
Fans Draw Awesome Fanart Based on New Kojima Productions Logo; Hideo Kojima Responds

After the creation of a new Kojima Productions studio by Hideo Kojima, fans and industry professionals around the world have shown outpouring support for the creator of Metal Gar Solid.

Yet, some did it in a more creative way than others, drawing some rather awesome fanart based on the new logo of the studio

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UserNameIsNotTaken3088d ago

And here I am, Drawing a happy face with my keyboard :]


Salooh3088d ago

Nothing is hard if you choose the right method to learn and go step by step. Even writing that smile of yours is a skill you learned in time because you wanted to :).

ShadowKnight3088d ago (Edited 3088d ago )

Kojima going with Sony is the biggest news this year! Kojima please make a game for the NX in the future! Nintendo and Sony should Partner up in the future.

ritchi453088d ago

They almost partnered up back in the early 90's, but we all know how that went.

ritchi453088d ago

I reckon the hope of any partnership between any of the big 3 is highly unlikely for the foreseeable future.
Personally I'd very much like a unified environment, even just for mp, where any gamer, regardless of platform, can all play with/against each other.
Sony have already, slightly, begun the process allowing pc and PlayStation gamers together.

ShadowKnight3088d ago (Edited 3088d ago )

I'm just talking about a temporary partnership to create something fun and unique for all gamers.

Yourmommasaid3088d ago

Little Big Planet : Mario Maker edition confirmed!

ritchi453088d ago

That would sell by the millions! Seriously.

DivineAssault 3088d ago

That would be huge if they go back and renegotiate.. It would monopolize the industry and any rival would have to be REALLY REALLY clever to even stand a chance at succeeding..

Germany73088d ago

Would be a great deal for Sony if the game is exclusive for PS4, only releasing first for the platform it's pointless.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3088d ago
Omar913088d ago

Wow some awesome art there. The full body ones are sick!

George Sears3088d ago

Seeing things like this makes me realize how untalented I am.

Captain_Wormy3088d ago

Hey don't feel bad, Solidus. At least you can spin P90s on your fingers like a badass. :/

Yourmommasaid3088d ago

And fight with the wuss version of Raiden

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The 7 Best Hideo Kojima Games Beyond Metal Gear Solid

Hideo Kojima is widely known as a video games auteur, but what are his best games outside the Metal Gear franchise?


Kojima explains why he decided to make a new action-espionage game

During the latest episode of HideoTube, Kojima talked a bit about Physint and the other projects he's currently working on.

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thorstein114d ago

That is a fantastic interview. Physint is a love letter to the fans. What a legend.

YourMommySpoils114d ago

I'm guessing OD will also be coming to PlayStation, as the trailer states for all players lol

RhinoGamer88113d ago

Love to know how much he works on a game. 10% effort --- 90% credit

F0XH0UND922113d ago

Ever see the credits of a Kojima game? The guy is a machine and does so much for his projects.

Trilithon113d ago

hes a decision maker. people don't always agree. but at least he has made a decision. imagine how many execs wanting the main characters outfit to have flowers cause their daughter likes flowers. this the power of being independent. only the real fans breathing down his neck

WelkinCole113d ago

I really really miss MSG. For me its not a PS gen if there is no MSG. So this news is a God send for me.

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Death Stranding 2’s badass ship has got Kojima (and us) very excited

Death Stranding 2’s ship will be a core mechanic in the new PS5 game, as Hideo Kojima reveals key details during a fresh HideoTube episode.

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contra157113d ago (Edited 113d ago )

Give us something new kojima