
Here Are The New Xbox One Backward Compatibility Titles Playable Today

Major Nelson:
Last month we launched one of the most requested features: Xbox One Backward Compatibility, with an initial set of more than 100 titles, allowing fans to take their Xbox 360 experience to Xbox One and still be able to play with their friends, take screenshots, stream and record in-game DVR clips. Today, we’re excited to announce even more Xbox 360 titles available now on Xbox One via Backward Compatibility.

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Automatic793090d ago

The library continues to grow great plus for all Xbox gamers.

DARKKENT3090d ago

Does anyone know a happened to the free gears of war games you get when you bought the remaster? Thought we would get them in december?

Lon3wolf3090d ago

Got my codes ages ago, have you actually played the remaster as you have to play it before the end of Dec not just purchase it?

DARKKENT3090d ago

Yeh played and clocked it... Did they email you the codes?

iliimaster3090d ago (Edited 3090d ago )

dark check ready to install games from my games tab mine were in there all except judement still waiting on that one

DARKKENT3089d ago


Thanks I'll check.. Gonna check my live account as well never ever used it except to register on xbox one so gona see if Ms e-mailed me the codes

Thanks for the help

HOOHAARR3089d ago (Edited 3089d ago )

Got my codes 2 days ago, they're sending them out in waves

donthate3089d ago


You should have received two messages via XBL with 2 codes each for the games.

Letthewookiewin3089d ago

Got my codes from the message thing on X1. They sent them right to the system.

WDBII3089d ago

We already have our codes man. Last month and they send them through Xbox Messaging

DARKKENT3089d ago

Nope haven't received any messages yet.. Sure I'll get mine soon if they sending them out in stages least i now know they are sending them out

Thanks for all the help

Condemnedman3089d ago

Mine came through the xbox message system.

Morgue3089d ago

I got mine last Thursday via Xbox messenger.

BattleAxe3089d ago (Edited 3089d ago )

@ Darkkent

They will continue to give out the codes all the way into January. If you already own any digital versions of the Gears games on 360, then you won't receive the codes for the games you already own.

Edit: Who's disagreeing with what I'm saying? Here's the link for the the F.A.Q. regarding the Gears of War codes:

XanderZane3089d ago

You should have gotten an e-mail in your XBox One Inbox. I got 2 e-mails. One had the codes for Gears of War 1 & 2 and the 2nd e-mail had the codes for Gears of War 3 & Judgement Day. When you bought GoW: UE all you had to do was played it once and you get the codes. I haven't installed them onto my XBox One yet, but you'll see them at the end of your games list to the right, along with all the digital B/C games that are waiting to be installed.

Gotcha53089d ago

Got all 4 Gears tokens on Nov. 24 before Decembers release street date... but you have to own and play Gears Ultimate thur the end of the Dec.

3089d ago
ziggurcat3089d ago


they should have sent out some codes for you to redeem via messages on your xbox.

ThePresentIsAgift3089d ago

I was sent mine quite quickly after buying and playing Gears hd, I love how this addition to BC has breathed new life into older titles online.

Gears 3 horde is still exceptional and I'm very pleased by how well the game holds up today.

Kingdomcome2473089d ago

I received my codes on Tuesday. I was beginning to think that they'd forgotten me.

DARKKENT3089d ago

Checked this morning got my messages with redeem code 1 & 2

Didn't realize they gave gears 1 also.. Never played the 360 version so I'll give it a try

Quite small files aswell 7gig for gears 2..

Thanks ms

Azzanation3089d ago


Check your mail or messages. I found my codes in there.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3089d ago
Halo2ODST23089d ago Show
AngelicIceDiamond3089d ago

Is Soulcalibur 2 HD coming to the US also?

Pazto3089d ago

Why 9 ppl disliked this? ._.

LastcenuryRob3089d ago

Most of those would be gamers who only own a PS4

3-4-53089d ago

That is cool and all but Where TF is Halo Wars ?

XanderZane3089d ago

Pretty decent list. I'm wondering how many more will be added for January. I would think getting all the 1st party titles on B/C would be the fastest ones. This is great though. Thanks MS.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3089d ago
Number_93090d ago

Nice, 4 more games added to my Xbox One library. I finally have a reason to play Deus Ex again and download the first ever GwG game MS gave us.

