
Comparing Valve's VR Demos vs PlayStation VR - CES 2016

Why controllers might be the winning factor in the VR war.

jon_snow3065d ago

I want VR games where i could sit and play. Not everyone has luxury of dedicated room and space. Hive doesn't fit the my bill.

Rimeskeem3065d ago

Both demos i tried on PSVR involved about 3 ft^2 of room. just duck, shoot, or sit, but enough movement to warrant a fun a immersive experience. It really was something different.

jon_snow3065d ago (Edited 3065d ago )

All PSVR demo i saw involve people seated or stand momentarily then seated which is great for my tiny gaming space; Moving around will give you immersive experience i agree with you but it wont be enjoyed by many as most people don't have luxury of space.

SonyWarrior3065d ago

oculus is looking to be the worst VR headset coming out, i seen that coming though. cant wait for vive and psvr

kraenk123065d ago


The Oculus seems to have the best controllers though. They can even track your finger movement!

bligmerk3064d ago

The Occulus is shipping with a Xbox controller. The Occulus controllers haven't even been priced yet, looks like they might add another $100. The problem is the platform. All new PC peripheral hardware goes through a long time of buggy drivers. Nobody seems to realize that Occulus is going to be dependent on Windows 10 support.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3064d ago
kennyg37393065d ago

@sonywarrior from everything i read other then price Oculus has the best variety of games and experience out of all three

Wallstreet373065d ago (Edited 3065d ago )

Never read it has best variety lol Fromm articles I read it stated si far Sony has shown the best variety and their exclusives will only cement that. Oculus will have more because it's open but that doesn't mean anything. Ps3 had arguably the best games last gen even though it was closed hardware.


I've read articles to the contrary talking about psvr games and what they've shown.

kenmid3065d ago

@sonywarrior, I'm not saying that psvr is bad or don't have any games,just from the articles I read Oculus is getting a lot of praises for games and it's touch controller other then price.

UltraNova3064d ago (Edited 3064d ago )

Guys the more games on Occulus the more chances are there for some of them to be ported to psvr down the road. I hope there will be hundreds of games on Occulus by this time next year. The best thing is that Sony will have a say on which ones end up on PSVR ensuring some kind of quality, something that cant be said for Ocullus.

Neonridr3064d ago

I can't wait for the comparisons between EVE Valkerie PC vs PS4. I wanna see what sort of sacrifices have to be made to get it running on the PS4 hardware before I am willing to jump on board with that.

My PC is already Rift ready (surpasses the minimum specs) so I would much rather go for a VR experience with all the eye candy to go with it.

IamTylerDurden13064d ago

I'll take London Heist, No Man's Sky, Dreams, Rigs, Robinson The Journey, Driveclub VR, Ace Combat 7, Gran Turismo Sport, SuperHYPERCUBE, Get Even, The Deep, Kitchen (Capcom horror), Danganronpa, SFV, FFXIV, Warthunder, Eagle Flight, 100ft Robot Golf, Project Cars, ARK, Tekken 7, Technolust, Loading Human, Trackmania, Battlezone, Adrift, Eve Valkyrie, Modern Zombie, Golem, Psychonauts, World War Toons, Godling, Megaton rainfall, Job Simulator, playroom VR, Wayward Sky, VOLUME, Futuridium, Headmaster, Hyper Void, Among the Sleep, Atom Universe, Rez, Surgeon Simulator, The Hum Abductions, The Witness, Harmonix Music VR, Until Dawn, Dead or Alive, Distance, The Assembly and more as pretty good variety on PSVR.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3064d ago
Tapani3065d ago

Vive can forget Japan altogether. There's not enough space around here. And this is a market of 130 million people where purchasing power and latest consumer technology comes together. Yet, Vive is as hardsell as Kinect is. So yea, PSVR is pretty much the only VR solution here that could sell. Oculus would be ok, but nobody uses tower PCs around here.

ChrisW3065d ago (Edited 3065d ago )

Yeah... Most apartments are a 1DK or possibly 1LDK, with about 6 to 8-jo per room.

Luckily, I live at my in-laws' house and my room is 10-jo, but that barely gives me enough space to minimally utilize Vive's capabilities. I'd have to set my computer up in the tatami room and take out the sliding partitions (which would give me about 20-jo) to be able move around freely.

