
PS4 Neo Meeting Predictions: Red Dead 3, Mass Effect Gameplay, Release Date & Price

Sony has finally dated when they are going to speak in greater detail about PS4 Neo and what exactly they have up their sleeve.

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fdkenzo2848d ago

Someone told me that Sony and Rockstar have made a deal...i dont know if is true, but if is, then this will be a huge kick for the competition...we will wait and see...

badboyz092848d ago ShowReplies(17)
Idiedgoodbye2848d ago (Edited 2848d ago )

I hope it's a lie because RDR was one legendary game. I need the 3quel on Xbox

hells_supernova2848d ago

Sony will never get it exclusively

Jburr942848d ago

He's probably talking about Agent. Still huge. These days I don't think any Rockstar game should be exclusive but if RDR 3 was exclusive then Sony probably would get a lot of outside hate

jb2272847d ago

where did this RDR exclusivity rumor even come from? I don't think it would amount to anything beyond maybe exclusive dlc, but it seems like it's a lock for a Sony partnership & an announcement at the PS Meeting. Colin Moriarty was on record as not believing the rumor about Sony's final showing at E3 being RDR before it was pulled, but in the most recent episode he said that he actually had that confirmed by true inside sources that have literally never been wrong. So it's a given that it'll happen at the Meeting but that doesn't necessarily mean exclusivity.

I think the funniest thing about this is that last year so many outlets were reporting that Sony must be crazy to skip Gamescom, talking about how it's one of the most important cons out there, fast forward a year later & it's suddenly a non starter for anyone who doesn't live in Europe. Now this random PS Meeting is garnering more hype across the entirety of gaming than the entire Gamescom event, and for good reason...new hardware announcements, new game previews & the biggest megaton of the year in RDR. Can't wait to see how it all shakes out

InTheZoneAC2847d ago

if it is on ps4 then you just have to go buy one, what's holding you back?

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2848d ago
2848d ago Replies(1)
Kiwi662848d ago (Edited 2847d ago )

If your talking about red dead 3 being part of sony's e3 that was confirmed to be false as Adam Boyes debunked that rumor and said that what they had planned for e3 was locked down months before and that was never included but people jumped on the rumor anyway ......... @jb so you don't take the word of someone high up in sony but instead take the word of some "insider"

jb2272847d ago

That wasn't confirmed false. Some of the Sony brass skirted the question, because it would kill the surprise of the announcement. Why would they confirm such a well kept secret in order to spoil the upcoming reveal solely to satisfy some people's curiosity?

In the newest episode of Kinda Funny Colin confirmed it was legitimate. He was the biggest skeptic of the rumor in the first place, but he said his multiple inside sources confirmed it, and that those guys had literally never been wrong about anything. RD3 was going to be at E3 before it was pulled, now it'll be at the PS Meeting or at a stretch PSX.

ninsigma2848d ago

Could be for Agent. Can't see red dead going exclusive or anything like. It's a massive game so I can't see rockstar doing anything like that.

Jburr942847d ago

Tbh any game Rockstar makes is massive because they have huge respect in the gaming industry and are talented. They can make a stick emulator game and people would eat it up. So Rockstar making any exclusive game whether it's a new IP or sequel, is a huge shaft to the competition.

blady_man2848d ago

Cant wait to see what it is if true?, fo4 me to buy the neo the price has to be reasonable otherwise i wont spend anymore when i already own the ps4.
Trade in deal will be nice.

CorndogBurglar2848d ago

Yeah, no trade in deal, no Neo for me. I simply won't spend $400- $500 on a new console when the last one only came out 3 years ago.

thatguyhayat2848d ago

Its apparently true. From what ive seen what people are saying. But i never believe unless theres proof

mike32UK2848d ago (Edited 2847d ago )

Always had Playstation, never owned an xbox but I will be very disappointed if this game is a timed exclusive. It's a very shady business tactic which I really do not appreciate, especially after seeing what square Enix did with Tomb Raider. All it does is penalise gamers who favour one system over another.

jb2272847d ago

I agree, it doesn't only penalise gamers on the other platform though, it also actively hurts the platform that receives the timed exclusivity because those lofty amounts could be spent on true exclusives otherwise. Like when Phil said he "wanted his own Uncharted", instead of using his budget to create one for the fans, he used those funds to rob one from another platform that would've received it either way. Just a horrible business tactic.

