
Nintendo's Only E3 Game is Zelda and That's Not OK


"We weigh in on the absence of Nintendo's Digital event at E3."

LOL_WUT2947d ago

We all know the next Zelda game will be amazing, but just because the next Zelda title is underway, doesn't mean Nintendo should get a free pass by not showing anything else at E3. Imagine if this were Sony or Microsoft? Everyone would let them have it. ;)

Fin_The_Human2947d ago

Agreed man.

This is a big middle finger to all the WiiU fans.

What ever the NX is gimmick or not, I hope Nintendo supports it more than the WiiU and hope 3rd party developers support it.

ChickeyCantor2946d ago

> This is a big middle finger to all the WiiU fans.

It's on its way out. lol you guys are so dramatic.

gamerb62947d ago (Edited 2947d ago )

Bullshit as usual from one of N4g's biggest trolls. Nintendo said that Zelda will be the only playable game at e3 not the ONLY game at e3.

U trolls get worse by the day. Lol_wot your new name is lol_wot life? Cause you really need to get one. Lol d;o)

BiggerBoss2946d ago

You sound really upset. Probably because even you know Nintendo is f'ing up.

pcz2946d ago

to add insult to injury, their only playable game on show wont be out until this time next year.

the damage control fans keep making out that its a tactical choice to have an absence of games and new hardware at e3, while i think its a deeply worrying indication of the state of affairs at nintendo

gamerb62946d ago

And how does this affect your sad pathetic life?
What successes have you had in your life that match that of Nintendos to back up why we should all listen to a Nintendo hater?

Have you ever ran a company as long as Nintendo?

Have you made billions like Nintendo?

Have you made millions of people happy like Nintendo?

Nope your just an insignificant troll. Go back under your bridge, u have no credentials. d;o)

WickedLester2946d ago

It's their only PLAYABLE game at E3. Doesn't mean they wont show more.

quantae062946d ago

Unfortunately, Nintendo has thrown in the towel on the Wii U. This is why nothing will be shown at E3 but Zelda. Nintendo has promised Wii U fans Zelda so that game will be present at E3. I wouldn't be shocked to see less than a hand full of new AAA Wii U games from now on. Nintendo NX will be here shortly!

higgins782946d ago

Sony and/or Microsoft have yet earned - and perhaps never will - this 'privilege'. Nintendo kick-started the industry as we know it, has created the majority of the best games of all time AND had to navigate some key franchises in the transition from 2D to 3D - a feat neither Sony or Microsoft have needed to do. Most of the blueprints for the videogames we know today come from the desks of Nintendo.

superchiller2946d ago

No, it really isn't as dramatic or amazing as you claim. In fact, Nintendo has shown Sony and MS how NOT to design gaming hardware, and how NOT to make games. They've become mostly irrelevant in the gaming industry, and with most of the gaming community.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2946d ago
RosweeSon2947d ago

Because the new Pokemon games won't get a look in? Sure Zelda maybe the only Playable game on the show floor but there will be other announcements.

3-4-52947d ago

* Not a big deal, we are getting a separate Nintendo Direct for the NX and I think it will be better than way when it is the only focus.

quent2947d ago

There are always surprise announcements with the anticipated ones at E3, not long now.

nevin12947d ago

Can anybody explain Nintendo's mindset?

CyrusLemont2947d ago

"We're on the cusp of revealing a new console but are yet to show it, and thus can only present what we currently have that is new and upcoming on currently released systems." Zelda is the exception because despite it being an NX game, it's also a Wii U title. Though it is odd that there's nothing for the 3DS. A sign that maybe the NX will be a line of new systems with games that scale across its platforms. Similar to the original goal of the PS Vita and PS3/4?

ape0072947d ago

i can explain, remember when Miyamoto said that HD development needed more manpower? http://www.engadget.com/201...

yep that's it, they need time adapting with the technology giving how games are demanding nowadays, im not making excuses for them btw, their wii and wiiu simple game design philosophy (for maximum revenue) bite their rear ends but hopefully they can adapt well and stun us with the NX

AKR2947d ago

"Our next system is going to cost a bit of money. So, let's make sure they a reason to save their money; not give them anything to buy this year!"

That was a joke, but that's really how it's starting to seem.

pcz2946d ago

they only have one good game in playable form. its as simple as that.

sony and microsoft are going to capitalise on nintendos absence on the show floor. the journalists will have tonnes to write about micro/sony, but little to write about nintendo. little positive anyway.

it also means gamers will turn their attention more towards sony and microsoft, since they actually have more games on show. whichever way you look at it, nintendo will lose a lot of custom to sony/micro.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2946d ago
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Skuletor7h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde3h ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast3h ago

Which ones should they utilize more?

BehindTheRows2h ago

Indeed. We hear this “underutilized” talk as if every old franchise should have a comeback or reboot.

I_am_Batman59m ago(Edited 58m ago)

When new IPs start looking like Concord, you can't blame people for wanting another Resistance or Killzone instead.

anast49m ago(Edited 49m ago)

J&D and Resistance are good ones. As much as I love these, though, I'm not sure they would payoff without an enormous marketing push. Younger gamers today do not have taste and the older gamers that would appreciate these might not be enough. But yeah, I would day 1 Resistance.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 49m ago
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