
Dual Pixels Exclusive: Nintendo NX Controller Leaked Photo

A new source exclusive to Dual Pixels, who also reached out this time for us on Reddit, has informed us to share this exciting news. Dual Pixels would like to publish what we label as a "leak" of the controllers of Nintendo's next generation.

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LOL_WUT2999d ago

More touch screen nonsense? Gah, Nintendo i'm disappoint! So much for a traditional controller ;)

-Foxtrot2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

Imagine how much that is going to cost on its own. I can't see them offering them in shops like the Game Pad. Then you have third party devs which, just like the Game pad, will not want to waste development time on a multiplatform game to add features for it.

Again it's probably fake but if it was true good lord Nintendo.

Is there actually any physical "A, B, X, Y" buttons on it or are they crappy touch ones like a mobile.

I don't see how people could defend Nintendo this time if this turns out to be true.

darthv722999d ago

Imagine how much to replace if someone throws it in a fit of rage like hipster gamers do.

Rayven2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

Yeah. I thought the NX will have great 3rd party support based on another rumor in the past. But if this is its controller, I don't see how games like Fallout 4 or even Call of Duty could be played.

Come on Nintendo, stop trying to force trends and start thinking more about functionality.

Although I do doubt that this is really the NX's controller, I'm no expert but I don't think an almost pure touch screen controller could survive through initial testing. With mechanical buttons you don't have to look at the controller since you can feel the buttons, but with touch screen, that's impossible.

Griever2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

It looks kind of real... I can see the B button in its correct position but I cannot see the A, X, and Y buttons. You can also see a tiny LED display showing some kind of counter in green/red color near cord connector. I can see the numbers. The other end of the cord is censored so as to not reveal what it is connected to. There is also a bumper/trigger on the left side. You can see the bulge and curve. I think I also see 2 speaker slits and a camera in the white portion under the B button. However, why is most of the face all chrome plated/colored??

Finally, it looks almost exactly like the patent filed by Nintendo itself which can either mean that it is real or that somebody copied it exactly for a hoax. Looks quite detailed and real to me but who knows. People can pull off some quite detailed hoaxes to gain attention.

freshslicepizza2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

looks like someone just took the patent and mocked up their own controller. terrible. why would you have buttons in the screen taking away from what you can see? it's like a bad android/ios screen.

BenRage32999d ago

What about the rumors that this system is implementing 3d tactile rendering on the touch screen? Wouldn't that mean that this controller could create a traditional button layout like a standard controller?

UltraNova2999d ago

It looks..dysfunctional? Maybe it has a retractable thingy underneath with buttons?

God I don't like this if it ends up being real.


Lets not forget they will be aiming for the 300 dollar mark...

mikeslemonade2999d ago

I'm leaning towards of that being fake.

bouzebbal2999d ago

before your doom opinions, wait until we see what NX trully is.
tbh i like the "different" approach Nintendo gives their consoles.
I find no excitment in buying a console to play the same games as on the console i already own. difference is great.

naruga2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

why nintendo are doing this to their selves ? are completely clueless ..who the damn is convenient to look at his controller when he plays games?? Havent the Wii U example gave you a good demo that having a screen on your controller is by default a fail ?? if it is true is lame and except the first hyped sales will sink immediately also if it isnt and they choose a conventional controller like the others they already have lost precious time on the market with PS4 just dominating the place ..i really cnt think smthing good that could happen for Nintend right now ..and i m for those who i see (i mtrying to) positively and even spend money on every Nintendo home console

DC7772999d ago

Obviously fake. You can see the true logo for what it is blacked out.

Looks like a remote for something with poor black box/green screen/photo shopped overlay on top.

Whymii2999d ago

It does have 4 physical buttons. They're labelled F, A , K, E.

mcstorm2999d ago

@Griever I can see some form of buttons to. I winder if they are under the screen but maybe raised. Hard to tell from this pic though. I am going to call this fake or not something Nintendo are looking at releasing or I would hope not as I am not sure what to think of it.

darthv722998d ago

What if... (and this is a big "what if") the buttons were on the back?

