
Microsoft's support of Tomb Raider reboot led to sequel's exclusive, Square Enix says

Rogers, the CEO of Square Enix in the Americas and Europe, suggested to Game Informer that the direction of developer Crystal Dynamics' Tomb Raider reboot was a contentious issue within Square Enix.

"I'm not saying it split the company, but in many ways when you're trying to reboot a franchise that's got the history of Tomb Raider, it does divide opinion," Rogers told Game Informer. "We took it in a very fresh direction. I think that at the end of the day, the accolades that we got with Tomb Raider (2013) were great. At the time, not everyone felt that way."

Microsoft has "been close friends of Tomb Raider since the reboot," said Rogers. "So, the evolution of this relationship deepening with the timed exclusive is a very natural one for us, but a tough decision."

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3224d ago

The explanation doesn't make much sense:

"It was a big decision for us," Rogers says. "The reboot of Tomb Raider was a fascinating journey for us. I'm not saying it split the company, but in many ways when you're trying to reboot a franchise that's got the history of Tomb Raider, it does divide opinion. We took it in a very fresh direction. I think that at the end of the day, the accolades that we got with Tomb Raider (2013) were great. At the time, not everyone felt that way."

It turns out that Microsoft's support of this new vision for the classic franchise played a part in the timed exclusivity. "One big group that we always felt helped us was Microsoft," Rogers says. "They've been close friends of Tomb Raider since the reboot and reimagining of where we could take Lara Croft and Tomb Raider. So, the evolution of this relationship deepening with the timed exclusive is a very natural one for us, but a tough decision."

Especially when sales numbers for the Tomb Raider reboot were actually better on the PS4 and PS3.

PS3 - 2.43 million
PS4 - .93 million
Xbox One - .35 million
Xbox 360 - 1.86

VGChartz was the only source I could find for console totals, but clearly, the sales numbers are skewed towards Playstation platforms.

nX3224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

It doesn't need to make sense, they got a truckload of money for it and the PS4 version was delayed by a year. The fact that they're still trying to explain it as some kind of miraculous partnership is kinda funny though.

From a logical perspective, judging by sales of the previous game and the history of Tomb Raider, this would've actually been a Playstation exclusive lol

Tedakin3224d ago

Maybe Sony didn't offer them anything to make it PS4 exclusive......

bouzebbal3224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

in other terms, MS pay for the marketing campaign against getting a year of exclusivity. Not bad but i would prefer a Dragon Quest (full exclusivity), FF7 remake(timed?) or NieR 2(full exclusivity) instead.

Ezz20133224d ago

All of this is just bad PR to me
and not helping them at all.

Gazondaily3224d ago

Yup it all boils down to money. That's money hatting for you and everyone does it. Still a crappy facet of this industry.

UltraNova3224d ago

SE tries too hard to justify their decision.

Maybe its time they learned that if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all.

DeadlyFire3224d ago

Maybe they just feel exclusivity will boast its sales on Xbox to match the sales on PS platforms.

XisThatKid3224d ago

Saving face are we. Good for you.

dcbronco3223d ago

Gamers need to get over themselves. They refuse to accept price increases. But want developers to do more and to take risk. They align themselves with companies instead of supporting good work regardless of who makes it. We've seen so many developers go out of business and quickly latch on to the idea that it was all because of poor management.

These are the ideas of children, not adults with responsibilities. Prices have gone up drastically since 2005 on most things. While salaries have gone down. Except in high demand fields. Programming is one of those high demand fields. So while their cost went up, you expect to pay the same. Add a new generation of consoles and the learning curve involved and that increases cost.

That will change as the generation moves on. And because of similar architectures and the ability to use the same code for Xbox and PC. But gamers need to understand developers will need additional income. Whether that's Microsoft paying for an advertising campaign or development costs or micro transactions. But gamers need to understand these are companies and they need income. Putting negative connotations on things like moneyhatting in a field like gaming where people latch onto the most ridiculous things forever is unhealthy for the industry.

