
The Nintendo NX is Coming in 2017… and I Couldn’t Care Less

COG writes - Nintendo is on shaky ground with fans after the Wii U and has one last shot at redemption. COG's own Ryan Tessier, a diehard Nintendo fan of old, is tired of giving Nintendo chances and simply says "I don't care".

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COGconnected2955d ago

Ouch, shoots fired! I can't say I am pumped about it either. The Wii U was such a waste of money for me. Barely used it and the lack of support was a killer.

Free_Fro2955d ago (Edited 2955d ago )

lack of support? I'm not even a fan, and even I wouldn't say that.

Despite the low figures of the Wii U, they continued to put out content for it. Unlike Sony's reaction to the Vita.

Moe-Gunz2955d ago

3rd party support I assume he meant.

Pullmywaffle2955d ago

I think he meant third party support. How many of your friends own a wiiu compared to a ps4 or x1? I have one friend with a wiiu, about a dozen with a ps4, and 5 with an x1. Guess which systems i bought games on to play with friends? Not the wiiu. In terms of vita, we at least have the option to play PSP and PSN games from our accounts on them, something nintendo has yet to figure out how to do.

Cindy-rella2955d ago

The wii was rubbish and the wii u is rubbish to a core gamer so why would most be excited or even want a Nintendo nx unless youre a NES fanatic? The nx is already a failure because Nintendo will be Nintendo

XanderZane2955d ago

No 3rd party support to be found for the holidays. Only games coming out are Star Fox and another Mario game. The Pokemon game was already released I believe. I still own one and there are still about 10 games on it that I want. Delaying the release of the system and being a No Show at the E3 is a big negative toward the NX right now.

2955d ago
Reibooi2955d ago

If 3rd party support is what you look for in a console then yeah I can see the Wii U being something of a disappointment for you. That said there are many awesome games on the Wii U and that is the reason I am very happy to own one.

As far as the NX goes I am kinda in the middle. I am excited about a new console and what it may be but at the same time we have no idea what it really is gonna be and it could be something that is so out there that I won't really wanna mess with it.(The original Wii was like this for me) So I am kinda in that wait and see mode. It's interesting times since we know when it's coming but I don't want to get overly excited for fear that it's a weird gimmick fest or just underwhelming in general. I hope they knock it out of the park though.

Zeldafan642955d ago

It's really pathetic when you get downvoted into oblivion just for speaking the truth about Sony.

Utalkin2me2955d ago


8 friends with PS4, 6 with WiiU and none of my friends own a Xbox1.

PS3and4_HAS_GAMES2955d ago

i agree with mrbigcat. The wii u was such a disaster and there wasn't much support with it and please don't compare a handheld with a console.

remixx1162955d ago (Edited 2955d ago )


Oh shut up with the "down voted for Sony" crap. You guys act like a buncha victims.

The down votes are probably from his unnecessary attempt to flame sony due to his obviously misinterpretation of the comment he replied to as MR was referring to 3rd ok arty support.

Did the vita lack first party support.....yes

Was MRBIGCAT's comment fan boyish, hell yes.

But there's no need to cry about the "if sony" crap, it's pathetic.

jb2272955d ago

Not sure why you felt the need to drag Sony into this conversation other than the fact that you always seem to throw some digs its way wherever you can, but here's a quick breakdown on games available for each platform.

Nintendo Wii U has 727 games total.
PS Vita has 1,301 games total.

So basically double the "content" available for Vita.

CarlosX3602955d ago (Edited 2955d ago )

I believe that it's not just 3rd party support, it's also first party support. Every time a new Nintendo console is release, we're fed the same obligatory Mario, Zelda, Pikmin. Sometimes it's a new title in the series, sometimes it's a port of a title from [insert year here] or a remake of [insert title here], but often, it's always the big 3 pillars of the Nintendo brand. What about Metroid? What about F-Zero? What about a new entry in Star Fox that's not called Zero? (A prequel.)

Hell, there hasn't been a NEW Zelda title since the launch of Wii U, and they want to simultaneously release the Wii U and the NX versions at the same time, SIDE. BY SIDE. Like Twilight Princess? Yeah, let's see how that works again.

What was the point of selling Rare when they do half the dirty work for you? Banjo Kazooi, Conker's Bad Fur Day, or the legendary Donkey Kong Country? Hm? Rare could've made a new DKC with all that graphics all over again, and it would sell hotcakes. Like that Yoshi game that was just released on Wii U. (Which could've literally been the sequel to Yoshi's Story!) Or.... freakin' KILLER INSTINCT!?

