
Pokémon GO – Rare Locations: How to get Dragonite, Dragonair, Porygon, Snorlax and Gyarados

Pokémon GO has a number of rare Pokémon, but a few of them are far more in-demand by players who are either looking to finish off their Pokedexes, or are looking for a rare and powerful Pokémon to take over a gym with. Dragonair, Dragonite, Gyarados, Snorlax and Porygon are, to some degree, the closest we'll get to legendary Pokémon until the special events start rolling in.

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GOODKylePS2878d ago

Everyone's going crazy over Pokemon Go and here I am just waiting for No Man's Sky

spoonard2878d ago

Me too, but in the mean time i'm playing Pokemon Go. It passes the time pretty well.

-Foxtrot2877d ago

You mean you are waiting for an actual full on game then

thrust2877d ago

Mean don't hate participate

Retroman2877d ago

Is it true some people going in park at night being rape following the map and people falling off cliffs not paying attention??

hope that is NOT! true.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2877d ago
343_Guilty_Spark2878d ago

Still don't buy the go by water crap. I found a Dratini in a parking lot.

Rimeskeem2878d ago

I found a staryu in the driest part of my town

Deadpooled2878d ago

I found a shellder inside my house tens of miles away from any sort of meaningful water

Clown_Syndr0me2877d ago

I find water Pokemon in random places too, but when I went to the ferry dock, I was ambushed by 3 or 4 Psyducks and are Staryu and then about 3 minutes later Polywag and Magikarp popped up. I guess they're just more common by water, but appear in other places as I guess some people are hundreds of miles from it.

scark922877d ago

I caught a Magicarp, Psyduck and a Horsea from where I sit haha

spoonard2878d ago

What level do you have to be to evolve a Magikarp into a Gyrados using stardust? I'm lv 12 and it says I need to be higher level to do it.

Greg28012878d ago

You need 400 magikarp candy to evolve 1 in a gyrados. You cant evolve pokemon with stardust. You use stardust for making your pokemon stronger.

Deadpooled2878d ago (Edited 2878d ago )

400! Duck this, I'd rather go onto Pokemon Blue and endure the grind of getting a magikarp to level 20

Clown_Syndr0me2877d ago

Shame the game is broken now. Cannot track anything as everything is always three steps away. Same for everyone I know.

Hroach6162877d ago

Yeah my games been like that since I started a few days ago. Was wondering what was up

Zotiiik2875d ago

Yea man I lost a God dam Lapras, wartortle, bulbosaur and a bunch of other good shit.

Hroach6162877d ago

So far I have noticed there are tons of Pokemon in my town but when I drive outside of town to where I work there is barely anything at all. It's in the farmlands right by open fields, a large river, and not too far away some think woods that go into the mountains. You would think those areas would be brimming with Pokemon. But there's hardly an oddish or pidgy.
I'm only level 7 so maybe that's it. But I would have thought there would be more. So far I've only seen 22ish types in my town and don't seem to find anything new unless I drive 45 minutes into the city.
Any thoughts? Really anything I'm just curious what other people think

Soldierone2877d ago

It's the opposite for me. There is a single Pokestop in my neighborhood a mile away. I have shopping centers nearby that don't provide anything. I walked around every block in my neighborhood and Pokemon only pop up in a three locations within walking distance. I have to drive to places to get anything, thus I've run out of pokeballs and have 100 Rattata candies.....

scark922877d ago

I agree, they should really populate all areas, especially the out of town areas.

Deadpooled2877d ago (Edited 2877d ago )

I noticed it quite badly today, on the 'nearby' tracker it had gastly, staryu, goldeens, pidgeys, even a silhouette of a hypno. I used incense to try and attract them to me but only a few rattatas and pidgey was all I had through the whole 30 minutes, and this as I was in an area with my friend with gyms and pokestops in close proximity. I fortunately caught a 100cp gastly (I am level 6, close to 7) I guess the servers are getting slammed during weekends.

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