I like physical copies. Especially when collectors additions come in those beautiful metal cases. Perfect Dark is still my favorite Xbox 360 case. But we have to accept digital, price increases, micro transactions or something. People are more than willing to accept a 40-50% increase in movie prices over the last decade but refuse to budge on games. Once you buy the bluray you've paid almost $30 for a two hour movie to watch over and over but won't spend $70 for a game that gives you 200 hours of unique fun.

I know a lot of people here get it. But far too many gamers don't. The ones that don't are destroying gaming.

gangsta_red3223d ago

At this point it doesn't matter how much proof of MS actually helping with marketing and publishing for TR or what Square actually says repeatedly.

For some reason this particular deal is bad for the industry.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3223d ago
LAWSON723224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

Well you don't make sense, that quote says MS help support Tomb Raider, none of that has anything to with total sale numbers differences between consoles. Perhaps use your brain instead of call something nonsense and post sales figures that have literally nothing to with your quote, maybe things would become clear.

Disagree all you want just shows you can't read or lack comprehension skills because nothing in that quote is even remotely confusing.

No where in that quote says anything about how the user base is much larger and supporting on Xbox platforms rather MS has showed support and interest in the reboot since it started. Simple as that there is no inbetween the lines or stuff that does not make sense.

fei-hung3224d ago

Agreed, but SE also needs to stop waffling and pissing about. The constant pr or crappy excuses isn't doing them any favors. Just say they financially supported the TR sequel. Making it sound like MS was a cheerleader shouting on support and sending motivational cards sounds just as pathetic if not more than most the comments on forums.

Wh15ky3224d ago

It's just PR bullcrap, learn to read between the lines buddy.

Wh15ky3224d ago

"Simple as that there is no inbetween the lines"

Ahhh, ignorance is bliss... There's always something between the lines.

RIP_Weazel3224d ago

...rather than bandy around insults and derogatory terms, perhaps try contributing to the conversation by suggesting what this 'partnership' consisted of. It's so easy to be cynical when all we've got to go on is the twisty PR speak of company execs trying to pour oil on the water!

ScorpiusX3224d ago

If I could I would give you 2.4 million bubbles. Here the one bubble allowed .

WelkinCole3224d ago

Which makes things look worse for them.

It makes it seems like they were offended that Sony didn't grovel at their mighty feet but only MS kissed theirs and such allowed emotions, egos to win over common sense.

Common sense is you don't delay a game that already didn't sell to exceptions in previous iteration for a year on the platform that got you the most sales.

So because Sony didn't kiss their ass they instead shafted their loyal fanbase on the PS because of it to get back to Sony?. How fu*king childish.

I rather them be a man and just say they were paid millions to delay it on the PS. That's all instead of this bullcrap that is really insulting to peoples intelligence.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3224d ago
Kiwi663224d ago

So it sounds like maybe sony didn't give them the support that ms did for the reboot thats why they went with ms first and not because of sales numbers

TKCMuzzer3224d ago

Come on people, it's all PR. At the end of the day it's a business, sales do matter and the only way they would not is if someone had dumped some cash in front of them.
This is all damage control.

3224d ago Replies(1)
Mr_Writer853224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

Lets face it, the biggest reason MS threw money at SE was because they needed a title to rival Uncharted.

SE are not stupid enough to make it an exclusive, but smart enough to take the money for a timed.

That way (at the time before UC4 change of date) they wouldn't be going head to head on PS4 against UC4.

They do however get the same sales they would on X1 (maybe more with UC4 being pushed back), a truck load of money, and then next year launch on PS4 and maybe catch all those gamers who would of picked UC4 over TR, but with UC4 already out months before will most likely buy TR as well.

At the end of the day no one loses out, and MS where close to pulling off a very clever move, but since UC4's moved date, it does seem a little waste of money.

SE don't really lose out as they will have banked the MS money, it might not match the number they would of made in sales on PS4, but they could still get that next year, AND have the MS money, and MS sales money.