God. The amount of stupidity of Nintendo, seriously.

I gave up after GameCube. I never bought Wii or Wii U.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2955d ago
OldGuyStillGaming2955d ago

The Wii U was worth purchasing just for the exclusive titles alone.
I only have around 18 games for it and I was not disappointed with it.

Still use it a lot to watch Netflix on the pad

remixx1162955d ago

Super smash bros 4 alone was worth it. Play it almost every week for the last year.

BoriboyShoGUN2955d ago (Edited 2955d ago )

Thats what i was thinking. I'll get one a Wii U if I catch it for cheap!! Now if this new Nintendo console can play wii and wii u games i'll wait for it then.
Metroid, Mario, and Zelda alone almost justify it!

Bahamut2955d ago

I don't know, I have a PS4, PC, and Wii U... and while I definitely spent the least amount of time on the Wii U, I still enjoyed every moment spent on it. Super Mario World 3D is a great Mario game, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess were both fun to run through again, Super Mario Maker is an awesome creation tool game, Super Smash Bros is sweet, Mario Kart 8 is great to play with the family, Monster Hunter 3, and not to mention complete backwards compatibility with the Wii...

The Wii U is a great Nintendo console, but the problem is... a lot of people don't like Nintendo games. Other options must be provided for these people so they feel their purchase is justified. If you love Nintendo games, you'll still love the Wii U. But if you want all the multiplats, it's best to look elsewhere. That being said, I still don't know how the Wii U did so poorly... So poorly in fact that that they had to rush out the next console.

Aloy-Boyfriend2955d ago (Edited 2955d ago )

People have outgrown Nintendo and their games. Only diehards and dual console owners like myself support them atm. And their fanbase keeps dwelling

When I went to watch the IGN review, there was an add of Star Fox Zero followed by R&C review. That's when I realised how behind Nintendo is at their own game. Star Fox looks meh compared to R&C and as much as I loved SF64, I can't bring myself to get this new one.

The last game I bought was Sm4sh and that is pretty much the only game I play on it...occasionally. Like you I enjoyed every game before it, but now my Wii U is just there. I even forget that I have one because it is on my living room, not my bed room.

PlayStation has games pf bigger scale and more ambitious than the same old Nintendo IPs. I'm not asking to make their games realistic, but do something else. Be more aggressive. Bring 3rd party support and stop depending on your slow ass 1st party releases. It is not working anymore

gedden72955d ago

People don't like Nintendo games????? thats why they want Nintendo to go 3rd party.... Cmon..

oof462955d ago

I wouldn't say I don't love Nintendo games, they're always great fun. But, I don't buy Nintendo consoles anymore because the games I love to play aren't on their consoles.

The Wii U failed because of a number of reasons. But, paramount, was losing the massive casual audience that the Wii was able to hook.

wonderfulmonkeyman2955d ago (Edited 2955d ago )

To be fair, they aren't rushing out the NX.

The Wii U launched in 2012, and the NX is due in 2017.
If you measure it month-to-month, that's just about 5 years, give or take a few months, which is close enough to say that they aren't rushing it.
Rushing it would be releasing holiday of this year.

As for the Wii U, well, it did poorly because a lot of people hated using anything other than a traditional controller, and because the multiplats on it sucked.[the multiplats were so poor that they actually dragged the console down. Third parties should have stuck to exclusives]
Those two reasons alongside really crappy advertisement efforts and a distinct lack of key features like an account system that is untied from the system itself, are why it didn't do so hot.
Despite that, though, it still had the #1 best first party exclusives of the gen, and I'll always remember it fondly no matter what the traditionalist chav haters have to say about it.

@ Gedden
Yeah, well, most of the people saying that, are either lying and just want Nintendo dead and gone for good, or are SAYING they want Nintendo games, but would NEVER choose a game like Mario 3D World over a game like Dark Souls III, Gears of War, or Uncharted, let alone a large-following main-stream AAA like Call of Duty.
The people who would actually make Nintendo sell on those consoles are such a small minority that it would be a waste of Nintendo's time and money to try; AAA's like Activision and Ubisoft are the darlings of those consoles, not all-ages companies like Nintendo.
Just look around at all the hatred Nintendo's games get when it's suggested that the Wii U has had the best line-up of exclusives this gen.
No one accepts it because everyone hates Nintendo's games, not to mention their systems.

