
What I Hate About Nintendo

Too kid friendly. First off, you can take the Resident Evil and Manhunt franchises and shove them up your ass. Their problems are a completely different can of worms.

There are a handful of good M rated games on Nintendo systems, emphasis necessary, but that doesn't mean they appeal to mature audiences. Look at their best selling and top rated games. They're mostly first party, rated E, sequels, and some are better on other consoles. I've owned most Nintendo consoles with the exception of the SNES, DS, Virtual Boy(shudders), and GB Advance.

The only one I feel guilty about is the SNES. Then I remember when Mortal Kombat hit consoles, Nintendo barred them from having blood or even a blood code. I'm surprised they didn't require Kano to thrust flowers in everybody's chest instead of tear their hearts out, wait he just punched them in the chest. Rare tried to abolish this kid friendly persona with Conker's Bad Fur Day and Perfect Dark but Nintendo sold them to Microsoft, presumably out of spite.

Too casual. One of their bestsellers is the dog simulator Nintendogs. It's almost like having a real puppy but you can kill it with moral ambiguity and it doesn't require real food or you to get off your fat ass to exercise it. Nintendo isn't a stranger to requiring its gamers to exercise. It's not a bad thing getting brittle, fat, and lazy gamers like myself out of our recliners.

What is bad is the utter lack of immersion these games offer. Look at Wii Boxing, it's fun, takes some energy, but loses me when I remember I don't have fists floating a foot away from my body like Rayman. Their best games might be fun but take no real skill to play and win... I'm pointing at you Mario Kart with the fucking blue shell and lightening pieces of shit....

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HighDefinition5751d ago (Edited 5751d ago )

Handheld and Consoles.

On top of that they have lost interest in us......REAL GAMERS.

F**k all this PS3 vs. 360 sh!t, we should all be against Nintendo and what their doing to our industry.

PS360WII5751d ago

How is making new ways to play games holding back? Isn't having the same game better looking holding us back as well? I'd say yes.

Sorry the Wii doesn't have your blood and guts games but they are found a plenty in other consoles. Why would you want all 3 consoles being precisely the same? That's a rather boring gaming world if you are a sane person.

HighDefinition5751d ago

I don`t want all three. I just want PS3(which i have) 360 (which I had, and will get again when the PRO is $199)

Nintendo just makes me mad. The DS less than the Wii.

PS360WII5751d ago

No problem. I can understand the hate for the Wii but I wouldn't say it's holding us back. As far as the DS goes though that is the best console out right now as far as I'm concerned :)

Mc Fadge5751d ago

It's holding us back due to developers going for it with the high sale rate and low production costs. It's not really making them push out any great games, but rather simply push out... stuff. I mean, how many great games are there on the Wii? Mario Galaxy, Link's Crossbow Training, maybe Brawl? The rest is compiled minigames :<

Now, I'm not necessarily agreeing with this, but I'm just raising the opinion :3

PS360WII5751d ago

Good point Mc Fadge and that does have some truth to it unfortunately. There are some diamonds in the rough that even Nintendo didn't make and there are plenty of pretty good titles as well but yes there is a lot of random crap thrown out there as well. However, if we look back on PS1/2 this is a common tale for the console that sells the most. It just takes some time for the tables to level off.

BrotherNick5751d ago

Why don't you guys spend more money on hardcore games than the total in casual games? Maybe then you can convince the devs to make your games lol.

Gue15751d ago (Edited 5751d ago )

because more than half of the population in the world is casual?

i can't believe people is actually agreeing with you BrotherNick. that is one of the most retarded comments on this article.

core gamers buy games that's why people called us core gamers in the first place. my mom wants a Wii, she hasn't care about video games until now. now imagine the millions of other mothers that are in the same position as mine. we can't compete with that...

-- another disagree. so everybody's a core gamer? core gamers are the ones buying all the Wii? don't make me laugh...

BrotherNick5751d ago

I'm just saying, if you're really angry about it, why don't you do something about it, before you lose it. Buy those average hardcore games, go buy haze and genji and kane & lynch. ;)

littletad5751d ago

Is remarkable though. Would we have ever been aware that games like Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton can actually entice even the most hardcore gamers? I doubt it. I absolutely love getting into these games... while I'm not playing Halo or MGS4. What we need to be complaining about is the direction by which Nintendo is really going. Getting people to play games from across the board was their first priority and tryout, now their vision is which demographic is more profitable. And that's casual.

ChickeyCantor5751d ago

" Nintendo and what their doing to our industry."
That's the thing, the kinds like you were never "alone" in this industry.

They did not lost interest, If you are referring to good games.

GCN sold about 22million? And not all were bought by "core" gamers.
They lost that generation. Where were the "core" that were suppose to support them who are bashing them now?
If you count all the people who are bashing Nintendo about " they don't care about "realgamers" ", That amount would surpass GCN sell figures for sure.
Illogical is it not?

5750d ago
Mini Mario5750d ago (Edited 5750d ago )

"On top of that they have lost interest in us......REAL GAMERS.

F**k all this PS3 vs. 360 sh!t, we should all be against Nintendo and what their doing to our industry"

Like 'ps360WII' said .......

"If all three systems were the same how boring would that be>?"

So like it or not but competetion is a good thing. It determines when a consoles price will drop, what bundles they can give a away, what new things they can do to stay ahead of the pack, how often games get released, how often machines get released. How boring would it be if the only competetion were two identicle machines.

So basically what u are saying is ludarcris. Do u think about things before u post crap>?

Plus if any machine should leave the race it should be one of the two high powered machines that are ALMOST IDENTICLE. Theres like one or two games that are exclusive now...lol now thats really funny.

