
LoL pro steps down naming Overwatch as one of his reasons

MWEB GameZone writes: "Professional player played more Overwatch then the game he was paid to play, so he stepped down from his team's line-up."

Sillicur2915d ago

haha yeh. Maybe he will join a pro Overwatch team, he has some serious gaming skills

iDadio2915d ago

The mental toughness to keep to one game and live and breathe it almost all day every day must be immense. I think we all would like to get paid to play games but it seems it is never as rosy as you would hope it to be.

aerisbueller2915d ago

yeah, but now he's playing Overwatch, and really, once you've gotten into Overwatch, do you really want to play anything else?

iDadio2915d ago

The first few weeks I was hooked on it and it is all I played, lately though I have found some balance between it and CSGO and some mobas. Just not enough time in the day to play all the games I want to. A real first world problem.

aerisbueller2915d ago

@iDadio, I hope you find the strength to make it through this.

Utalkin2me2915d ago

Really? I was tired of Overwatch day 3.

MagicBeanz2914d ago

Yeah you might want to play something with some actual content.

TXIDarkAvenger2914d ago

A lot of LoL pros play Overwatch.

aerisbueller2914d ago

@Utalkin2me, yes, really.

@MagicBeans quality over quantity.

If you're playing on console, maybe it's more fun with the pacing of mouse/kb players on PC. Also ultra fun if you have a lot of friends to play with you on your team and talk to via voice.

jessionpc2914d ago


You serious?... Like... Really serious?...

Gosh I hope that was sarcasm... For your sake.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2914d ago
senorfartcushion2915d ago

Just a few questions:

1. What the hell are your talking about
2. Who are these people and why are they important
3. If this actually IS important, why is it newsworthy
4. Who cares!!??

Perjoss2915d ago

"Who cares!!??"

you obviously cared enough to type out this comment :)

senorfartcushion2915d ago

Really? Someone moaning about something isn't them caring about the something itself. I care about the fuss/confusion and that is why i moan.

cyber_daemonx2914d ago

@senor, I cared enough to agree with you. Yup absolutely banal article. Its funny how Overwatch gets all the love even though its barely a shell of a game whilst the clearly superior Battleborn gets none. If Blizzard released a fart in a box some people would lap it up.

KwietStorm_BLM2914d ago

So you got that out of your system. Now what?

MagicBeanz2914d ago

Sounds like a sales pitch for Overwatch, clever but not at all subtle PR.

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