The people that truly care about Nintendo's games, are willing to show it by paying the entry fee for the console those games call home, just like multiplat lovers do for XBone and PS4.

Grilla2955d ago

You don't know why it did so poorly? My brother bought one at launch. It literally sat in his closet for 2 years, no games cuz nintendo didn't know how to make games in hd. It got good games later on but it was already to late.

2954d ago
Picnic2949d ago (Edited 2949d ago )

Who bought the 100 mill selling Wii for multiplats? WiiU didn't sell well because Wii name and likes of Zelda, Paper Mario didn't launch within first 2 years and console was expensive and marketing was too beige and 2007 stereotypical. The casuals had moved on to tablets / phones but the console was just a bit underpowered and not 'edgy' enough for the ex Gamecube owner (I'm convinced many of whom were disgusted by tech of original Wii) to be drawn back. Nintendo have never forgiven people for not buying the Gamecube. The Wii was a punishment, an appeal to lowest common denominator. WiiU got rid of much shovelware but sticking with Wii name, boring console design and beige marketing (I include the awful lollipop head Miis in that) annoyed some long time gamers. The WiiU aimed at discerning , fun, young buyers but they don't tend to have that amount of money in the piggy bank and the marketing, where it even existed, was not even fun, not either wacky nor deep in the slightest. Nintendo should stop with the offputting 8 year old and 80 year old play game for FIRST time philosophy. They're not the people getting their wallets out.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2949d ago
gamerb62955d ago

Lol at the author "couldn't care less" but cares enough to write a whole article about it.

Funny, When most people don't care about something they pay no attention to it.. Lol

All these haters really do care, they are not fooling anyone, they are just worried and scared about the NX being a success and better than their "favourite console"

We don't believe you haters lol

ashcroft2955d ago (Edited 2955d ago )

I couldn't care less about Nintendo, that I'll waste my time writing about why I don't care.

Meanwhile at N4G, oh my god, He's bashing a console that isn't from Sony, Approve! Approve!

Sylth012955d ago

Lack of third party support =/= lack of support. The Wii U's first and second party titles have held the console afloat since third party developers pulled the rug out from underneath it right after launch.

Grilla2955d ago

Sure blame 3rd parties for Nintendos failure.

pcz2955d ago

i will only be interested in the nx if it is backwards compatible with the wiiu.

if it isnt BC then i simply wont buy it. the wiiu will then be the last ever nintendo console i purchase

LOL_WUT2955d ago

The controller is ultimately my deciding factor ;)

Grilla2955d ago

I think bc is a little iffy at this point considering recent leaks of wii u ports coming to nx.

sk8ofmnd2955d ago

Lol preach on brother preach! Where are all the nintendo bro force defenders! Usually in a nintendo thread you would have a gazillion downfists... Boo him lmao. The wiiu is going down as the worst console in nintendo history!

On topic, im sure the nx will do better than the wiiu, but thats not saying a whole lot.

oof462955d ago (Edited 2955d ago )

"The wiiu is going down as the worst console in nintendo history!"

The Virtual Boy sends it's regards.

DC7772955d ago

I was just on mine, just to update things really. I do have some real gems on there but it seems so old now. There's no friend updates, or things going on and it just feels so detached from pretty much everything.

Lots of people I know still use Wii. For parties, Netflix, casual things like that. I don't think those people had any interest in upgrading. Maybe soon they will.

Wii U was bad name, zero hype, snuffed shortly afterwards by PS4 news, thus bad timing.

Mega_Volnutt2955d ago

Not only a waste of money, Nintendo is launching a new console in just 4 years, You know how long I enjoyed my Xbox 360. Even worse, I bought the Wind Waker HD WiiU Bundle just 2 years ago, and now Nintendo expects from me as a loyal Nintendo fan, to drop $400 bucks on new hardware so quick?? With probably ported WiiU games over the NX as launch titles and lame 3rd party support?? No thanks, I'm sticking with my Cyberpower PC, Xbone and 3DS. The only hardware I can buy from Nintendo again is, when I upgrade from my old 3DS to the next handheld that comes, "IF" it comes out next year as well. Smfh.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2949d ago
finite2955d ago

Click bait tosh....I have only purchased Nintendo systems... so for me as this is my opinion and this is an opinion piece, I Couldn’t Care Less what this author thinks. :)

DynoMiteLaserCat2955d ago

Funny... you didn't actually read anything so your 'opinion' is baseless. You might not wholeheartedly agree, but the points the author made are very valid. He doesn't just yell 'Nintendo Sucks', he breaks down from the NES to today and where the missteps were made. It's actually very well written.

finite2955d ago

Your opinion like mine is neither right or wrong, this is what makes an opinion so great.

