
Would Oculus Support Convince You To Upgrade To Scorpio?

The rumour mill is at it again and the latest morsel to bounce off from that ever turning grindstone is the speculation that Microsoft are, as many have suspected, indeed working on some new Xbox hardware. A slim model firstly will be bestowed upon us and next, the much more exciting idea of an Xbox One upgrade – codenamed ‘Scorpio’ – that will house a more powerful GPU and technically could handle 4K. Though unless the I/O transfer was increased this would mean lengthy load times for 4K content.

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TheGreatGamer2930d ago

It's definitely good that Microsoft won't be left out of the VR game (if the rumours are true) but 6Tflops plus backwards and forwards compatibility basically make it a day one buy for me

Paytaa2929d ago

Yeah I was indifferent to the mid-cycle upgrades, but if they're going to be this much more powerful with backward and forward compatibility along with VR, I'm game.

The Scorpio sounds like basically a brand new console

Volkama2929d ago

A brand new console? Sold! I'd have been happy if it was just a pack of stickers I could whack on my current xbox.

Matology2929d ago

I hope they keep Scorpio as the name of the box, Xbox Scorpio. Possibly have a Scorpion on the box somewhere?

Day one for me if real.

ShadowKnight2929d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

6 TFlops that's almost the same as a GTX 1070 lol. The Scorpio is going to be expensive that's a fact. Now I know why Microsoft is making to versions one for the budget gamer and one for the rich. The price will match a mid-range PC. I feel sorry for the people that bought an Xbox one this year though. Sucks for them.

poppinslops2929d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

Yeah, it's weird to think that it's already time to get excited about 'next-gen' consoles again... either way, I get the feeling E3 2016 is gonna be talked about for years to come.

As to whether or not Oculus would convince me to upgrade, I'd say it depends... if Microsoft can get Star Citizen to work on an Xbox with Oculus then I might be convinced - that's assuming Star Citizen ever gets released (and doesn't suck) and that Kinect is forward-compatible (for head-tracking).

Aside from 'Adr1ft', the current lineup of VR games looks pretty uninspired... I guess Forza might be cool in VR, but I wonder if I'd be able to use my steering wheel (changing gears could be tricky with the headset)?

And what's the deal with VR porn - anyone know if it's worth a 'look'?
Edit: Nevermind - I've thought about it and realised the headset's gonna lead to things getting 'messy'... Covering the walls with tissues sounds like a lot of work and I'm not a fan of condoms.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2929d ago
Rookie_Monster2929d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

Day One as well. Buying all my third party games that aren't on PC with it and enjoying the best in VR games. No brainer

slappy5082929d ago

I don't have an xbox one but id definitely get one if it supports the oculus that I'd be getting for my pc, and that power would be attractive for a console

GMR_PR2929d ago

6Tflops already convinced me, Oculus support would be icing on the cake.

2929d ago
ShadowKnight2929d ago

@Bruce 755 they think it's going to be cheap with 6Tflops lol. GTX 1070 says hi

Errorist762929d ago

4 times 1.23 isn't even 5 TF!

Mulando2929d ago

A console is much cheaper and does not require care like a PC does.
No issues with drivers etc. Since the time I've become father I don't have the time to take care for my PC. PCs are time-consuming. Well for RTS games I still prefer to use the PC, but everything else -> xbox

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2929d ago
seanpitt232929d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

It's not 6tflops it works out at 4.8tflops if the rumours are true. But this machine will definitely be able to do VR and 2k gaming upscaled to 4k

We need to know the cpu upgrade and it needs to be a big step up or it will just bottleneck and I estimate the price to be $549 to $599 launch price xbox one drops to $249

DopeTech2929d ago

From where did you get the '4.8 tflops'?

nX2929d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

4x the power of an XB1 is 4,8tflops. That would be enough for the next 5 years, but expect to pay at least 399$/€. Mass-produced 6tflops would be 600 bucks or even more at this point.

seanpitt232929d ago

You need 4tflops minimum to be Able to run oculus and that what they are aiming for! 4.8tfp sounds about right. 6tfp wouldn't be cost effective that 1.2tfp of extra power would put an extra $150 on the machine and this machine will be expensive they are going for power and they might even call it Xbox one elite like no expense spared same with the $150 controller aimed more at the hardcore audience.

This console will be over $500 they might price it at $499 but take a little loss on each sold.

joab7772929d ago

It will change MS fortune overnight.

Errorist762929d ago

In the U.S. maybe.... Worldwide it won't change much.