ChrisW3065d ago

Being able to use Vive to set up a VR room that you can move around in is just an option... A cool option! But just an option.

You can also sit down and play games with it, too.

Tapani3064d ago

Ah right hmm... If you do that, is it the controllers that distinguish it from PSVR and Oculus?

Tech seems solid, but I'm not sure about their business strategy.

ginsunuva3064d ago (Edited 3064d ago )

Vive doesn't need a large space; it just gives you the option to. You can sit with it and play traditional games.

Now admit that you were biased and were only gonna defend PSVR no matter what.

Erik73573064d ago (Edited 3064d ago )

Na dude, you only need like 4 feet of room.....and in general its just nice to have that extra immersive options and the Valve one really had more of a WOW factor to me than the Playstation VR.

The thing that makes Htc Vive's VR stand out for me was that the controls were actually MEANT for VR and they go hand and hand, playstation controller wasn't.

The quality is also nicer in my opionion but then again not everyone has a rig than can run this at a cheap price...

Kidmyst3064d ago

I'd love VR even in games like Fallout, just more of an immersive experience.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3064d ago
ApocalypseShadow3065d ago (Edited 3065d ago )

Seems like a fair assessment from them.Vive does have a lot of gear to make it work and may be the most accurate.

Now ask them how much Vive will cost for the public to buy it.and that's before even having a compatible PC to run it.sounds like at least $1000 to $1500 combined to jump in.

I guess you got to start somewhere.but I still feel Oculus and Vive's success rides on Sony's successful launch of a mass market vr solution that will have 40+ million vr ready consoles by the time it releases.and be a more inexpensive alternative.

s45gr323065d ago

It depends on which device can deliver a true vr experience. Meaning, transport the player from the real world to the gameworld. Be able to feel physically that the user is inside the gameworld....

Wallstreet373065d ago

They all will deliver a true VR experience with all having their weaknesses and strengths. The word is out based on hands on and preview, the psvr is a real and competent vr solution and holds its own against the other two, even handles screen door effect better than them so far. It's like saying Ps4 and PS3 didn't offer a true gaming experience against PC because it's weaker, yet hell yes it did with exclusives on it that were better than most of not all PC games. A Mustang gets you the same place as a Lamborghini, yeah Lamborghini technically is better but the ride is still enjoyable and fun just the same. Either it's can offer a true vr experience isn't a question anymore, psvr has been tested by ppl and games like rigs are comparable if not better than other vr demos shown regardless of the hardware.

Yeah Vive will cost more than Oculus given its hardware but that walking around with wires and needing certain space for the movement immersion isn't a seller for most lol try to sell that in Asian countries where ppl definitely don't have rooms to spare or big rooms at all.

I'll stick with my PSVR...

Rigs is a system seller for me
London Heist looks dope
Ace combat
Possible DC vr
Gran turismo and other ips you can't find anywhere else. Ps3 was defined by its exclusives and so will PSVR and I'm good with that. It will also be defined by its comfort which iscsaid to be the best out of all.

ShinMaster3065d ago

@ s45gr32

That would involve some neuro-stuff man.

joeorc3064d ago (Edited 3064d ago )

They all do, and rather well at that.
That's exactly why VR is not a peripheral it is a "platform" because example all three are pretty much one single platform for development purpose.


AMD & crytek made the Liquid VR SDK & DVK that supports

Playstation VR
HTC: Vive

Even Mr. Luckey of Oculus stated that the Exclusives of OculusRift are not even Exclusive.

"Palmer also wanted to make it crystal clear that the games/applications that are listed as exclusive to Oculus are not exclusive to the Oculus Rift. Other VR headsets will be able to run these games/applications (provided the companies making those headsets allow Oculus to support them). Oculus does not intent to lock its software to the Rift. However, these games/applications will be available exclusively from the Oculus Store.

“When we say “Oculus Exclusive”, that means exclusive to the Oculus Store, not exclusive to the Rift. We don’t make money off the Rift hardware, and don’t really have an incentive to lock our software to Rift. That is why the Oculus Store is also on Samsung’s Gear VR. Gear VR and the Rift are the first consumer VR devices coming out, but in the future, I expect there will be a wide range of hardware at a variety of price and quality points, much like the television and phone markets.”

