and Nioh and on top of that VR exclusives like Rigs, Robinson, Driveclub and Farpoint that are getting great impressions. I understand you're probably upset with the one exclusive you have had all year up to this point but dont take it out on playstation

LordMaim2820d ago

@KiwiViper85: Why are we always approaching consoles like it's a zero sum game. In order to "win", people need to feel like the other side is "losing".

Fine then. Here's your list of exclusive games that will be out for PS4 before Horizon:
Gran Turismo Sport
Gravity Rush 2
Drawn to Death
The Last Guardian
Nier: Automata
What Remains of Edith Finch
Persona 5
Yakuza 0

Not to mention a little thing called PS VR in October that is going to have a lot of exclusive/console exclusive games. Now you have one of two choices: One, you could go through my list and break down why the games shouldn't be on the list based on an arbitrary criteria you devise to minimize the impact that a list of that size has on your point, or you can put aside pointless console zealotry and decide that the universe has room for multiple successful consoles.

Dark_Knightmare22820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

Dude don't fanboy it's not just him that doesn't care about power. The past three generation of consoles has shown with cold hard facts that most people do not care about power so your statement is certifiably bullshit. Oh and let's see you wanted to know about exclusives between uc4 and horizon that most likely will be quality well how about the last guardian,gt sport, nioh,persona 5, tales of bersiara and gravity rush 2. Now here's a question since quantum break way back in April released what quality exclusives have Xbox released from than to now or better yet from now to Scorpio what exclusives are releasing oh that's right none considering all their exclusives are now on pc.

rainslacker2820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

Until the PS4 was released, my preferred console since the NES days has never been the most powerful on the market, and I'd wager if people really go back and record their favorite system of each gen, regardless of when they started, most would find they also generally did not go for the most powerful console more than half the time.

The idea the most powerful console will reign supreme is a false premise, that has had not one single historical piece of evidence to support that people will flock to more power just because there is more power. The complete opposite is actually more true...if not outright true for every generation until this one.

So it seems kind of odd, given that the least powerful console of every gen in gaming is somehow null and void to this new concept that the most powerful console will win out in the buyers heart.

It is quite rare where buyers simply jump to another console because another one comes out. PS1 saw it, because Nintendo couldn't show off compelling enough games, and Sony had a great marketing campaign. MS managed it to some degree with the 360 because they released early and had a great marketing campaign. Sony managed it again with the PS4, because MS screwed up royally, and Sony played on that trust with....you guessed it....a great marketing campaign. More power though....that has, and always will be just some marketing thing which gets thrown around like blast processing or Mode 7. Something for the fan boys to argue about, which is needed to keep hype going so the outside or casual observer remain interested....and unfortunately for MS, everything they have to this end this gen so far, has failed to really live up to the expectations placed on it, or even come to light as of yet....all those secret sauces.

It's some extreme revisionist history, complete ignorance or denying of historical analysis, and stretching anecdotal assumptions to epic proportions to be able to make your argument in the way you are. As such, it's impossible to take your conjecture seriously, because you say definitively that it will be the case, despite 4 decades of evidence pointing to something counter, and you do absolutely nothing to back it up with anything beyond hyperbole. Those with more prudence will say there are way too many factors....power being one of them....which leads to a console being successful or not, and I'd wager a lot of it comes down to brand trust and marketing....both of which Sony has in spades right now, whereas MS has very little trust with Spencers primary job being to build that....and probably one of their worst overall marketing campaigns for Xbox since the original......I mean, "best line up in XBox history".....seriously?

Like regular history though, the MS fan boys are once again repeating their own history for this gen. Yet another secret sauce that we just have to wait for for MS to somehow strike it big. I suppose if you throw everything at the wall, something will eventually stick. I mean, even Patcher is right from time to time....right? But don't you guys get tired of being wrong, and constantly getting all hyped up for something that never comes to pass? Is it really worth latching onto the next carrot that MS dangles in front of you because you can't see what's going on?