AsheXII3224d ago

You're trying too hard, support (financially or otherwise) have nothing to do with sales on that platform.

Jayszen3224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

Igivehugstonakedwomen - Of course the explanation does not make sense. How can it when more Playstation players supported the reboot as well as the 'Tomb Raider' franchise right from the days of PS1? It is as though Sony and PS4 gamers said "We do not like this new vision, even if more of us bought the game than Xbox gamers". What a load of crock! Rogers says that Microsoft have been close friends of Tomb Raider since the reboot but conveniently forgets how Sony and Playstation gamers have supported 'Tomb Raider' since the 90's - some loyalty. What he should have said was "Microsoft became interested in the reboot as it does not have an IP that can challenge 'Uncharted' and they do not want to create and develop their own IP but rather are willing to pay us a tanker full of cash to withold it from the best selling console this generation, and the moneygrabbers we are, we agreed."

Maybe SE offocials should shut up because with each further comment they make to justify the timed exclusivity, they are appear as stupid as their justifications.

In fact when time comes SE wants to release the game on the PS4, I hope Mr. Yoshida says to Mr. Rogers. "Thank you for releasing the game at last on the PS4. As regards your request for marketing support, we have to decline as we have decided to fully commit our budget to those third party games and devs who have shown us passion for our console."

Aceman183224d ago

Even if MS helped the game in some way I still ended up playing it on my PS3 just like I'll be playing this one on my PS4 next year. I can wait to play it, I'll have a lot of games to play this fall/winter.

Seafort3224d ago

PC - ~3.25 Million

Source Steamspy - http://steamspy.com/app/203...

And PC gamers are supposedly all pirates :P

starchild3223d ago

Yep, it apparently sold better on PC than any other platform. Yet some guy the other day was trying to say it sold horribly on PC.

nosferatuzodd3224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

im not being bias but if you got some money from Microsoft to make a timed exclusive game don't come running trying to do damage control , be a man and say guys the money was good and move on forget about it why every day you're on the internet still oh its because of this oh its because of that seriously, i hope this game bombed on xbox and when they release it on ps4 it bombed has well no one should buy this crap of a games

medman3223d ago

I won't be buying Lara's adventure this time around. Square spit in my face....screw em'. I liked the reboot very much, but waiting a year for this version? No thanks, I'll have moved on to other games by then. The only way I would even consider buying it in 2016 is if it was a definitive edition and was priced at 29.99. But there is no way I will pay full price for a year old game. Sorry Square. You blew it big time with many fans of the reboot.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3223d ago
PhoenixUp3224d ago

The original reboot sold better on PlayStation platforms. If anything the sequel should've logically been a timed exclusive on PS3 and PS4 for that reason alone. Microsoft however clearly jumped at the chance because they were worried about Uncharted 4 being a huge force against them in holiday 2015, and they didn't think Halo 5 alone was enough to give X1 a fighting chance against PS4.

littlezizu3224d ago

Square Enix America made stupid decision that they are trying to justify. Thank God Square Enix japan made up for it giving PS4 owners DQ heroes 1, 2, DQ11, DQ builder, Nier 2 and Megaton FF7.

WellyUK3224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

Didn't they say a while back that they may not even do another Tomb Raider as it didn't really make a profit, all MS really did was supply what was needed to get the next game off the ground.

You never know MS may of saved Tomb Raider from being put on the shelf and forgotten about.

Doesn't really matter any way as everyone gets it eventually so there is nothing really to moan about and without MS you may never of seen TR again.

Haru3223d ago

True The Uncharted serie gained a lot of ground in the last few years, while Uncharted was gaining new grounds and new fans Halo has been losing more and more ground, Now Uncharted It's a pretty big francise even bigger than Halo

Tedakin3224d ago

It's been a year. How long are we gonna go on with the Tomb Raider Xbox timed exclusivity thing? It's coming to PS4 Dec 2016. Got it. Nothing is changing it. Move on.