When you hold a controller, generally it's your thumbs that do all the face button work. But in this case your thumbs deal only with the sticks on the top. thus leaving your fingers to be positioned to press buttons that would be on the back.

It would be a tad weird at first but if you really think about how you hold a controller... your fingers could be put to use besides shoulder / trigger buttons.

Necr0philiac2998d ago

I agree with you but I think this pic is a fake. If it did have most of the buttons on the back of it i do think that would be a big game changer.You would be able to use all your fingers at the same time and have a lot quicker response time instead of 2 fingers and to thumbs. It would be the closest a controller could come to competing with a mouse and keyboard. It would be great for playing Mario Party or fighting games. Plus it has touch screen ,this would be an amazing controller!

Derpy2998d ago

I have to agree. I actually like the Wii U tablet-controller, but it does have real buttons. I don't think I'd like this thing at all as I hate touch screen buttons for main control use. For maps and menus or typing it's fine, but when jumping or attacking I want the precision that only real buttons can offer. Thankfully this is probably fake.

Utalkin2me2998d ago


Havent heard to many people or seen anything on people throwing the WiiU controller.

Necr0philiac2998d ago

I agree.Throwing controllers in the Nes,Snes era was more common. Old controllers could take a beating and still work good. Now days controllers are 3x as expensive and break easy. I won't throw a $50 controller but god damn it i drop my Xbox one controller all the time!It is too slippery smooth especially when i have been drinking.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 2998d ago
gangsta_red2999d ago ShowReplies(15)
pcz2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

it looks really fake.

who is going to want what is basically going to be a glorified game boy with a hdmi out?

dont get me wrong, the device will obviously sell to fans, i might even be interested, but im a nintendo fan. but from a mass consumer appeal point of view? no, i really dont think the NX is what people want.

-Foxtrot2999d ago

If it fails then that's it it's over. They can't just rely on their handhelds forever things will get even more stale quickly and most of their franchises play better on the big screen.

They'll go the way of SEGA

I'm just scared instead of making games for Sony/Microsoft they'll be stubborn and make exclusive games for mobile.

DopeTech2999d ago

It doesn't look fake, look at the patent that was registered by Nintendo back then, IT LOOKS REAL, and that sucks, I'll just stick to my XB1/PS4/PC, Nintendo is out of gaming.

Mr_Writer852999d ago

I agree it looks fake, there is nothing about this picture that doesn't scream photoshop, the pad itself looks at least it's made, but the "touch screen" looks photoshopped to me.

Lilrizky2999d ago

But isn't that what the NX has been touted as for ages?

MoveTheGlow2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

@pcz Agreed that it's a fake. The proportions look out of whack, the build looks shoddy, the screen looks like it's a laminated photo... no. Look at that black button on the bottom! That is a black iPhone/iPad home button. No way. This guy wasn't even trying.

Re: everyone else, patents are there to make sure someone else doesn't take their idea. They're not final design docs, and they shouldn't be; heck, they're often descriptions of tech that never makes it into the system.

No one with a shred of foresight would "tout" that patent as the real deal. Someone just took that patent and replicated the sketches. It's a sham and a half. A ShamWow, if you will.

Ratty2998d ago


Pretty sure they'll stick to handheld if it fails. Hell, the NX could be handheld for all we know. But I agree it'll suck if they go mobile.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2998d ago
gangsta_red2999d ago ShowReplies(7)
2999d ago
BrandanT2999d ago

Why dies it look like there's a censor block at the top of the image?

2999d ago
joab7772999d ago

The only way this is good is if the system itself (if there is one) is more powerful than the PS4 (or equal), has a traditional controller, and this is your ability to take any console on the go immediately.

For exmaple. I am playing Dark Souls 3 and it looks as good as PS4 but has shorter load times. I got 5 minutes b4 I gotta bounce. Wait. I just unplug this baby, pause the game and bring it with me. Then, on my car ride, I keep playing.

sorenx2997d ago

how does one drive and play a game? stay off the road please im now afraid.

2999d ago
Bathyj2999d ago

Ugh, really. What am I even looking at? Is that a rear view mirror with analogue sticks?

Zeref2999d ago

I'm confused..what is this shit?

marloc_x2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

So, where do controllers go from here then?