Paytaa3090d ago

Finally I can get around to beating Deus Ex HR since it has been backlogged for like 4 years.

Halo Reach is sick too since now I can play all the Halo games on one console aside from Wars but I'm assuming we'll get that soon or it will be bundled with Halo Wars 2.

Halo2ODST23089d ago Show
CerebralAssassin3089d ago


I also own every halo game on Xbox one. It's nice to have halo reach on there as well. I have it on my 360 but it's hooked up to a different TV and mostly used as a media hub. Not an ideal spot in my house to play video games. Not always as easy as inserting the disc. Being a fanboy has nothing to do with anything.

Paytaa3089d ago

@Halo2ODST2 Yeah not really a fanboy since I love Xbox, Playstation and PC but just prefer Xbox but nice try on being an aggressive keyboard warrior.

I also had too many other games I wanted to play over Deus Ex at the time. I have a huge backlog on 360 and PS3. It just makes it more convenient to now play on the current system I use.

Halo2ODST23089d ago

I'l be Happy when they bring Deus Ex Invisible War to Xbox One, I'm mine excited for HR being backwards compatible because that game is playable on the 360, which millions of people still have.

Team_Litt3089d ago

What's happening bro? You are on an article about backwards compatibility bitching at people who are excited about games becoming backwards compatible...? What gives?

You realise that there people who own these games digitally but have sold their 360s right? Or simply those do not want to have to switch between the two consoles to play 360 games

NatFanBoyRestricted3089d ago

Not everyone has their 360 and physical copy of games. Cut back on the salt, it's free stuff

Rock313090d ago

The list is short I was expecting more, free games are always good so you can't complain thank you MS :)

3090d ago
PhucSeeker3090d ago

Not free games tho, more like free service/feature.

Fro_xoxo3090d ago (Edited 3090d ago )

No bioshock


You promised me pretty!

Reach tho'

elarcadia3089d ago

As long as we get a few decent games every month, I am good. I want Bioshock too! If they release 3-4 every month that I want to finish/replay, my backlog won't get too horribly out of control hehe.

gamertk4213090d ago

Halo Reach!!!!!!!
And Deus Ex!!!

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6 Friendliest Characters in Games

GF365: "Oftentimes, video games have characters who are antagonistic and really not very pleasant. Here are some of the friendliest characters in games where you might not otherwise expect to find them."

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thorstein283d ago

Dogmeat: *bark!*

Translation: you are dead to me.


You can probably add Karlach to this from BG3


Fable II - A Fantasy Series at Peak Performance

Fable II launched back in 2008 and remains the best the series has offered. Ahead of the series comeback, it's time to look at the classic.

Crows90345d ago

They gotta bring back those gargoyles!

Dudeson345d ago

I'd love to play it again, this time on pc though. Forever waiting on that pc port.

GaboonViper345d ago

Loved this game, oh and i always saved my dog at the end, hope the new Fable has a animal companion.

got_dam345d ago

Fable 2 was the best inthe series. Peter waaaaaaay over promised with fable 1 and it was good but disappointing. He didn't go crazy eith hype for the second game and it was surprisingly awesome. Then he ran his mouth promoting 3 and it was the worst of the 3.

cthulhucultist345d ago

Funny story: Fable 3 had a funny way of keeping the promises you made in the first half of the game and having enough money to defeat the darkness.

You only had to collect enough money to buy 2 stores in a busy market district. You then raise the prices to maximum and you turn xbox 360 internal clock 99 or more years ahead.

The next time you load the game, all the rents from the 99 years are collected immediately.

But yes I agree that 3 was the weakest of the three.

Demetrius344d ago

I only got to play it once 😩 I'm so tempted to buy a Xbox 360 slim but planning on getting the series x soon since I got a PS5 in February Im ready to get saints row 1&2 back, GTA 4, fable 2, but I also want to play infamous 1&2 again Sony screwed us over with the stream only for saints row 2 and other gems smh


Cancelled Portal Prequel "F-Stop" Asset Showcase Released

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