
The Epic Full Length Warcraft Trailer is Here

CGM: The Warcraft movie has been in development for a while now, in production since 2014 the film is planned to be a fantasy epic. Telling the story of the epic war between Orcs and Humans, the film directed by Duncan Jones is sure to be a feast for the eyes.

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gangsta_red3129d ago

Some of that CG Orcs was...suspect.

Timesplitter143129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

I am so sick of those big shiny CG environments that don't even look remotely real. The kind you see all the time in films like Thor and such (this http://cdn.collider.com/wp-... ).

The CG quality is very questionable overall, too

Mega243129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

So you want them to create places that don't really exist... aren't you special.

Below: That's how Draenor looked like though, it was dying, it's in the lore bro.

Timesplitter143129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

I want them to do it in CG, but without adding a huge weird orange glow in your face and stuff that shine enough to make your eyes spontaneously combust

spicelicka3129d ago

Agree with that, this looks more like the opening cinematic to the game.

Wouldn't mind that if that's the style they were going for but then there are real people which makes it look inconsistent.

I just hope for an actually good story and characterization. It's being made by the guy who made Moon so I have high expectations.

gangsta_red3129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

The Orcs looked terrible. Like on some Who Framed Roger Rabbit type of CG.

At 0:51...holy god that looked bad.

mafiahajeri3129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

Dont like the way their armour looks, it looks like cosplay...

Nevertheless it could be really good or really bad cant tell TBH

Sir_Simba3129d ago

I'm getting a LOTR vibe from it.
I'll definitely watch.

Timesplitter143129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

Take LotR, remove the interesting characters, remove the good scenes, add low-budget CG action scenes, and you get Warcraft Movie

mafiahajeri3129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

hahaha lotr vibe, nice one...

What made you get that vibe? All the CGI in LOTR? If Anything Peter Jackson tried to avoid CGI with LOTR, he did use a lot of CGI in the HOBBIT though.

Im not saying either approach is bad, but I did prefer his live action take in the LOTR triolgy. Now if you said you got a Hobbit vibe I would understand...

This movie hasnt earned the right to be compared in any shape or form to one of the best movie Trilogies ever made.

-Foxtrot3129d ago

CGI looks really, really bad

I mean don't get me wrong, I don't mind CGI filled films but when it's so obvious it's really off putting. What is this 2001

mafiahajeri3129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

I liked the CGI in Terminator Genysis that was really good, the 80's arnold T-800 looked crazy good.

What doesnt make sense is that with all Blizzards prowess in CGI you'd think they would do a better job.

At least Ragnar lothbrok is in it LOL

-Foxtrot3129d ago

Apart from 80s Arnold the Terminator Genysis CGI was pretty bad, the stuff in Judgement Day was better and that came out in the 90s.

Honestly I think I've seen better Warcraft CGI game trailers then this.

JackStraw3129d ago

All CGI is obvious. That's why it is CGI. But inc whiny, complaining pseudogamers.

specialguest3128d ago

I completely agree. There are many CGI that are passable in movies, but this one looked like it was a slight improvement over video game cutscenes.

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