Tedakin3224d ago

People disagree. They think if they whine hard enough it WILL change it. ;)

RiPPn3224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

Completely agree, it is what it is, and I'll gladly wait for the PS4 (likely definitive) version. Besides, I'll be too busy wandering the Boston wasteland to even care about raiding tombs.

Aceman183224d ago

I know I can wait to play it next year.

Nightmar3Demom3224d ago


You'll never get change by keeping quiet.

Showing developers, studios, and console makers that you do not agree with a certain practice is the only way they will change.

DO NOT be someone that just accepts things and move on.

WelkinCole3224d ago

This article was published recently. People comment on it. What is your point?.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3224d ago
3224d ago Replies(4)
Xbonewone320153224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

MS support the devs.

That's why we got the amazing dragon age completely for free yesterday in the vault via ea access.


MasterCornholio3224d ago

That has more to do with Microsoft supporting the publisher then Microsoft supporting the developers.

THC CELL3224d ago

Lol dragon age please it's good but we got rocket league for free and it's chart topping awesome game.

WellyUK3224d ago

DA won multiple GOTY awards... Rocket league doesn't even compare.

ScorpiusX3224d ago

Great game and awesome service .

Nightmar3Demom3224d ago

Don't you have to pay a monthly fee for EA Access?

DJustinUNCHAIND3224d ago


You have the option of paying it yearly.

WellyUK3224d ago

you have to pay for EA access... Therefore it's not free.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3224d ago
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Square Enix Is Going Multiplatform; The Layoffs & Its Past Don't Inspire Confidence

After its latest games didn't meet sales targets, Square Enix is going multiplatform but the company's track record isn't convincing.

Scissorman17d ago

Square Enix been multiplatform for decades, a few exclusively-deals doesn't make them any less multiplatform.

fr0sty17d ago

Nor is selling their games on a console with only 25 million install base going to bring their sales to where they hope they will be... Unless they somehow manage to dumb down FF7 trilogy to work on switch, they aren't going to have much luck. They already released it on PC, after all.

anast16d ago

Where are you getting that number?

SegaSaturn66917d ago

It kind of does, giving preference to a certain platform by timed exclusivity. Console ports generally feel superior. Legend of mana PC port extremely broken

neutralgamer199217d ago


It doesn’t when square themselves didn’t want to fund the development of remake. It’s only after the success of the 1st they realized their mistake but now contract is signed. If it wasn’t for Sony there would be no FF7 remakes. Same goes for silent hill 2 with Konami. They don’t want to fund AAA budget. Companies like PlayStation and Nintendo get blamed when in reality they are saving some of these franchises

Remember sega didn’t want to fund bayonetta and epic games didn’t want to fund another gears of war. It’s easy to blame console makers but they are the ones taking the risk and paying huge upfront costs without seeing the final product. FF7 remake trilogy won’t be coming to Xbox now or in the future. PlayStation and PC is what square signed up for. Sony paid them more than they would make from Xbox sales.

ravens5217d ago

I just wonder when everyone is going to demand that the Square Enix exclusives with Nintendo come to PS and Xbox. Or it's just the PS exclusives that matter lol

phoenixwing17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

I'd love for the nintendo exclusives to come to pc or ps5. They'd actually be playable then.

neutralgamer199217d ago


Exactly and that’s where square enix does more exclusive than any other platform. Gaming is square has always been very unrealistic with their sales expectations. Remember when tomb raider reboot sold 7.5 million and square said it wasn’t enough. They need to spend less on development and have more realistic expectations from sales.