Digital_Anomaly2955d ago (Edited 2955d ago )

@finite: Yeah, but to have an 'opinion' on something you need to educate yourself about it. THAT'S HOW THEY WORK.

Unless you're cool with having an 'uneducated opinion' which only serves to make you look stupid. Just sayin...

finite2955d ago (Edited 2955d ago )

@Digital_Anomaly you do not have to be educated or uneducated to understand that this article is an opinion piece and its neither right or wrong :) I simply disagree, oc everyone is welcome to an opinion

Neonridr2955d ago

he brings up a bunch of history in his article. Nowhere does it mention what the NX is or what it will or won't have. Saying you don't care about something you know nothing about is not a very well rounded opinion.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2955d ago
Eiyuuou2955d ago

Yet opinion pieces are usualy backed up facts, and it wouldn't hurt to learn about said facts, now wouldn't it?

morganfell2955d ago

He does not understand opinions arrive in several shapes. Uninformed and informed are just two and they are vastly different.

KwietStorm_BLM2955d ago

An opinion based on ignorance and lack of even attempting to acknowledge what is said, is not a valid opinion, and people who say their opinion is neither right or wrong, simply because it's their opinion, are usually the ones who actually have nothing to say in the first place. But hey 'click bait' because I don't want to hear it.

nitus102954d ago (Edited 2954d ago )

You are definitely entitled to your opinion as is the author.

Having owned all Nintendo consoles from the NES though to the GameCube that should make me an Nintendo Fanboy, however the turning point for me was the Wii which many people rightly IMHO stated that it beat the PS3 and the XBox360 in sales although not in combined sales.

What turned me off from buying the Wii was the Wii mote which was IMHO horrible for the type of games I liked which were Action/Adventure and RPG's (all types). The Wii mote was fine for quick casual games but for longer playtime not that good. This was why Nintendo brought back the classic controller. All this was too late for me since I had already purchased a backwards compatible PS3 which still works to this day.

Actually I started deserting the Nintendo camp when the N64 came out since I genuinely hated that controller although that is subjective however it was very difficult for the N64 with its relatively expensive and small storage cartridges to compete against the PS1 (CD) and the PS2 (CD and DVD) media. I did get the GameCube and IMHO it was a good console and the controller was to me quite acceptable but unfortunately it did not have that much of third part support.

Personally I really did like the original SNES controller which basically became the prototype controller for the PlayStation and the XBox. Don't believe me, do a top down look at the SNES controller and the same for the Sony and Microsoft controllers.

What many people don't realise or probably don't want to know or care is that the Wii was standard definition only while the other consoles could support up to 1080p. So let me ask the question "Which generation was the Wii actually in"? To which I will give the answer "A bit of both". Along comes the WiiU which to Nintendo's credit did support up to 1080p but it straddles the last and the latest consoles generations. Now comes the Nintendo NX which will probably straddle the console generations again. Is this a good or bad thing? Well only time will tell.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2954d ago
Vasto2955d ago

Everybody waiting for the next Playstation / Xbox

Ck1x2955d ago

Which .5 are they waiting for these days?

LOL_WUT2955d ago

Surely those without the gimmicks ;)

ScorpiusX2955d ago

Am excited its a Nintendo console with more kick and who will most likely be welcoming to 3rd party developers .

Hitoemi2955d ago

Actually there are many conflicting rumors on what kind of power it has.

ScorpiusX2955d ago

True but hoping it meets 3rd part engine requirements .

Pullmywaffle2955d ago

Wow, this guy actually gets it. Nintendo never learns from their mistakes, and refuse to play catch up with the rest of the world. This is what happens when you run a worldwide company out of Kyoto.

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Inverno7h ago

Jesus. The AAA space is gonna implode on itself. We went from "indie is the future" to shutting down devs who make smaller budget games to make way for games that take 7 years to develop and blow through half a billion bucks with almost nothing to show for it.

badboyz095h ago

You guys act all upset but don't buy the games. I bet none of you bought RollerDROME!

qalpha2h ago

I bought 'No Rest for the Wicked', which is published by Private Division, so it does concern me about its future.


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