It's OK to be looking forward to it if you want. No shame there. But it's kind of pathetic when people simply hope for all to be well because MS keeps saying to hold onto hope...despite never really managing to prove they're worthy of such faith.

agame9142820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

lol your to funny...also in denial with a console that is a absolute zero in comparison to the PS4...all good though all all have a preference when it comes to are consoles =)

PSN_ZeroOnyx2820d ago

Face it, PlayStation is just a better brand with better exclusives.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 2820d ago
sammarshall1022821d ago

The Scorpio is coming next year we know this for sure and we also know it'll be the most powerful console

Microsoft also gives me quality exclusives every year

Aenea2821d ago

The Neo is coming this year, when it releases it will be the most powerful console ever made.

Perhaps the Scorpio can claim that title next year, but until it will be the Neo.

And Sony is actually giving me quality exclusives every single year I want to play...

Damn these Xbox fanboys are getting annoying as heck...

Yetter2821d ago

I don't think Scorpio is at all comparable to the cloud or DX12. The Scorpio has a 6TFlop GPU, we are all familiar with how a more powerful GPU will provide higher fidelity graphics. Unlike the cloud or DX12 which was all speculation

Aenea2821d ago

But the Scorpio isn't out yet, right now one of the few things we know of it, is that MS is aiming to get 6Tflops, who knows what it will be when it releases, until then that too is all speculation.

SpaceRanger2821d ago

"The Scorpio has a 6TFlop GPU, we are all familiar with how a more powerful GPU will provide higher fidelity graphics."

Has? It's not out yet bud. Until then it doesn't have anything and is speculation just like the stuff MS spoon fed their user base for the first 2 years (cloud and DX12).

rainslacker2820d ago (Edited 2819d ago )

I think the comparison is in the expectations that it is somehow a system savior are the same as DX12 and the Cloud were for the time that MS(and moreso it's fan boys) were all about how it was going to somehow make the PS4 look weak in comparison. Both DX12 and the Cloud were hyped up to near mythical proportions by the XBox user base, even when MS itself was trying to curb expectations at times. As of right now, MS is trying to ride the hype, but also comes in and casually tries to curb expectations on the whole 4K aspect.

Because of this, I think the comparison is quite apt, because if you really analyze how each of those prior hyped up things was, you'd see some stark similarities which are playing out exactly like they were before.

Scorpio will deliver more than what people expected from DX12, will deliver much less than people were expecting from Cloud, and won't be able to maintain the expectations which people are building for it in the comment sections right now with almost no information known.

What people seem to be expecting Scorpio to do on a performance level, is going to leave them very disappointed if they're buying the system looking for those things.....so maybe in a year or so, Xbox fans can have their NMS moment of how "MS lied".

At the best, Xbox fan boys can be confident that most likely, they will at least have a more powerful console than the PS.....for whatever that's worth. Beyond that, I doubt anything they're hoping to happen...which they've hoped would happen with DX12 and Cloud, will come to pass beyond the better visuals and being more powerful.

Yippee!!!.....right? Only took a console projected to come in between $500-600 to make it happen. Well played MS!!! You really showed Sony. All those Xbox fans will show Sony when they go out and buy those $500-600 consoles.....right?

And MS isn't playing this simple "higher fidelity graphics" aspect. They are talking full 4K. They are hyping it up as that. They are also saying it won't always do that, and leaving plenty of room to get out of trouble with the mainstream by saying it's up to the developer. MS in no way is committing that this system will be 4K native. All they're willing to say is that it's going to be the most powerful console made, and allowing their fans to hype it up beyond what is reasonable, despite everyone who knows about such things....even outside these fan boy forums...saying that it simply isn't possible in the way many people, including MS at times, is implying or expecting.

Serious question for all the Xbox fans.

Has MS delivered on any of the things they said would make the console more powerful this gen, or been able to show with any reasonable display, that the things they've hyped up are even going to come out this gen?

Sorry, but with Scorpio, it pretty much means MS has given up on trying to build the X1 to the point they like to promise while peddling the system early on....and sadly for the devout Xbox fan, MS has a terrible history of long term support both for their software, and more specifically their hardware.


"i think you should wait for Crackdown 3[snipped]"

I give you the same advice. In fact, I've been asking people to wait for MS to actually show and deliver it's potential instead of talking since the beginning, and urging restraint in the hype....because again, MS makes promises, but doesn't always deliver. You made my point though, MS hasn't actually delivered that.