U guys complain about mario, zelda bla bla bla But hey at least they are EXCLUSIVE to nintendo. Thats what makes them nintendo. They have been around for over 20 years....thats why their always seems to be so many zelda, mario games. (the core mario games not sports spin offs)

How many GTA's will there b in 20 years>? How many GTA's have there been in 10 years>?

5750d ago
5750d ago
sumfood4u5750d ago

He misses her Breast Milk an still a Cry Baby.

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Product5751d ago (Edited 5751d ago )

"F**k all this PS3 vs. 360 sh!t, we should all be against Nintendo and what their doing to our industry."
What exactly are they doing to our industry?
funny i got disagrees from a question didnt know that was possible.

nieto5751d ago (Edited 5751d ago )

they are stealing sales from great games with crappy games.

that means less money to make games like Gear of War or Metal Gear and more to make games like Cooking Mama or Wii sport.

poopsack5751d ago (Edited 5751d ago )

encouraging devs to make minigame fest after mini game fest. obligating you to buy periferals to play new games, motion plus- it comes with wii sports resort but what about your friends? thats one wiimote ($50) one nunchuck ($20) and one motion plus attachment ($10 to $20)

BrotherNick5751d ago

Are you telling me people make decisions between Carnival Games and Gears of War? That's nonsense.

5751d ago
BrotherNick5751d ago (Edited 5751d ago )

Lol, explain to me how the person who buys carnival games instead buys gears of war. Casual games are needed to make money this gen...you can see it, and you all are getting your usual games, it's just jealousy. Hehe, I am not the one who disagreed though. If you want to help hardcore gaming, buy those crappy ones like haze. I bet they'll make a casual game to recoup from their losses.

PS360WII5751d ago

haha no that disagree proves you don't know what you are talking about. So you're telling me you sat in the gaming store with Gears in one hand and Carnival Games in the other saying 'Geez why can't I just buy both of these... well might as well pick up Carnival Games'

BrotherNick5751d ago (Edited 5751d ago )

I know, that comparison is goddamn hilarious. I'm giving him bubbles. We need more people like him.

Edit: How are they encouraging KnaveX, they're just selling what is selling on the wii. Nintendo is not like, "Make crappy games guys!".

Gr815751d ago

Without Nintendo's contribution to the games industry this gen gaming as a whole would be no where near the billions $$ worth of profits that its in. Take away Nintendo's % pie and gaming is in a financial recession. And people complaining about shovelware, marketleaders always have the most shovelware games, don't blame Nintendo for poor third party offereings blame um..the third parties? They were late to the train, things will/are getting better. I'm wondering what the next Wii hater slogan will be after Wii begins to receive AAA third party support?

Gue15751d ago (Edited 5751d ago )

actually we should blame nintendo because they started the movement of casual games. before the Wii launch every company was betting on PS3 as the king in this gen again and there's some articles here (n4g) talking about that but then the Wii came and it made a lot of money with games that don't require a huge budget to make and a lot of more third party's fallowed.

the PS2 got casual games but not as much as the Wii and too say that thanks to the Wii the industry it is more profitable it is just plain stupid. what about the ps2 that has more than 100 million of consoles sold? more then the Wii right now.

BrotherNick5751d ago (Edited 5751d ago )

I think in general after people get tired of these games they'll go to more complex, if not it doesn't matter, it's not like they were going to get a 360 or ps3 instead. I think most of the anger is just buyer's remorse for the hardcore who thought they'd be getting hardcore games.

Gue15751d ago

i don't think that people would get tired of the Wii... core gamers are already tired of the Wii but casuals? that is going to be a long trip.

BrotherNick5751d ago (Edited 5751d ago )

How do we know...I bet the 360 price drop will bring some people casuals to the hardcore. I'm getting a 360 soon actually, I need some rpg lovin.

Voiceofreason5751d ago

LOL think about it like this. PS3 owners are complaining because the Wii has casual games...Why? Well the ONLY logical reason is because they want those same games on PS3. They want casaul they just dont want to buy a Wii to get it.. I had to also LOL at the kid who thinks it was wrong of Nintendo to bring out a product people wanted over PS3.. Hey if you were stupid enough to think PS3 would lead anything with its price tag then you deserve to be burned.

ChickeyCantor5751d ago (Edited 5751d ago )

" they are stealing sales from great games with crappy games. "
Stealing? O no honey that's called business.

Also don't blame Nintendo for the shovelware rain that is caused by third party developers who did not took the Wii serious from the beginning.
But hey its feeding the industry with profits.
Thats actually healthy for your "core" games.
Did you know that?
More money means bigger projects for you =D?!

5750d ago
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nieto5751d ago (Edited 5751d ago )

i don't hate nintendo, half of their games are on my list of best games ever i just hate the "Wii".

Wii = novelty, overprice, crappy games

Mini Mario5750d ago

PPl should go and look at a target catalog of ps2 games.

Count how many crappy games there are.......well, im a psychic so im gonna tell u before u get the catalog........a BUCKET load...more than just a shovel load.

Why do ppl blame the wii for shovelware>? U must be blind or something because when i had a ps1 and ps2 i had to sort thru alot crap before i got my diamond in the rough at EBgames.

jumboplay5751d ago

It's never been said better than it is here, regarding how kiddy the Wii is: http://www.tommyzor.com/ins... (warning: LONG)

lowcarb5751d ago

If Nintendo ever decided to make the most powerful console then I would jump on board like there's no tomorrow. There's nothing I hate about them and kind of appreciate there focus on kids simply because I don't want my children playing on a PS3 or 360.

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