As Palmer noted, Samsung’s GearVR headset supports Oculus’ software.

“Currently, the only headsets that run content from the Oculus Store are Samsung’s GearVR and the Rift. If and when other headsets come out in the future, and if and when the companies making those headsets allow us to support them, you might see wider support, but we have to focus on launching our own products right now.”

Many VR games are cross platform from the get go, with some Exclusives to specific VR headsets due to 1st party and maybe some 2nd party development.

Other than that the experience you will have on one will pretty much be mimics on the other mainly because they all.use the same type of motion control set up.

3065d ago Replies(1)
Ark_3065d ago

On the other hand the PC gamer market has a lot of enthusiasts, that are willing to shell out that money for a VR headset or upgrade there graphicscard to get ready.

Btw I think that all approaches, including those cheaper solutions for smart phones, are necessary to get that whole VR-industry really up and running. I even believe that the mobile market might be more crucial, since people often upgrade there phones or run after the latest hype. It will be cheap enough to give it a try and to get a first taste of what's possible.

I personally believe that this is a big part of our future in the next decades, but also VR is not yet ready for tripple AAA gaming experiences and especially gamers might be disenchanted soon by the software available. I personally will wait till the next hardware generation. I guess it will take a few years, propably till the next console generation to really be good.

gamerz3064d ago

Agree that mobile vr is the next important platform for the reasons you mention and also the amount of software and ease of appstores. However AAA gaming is going to be amazing for those who pay and IMO, based on your post, you will be among us. haha.

joeorc3064d ago


Great post & points bubble up, but for this point.

"I personally believe that this is a big part of our future in the next decades, but also VR is not yet ready for tripple AAA gaming experiences and especially gamers might be disenchanted soon by the software available."

If you consider even mobile can do HD level already 720p AAA games would be viable in this Entry VR level due to costs in hardware being there in many smart phones being able to pull such quality off.

Remember already Video & games are already being shown off for HD level in Google cardboard certified devices. Now not expecting 1080p VR on a smartphone gaming for except for top tier smart phones, but the point is its still there at a level that dwarfs Entry level VR from the 80's & 90's which is a clear upgrade to VR now vs than.

AAA gaming is based more on gamers opinion on how the experience is for myself as a gamer. Many consider Minecraft as not AAA visual, but AAA for it's gameplay.

Same with : PS3 game Journey, or Xbox one : Ori as example's.

Its gameplay & entertainment value being many consumers main priority of what determines if or sometimes when a game becomes a AAA game for them when I say when many games get updates, added content now that can make a game better than what it started out as.

ElRompeToto8093065d ago

Her accent sounded so fake lol.

3065d ago Replies(6)
joeorc3065d ago


As you can see all three headsets all have motion control systems for their HMD headsets.

kraenk123065d ago (Edited 3065d ago )

Imho there never was and simply is no war between PSVR and the other two main competitors. Sony is in a field of its own atm.

Compared to the Oculus The Vive's biggest advantage is its biggest drawback. Only few people have the luxury to have a dedicated room for gaming/VR + it will cost even more than the Rift because of those sensors.

TheCommentator3065d ago

Yeah, PSVR's field is full of brown grass! Low power GPU, reprojection, inability to upgrade visual quality and performance, lack of a headset for audio, doesn't work on multiple devices...

Wallstreet373065d ago (Edited 3065d ago )

Yet Rigs for many stole the show out if all the vr offerings lol and all testers said they were surprised at no to minimal screen door effect in psvr yet found in the all mighty PC demos especially Vive.

If we go by your thinking lol PS3 and 4 wouldn't have games better than most if not all super powerful PC games. You know games like TLOU, Uncharted, God of War, Drive Club puts most PC racers to shame visually, and many other games.

For the hardware, what will probably be a 350 to 450 price point, better comfort, plug and play Sony's VR solution strikes the best balance and is a better solution imo given everything taken into account.

