
CVS Chooses the Wrong Xbox in Their Black Friday Ad

This is the picture of an Xbox that CVS decided to use for THIS YEAR'S Black Friday ad.

FITgamer3112d ago

Well it is technically Xbox One.

Crispyleeks3112d ago (Edited 3112d ago )

Wouldn't wanna be paying the price of an Xbox One for it though!

FITgamer3112d ago

True. I'd sell mine if i could get that much for it.

XisThatKid3111d ago

This is what happenes when you redundantly name your console and certain people that know nothing about our industry and probably tight on time end up doing.
Then again I remember a SEARS ad back in the day that had a Christmas Sale going on and it had N64 titles and a PS2 game on sale for Dreamcast for some reason. Or a Toys R Us ad that had Xbox controllers on sale for PS2 section worse thing about it was in the Xbox section it had the same controllers on sale for a cheaper price.

awi59513111d ago

I would for one of those hacked ones you see the guys in the military have with a 1000 games on it.

indyman77773111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )

LOL...we force companies to honor their mistakes, so I wonder if they would make us except a xbox(original) if you bought it online for the xbox one price?

This kinda thing was bound to happen, you put a ONE on your third version, and some one see's that it does not say two, or three on it. So they figure it must be number one, because companies don't usually sell hardware with version 1 on it!

Pay attention drug stores, video games is another kind of drug! It's not good if it is not addicting.

Sitdown3111d ago

What are you all talking about it was not redundantly named. The original was called "Xbox", and the current is called "Xbox one"; if it was called "Xbox 1st", then perhaps you all could make that argument. This has nothing to do with naming issues, just people being lazy. Google " Xbox one " and go to images.... how long before you actually see the picture of the original?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3111d ago
3112d ago Replies(6)
Mr Pumblechook3112d ago

Well it is my favourite Xbox 1.

Christopher3112d ago

More than likely this is just someone who photoshopped it, printed it out, and then took a picture of it.

ziggurcat3111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )

more like the design department were too lazy (edit: the CVS design department, that is... not MS) to take a photo of the console, and just googled "xbox 1" because this image comes up when you do that search:


which is the exact image in the advertisement.

Christopher3110d ago

Yes, ziggurcat... because no photohopper would use that exact same image from a search as well...

lvl_headed_gmr3112d ago

MS biggest marketing mistake was naming their latest console "Xbox One". It creates confusion as well as opened the door to the whole "Xbone" phrase which insinuates a poor product.

3111d ago
ForNgoods3111d ago

I've felt the same with nintendo naming their current console WiiU. IMO it caused more confusion initially than Microsoft. When they first showcased it i thought it was a Wii add-on.

rainslacker3111d ago

I wouldn't say their dumbest, but yeah, it does cause some confusion for the layman I guess.

I doubt the one name was meant to not be behind the PS4, I mean now they're three behind. It was likely used to denote the all in one nature of their initial marketing push. It makes sense even though it's not very original, or terribly catchy.

Sitdown3111d ago

Ha... Seriously doubt it calls confusion like you would want people to believe. How many times have you seen somebody walk in to purchase an Xbox one and come out with the original?

lvl_headed_gmr3110d ago (Edited 3110d ago )


I agree so long as MS followed a numbered sequence after the original Xbox. However since they went from Xbox to Xbox 360, clearly there was no intentions to follow in chronological order. They should have went with Xbox Infinite, Ultimate or Xbox Infinite. If a number was needed, go with Xbox 720 or The Xbox 1000....

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3110d ago
showtimefolks3111d ago (Edited 3111d ago )

If ms would have just been smart it would have name this new console Xbox 720. But like Nintendo and their crap with wiiu it just doesn't work when consumers are confused


See how simple and successful

Sometimes I feel like these companies over think stuff too much

XSpike3111d ago

Yeah I'm sure the Xbox 720p would of sold nicely with all its 720p games... So MS didn't want it to be called 720.