And those thinking games being not on Xbox makes a difference don’t understand we have a decade plus of data showing square enix games having less than 20% of their multiplatform sales on Xbox (final fantasy series) and Nintendo consoles aren’t strong enough to run any current games. Nintendo switch should be as strong as Xbox one x atleast but we all know that’s most likely won’t happen

RoadRacer17d ago


thing is, as neutral said in their comm, the switch isn't strong enough to run flagship SE games
i think what SE does is, it makes unique games for switch only so that it has something for that console too. Thats where all the "underlined sans" rpgs go to mostly

maybe things will change when Swtich 2 drops cuz that's gonna be as strong as ps4 afaik from the rumors flying around

TheGamingHounds17d ago


Your point is valid enough but when the icon of this company is limited to one console in timed-exclusivity, it means the company has crossed the line. By some degree at least

All things aside, Square itself stated "aggressive multiplatform strategies" so we all know what it's talking about

Scissorman17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

Then the headline should read "Square To Drop Exclusively Deals in Pursuit of A Sweeping Multiplatform Strategy". I don't recall this argument when Square Enix released Bravely Default, Octopath Traveler, and Triangle Strategy on one platform. And even if FF is the icon, not all of its titles have gone to one platform. We're talking about three games, one of which is already on PC. Did Square suddenly go 'multiplatform' after it released subsequent Tomb Raider sequels on more than just the Xbox? It's just a silly way of putting it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 16d ago
TheGamingHounds17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

SE needs to go all in optimization. Broken PC ports won't help its case, especially with big releases like mainline Final Fantasy

Asterphoenix17d ago

It's actually simple. What doesn't inspire confidence is Square allocating their budgets on the wrong projects such as Forspoken, Avengers, Babylons Fall and Foamstars.

Square has always been multiplatform since PS3/360 days which 80 % of their games are. People kick up a fuss over PS exclusivity but not Nintendo which has more exclusive projects console exclusive from Square.

FF16 has done ok but not enough to fix the blunders that the past mistakes Square has made with some of their projects. FF7 Rebirth is unclear we'll see a PC release for sure so it's hard to say so far not as good as they would of liked.

Then again unrealistic expectations. If it weren't for Sony these games would at least had another 2 years development time. So some people need to be realistic in that regard.

Scissorman17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

It's the blunders that set those expectations so high. If you remove those from the equation, I bet the sales numbers would be more than stellar. Square believes it's okay to release a pile of risky, middling, garbage because the big boys will ultimately subsidize the cost. Don't worry if Forspoken sells poorly, FF16 will surely sell 10 million copies to balance that right out. Oh wait, it only sold like 4 million. Well that's a disaster. Meanwhile games that sell 2 million units with comparable budgets are deemed successful.

thorstein16d ago

I would also add that FFXVI, which I loved has a hint to one of their biggest problems: the number 16.

It's a great franchise, but that's all they've become known for. Dragon Quest is my favorite all time series but it's like they don't know what to do outside of those two IPs.

Valve never makes trilogies. The idea is that they don't want to become stagnant. Gabe Newell hates the number 3.

I can't imagine their talent wouldn't want to try a new RPG.

RoadRacer17d ago

Square Enix just really need to revise its expectations. Maybe consider a change in strategy on dev end as well. Multiplat will help for sure but only good games that are marketed well will sell

Show all comments (18)

Square Enix Preparing for Layoffs in U.S. and Europe Amid Heavy Restructuring

In a town hall that took place on Monday, Square Enix president Takashi Kiryu reportedly confirmed imminent layoffs in the U.S. and Europe.

20d ago
lelo2play20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

Square should ask Sony for more money...

Outside_ofthe_Box20d ago

Square should ask Microsoft to buy them out...

FinalFantasyFanatic20d ago

So that Microsoft can close down the studio after doing nothing with them? Right...

Outside_ofthe_Box19d ago


That's exactly my point...

gleepot20d ago

Sad but true. It's the consequence of a shift in player habits, massive overhead, and out of control budgets across the industry.

blackblades20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

What did NA and EU did anyways? Just translate or something? I would say it might help them get back to there roots but DK.

Hofstaderman20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

Actually, you are correct they play a hand in localization especially in Europe with the many languages. That and marketing.

nommers19d ago

Marketing for SE has been poor lately so these layoffs make sense if true.