Errorist762929d ago

So 1200 bucks is nothing for you?! I'm pretty sure just weeks ago you complained about the Rift and Vive prices.

Fin_The_Human2929d ago

I will eat my hat if those specs and features are true for the scorpio and MS manages to keep the price at $399.00.

I am for a new console but won't pay anything above $450.00

Fin_The_Human2929d ago

Found this very interesting.

Project Scorpio:

A new computing paradigm that exploits uncertainty to design systems that are energy-efficient and scale gracefully under hardware errors by operating below the nominal operating point, in a controlled way, without inducing massive or fatal errors.

This vision is realistic because not all computations and not all data of an application are equally critical, requiring to be performed or maintained at 100% accuracy or correctness. Several application domains offer the opportunity to trade off quality of service (QoS) for significant improvements in energy consumption. For such applications, it may be possible to only approximate the final output (or part of it), rather than computing the exact output result.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2929d ago
Vasto2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

It is good that it will have VR support but that has no impact on all why I will buy the system.

VR is cool tech that is still years away from being something I would buy.

SteamPowered2929d ago

Your loss. VR is amazing. Its the difference between playing a game through a window, and actually walking around inside that game. Flat games seem so sub-par after playing VR.

dillhole2929d ago

Absolutely agree. I have the Gear VR, which is pretty much the bottom end of VR (except Google Cardboard) and just a simple app like Ocean Rift, where you swim about in water and look at sea life is an amazing experience. To think strapping my phone to my face with some goggles can make me feel like I am inside a game. I can't imagine what it's going to be like with better tech and proper games.

Vasto2929d ago (Edited 2929d ago )


Show me any VR game that is as good as Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, The Witcher 3, Grand Theft Auto 5, Halo 5 Guardians, The Legend Of Zelda.

I said that it is cool tech but we are not there yet. When I start seeing VR games that match the quality of traditional games then I will buy.

No loss at all for me because I have not spent a dime.

$800 for Vive, $600 for Oculas

Never jump on early tech.

Enjoy your loss.


SteamPowered2929d ago

None of those games comes close to actual presence that VR brings. Walking around the mountains of skyrim in VR is incomparable to watching a flat game on your tv. If anything, I feel you VR naysayers are left behind. I don't feel bad at all being on the bleeding edge. Now that I own VR, I simply can't think of gaming the same.
I can tell from your ignorance that you haven't played the Vive or Rift. Why don't you try it before blindly denouncing it? It's like a game review you wrote from reading the back of the games box.

ShottyatLaw2929d ago

As much as I want to jump on VR, I am waiting, too. One reason is the underwhelming software right now. The other is the likely increases in capabilities and decreases in pricing that will come in the next year or two.

Valkron12929d ago

Vasto True, early adapters have a premium to pay so it's not for everyone. But spare me your "enjoy your loss" crap. I may cancel my Oculus pre order (I have time to decide, lol) but that's over a DRM issue, not price. I already have my Vive and my kids and I enjoy it greatly. It's so much more than another system, it's a whole new format. I can still enjoy GTAV, Skyrim, Fallout 4, Witcher 3, and Doom in VR thanks to VorpX, and play classic games thru DolphinVR, all while getting to enjoy new VR games now. It isn't an isolating experience either. Some games are great as party games. I'm sure it will get over 1000 hours use in the first year putting it under a $1 an hour. I think even poor people could afford that without even raising the minimum wage

Vasto2929d ago (Edited 2929d ago )


The only person here ignorant is you. You can not read and comprehend at all.

I never denounced anything.


VR is cool tech.

I have zero interest in VR until it gets some good games.


No one said we will never get VR.

Enjoy your loss.

Vasto2929d ago


No thanks, still not interested.

But thanks for beta testing for us.


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2929d ago
green2930d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

I am not yet sold on VR so, I have to say NO. If devs manage to bring some amazing VR experiences, that ends up convincing me to give VR a try, then I would be glad the next Xbox is powerful enough to support Oculus Rift.

As for now, my main draw to the next Xbox is the rumored 6Tflops capability of the GPU. As someone that has been disappointed by the lame leap in graphics performance this gen, that amount of power is music to my ears.

DLConspiracy2930d ago

I think it's a good selling point. Especially since I can use it on both my Xbox and my PC. I will be able to enjoy it with more friends that way. Price is gonna be key though.

Rookie_Monster2929d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

Agreed. Day One. Able to share the VR unit between my PC and console is great. Killing two birds with one stone.

mxguy932929d ago

why have the console though?, when you can play almost all console exclusives on pc

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Skuletor5h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde48m ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast29m ago

Which ones should they utilize more?


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