That said I'm not sure where that rumor is even coming from...at a stretch I could see Sony get some timed or fully exclusive dlc, but not a full timed exclusive deal. The dlc stuff doesn't bother me much really because most of the time it's just a nice little bonus & nothing that would actively hurt another platforms experience if they didn't receive it.

freshslicepizza2847d ago

"I agree, it doesn't only penalise gamers on the other platform though, it also actively hurts the platform that receives the timed exclusivity because those lofty amounts could be spent on true exclusives otherwise. Like when Phil said he "wanted his own Uncharted", instead of using his budget to create one for the fans, he used those funds to rob one from another platform that would've received it either way. Just a horrible business tactic."

then maybe sony should not have funded a timed exclusive deal for no mans sky and put that money into liverpool and make another wipeout. or instead of trying to have a fighting game and buying street fughter they could have created their own but i guess you didnt want to go there and instead focus your pessimism towards microsoft even though it is sony who seems to be really ramping things up this generation with exclusive deals like destiny dlc and many others.

mike32UK2847d ago

@moldybread no man's sky I can deal with because that's a new ip. But when a franchise is stopped from being on a platform it was on previously... That's what bothers me. Street fighter, Tomb Raider even the GTA timed exclusives back in the day.

OB1Biker2848d ago (Edited 2848d ago )

Well it seems reasonable with all the deals already going on with COD, Destiny etc. Doesn't have to be full exclusive deals

stiggs2848d ago

"Someone told me"

Seems legit. /s

_-EDMIX-_2847d ago

I actually think it's pretty doubtful that Sony and Rockstar have a deal , if they do that's actually very surprising.

The only thing I want to know about the PlayStation 4 Neo is basically its price as I believe the rumored release are very much locked on and very likely true but the price is still a mystery.

gamerswin242847d ago

Sony and Rockstar made a deal years ago!!!!! So thats comon knowledge but the ip still has not been created. The game is "Agent"

neutralgamer19922847d ago (Edited 2847d ago )

Personally I see sony showing few games running on neo to demonstrate the console

Uncharted 4
Witcher 3
Fallout 4
Gt sport

These are my guesses

I don't expect a huge game reveal because Paris game show, tgs and psx is coming up

But I think if somehow sony gets R* to show RDR sequel than that's a huge win.

Sony did say we are waiting till we can actually demonstrate what neo games will look like

Specs guess
12-16 gb GDDR5 ram
Somewhat better cpu
4k media player


Part of me still thinks we will see them announce a slim version for this year and neo for next fall

JackStraw2847d ago

Sony & Rockstar made a deal almost a decade ago when they announced Agent.

mark3214uk2847d ago

they could make agent for the PSVR headset, it is a investigation type game (i think) so it would work

i loved LA Noir

3-4-52847d ago

GTA games used to be exclusive to Playstation back in the day. It was a huge deal when Xbox finally got GTA games.

I'm hoping it's not exclusive.

DarXyde2847d ago

I hope not. These deals can be incredibly frustrating.

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2848d ago Replies(2)
MasterCornholio2848d ago

I personally believe that we will see some games in NEO mode there.

Relientk772848d ago

Mind blown.

Learn something new everyday

LexHazard792848d ago

I sure hope they show some games on Neo mode at the Neo presentation.

MasterCornholio2848d ago (Edited 2848d ago )

Hopefully. I just hope it isn't a new Vita and then the just announce NEO without showing anything.

That's also a possibility.

If I were to take a guess at what games we would see a NEO version of I would pick these three.

1. Horizon Zero Dawn
2. God of War
3. NiHo

OB1Biker2848d ago (Edited 2848d ago )

I m thinking theres got to be some killer games like Red Dead not necessarily with exclusive deal or new exclusive reveal like Sucker Punch new game which wouldnt be surprising given SP was also on the PS4 reveal

MasterCornholio2847d ago

What would be cool if they unveiled a major 3rd party game there. It doesn't have to be exclusive to have a huge impact but imagine if a company like Rockstar announces a game there. It would draw a lot of attention to the NEO even though the game is multiplatform. Kind of like how No Mans Sky is a multiplatform game but it drew a lot of attention to the PS4.

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PaleMoonDeath2848d ago

Curious to see how it looks.. would personally like a blue light on the eject button and a green light on the power button, old school.

nitus102847d ago

I have only had my PS4 a little over seven months and in that time I have never used the power or the eject button. This is not to say that I don't know what those buttons are for but it is quite easy to control everything from the controller.