Profchaos20d ago

Yup videogame crash 2024 edition

_Decadent_Descent19d ago

Hope so. Industry needs a good crash to shake it up again.

Show all comments (64)

Square Is Shifting Strategy To Aggressively Pursue Multiplat Releases,Focus On Quality Over Quantity

Square Enix is shifting its strategy to aggressively pursue multiplatform releases and focus on quality over quantity.

Read Full Story >>
CantThinkOfAUsername21d ago

Yup, it's official. FFXVI and FFVII Rebirth didn't sell as much as they expected.

gold_drake20d ago

read the report, where exactly does it say what u just said ? lol

TheEroica20d ago

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt for some gamers.... 🤣

Barlos20d ago

It's your interpretation. That doesn't make it 'official'.

CantThinkOfAUsername20d ago

- 1% increase in net sales compared to a year with Forspoken and Octopath Traveller II, which didn't sell more than 3 millions combined (and I'm being generous).

- A 38.3% decrease in operating income despite the release of 'High-Definition' titles namely FFXVI, FF Pixels Remaster, Dragon Quest Monsters, and FFVII Rebirth.

- Aggressive multiplatform strategy one year after saying that exclusivity with PlayStation was mutually desired.

Sure, it's all in my head.

Sonic188120d ago (Edited 20d ago )

Probably for PC and the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2. Square Enix games doesn't sell to well on Xbox

Extermin8or3_20d ago

Nothing sells well on Xbox that's precisely Microsoft's problem

The3faces20d ago

Apparently they don't sell well on PlayStation either.

Lightning7720d ago

Square named Drops Xbox as part of their multiplatform approach in their quarterly reports.

Like it matters MS will probably find away to close them down to.

FinalFantasyFanatic20d ago

I can see them going for PS5/Switch/PC for the most part, it'll mostly likely be the Switch 2 by the time their next game enters development, which is probably a good thing since the Switch is struggling with 3rd party games. If they're hurting for money/sales, I don't see them bothering with Xbox, that's just wasted time/money for them.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 20d ago
DarXyde20d ago

I mean, maybe? They'll want as much as possible and I figure they could have been hoping for greater impact on PlayStation, but that's good reason to reflect and realize the resources and development cycle of these games aren't very sustainable. The solution is to make more affordable games with shorter dev cycles, then once in a while bring out the big guns.

I think Final Fantasy VII Re make and Rebirth would do really well if it was multiplatform. Specifically, if Nintendo gets their hardware up to snuff, and the rumors are promising. I don't really have much faith in its performance on Xbox, but Nintendo gamers really commit to buying their games. At one point, Breath of the Wild for Switch outsold the Switch itself.

Granted, Zelda always solos everything except GTA, but Nintendo folk are avid Final Fantasy fans. I think it would do exceptionally. Nintendo just needs to make porting easy and inexpensive and they'll get more games.

FinalFantasyFanatic20d ago

I don't think the exclusivity hurts them as badly as they think, I think it's a range of factors, like the quality of the games, high sales expectations, ESG/DEI, censorship, development costs/time... I also suspect that Square-Enix is extremely inefficient with their resources, they struggled/avoided towns in the FF13 trilogy, and FF14 was mostly wilderness with little to do apart from derp about in the wild (they also avoid towns and making a lot of characters there too). But FF14 also went through development hell, I think Square-Enix just needs to overall how they do everything, because the way they manage that studio just isn't working.

Christopher20d ago

The two most profitable games for them didn't sell as much as expected. Yes. Make it make sense.

MrCrimson20d ago

I interpret it as - they want to be multiplatform, as they will sell more copies.

EternalTitan20d ago

16 isnt even a JRPG let alone a final fantasy game.
So glad that it bombed.

itsmebryan20d ago

Square finally realized what Sony figured out recently, their installed base is not enough. We are going to see a lot less exclusives from everyone moving forward.

MajorLazer20d ago

PS5 is nearly at 60 million only half-way through its life-cycle, but sure, the install base is not enough.