Go play rigs it makes everyone a believer :)

Muzikguy3065d ago

I'd wager that the PSVR will be allowed to work on PC

kraenk123065d ago (Edited 3065d ago )

What you call drawbacks are Sony's strength..uniform hardware sold in the tens of millions, great optics and other technical tricks to improve the comfort and usability. Sony is a great an experienced hardware company with years of experience in terms of 3D optics and motion detection, don't underestimate that. The games probably won't look as great as some games on Vive and Rift but that doesn't mean they will be less fun, especially considering Sony's experience in the gaming field.

ShinMaster3065d ago (Edited 3065d ago )

@ TheCommentator

It should be noted that PSVR has red, green and blue sub-pixels for every pixel as opposed to AMOLED's sharing green sub-pixels horizontally.

Sony is the only company that currently has an RGB OLED panel of that size and resolution.
More sub-pixels combined with superior optics (developed in conjunction with Sony's camera team) and high refresh-rate will close much of the gap that the resolution disparity brings.

You can use any headset you want, so you're not stuck with a subpar audio.

TheCommentator3065d ago (Edited 3065d ago )

Yeah, Wallstreet, $350 to $450 without a headset that costs another $80 to $100. How can anyone sell the idea of VR without audio immersion included? PSVR still can't improve like Oculus Rift is capable of because the hardware is fixed. So as of right now they're comparable at best, but they won't be in a few short years.

OT: Drive Club? Not this bs again. A game that is only made for visuals, that can't even match P Cars on PC visually, let alone run in 4k, or run at 60fps, or even manage 1/10th of the physics that P Cars runs? GTFO. It has nothing to do with the topic at hand anyways... but nice deflection from talking about all the issues I brought up in my original post. ;P

Edit @ shin:

The headset is removable on the Oculus Rift, so you're not stuck with anything if you want to upgrade. You are stuck with no headset when you buy PSVR though, and are forced into an extra purchase.

ShinMaster3065d ago (Edited 3065d ago )

Here's Project Cars on PC vs DriveClub:
And even if it couldn't match Project Cars, you're talking like a game on a PC looking better than a console game is some kind of big accomplishment. Clap, clap, clap.

ShinMaster3065d ago

@ TheCommentator

Way to ignore everything else I said in my first post, btw.

Seriously, who doesn't have a headset or a pair of headphones lying around.
"Stuck" with an extra purchase... nice spin.
And you're forgetting that Oculus and other VR headsets are also more expensive than PSVR.

Yeah, those issues your brought up are sooo detrimental to the experience according to those who actually tested it... oh wait


TheCommentator3065d ago (Edited 3065d ago )

Wallstreet brought up DC, not me. I pointed out many reasons why his statement was inaccurate, like 4k/60fps support and better physics which all take up processing power that PS4 doesn't have. How about you guys stick to the topic instead of continuing to deflect the real issues?

Edit: When did Sony announce the price of PSVR? OR includes an XB1 controller and adapter too, which is why it will likely be more expensive. Why should you need anything else at all when you buy something that costs as much as a console anyways? Here you go; PSVR has a better screen, yes. Happy now?

Wallstreet373065d ago

Yeah I brought up DC and....

Tons of articles that say DC looks bettercthan project cars on PC lol now we are going to use project cars using 4k on an uber pc excuse lol like seriously? We all know PCs perform better, are upgradable, can do 4k etc it says slot when a console game arguably beats out a game like that on PC lol

Truth hurts

Wallstreet373065d ago (Edited 3065d ago )


Few more articles around there hailing Driveclub as graphics racing king. It must be flattering to Sony when it's racer is compared to high end console ones :)

By the way back to the point. The verdict is out, no disputing that and ppl who have played psvr say it's the real deal and does it's job well. It's hardware may be weaker but it can hang with the big boys.

Neonridr3064d ago

Driveclub in VR would take a huge hit in terms of graphics. So I wouldn't even bother comparing the two.

Problem is Project Cars can still look like Project Cars in VR on a PC. Driveclub CANNOT look like Driveclub as it exists currently in VR mode. The PS4 would literally cough once, and smoke would pour from its vents. Or you would get 10fps.

ginsunuva3064d ago

Don't listen to wallstreet. RIGS made me and many others at PSX non-believers. Thr screen door effect was minimal yes, but the game was pretty bad. So much aim assist that you didnt need to do anything. We had hopes for it but if the flagship psvr game is that mediocre, then it's not a good start.

cd13064d ago

"doesn't work on multiple devices" - who told you it will be incompatible with future Sony consoles?