The things you mentioned are good. But where's the 4X power increase? Where's the super X1 from DX12? They don't exist. That's where my argument is framed from.

Obscure_Observer2820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )


"Serious question for all the Xbox fans.

Has MS delivered on any of the things they said would make the console more powerful this gen, or been able to show with any reasonable display, that the things they've hyped up are even going to come out this gen?"

You tell me. How the mighty power of the PS4 could not match X1 exclusive games performance when compared to each other?

Forza main series sports the best AI (drivatar) comparable to any racing game released this generation based on what? THE CLOUD. Plus, 450 cars (142 additional through dlc), 24 players on MP, Physics, sound, technical and anesthetics damage, though no dynamic, it´s still have weather and day/night circles. All of it and Turn 10 was still able to maintain 1080p with LOCKED 60fps. Will GT Sport deliver similar quality AND performance? Poliphony certanly should but, you know, time will tell.

Did Killzone match the same quality of Halo 5?

Did you hear of the Killer Instinct´s Shadow Mode? Cloud.

And what about Gears of War 4? Uncharted 4 is 1080p/30fps on SP and 900p/60fps on MP. Gears of War 4 is 1080p/30fps on SP and 1080p/60fps on MP with all that crazy physics and particles effects. I mean, how is that possible? DX12? Maybe. Who knows?

Bare in mind that i NOT saying that Xbox One is more powerful than the PS4. I just saying that in the exclusive field of games, yes, MS has been exceed my expectations.

I´m waiting for Forza Horizon and Gears of War on Xbox One, and i pretty sure MS will deliver great quality games.

About disappointment, I´ll give you just one piece of advice. With all due respect, i think you should wait for Crackdown 3 to be released before you running your mouth talking about the Cloud. ;)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2820d ago
Relientk772822d ago

Considering Sony has the advantage in every single category, games/exclusives, power, sales, etc.


mark_parch2821d ago

i think xbox has the advantage in price and features. games is subjective. the only thing sony has going for them is sales which happens to be the most important thing to sony but shouldn't be the most important thing to the consumer

Redemption-642821d ago

It's a simple Fact that Sony offers more exclusive games than Xbox, that is not subjective that is just Fact, as to which is better is subjective. Sony also has the highest rated exclusive games. Both Sony and MS have different and similar features. You cannot even call most of the games on Xbox one exclusive any more

2821d ago
sammarshall1022821d ago

And multiplats sell more than exclusives

Scorpio will have the best versions of multiplats

Given the PS4's user base their exclusives haven't been selling that well

TKCMuzzer2821d ago

Games is subjective but of course there are facts as well which are ignored. Value is based on what you get back, if one console has a wider variety of games to choose from then it can be safe to assume it offers better value, so price is not an issue as it clearly shows.
You contradict yourself by saying the Xbox One has got price going for it but PS4 has better sales, that surely must be telling you something.

2821d ago
Kryptix2821d ago


"And multiplats sell more than exclusives"

Maybe that's because it's selling on more than one platform? The logic with fanboys is ridiculous. That's why they'll never be taken serious and exist just for a chuckle or laugh. Even if he was talking individually, that's not actually true.

Look how terrible the Xbox One is doing outside of NA though.


No love... :(

DigitalRaptor2820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

Wrong, apart from price advantage (which really makes no difference).

Both consoles have different features, but PS4 edges ahead in gaming-related ones.

PS4 has a bigger number of, a more diverse selection of, the overall better rated, more impactful and more desirable exclusive games. PS4 also has the sales and it will until the PS5 comes on to the scene.

Go try again. You Xboys are some of the most disingenuous people alive on this Earth today.

rainslacker2820d ago

If one were to look at the multi plat sales on a single platform, they'd probably see that most of those games actually do not sell more than a high profile exclusive from an established IP on that system, and that good exclusives tend to sell about as well as a good multi-plat on a single system. There are the stand out titles like FIFA, Madden, COD, GTA, AC, etc, which manage to really push the numbers, sometimes above exclusives, but it is not the norm for the vast majority of games which do get released as multi-plat. The only time that the high profile exclusives numbers dip kind of low is when they are new IP's, or their quality can be questioned before or during release, but even those tend to do decently well.

