
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts $39.99 with FREE Banjo XBLA code when preordering

Ready your spring-loaded propeller boat and fasten your seatbelt, "Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts" is hitting U.S. store shelves on November 14, and pre-orders begin today. For the retail price of $39.99, those who pre-order at participating retailers will get in on all the Banjo fun right off the starting line, and as a special bonus, will also receive a free download code for the original "Banjo-Kazooie," launching on Xbox LIVE Arcade later this fall.

As Kazooie likes to say, "The early bird gets the worm." Since the original "Banjo-Kazooie" will not debut on Xbox LIVE Arcade until a couple weeks after "Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts" releases, pre-ordering the game gives you a two-week head start on the Arcade title and the opportunity to take advantage of "Stop N' Swop" before anyone else. "Stop N' Swop" rewards players' accomplishments in the new game with extra content and features in the Xbox LIVE Arcade game, giving fans who pre-order "Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts" the chance to experience more Banjo action than ever.

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thereapersson5765d ago

I'm definitely going to take advantage of this offer, at the very least for the price tag, if not the XBLA stuff.

LossTheEarthbreaker5765d ago (Edited 5765d ago )

I just hope it's not releasing at 40 bucks because it's missing something.

Reminds me of Test Drive Unlimited, which released at a low price (I think 40 bucks), which led a lot of people to think twice about buying it, even though it did indeed include a full game (with lots of content; speaking of which, I think I'll go play it now).

I may hold off on pre-order just because I'm not sure I care about the original Banjo.

Dark_Vendetta5765d ago

I would do this the first day they allow to preorder, but I bet this deal won't be available in Germany :(.I would appreciate it if someone could tell me which german retailers do often have such offerings (in Munich)

littletad5765d ago

I'm all for great prices, but that $39.99 price tag concerns me a little. Every time a game has been released in that price range, well the content resembles a $40 game. I just hope it wasn't bogged down and price reduced simply because it's lacking something.

GMR_PR5765d ago

You have a good point. It does make me wonder.

Hellraizer5765d ago

So Lair, Haze, too Human and Alone in the Dark are awesome 60$ games? ;)

lodossrage5765d ago (Edited 5765d ago )

The difference with those games is that they were expected to all do well. Hence the price. They dropped AFTER they were proven to be poorly received (yes too human will suffer that fate as well). Shadow Run and Two worlds also shared the mentioned games fate

But with a Brand New, first party, supposed "AAA" game getting that kind of price BEFORE it even comes out says volumes for the fact that the game MIGHT be lacking.

The price itself says to a customer that the game might not be all that great. MIGHT be good. But nothing special

I mean come on, look at Alone in the Dark for ps3. It "supposedly" will be an enhanced version yet it will STILL carry the budget pricing

Cheeseknight285765d ago

Let me try and settle this issue.

Rare's first 3 forays on the 360 sold at best, average. Perfect Dark Zero, Grabbed By the Ghoulies, and Viva Pinata all sold decent, with only Perfect Dark breaching a million. Obviously, Rare wants to sell more games.

Thus, they put Viva Pinata 2 and Banjo-Kazooie at $40. Not only does it help the holiday cash strain, but it also helps people make an impulse buy because they aren't $60. With any luck, they will both sell a million and Rare will be on top again.

Ontop of this, anyone who loved Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie but doesn't own a 360 now has a reason to get one - and with the game only at $40, they have a little more reason to buy the system purely for the game.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5765d ago
socomnick5765d ago

Thats a really great price. I definitely want.

IzKyD13315765d ago

why is it 40 bucks anyway?
is it not a full game? and is this not M$ who is publishing the game?

pwnsause5765d ago

its $40 because they want people to buy it, they think it has potential to become a forgoten title, no one wants that to happen, basically in a Patapon situation, remember Sony dropped the price on Patapon on launch day so it wont end up what i just said, a forgoten title, with a potential for a sequel.

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5 Neglected Rare Franchises That Also Deserve a Comeback

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GaboonViper1376d ago

I want a new Perfect Dark, Banjo and Jet Force Gemini.

Bathyj1375d ago

I actually don't want them. I'm not a big fan of Microsoft rehashing IPs they had nothing to do with creating just because they happen to own them.

Before you call me fanboy tell me a game they did that to that actually lives up the the original?

Just leave our beloved memories alone. You want to bring something back, redo crimson Skies or Brute Force. At least they were your games and they need updates.

gamer78041375d ago

I'm all for The Initiative rebooting perfect dark as a third person though, sounds like its trying something new and not just rehashing with a new coat of paint with this idea. Hope we see a tease of it in the next showcase.

gamer78041375d ago

Rumor is The Initiative is working on rebooting Perfect Dark in third person, normally I wasn't a fan of taking existing IPs but if its something new like this I'm up for it.

jznrpg1375d ago (Edited 1375d ago )

Don’t give them the Battletoads treatment .

TravsVoid1375d ago (Edited 1375d ago )

Donkey Kong Country is probably my favorite game of all time but I've not connected with much else Rareware has made since other than maybe Killer Instinct. Sea of Thieves has got to be close to my worst $60 purchase I've ever made.

sagapo1375d ago

Viva pinata was kinda fun imo.


Top 10 Game Sequels (That Ruined Everything)

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rhdugjcjrnddu1773d ago

Don't bother. 10 pages to click through and all of them written very poorly

Relientk771773d ago

Ugh Musashi: Samurai Legend is so meh. Don't understand how you can go from Brave Fencer Musashi to that. I really want a Brave Fencer Musashi HD Remake or a true sequel. It's one of the best games I've ever played.


Banjo-Kazooie Composer Grant Kirkhope Says Nuts & Bolts Should Have Been a Different IP

Grant Kirkhope, the composer of Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, explains what he thinks the issue was with the often-criticized Xbox 360 title.

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gangsta_red1790d ago

I actually liked it for what it was. But then again I'm not a Banjo fan. I actually hated a lot of the N64 style games that all followed the same Mario 64 style. Except for Conker.

IRetrouk1790d ago

I really enjoyed this game, the building was fun, I thought it was a well made platformer.

Vits1790d ago (Edited 1790d ago )

I kind of agree. The game had many new ideas that would have worked better in a new IP as people wouldn't be so upset that Nuts & Bolts played so differently from the older titles.

PhoenixUp1790d ago

I seriously hate how angular the redesigns are for so many of the characters in the game

The X06 trailer built people’s hopes only for the final release to ruin those dreams

-Foxtrot1789d ago

Damn right it should have

Can we just get Banjo Threeie and write this game off as Kazooies bad dream or something. An in game joke.

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