It sounds like you actually want PSVR to fail...not sure why?

Zoombael3064d ago

Lol, in a few short years. In a few short years the next generation of playstation is on its way.

TheCommentator3064d ago (Edited 3064d ago )

CD1, all I've done is state the facts, so if it sounds like I want it to fail, I guess it must be a failure already. The difference between you and I is perspective. I don't have faith in Sony's ability to produce software consistently, nor do I have faith that VR in general will be anything but the next gimmick like Wii Remotes, Kinect sensors, 3d TV's, Light guns, etc. Oculus has a better chance of success than Sony only because their hardware will improve over time.

As far as the quote you pulled from my post, who told you it would work with PS5? It only works with PS4 until Sony says so. Quit being blinded by fanatacism. Did MS make the original Kinect work with the XB1? No, they improved it because the first one was barely passable just like PSVR is. Hell, most of the VR software out there is watered down from traditional gaming so people don't get sick from it. Ginsinuva pointed out what Game Informer says over and over again in their 51 pages on VR gaming.

Lucius, everything that Playstation has produced has essentially died in a few short years except their home consoles. Admittedly, they tried harder with PSP, but the Eye Toy, Move Controllers, PS Eye, and PS Vita all lacked the continued support to make them even remotely successful. To think any different of PSVR at this point is just wishful thinking.

cd13063d ago

Commentator - You may not have faith in Sony but there are plenty of third parties producing games for PSVR so nothing to worry your little noggin about. I also disagree with your opinion on 3D TVs...as does George Lucas.

TheCommentator3063d ago (Edited 3063d ago )

Except George Lucas didn't make 3D TV's successful, made Episodes 1-3 horrible, and doesn't like The Force Awakens. Not exactly a reliable guy, especially over the sales data that says otherwise.

Sony will not support VR in the long run, when the consumers show there isn't enough money to be made in it, just like they did with everything else, lol.

cd13063d ago

We are both entitled to our own opinions on VR, you obviously have no interest in it but I do - no biggy.

Looking at a couple of your recent comments I see you spend some time on PS related articles but only ever have negative things to say.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3063d ago
Neonridr3064d ago

I would actually go out on a limb and say that Sony needs Oculus and HTC to do well with their HMDs in order to help spur the VR movement. If those two fail, Sony would have quite the mountain to climb.

Regardless of the PS4 install base, only a fraction of those gamers are interested in VR.

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purple1011d 12h ago

adds between 8.3-15.3 milliseconds of latency on the game they tested, - no thanks

darksky19h ago

Base latency is 130.8ms and frame gen takes that up to 139.1ms. A 7% increase in latency is hardly a deal breaker.

Zenzuu19h ago

That's hardly a deal breaker and not really noticeable. Even the folks at Digital Foundry said so as well.

darthv721d 12h ago

Impressive results... sadly I don't have a 120hz display. I was thinking this technique could increase fps on any game that supports it regardless of the display.

purple1011d 12h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )

I have a vrr telly in the lounge,

On another point, what if it were the other way around where the developer aims for higher fps, then used something like pssr to make the resolution higher, that might be better?

Any which way, PS5 pro sure looks interesting now, being they have already doubled frame rate, with JUST just this fsr3.0

sagapo17h ago

It’s up to dev’s to implement FSR 3 support tho but most probably will I guess (hope).

Eonjay3h ago

Yes it would increase the framerate but it would add more noticeable latency. The impact of latency goes down the more natural frames produced. So a monitor that can push bast 60 will naturally allow the game to operate much smoother. Add VRR to this and now you have a much more enjoyable experience.

BlackDoomAx19h ago

Can it deliver the 60fps dream?

purple1019h ago(Edited 9h ago)

no, it delivers approx 80fps.

which is why I say why not target 60fps with this new tech and use the upscaling pssr, (Sonys version of Nvidia's DLSS, that seems so popular in the pc realm)

then we have best of both, better believe ps5pro will be doing all the above.

andy8518h ago

Now I've extensively tried it I'm not too fussed about 120 fps. Give me a locked 60 and more details and I'm more than happy

anast14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

120 is a bit slow. My eyes can't look at anything less than 260fps.

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