
Uncharted 4 vs Quantum Break: Which is The Better Single Player Game?

OnlySP: Naughty Dog’s Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is arguably the PlayStation 4’s biggest single player exclusive to date. Likewise, Remedy’s Quantum Break for Microsoft’s Xbox One has been a highly anticipated game since its announcement just prior to the 2013 E3 Expo.

Thatguy-3102931d ago

Not that hard of a question. The answer is obvious

Abash2931d ago

This honestly is not a fair comparison, very few games can go head to head with Naughty Dog's and Quantum Break just isn't one of them.

Wingsfan242931d ago

How so? How can another game not compare with the narrative and gameplay elements of another game? Graphically they obviously don't compare, but that's not what the article focuses on.

Gazondaily2931d ago

This is like asking who is a better boxer. Mike Tyson or Stephen Hawking.

Uncharted trounces QB

darthv722931d ago

I think they are both good games. Even ND went so far as to compliment Remedy on such fine work and vice versa. This feud needs to stop. It's 2016 and we are talking about XB1 and PS4, not the Hatfields and the Mccoys.

ThePope2931d ago (Edited 2931d ago )

This is like asking which is a better car a Ferrari or a Ford.

Both are cars yes but one costs $70,000 to make, and the other $20,000.

UC had a massive budget with a huge staff. QB didn't. That's not even taking into consideration what impact UC being on number 5 has to peoples enjoyment.

Lastly, I'm only on chapter 13, while I really am enjoying the game its not a 10. A 8.9-9 for sure but not a 10.

Erik73572931d ago

Like comparing Halo to Killzone, killzone just cant be a halo no matter how hard it tries.

Utalkin2me2931d ago

Its obviously rhetorical....

r2oB2931d ago

@ fries

It appears Halo isn't even Halo anymore. Halo was once known for great single player and great MP, now its just MP that is relevant. Also, at least Sony understands the concept of letting an IP rest and trying something new, while Im sure Halo will get an announcement at E3 for a fall 2017 title.

On topic though, I have yet to play either game yet. I am actually heading to Best Buy tonight to pick both of them up. I will be playing Quantum Break first, and then Uncharted 4, at which point I'll be able to form my own opinion. But the general consensus is that Uncharted 4 is the better game in pretty much every aspect. Regardless of how good Uncharted 4 is, I am going to judge Quantum Break on its own merits.

Mr Pumblechook2931d ago

Quantum Break was a mid-budget game made, the first with no prequels. Uncharted 4 is a series that is built on the improvements of the earlier games. QB noble try that it is cannot compete.

But Gears of War 4 is a massive budget game. Microsoft paid crazy mulah for it. They even renamed a studio in dedication to the Gears franchise. It has the very best people Microsoft can hire, the best developers, the best scriptwriters. It will be 1080p 60fps and it will have a story so good it will make people demand it be given an Oscar...

rainslacker2931d ago (Edited 2931d ago )

I think they're both good games. But UC4 is head and shoulders better than QB on so many levels it's hard to take the question posed seriously. I actually thought ROTTR was a better SP game than QB was, and ROTTR/UC are closer in comparison to each other. QB had it's interesting aspects, but it didn't really pull together well. ROTTR had a rather boring story and uninteresting characters, but it all worked together in the game play and presentation parts of the game. UC4 just kind of hit all the right notes, with the only major criticism I can think of being that it did lull in a couple places, but the platforming elements and getting around were good enough so it wasn't a boring lull, and in some of them they did manage to keep the story going, making it more interesting.


I'm pretty sure Remedy's contracts require analogous comparisons to use Nissan....not Ford.

But more in response, the budget itself, and how many people working on it does not mean that the games can be compared equitably. When I'm playing a game, and comparing it to another game, I'm not thinking, "Well, Game A had have the budget and 1/4 the staff". I'm thinking, "OK, Game A is sloppy in this area which is affecting my experience". Remedy and MS marketed it's game as a AAA game, and as such, the lack of staff/resources excuse doesn't really fly. QB is impressive in it's own right, and some of it is more impressive due to their resources and budget, but that doesn't make it a better game.