MS could of picked Xbox 1080, but MS wouldn't want it to be called Xbox 180 after its 180 after its announcement, or something like Xbox non 1080p as it has a lot less games running at 1080p.

So instead of having a number that refers to resolution, they went with Xbox One

WilliamSheridan3111d ago

Xbox one has more AAA 1080p 60fps titles than PS4. I love both systems bit people really need to check facts.

Anyway, resolution doesn't matter much, this generation the exclusives are where it's at. MS won the first few rounds of exclusives, but Uncharted 4 is almost a guaranteed homerun and SF5 is a great get

showtimefolks3111d ago


ps4 has twice as many exclusive games

ps4 has the higher rated exclusive than xbox one

XanderZane3111d ago

The Ad is actually for a 3 month XBox Live Gift Card ($24.99) and not the system at all. They could have put an Atari Jaguar up their and the consumer still would be getting it.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3110d ago
PerfidiousSinn3112d ago

I still have friends who mix up "Xbox One" and "original Xbox" so I see how that happens...still embarrassing though.

Sitdown3111d ago

Please explain how they mix it up....

3112d ago Replies(1)
Skate-AK3112d ago

Haha. At the bottom it even says *console not included.

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Xbox No Longer Has Its Head In The Game

Microsoft & Xbox have shut down Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks to lay off more workers, insinuating that they're not in the game anymore.

XiNatsuDragnel22d ago

They're headless for a long time because closing tango isn't exactly a good move

PapaBop22d ago

Ever since that cringe Kinect reveal they've never been the same. They used to make some amazing games and do great deals with third parties Early on in the 360 era they had games like Chromehounds and Shadowrun, both well ahead of their time. Now instead of nurturing their studios, they'd rather gaslight gamers and throw billions on pre existing studios. Not sure how Spencer is still in a job, I wouldn't trust him to organise a piss-up in a brewery.

Father__Merrin22d ago

We've said all along Spencer needs to go. I wish xbox went back to xbox only with new gears fable forza halo releases lots of third party releases

Those early rainbow 6 Vegas days and phantasy star universe are gone forever

S2Killinit21d ago

MS has its head in the game but the game they are playing is something different from what console gamers expect from a platform. MS’s end game has always been to use the xbox as a trojan horse.

XiNatsuDragnel21d ago

Lol that's funny well this plan they have isn't working homie

343_Guilty_Spark22d ago

Acquisitions always come with cuts

1Victor22d ago

“Acquisitions always come with cuts”

343 trillion points shield activated
343 trillion percent damage negate activated
All damage reduced to 1 for 343 trillion turns.

Tacoboto22d ago

Especially for Microsoft, when Booty pretty much said they didn't know how to handle that many studios.

Why even make the acquisition then.

-Foxtrot22d ago

Didn’t they make the swipe for Bethesda when Sony wanted like 6 months exclusiveness for Starfield

It’s like…chill, you got Rise of the Tomb Raider for a year.

romulus2322d ago

Do they always come with senseless cuts becasue that's exactly what cutting Tango was, senseless.

H922d ago

Everyone's acting now that game companies care about games and Xbox is committing the Ultimate betrayal, they are all like this and you have just been quiet about it for far too long

Nuclearmoon22d ago

I wonder if Microsoft do pull out of the console market that it might open the door for valve to relaunch the Steambox. Competition is good for the industry but Microsoft don't even seem to be trying anymore.

UltimateOwnage22d ago

Steam / Valve are one of the few truly pro-consumer bright spots in gaming right now. Thankfully.

Jingsing21d ago

From all the money Valve make from Steam they reinvest almost 0 into creating new AAA titles for the PC platform, Absolutely no giving nothing back in that regard. Wake up.

jwillj2k422d ago (Edited 22d ago )

“Your game has won some pretty significant awards and is a show piece for where we want to go in the future.”

1 hour later.

“We’re gonna have to let you go. You can’t cover our 100 billion dollar acquisition. Oh and take your awards too 👍🏾”

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