EternalTitan19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

Good exclusives always sell despite install base. Look at Nintendo's recent Zelda.
Its just 16 was awful.

itsmebryan18d ago

It is not enough if it was Sony's operating income wouldn't be down 26% and the company would not have lost $10 billion of value after they missed their sales target .

Christopher18d ago

Looks to me more like they need multiplatform because they've been failing completely everywhere else. Honestly, Square needs to rethink it's non-FF games. They've been failing hard over there in that regard.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 18d ago
CrashMania21d ago (Edited 21d ago )

Hopefully the next Nintendo system isn't a potato and it can contribute to FF sales in future as well, in addition to PC releases. If this ensures the long term health for SE and franchises than like FF and KH then I'm all for it.

NotoriousWhiz20d ago

Adding Nintendo and PC customers is the best way to increase sales and long term success. Not going to get that from Xbox.

shinoff218320d ago

Hopefully square brings all the lose switch exclusives over to.

Hofstaderman20d ago

Will there be a XBOX for Square to release games on? Or a MS Games service?

thesoftware73020d ago


You must not have heard they are launching new hardware and have already committed to a Next-Gen Xbox.

But, for some reason, I think you already knew that and wanted to spin a silly narrative; besides, why wouldn't they release games on the SX/SS? You do know these consoles will still be here, right?

Hofstaderman20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

Optics. They have a STATED plan to do so. Thats not commitment. The shareholders and board are calling the shots now. Lets see if they have the appetite for hardware because they are owed 80 Billion Dollars already. Investment in hardware, R and D and marketing is how much again? That cost with the history of their hardware performance....at most maybe a handheld. What I am certain of XBOX is finished, the writing has been on the wall before the studio closures. Its MS Games and they are not hardware. They are software because MS is a software company. Expect them to be folded in the Surface team.

DarXyde20d ago


I believe they committed to hardware.

I hate to nitpick, but that's kind of the company they are. You have to.

20d ago
Michiel198920d ago

@hofstaderman the board and shareholders have always called the shots or had a huge impact on decisions.

Xbox finished lmao, the writing has been on the wall? mate they just spend 70 BILLION dollars, and you see the writing is on the wall that they're done. 0 idea what you're talking about. They grafiti'd on the wall and you still can't see it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 20d ago
Aloymetal20d ago

No to both, not worth the effort, money and time on an already dying brand.

20d ago
thesoftware73020d ago

"They have a STATED plan to do so. That's not commitment."

Huh? What are you talking about? They announced they would be unveiling new Hardware this holiday season; how else are they supposed to commit to it?

" Lets see if they have the appetite for hardware because they are owed 80 Billion Dollars already"

What a silly statement, you think this deal was approved so they could make 80 billion in less than a year? This is a long-term commitment, a future-proofing of profit.

"What I am certain of XBOX is finished,"

No, you are not certain of this lol; as you stated, if they make even a Handheld in the form of a Steam-Deck that can dock to a TV/monitor, wouldn't that be just changing the form factor but still XBOX?

Closing these studios has really got you guys delusional; that is what happens in companies, in a changing market: you acquire, and you trim; like it or not, that is the way things are done. Lets look.

Where is the new Psygnosis with a new wipeout?
What happened to Japan Studio? Pixl Opus? London Studio?
Where is Zipper Interactive?

I can list more, but you see, closing devs doesn't mean your company is finished, especially when you have like 30+ dev teams.

Extermin8or3_20d ago

They won't be unveiling the hardware this holiday season it will be like the series x and s they got a tease at the game awards 2018. But no details until year of their release in 2020 lol

Relientk7720d ago

Please tell me the Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake is still coming. I feel like I've been waiting forever for that game.

gold_drake20d ago

i think the juggernauts kingdom hearts (disney provides the money for that one) final fantasy and dragon quest are fine, the rest not as much

Michiel198920d ago

I'm kinda worried about the future of DQ though, Toriyama and the composer both passed away. Huge blow to the franchise.