Kingthrash3602931d ago (Edited 2931d ago )

The real question here is why compare the two ?
One plays chess the other plays checkers
Tomb Raider would have been a better comparison than Quantum break would ever be.

Trez12342931d ago

Pope, halo 5 surely had a big budget and did that help that campaign ?

nitus102931d ago (Edited 2931d ago )

Both games fall into the Action/Adventure genres so it is possible to compare them (sort off).

Personally, when I play a game I want to play a game and not watch a live TV show or excessively long cut-scenes, so without even comparing other factors such as gameplay Quantum Break has just lost. Of course, there will be people who do like the so-called marriage of live action to game-play which is fine but I and many millions of other players have little if any interest in this type of style.

I am well aware that Fanboys will downvote me and some will say that how can I judge a game that I have never played. Well, I have never played Uncharted 4 either but I do know that having played Uncharted 1 and 2 that 4 which is on my to-do list is going to be a great game. As for Quantum Break, I don't have an XB1 and my PC does not run a Microsoft OS although if I really wanted (which I don't) I could run one in a virtual machine, so this begs the question how can I critique this game?

I am fully capable of looking at reviews and gameplay for Quantum Break and from what I have seen the gameplay looks interesting although I did see some annoying but minor bugs. What was a total turn off was the so-called marriage of live action and gameplay although as I have mentioned some people will like this.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2931d ago
iDoneToldYa2931d ago (Edited 2931d ago )

Yeah. Does this question really need to be asked?

There are still some deluded people out there so maybe it needs to be reiterated one more time. U4 destroys QB in every single area.

I still wonder what has happened to all those mouthy people a few months ago. You know the ones
"QB best graphics ever. U4 doesn't come close"
"QB game of the year nuff said"
"Sony are afraid to release U4 in the same month as QB"

My my. How people make fools of themselves

2931d ago
iDoneToldYa2931d ago


I enjoyed U4 immensely thanks.

Show me in my comment were I attacked anyone? Do you know what an attack is?

Rookie_Monster2931d ago (Edited 2931d ago )

I have both and enjoying them both and I think both games are 9/10 in my book.

Feels great to be able to play both and make my own assessment for them , and not armchair QB about it . And why compare the two games when they are not even on the same system, genre, or age. Uncharted is in its fourth main game and QB is a new IP. That is like trying to compare the Orders 1886 to Gears 4 or Ryse to God of War 4. Who does that?

Picnic2931d ago

No you made a fool of yourself in insulting Remedy by saying that. Quantum Break's up close facial animation outside of cinematics is judged by some as best of generation. Lighting and design too gives a modern scifi look. It all depends what you're after. Who definitively says that a photograph I take is worth more than a primitive Picasso style?

2931d ago
amiga-man2931d ago

TangentialShark, who tries to downplay every PS4 game, the simple fact is U4 is on another level to QB, get over it.

killer_goat2931d ago

@rookie the last of us was a new ip. It kinda done well for itself

Utalkin2me2931d ago


Obviously you're entitled to your own opinion. But it seems you're in the minority of giving QB a 9, average score is a 77. You can try to use the defensive new IP take. But the original Uncharted sits at a 88.

More people can play both then what you think considering you can play Xbox games on PC now. And IMO Quantum break is a clear step below in every aspect compared to Uncharted. Saying Uncharted 4 and Quantum break are boths 9's. Is like Ray Charles saying green and blue are the same color.

game4funz2931d ago

Problem here is
1. no one can say they enjoyed QB over Uncharted.
2. no one can say they enjoyed both.
3. The only thing that is accepted in this comment section is if they say Uncharted is better or something along
those lines.

Rookie_Monster2931d ago (Edited 2931d ago )

You again, the stealth Rookie hater, LOL.

You said "Obviously you're entitled to your own opinion. But it seems you're in the minority of giving QB a 9"

Really? How come on the cumulated review score section on N4G during the week of QB launch, 9s was the most #score given to QB? Were all those reviewers that played it don't know what they are talking about and all them 9s and up were wrong?


Overall 81 out of 151 totaled scored reviews, and here is the breakdown:  

10s = 10  
9s = 50  
8s = 49  
7s = 20  
6s = 15  
5s = 2  
4s = 5  

Positive reviews (8s, 9s, 10s) = 72%  
Neutral/average (6s, 7s) = 24%  
Poor (4s, 5s) = 4%  

So yea, there you go.

