
"Why my videogame chooses your character’s race and gender for you"

Garry Newman: I am the lead developer on a multiplayer survival game named Rust. Last week, we made a change to the game that upset a lot of people: we made half of our players, picked at random, play as women. We also made some of them black. The response has been extreme.

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Stereotypical_gamer2970d ago

I have the fix for this developer, instead of giving players the illusion of choice you actually give them a choice. It's really not a surprise this article is from the Guardian, not quite the biggest sjw's in the world but close to it.

Pandamobile2970d ago

The point is to not give people the choice at all.

Also, what does this have to do with SJWs?

2970d ago
wannabe gamer2970d ago

Gary newman is a huge douche, his response nearly always is something along the lines of "too bad" his litle sandbox he made gave him a huge head

Pandamobile2970d ago

It's kinda funny that in the wake of Blizzard bending to public pressure, people still rag on devs that stick to their laurels.

wannabe gamer2969d ago

i dont see it as that, i see it as him refusing to listen to what his playerbase wants. how big of a deal would it be for him to give people the option of a 1 time choice to pick their character gender. not a character creation tool but just give people the option to pick if they want. while also not be able to change it if they are really worried about people changing appearance for griefing.

Pandamobile2969d ago

Video games are not designed by comity. As always, it's a small, vocal minority of people that are pissed off about it. The majority of players don't care.

2970d ago
2970d ago
bobtheimpaler2969d ago

I don't understand the problem. In real life you didn't choose to be born. You don't choose your race, religion, parents, beliefs, where you are born etc.

Seems kinda interesting and I think people are blowing this out of proportion.

Plenty of games offer the ability to create your own character. Play those instead.

2969d ago

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Vader8220d ago

No 7 days to die is criminal


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