Spectre_StatusN72848d ago

I hope the Rockstar thing is real but as for Mass Effect? LOL not in a million years. We'll have to wait until November 7th for that.

_-EDMIX-_2847d ago

They could have some sort of developer diary in store.

If anything I'd say we would have a full reveal on N7 day and merely a peak next month

PaleMoonDeath2847d ago

If the Rockstar thing is legit that itself woud be a big deal, they are very much the Valve, they are so successful they can literally do whatever they want. Mad dope!

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Five Game Products Rushed Too Quickly

A little more time in the oven would've done these products some good a lot sooner.

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shinoff2183517d ago

Sega Saturn made it but not the 360. Don't remember Saturn having a horrid rrod rate. Absolutely horrid

RetroCaptainSteve515d ago

The launch games were all right, but look at how Virtua Fighter and Daytona USA compared to their re-releases.


Mass Effect Companions, Ranked from Worst to Best

From Xfire: "BioWare's Mass Effect franchise took gamers on a fascinating universal sci-fi journey that will never be forgotten. While fighting against the ever-looming threat of the Reapers was central to Mass Effect's storyline, what made the series so iconic was its vast and diverse cast of characters.

Not only do these companions accompany Commander Shepard as you make your way through hell and back, but, throughout your journey, you also get to learn who these characters were and are and what they think about what it is that you are doing. Some will even fall in love with you, and others will even become your enemy based on your decision."

sourOG1116d ago

When I looked at the list I thought they were saying Garrus was the worst lol. And tali being so far down the list was fighting words for me. But the numbered list is just the order they are shown so you are forgiven.

CYALTR1115d ago

I think they listed them from worst to best. Also keep in mind that this includes Andromeda characters that aren't part of the remastered trilogy. Interesting refresh on the characters though.

sourOG1115d ago

They did but I didn’t realize it until I started reading. That’s just the order they are shown.

Knightofelemia1116d ago (Edited 1116d ago )

I couldn't stand Miranda I could never like her as a character and I always skipped Jacob and James. I always liked Grunt, Jack, Legion, Tali, Garrus, Samara, Liara, Wrex, Edi, Zaeed, Kasumi I always use these characters. Using Martin Sheen as the Illusive Man just fits the character like using Keith David as Admiral Anderson was another good choice always feels like Goliath from Gargoyles is yelling at you which I like.

Rebel_Scum1115d ago

Kinda weird having a question mark at the end of that sentence?

Soy1115d ago

Garrus is best space bro.

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Mass Effect: Andromeda in 2021

Zahi AR. from Link Cable Gaming writes “Welcome back Link Cable Gaming fans, with me in andromeda. Specifically, Mass Effect: Andromeda in 2021. With the recent announcement of Anthem shutting down its future plans, I wanted to look at another recent BioWare game. My switch to a PlayStation 5 destroyed my save file right while I was at the end. So, I decided to do a fresh start on the new console to see just how well (or not) it’s been since launch. How has the new generation of hardware treated the game that fell from grace? Should you play Mass Effect: Andromeda in 2021? Let’s find out.”

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iplay1up21182d ago

Such a good game! It got a 4K X1X upgrade and it looks fantastic! Also like the story! Was playing it again before Series X dropped. Going to download it for the Series X, as soon as I have more room on my HD. Playing too many other games right now.

Instant resume is AMAZING! I can Switch between 5 games in seconds. Like 10 to 15 at the most! No closing a game and opening another one! Thank you Microsoft!

giovonni1181d ago

It’s was decent to me. I didn’t feel the magic I felt when I played two or even three. I don’t know. It was repetitive, and the worlds felt bland.

jeromeface1181d ago

There's a reason it reviewed so poorly in the first place... these reasons among others.

anast1181d ago

I had a lot of fun with this game, but I haven't played 2 or 3 yet.

giovonni1181d ago

2 was wonderful, three was just as good as two the ending though 🤦🏾‍♂️

Wintersun6161180d ago

I finally gave it a go last autumn and was amazed by how bad a game can be. And believe me my expectations were low. After 10ish hours I just had to give up.

giovonni1180d ago

I powered through it, myself. It was just repetitive, and the Land Rover Exploration wasn’t interesting at all. The story also we mahhhhhhh.