Utalkin2me also said "And IMO Quantum break is a clear step below in every aspect compared to Uncharted. "

Yea, keep your opinion but don't go around and try to alter or change someone else's opinion as well, that is not ethical to do.

Picnic2931d ago (Edited 2931d ago )

Are you dense? You followed up a post in which you trolled anyone who dared to like Quantum Break's visual or gameplay style the most , with examples of the kinds of one dimensional quotes that you must know very few Remedy fans have displayed in comparison to the Sony fanboy extremities with 'do you know what an attack is?'

Gol3m2931d ago

When you can give a psn ID rookie we will all believe you've played the game. Until then you're just here full of shit as usual.

Gol3m2931d ago (Edited 2930d ago )

Then we have another alter ego of rookie in gamez4fun

He/she/it sends me a pm telling me to stop trolling he/she/it so I go back through my comments to see if I had indeed even responded to said person. Not once had I responded to one of gamez4fun comments. Which tells me this dumb arse logged into the wrong account of his multiple accounts to send me the pm. Funny shit when they mess up and can't even keep track of their multiple accounts

@rookie below. I can download an image from the Internet put it on my screen backdrop and pretend I'm playing too.

Rookie_Monster2931d ago (Edited 2931d ago )

@Gol3m24m ago
"When you can give a psn ID rookie we will all believe you've played the game. Until then you're just here full of shit as usual."

After I have finish with my third play thru of UC4 campaign, then I'll consider your generous offer and send you an invite via my PSN tag via PM. ;)

Playing it now at this very moment as we speak. http://i1376.photobucket.co...

Playing it streaming from start to finish and it runs decently at 720p on my 14 Inch laptop. Very nice. :D

Hold_It2931d ago

Passive Aggressive comment is passive aggressive.

r2oB2931d ago

@ rookiemonster

It's fair to say you didn't see any TLoU comparisons because Microsoft did not have a game the could be compared to it when it released. Unless of course you want to compare it to Gears of War Judgement, which is an established IP; in which case TLoU, a new IP, destroys it.

You can't really blame people for comparing Uncharted 4 and Quantum Break, especially considering so many Xbox fans claim Remedy is Microsofts Naughty Dog. You want to put Remedy on the same caliber as Naughty Dog (not you particularly), expect comparisons between games.

By the way, the link you provide is for a review that gave Quantum Break a 6. Was that intentional?

Utalkin2me2929d ago


Again when don't need the full breakdown of what each score is. The average score for the game is a 77. Who cares how it got a 77 or who gave what score, the average is 77. Which is only 2 points higher then the lowest score a ND game has ever scored.

Again, as i stated you're in the minority giving QB a 9. Hence the 77 average score. There is nothing you can do to change factual evidence of the game being a 77 average score.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2929d ago
Picnic2931d ago (Edited 2931d ago )

You really don't sound like you've played Quantum Break. If I'm correct, that makes you prejudiced. QB won't have got some 9 , even 9.5 out of 10 reviews, just for nothing. Certainly from videos it looks to me that Remedy have unevenly distributed graphical impressiveness during the game but the best looking parts look nice.

Why so much sustained hate, magnified and with barely a morsel of explanation why, in any comment praising QB ? You are cruel people, getting off on excusing hate because you claim to find something else more beautiful People weight some aspects / themes of videogames more highly than others. It doesn't make them wrong.

Pre-judging without fully experiencing something, Stardustlemon. Just like up to 17 people. It's like saying 'There's nothing comes close to the taste of strawberry ice cream' when someone's never tasted salted caramel, merely looked at photos of it.

Goodbye haters, dictionary dodgers, anonymous, silent, cowardly disagreers. I will enjoy PS4 games without hating on the likes of Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive. I'll probably get an NX and, if my not often used mid to low PC will take it, QB. Sony fans (who else could have reason to be hating on Xbox?), you seemed relatively nice, the best of the bunch during the PS3 days. Either you've gone back to some PS2 155 million selling arrogance or have absorbed the worst parts of the 360 and Wii base. Whatever, if they won't converse in sufficient numbers to explain 90% downvoting ratio, get out of the hornets nest I say because their stings quietly hurt more when silent or are barbed with anything but wit. N4G, be ashamed of the cesspit of alleged discourse that voting without comment allows. Game on. Logging off.