Shaking maracas with a headset on?
Oh right..it's not forced on you, I see!

You are expecting to still be pushing a cursor with a stick through menus and entering text at 8 words per minute next gen?

3-4-52999d ago

The patent drawing it's based on had grips...this doesn't.

I doubt this is the final controller.

endi1232999d ago

The new lol controller, lol

wheresmymonkey2999d ago

It's a handheld hybrid. it wouldn't just be the pad. That's the entire console.

Also it's not a tradiditonal touch screen. it uses haptic feedback to actually feel like buttons when you touch it where it needs to.

if the reports are to be believed. But just looking at those shots i can tell you its fake. the shadows are odd, and the light spot from what i asuume is the flash on the controller is in the exact same spot on both pictures/

Finally patent applications never end up looking the same as the real thing.

deafdani2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

"Both pictures" are the same picture, bro. They just rotated it.


Anyway, I agree that it looks fake as hell, but not because of "shadows" or whatever. If this is a photoshop / photo mock up, it's pretty damn well done, and I say this as a graphic designer myself. The only thing that looks a bit out of place is the angle of the power cord to me, and that could just be because the device isn't perfectly flat, but sort of convex.

But no, it looks fake as hell simply because it's a carbon copy of that patent Nintendo filed months ago. Final products never look exactly the same as the pictures in a patent, lol. That is a huge red flag is there was ever one.

jcnba282999d ago

You actually believe this? Lol

-Foxtrot2998d ago

I said multiple times it probably wasn't and "if"

Next time read before posting silly replies

XanderZane2998d ago

Oh hell no. "You will say 'Wow'"? I don't think so. This controller isn't wireless? I'm hoping and praying this is a fake image.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2998d ago (Edited 2998d ago )

Of course it's fake.
It Unreal Engine 4 tech demo displayed and you can clearly see the B button slightly transparent.

But one button no D-Pad.

This is probably someone trying to pass as a leak after witnessing the Patent that Nintendo had.

The dang analog stick look really terrible as well and copy and paste.

2998d ago
Ratty2998d ago

It's... Pretty bad. I hope it's fake for Nintendo's sake and ours. IMO they should stick with the Wii U gamepad. I like it. It could use some improvement but it's a good direction.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 2997d ago
ninsigma2999d ago

I can't make sense of the face of it. What's going on there??

RIPWiiU2999d ago

Looks like its a camera on screen and from the looks of it its being streamed from somewhere else like maybe the console or a cellphone.

Anyways it looks poopie

ninsigma2999d ago

Definitely looks strange. Can't say I think it's a good controller from the screenshot. Might not be real anyway. I'll keep all judgement till the full reveal.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2998d ago (Edited 2998d ago )

No the image is from it Unreal Engine 4 Tech Demo.

Not the exact moment but here:

Playable_Gamez2999d ago

Im sorry but that better not be the controller.

Double_O_Revan2999d ago

It looks futuristic. It looks innovative. It looks stupid....

KwietStorm_BLM2999d ago

It looks like a 2D Football.

deafdani2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

This made me chuckle. Did you come up with that yourself, or is it a reference to something?

Either way, love that phrase. Have a funny bubble. :_)

2999d ago Replies(1)
WeAreLegion2999d ago

I'm calling BS on this one. Just complete BS.

2999d ago Replies(2)
ChickenOfTheCaveMan2999d ago

I agree, that can't be real, they can't be that dumb. That looks designed by somebody who's been in the coma since the 70s, woke up and tries to catch up by using all today's technology in one thing but kept his flavor. The car Homer Simpson designed wasn't even that ugly.

On flaw of the Wii U was that you had that small screen to look at while you could look at your 60' instead, and now they would put even more screen on the controller. Duh.

I refuse to think this is it.

sk8ofmnd2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

But what if this is the reveal for the handheld successor to the 3ds? In that light it looks pretty cool to me...

Standalone nx controller? For the mother of god please no! In no way shape or form should a *consoles* controller be the most expensive thing. Make 50$ controller like everyone else and put money towards beefing up the innards LIKE EVERYONE ELSE! Orr you will hear the cries of millions of people laughing their asses off E3 June 14th 😼.