So while multiplats will always sell more overall due there just being more of them, and most people don't look at just exclusives, the fact remains that exclusives are still a compelling reason that people look to buy systems....even if some multi-plats are more system sellers as a whole than any one or two exclusives.

For the most part, the power isn't the consideration on where to play multi-plats. Things like COD will always see people who want the things like timed DLC....which is why we see timed DLC. Beyond that, it's more about where people play with their freinds, and so it's not just about convincing one power hungry person that they should buy it, but also convincing their less than hardcore gamer friends that they need to expend money to move off the system that they already own....and in this case, that majority of people is going to be on PS4, and soon PS4 Neo if it manages to entice more people to buy.

MS is in a bad position, and relying on "the most powerful" console will only work for them with those looking for the most powerful console....which history has shown is never the console which gets the largest install base....even if you only look at the hardcore gamer in the stats. In the meantime, they're in a worse position, because for about a year, PS Neo will be able to claim the title of "most powerful console", so all MS can do is keep saying how awesome their new console will be and hope that those looking for power will hold out for Scorpio and that all the other factors involved in a console purchase decision don't hold as much weight among the majority. Somehow, I think that's not going to work for them for the long haul....particularly if they can't manage to show compelling content. If one wants to believe what they show now is compelling, they'll have to explain why it isn't moving the current X1, because current content for X1 seems remarkably like past content for 360, with no real signs that MS is expanding any more than they were before. All MS is doing now is putting more highlights on those non staple IP's.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2820d ago
OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

name a exclusives that PS4 has that isn't Bloodborne or Uncharted 4.
That isn't a port and that is QUALITY.
Wii U is the only home console this generation with the most and best exclusives so far.
PS4 still has a lot of unproven exclusive and majority of them aren't even successful nor quality. Star Ocean 5 nope, I am Setsuna nope, Knack, The Order, Killzone NOPE.
None of these PS4 exclusives are even evergreen titles.

agame9142820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

i will not even say anything since wii u gets no love and your one person who think's wii u has the best exclusives....p.s lay off the drugs

fromchildren2820d ago

3ds has more quality exclusives than the wiiU
Gotta catch'em all!

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

As always. Wii U haters have nothing intelligent to say but bash those who love the Wii U while never even owning one yet I own both the Wii U and PS4.

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Crossplay Will Be In College Football 25 But Not In Online Dynasty Mode

EA Sports dropped their first gameplay trailer for College Football 25 today and the game looks truly amazing. Buried in the details of the game hype, however, is a significant letdown for those who play online dynasty (a significant portion of the userbase).

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Resident Evil 1 Remake To Have Slower Pace; Will Further Expand On The Game's Lore

Many details for the upcoming rumored Resident Evil 1 remake have already leaked online. Capcom appears to have huge ambitions for it.

XiNatsuDragnel8h ago

Sounds interesting I'll be interested in the second remake of re1

Cacabunga7h ago

They game cube remake was mind blowing.. another remake would be nice but i was really hoping for Code Veronica first

-Foxtrot7h ago

If it's true they are probably leading up to RE5 with the Chris vs Wesker story

RE1, CV and then RE5

Terry_B6h ago

Their REmake is still one of the best 3 video game remakes ever made.

Cacabunga5h ago


Zero was not a remake but an amazing game as well. I hope they remake that one one day with some coop play.. great great game

maelstromb1h ago

The whole Lisa Trevor side-story was an incredible addition and really fleshed out more of the lore. It could have easily felt tacked on to artificially extend the length of the game, but it felt 'right' like it should have been in there from the beginning. I'm hoping they include that in the Re-remake.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1h ago
fsfsxii8h ago

Cant wait until they cut the basement section and replace it with something worse.

Becuzisaid8h ago

While I want another modern remake of 1, I think code Veronica should be first. The first re1 remake holds up amazingly well. Give CV it's due.

Scissorman8h ago

As long as the Crimson Heads are back.

Levii_927h ago

Come on State of Play already!!!

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Japan: Nintendo death threats suspect charged by police

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