2931d ago
Gol3m2931d ago

I guess the 17 people you are talking about are your disagrees? Your logic is flawed

Sunny_D2931d ago

I don't know about you but I'll take the game that has no reload animation. ;)


UnHoly_One2931d ago

I'd love to see the results of a poll of QB players asking them about this because I would bet that 90% or more of them would never have noticed it.

I played the whole game twice back to back and I sure as hell never noticed. I only know about it because I read it here on N4G.

Of course I'm just playing the game for fun and not doing a detailed analysis of it, so that probably has something to do with it.

Utalkin2me2931d ago


Of course you didn't notice. But one thing is for sure you noticed he made a comment it about it.

AngelicIceDiamond2931d ago

To my understanding for the longest time ppl were comparing The Order to QB. Like those 2 games are going head to head for a while. I take it The Order isn't of the talks these days so we're gonna compare a newer Ip to a established critically acclaimed one. All here still want to convince themselves that QB is a bad game when that couldn't be further from the truth, as far as I'm concerned the e game scored great, a mixed bag but overall favored. If you want a fair comparison compare Uncharted: Drakes Fortune which holds a high 88 Quantum Break a new Ip and still has much room for improvement in hopefully future installments, so the game holds a good score of 77 10 points behind Uncharted.

QB is considered Uncharted coattails for a new Ip that's considered a pass or a great game. QB again still has much room for improvement. Comparing a established game to a brand new one is not quite accurate imo. With that being said even though its a matter of opinion Uncharted 4 is the much better game overall.

rainslacker2931d ago (Edited 2931d ago )

QB is a good IP I think. It needs some work. I feel it didn't have any of the charm of the first UC game, or subsequent titles, and I feel it's world, and even story, was rather bland in comparison to The Order.

I dunno if i'd want to see a return to QB in the same way it was done for the first. The mechanics, while interesting, didn't lead to a varied enough experience to sustain an entire game. The presentation itself needs to change and do away with the TV cutscene stuff, and try to integrate its story more into the game itself, because disconnecting the player from the game just didn't work, and keeping story elements contained to collectibles just isn't a good idea when you have other characters around to be able to deliver it more dynamically.

I think I'd like to see them try a sequel to QB, but only if they actually flesh out the world more, and make more interesting characters.

trooper_2931d ago

It's a dumb comparison, lol.

Erik73572931d ago

You wouldn't think these questions are hard but you still see people thinking killzone doesn't suck compared to halo...

You know how stupid it sounds to say quantum break is better than Uncharted? It's like saying Killzone is better than Halo

kneon2931d ago

I've never cared for Halo, yet KZ2 is one of my all time favorite shooters.

I can understand why people didn't like it though, I was just playing KZ2 again last weekend after far too much time spent with games like Destiny and The Division. Playing those games ruined my shooter skills, I really suck at KZ2 now. I've gotten so used to these popular shooters with the stupidly strong autoaim that it was almost impossible to get a headshot in KZ2.

I think I need to replay KZ2 on Elite difficulty a couple times so that I can relearn to aim again.

BlakHavoc2931d ago

It doesn't make you stupid, its called preference. You're stupid if your objective to ppl having one.

Outside_ofthe_Box2931d ago

FPS is a bit different though imo.

Everyone has different play styles...

Do you like a more fast paced shooter or a more tactical one?
Do you like to ADS or hip-fire?
Do you like objective-oriented modes or just TDM?

I could go on, but my point is that the type of play style you prefer will determine which FPS you think is better. As *overall* games I don't think there is any KZ game that I can definitively say is better than any single Halo game as Halo over years have excelled in both SP and MP, while KZ has either done well in one and faltered in the other or did poor in both aspects.