SegaGamer2999d ago

I agree, i just can't believe that is the controller, it looks terrible. This has got to be fake.

slate912999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

Nintendo, I aint got time for all that.

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Nintendo Has Acquired Shiver Entertainment From Embracer Group

Nintendo Has Acquired Shiver Entertainment From Embracer Group

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Profchaos13d ago

Great news it shows that Nintendo intends to continue developing ports of AAA games to its next gen platform

H913d ago

Buying studios from embracer now is a great deal, they must be dirt cheap at this point, Nintendo is a opportunist, they wait until someone fall so they get their best deal

OtterX13d ago

That is some serious brain gymnastics you have going on there. 🤔

H912d ago

I didn't do any gymnastics I can assure you, honestly I don't know why you think that, not hating I seriously don't see why you think that

ZeekQuattro12d ago

Yeah I don't know where that came from. It's rare for Nintendo to flat out aquire studios. Guess they were trying to be edgy but why flex on this studio. 🤣

Kneetos12d ago

At least they are safer from layoffs with Nintendo then any other company

banger8813d ago

I hope someone buys Piranha Bytes, their future isn't looking good right now. I love their RPGs, they're janky as f***, but they have heart and soul.

Relientk7713d ago

Nintendo saw the Mortal Kombat 1 Switch port and were like, "Yeah, these guys are worth acquiring."

You can't make this crap up lol

Profchaos13d ago

Mortal Kombat 1 was never going to port well I'm sure they told wb it wasn't going to work but wb wants that sweet sweet 140 million install base

In the end wb approved the project cleared the milestones and allowed the product to release

SonOfOsiris12d ago

Yeah this guys ported MK11 which is great, Hogwarts Legacy which is great, and MK1 is now ok, play it every day


Game Developers Have Begun Confirming Nintendo Switch 2 Support

Game developers have already started to confirm that they will support the Nintendo Switch 2 with their future titles.

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How Many More Victims, Like Garry's Mod, Will Nintendo's Hurtful Crusade Create?

Hanzala from eXputer: "As Nintendo takes out 20 years' worth of stuff from Garry's Mod, I watch in shock, thinking why it continues to hurt and discourage its fans."

RiseNShine30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

The irony that some of the most disgusting business practices come from companies like Disney or Nintendo, i can't even begin to understand what terrible damage was Garrys Mod making to Nintendo bottom line, imho they're getting pretty nervous about where they're heading in the future, handhelds are no longer something exclusive to Nintendo, from Steam Deck to many others, now you can play the latest games and pay a fraction of the price on Steam sales, so it's up to their exclusives, which just on their own would make hard to justify purchasing a closed overpriced hardware with outrageous price policies (Super Mario Odyssey is still 60 euro 6 years later!), and as a home console they're always underperforming compared to Sony or Xbox.

gold_drake29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

i cam guarantee you, that their exclusives alone is what drives switch sales. they sell in the 10s of millions of copies.

nintendo created their franchises to be sort of nostalgia driven, exclusive only on nintendo.

people will always buy the pkmn games as they always bring in new younger fans amd is family friendly

mario kart, the same thing, mario games in general.

zelda games are system sellers. animal crossing for the casual gamers.

nintendo doesnt need third vame devs essentially. they made sure with the switch and the limitations that they looked more to pc ps and xbox.

its sad, but nintendo is more than fine with what they're doing. they positioned themselves to appeal to the more casual gamers.

but to your point, im not sure why they're doing this rly.

Inverno29d ago

Look at how they handled Nintendo games being streamed or uploaded on YouTube in the past. They killed Yuzu and Citra even when they had nothing to do with ToTK being leaked, not to mention it was basically unplayable on emulation the week it was leaked. Smash Bros tournament, that was fairly recent. They shut down their online services without any care for purchases made. I bought a switch after skipping their last 2 consoles and handhelds but I don't plan on buying anything Nintendo in the future. They take things to the extremes, they legitimately hate their fans. They're honestly right up there with the likes of Acti, EA, and Ubi, only difference is that they disguise themselves as being family friendly all the while being shady.