KZ2 is up there among the best in regards to multiplayer. It's not crazy for someone to prefer that specific game over other acclaimed shooters. The other KZs on the other hand...

rainslacker2931d ago

Saying it sucks in comparison is why people may not agree with the comparison. KZ doesn't suck. Is it as good as Halo? To many, I'd say probably not, but to many others, they like it better. I can't say either way, because I have a hard time getting into either. However, saying something sucks because something else is better is a good way to get people to not really see the comparison being made, but is a good way to stand out as a troll.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2931d ago
Aceman182931d ago

After playing both one left me wanting more, the other left me solely disappointed. I think k people here can figure out which is which lol.

Letthewookiewin2931d ago

The first Uncharted is better than QB.... It just gets better from there.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2929d ago
TGGJustin2931d ago

This isn't even a worthwhile discussion. Quantum Break doesn't compare in any way to Uncharted 4.

rivaldoo7772931d ago

This article is insulting Remedy!! Gosh plz leave them alone !!

Erik73572931d ago (Edited 2931d ago )

I agree but its not obvious to fanboys. Sony fanboys are guilty of this too with trying to say killzone is better than halo which is just as laughable as trying to say quantum break is better than Uncharted.

*the disagrees prove it lol

Relientk772931d ago

Killzone is not better than Halo

my opinion

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15 Xbox Games That Should Make the Multiplatform Jump

While there’s likely already a list behind closed doors, one can still speculate and offer logical suggestions for titles new and old that should find their way into the PlayStation and Switch libraries.

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GamerRN77d ago

Single A games and live service games. Those make sense

S2Killinit77d ago

None of it makes sense. But its happening.

Ps5conehead77d ago

That’s up to Microsoft they want return on there investment. From buying up those publishers. That’s what there in business for. And they made a mistake putting day one exclusive on game pass. So now Microsoft wants to profit any way they can.its called buisness . Just like Sony putting games on pc a year are two after ps5 launch.
So if they can make money off PlayStation and Nintendo. They will do that. And I bet soon real soon they will release some aaa exclusives .and I bet one day it will be same day release

TheEroica77d ago

Sony gamers begging for Xbox games.... Who would've thunk it?


Yeah, because random site off the internet represents all Sony gamers, they have the letter of attorney and all...

S2Killinit77d ago

Lol what a spin. You dizzy?

AsunaYuukiTheFlash76d ago (Edited 76d ago )

We don’t care about shovelwares. Get that junk out of PS5

StormSnooper76d ago

More like MS begging to put their games on PlayStation.

TheEroica75d ago

Keep begging Sony gamers!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 75d ago
Friendlygamer77d ago

Some of these seem to be exclusive for lack of enthusiasm of the publisher rather than because of deals. A lot of cool indies skip ps for some reason like katana zero, el paso, elsewhere and gunbrela

S2Killinit77d ago

Even more indies skip xbox. We know that right?

Friendlygamer77d ago

Quality over quantity, Microsoft got some really interesting and curated niche games on their machines, maybe in part because of gamepass

S2Killinit77d ago

Quality and MS are not things you bring up in same sentence.

shinoff218377d ago (Edited 77d ago )

Alot of indies skip xbox to. It goes round and round. Personally I think your off base on that but no need to have the argument.

Friendlygamer77d ago

Between katana zero, valheim, Battletech, el passo... I don't feel off base. maybe ps got a million of light novel games that will never release on Xbox but like I've said, I'm talking about niche games highlights, the 10%.

  Heck, it's probably thanks to Microsoft that the s.t.a.l.k.e.r games came to console ps included, meanwhile Sony backwards compatibility continues to be extremely anemic.

And I'm sure most ps5 users are happy to ignore these games and just play wathever new 3rd person action game is trending but it's cool that Microsoft gives some love to smaller audiences and software preservation

shinoff218376d ago

Again your off base just to be snide. All it's showing though is your ignorance.

One light novels wtf is that even. Ps has plenty of pretty damn good indies.

Speaking of indies and ms being responsible. You know F.I.S.T. of course you do alot of you guys just support gamepass. Well here's a history of Sony being responsible for helping indies. Look up the China project from Sony.

Lastly lol your ignorance showing again. Sony has plenty of games. Personally third person is better then first anyway but that's besides the point. Sony gets so many games that xbox doesn't get because yall don't support the games. Jrpgs being a great example. I personally am not into every Sony first party game. Alot of us aren't. On the other side you don't get to eat often so you gobble up everything. Me personally God of War not my cup, etc. For me I'm into jrpgs and ms just can't touch Sony on those. Again because the Xbox base doesn't support it. Devs dont wanna waste their time or money. Hit me up when falcom develops a game over there.

Speaking of third person narrative games. Aren't yall drooling over hellblade 2. The first one was Sony exclusive at one point. Another not my cup game. Showing we don't have to fall in line and agree we love everything Sony puts out. The facts are they sell though unlike elsewhere(not nintendo)

StormSnooper76d ago

You are same person as GamerRN, yes?

Abnor_Mal77d ago

They really think PlayStation fans would want to play Redfall? Pfft.

Personally nothing on that list would be any game I’d want to play.

TwoPicklesGood77d ago

I’d absolutely love Hellblade 2, Palworld, and Quantum Break on ps5 as I’m sure tons of others would too. There’s nothing wrong with wanting games from another console and its sad that people try to act like they aren’t interested in them.

shinoff218376d ago

While indont agree with the games. I agree with the point. Your not wrong.

DarXyde77d ago

Sunset Overdrive makes very good sense. Palworld might.

Don't know about the others. Hellblade II does make sense given the original launched on PS4 first. Quantum Break was a massive letdown for me. I absolutely hated the whole TV show thing and I don't think anyone should have to relive that on modern hardware.

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Now that Remedy owns Control, it’s time to reclaim Quantum Break

Alan Wake 2 studio Remedy Entertainment has reclaimed the rights to Control, and now sci-fi hit Quantum Break deserves the same treatment.

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Petebloodyonion93d ago

Totally agree with that especially when Quantum Break has several references to Alan Wake and Alan Wake make allusions to QB.
I do believe that MS and Remedy can work things out and MS has usually been nice to devs and publishers regarding IP.

Obscure_Observer93d ago

They can't "reclaim" what was never theirs.

Petebloodyonion93d ago

I’m sure we can settle for purchase from MS the IP.

Lightning7793d ago

MS is not doin anything with it. Plus they're doing a multiverse of their own so Remedy needs the IP.

If MS wants to have exclusive let it be timed for 6 months then go to other platforms. MS seems to be, let's say, generous with some if their games as of late.

Or have QB2 be multiplat from the jump, put it on GP. Keeping QB2 as an exclusive is kinda weird these days.

Obscure_Observer93d ago (Edited 93d ago )


"I’m sure we can settle for purchase from MS the IP."

Good luck


"MS is not doin anything with it."

Japan Studio is dead nd Sony isn´t doing anything with Bloodborne either! Yet I can 100% guarantee that there´s a far bigger demand for a sequel, remake or even a remaster for that game from both PS5 and PC gamers.

That been said, why don´t you ask Sony tol sell the IP to Fromsoftware now that according to rumors, they bought Elden Ring from Bandai?

ZwVw93d ago (Edited 93d ago )

Reclaim? That would mean that they actually owned the ip at one point, which they never did (MS always has). Apples & oranges. Remedy always owned the Control ip (just not the publishing), as they have with Alan Wake.

About as likely as them getting the Max Payne rights from Rockstar.

mastershredder93d ago (Edited 93d ago )

Sending you game to a publisher does not mean they get "rights to own it " unless that was part of the contract (monetary/ strategic reasons). 505 was the publisher they worked with to publish and distribute it, it dos not mean that 505 flat out "owned" anything, clearly they did have a special arrangement that made them open to limit their publishing rights. and so here we are and big whoop

Jingsing93d ago (Edited 93d ago )

Yeah get Quantum Break PS5, only if you put it on disc with all the associated movie material.

isarai93d ago

I mean they got the Alan Wake IP back from MS, so I feel like they could get QB back as well

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Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 Imagining From MachineGames-Indiana Jones Designer is a Sight to Behold

A stunning Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 imagining has been released, featuring cutscenes, platforming, combat, stealth, and vehicles.

Created by Daniel Arriaga, a level designer at MachineGames on the upcoming Indiana Jones game, this fan concept is a solo developer project.

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RaidenBlack94d ago

to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

isarai94d ago

As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

93d ago
lellkay93d ago

Impressive considering its a one man effort!

Nacho_Z93d ago

Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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