FinalFantasyFanatic20d ago

Akira Toriyama had an understudy though, he emulates his style, so maybe he'll do the art for Dragon Quest games, I would love to see Nobue Uematsu do music for the series though, that could be fun if they could convince him.

FinalFantasyFanatic20d ago

I'll be so p*ssed if that doesn't go ahead, also, where's DQ12 at? They've been silent on that for so long, and it was announced years ago.

I'm pretty sure they can siphon some profit from A Realm Reborn to keep FF and Dragon Quest going too. I think the company would have gone bankrupt if it wasn't for that cash cow.

gold_drake20d ago

14 is definitely brings in the a consistant cashflow

Charal20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

Another sign that dedicated consoles market is in trouble, while PC seems more and more attractive to big publishers.

Having a good gaming PC and a PS5 myself, given current trend form both Sony and MS I am less and less playing on PS5, waiting for exclusives to release on PC, so I understand the logic behind the new strategy.

anast20d ago

Post those numbers. Then your comment might make sense.

thesoftware73020d ago (Edited 20d ago )


I get that we don't know exactly without numbers, but come on, man, we can clearly see what's happening.

The console market has not grown much, the highest-selling console in history is still the PS2. You can play the " prove it" game all you want, but Sony's more aggressive PC push, SE completely rebooting their company/business, after being mainly exclusive to one console and showing a sizeable profit loss is telling.

PC is a high seller, and your doubtful PS5 dominant stance does not change the clear writing on the wall, straight from Sony's mouth, that they need to be, and will be more aggressive in the very lucrative PC market.

So, in other words, PC market is indeed looking more and more attractive to Pubs.

anast20d ago



I'm willing to bet the farm that ¨PC gamers are not the dominate number compared to console, but I don't know because I don't have numbers. However, the price point of entry can allow us to infer what I had just stated.

anast20d ago

I don't click on links on forums. Tell me why that .com source is legit.

Tacoboto20d ago

What an ironic thing to say on a link-agreggate site like N4G. Explains your comment history perfectly.

Michiel198920d ago

asks for numbers. receives numbers and then continues to say I don't wanna click a website (because it might shatter my illusion)

anast20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

@All the people with that good 'ol folk wisdom

It's ironic how I clearly asked for the site and people still can't even answer this simple question.

Tell me how many people click on random links on forums?

Tell me the site and I will look. I don't mind being wrong and I'm barely intelligent enough to change my mind with something substantial.

All the numbers I have seen is that PC doesn't even come close console gaming in revenue, and nothing touches mobile gaming. More people touching something doesn't mean anything. It just means more people own PC for work and touch Steam every now and again, those numbers mean even less.

Charal20d ago

Anast I wasn’t expecting more from you and I haven’t be disappointed.

Don’t believe any number if you want, but things cannot be more evident that most of games companies are pushing to get the most they can from PC market.

Hell, we have both MS and Sony that are releasing their biggest franchise on PC with no or less and less delay vs console release, that is never seen before in the industry.

What is surprising me is that PC is not cheap in term of hardware cost, a rig close to PS5/XBX perfs may be close to double the price I guess, and close to 4x for a good gaming PC.
Plus, PC gaming does not have physical release anymore.

So a lot of supposed advantages from console market are not there but PC market is successful anyway, it would be very interesting to understand it.
Maybe one big argument is that we are more likely to need a PC at home, were we can work with, browse, and game, than a dedicated gaming machine. That why handled console market have been crushed by smartphones, we could see a repeating pattern here.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 20d ago
Babadook720d ago

From what I can ascertain PC is a smaller market than PS. There are occasionally times when PC looks to be stronger but overall it's still behind.

FinalFantasyFanatic20d ago

PC also has a lot more competition, especially when people can easily buy and play older games from 20 or so years ago on it.

anast17d ago

PC has the potential to be a bigger player, but the market is smaller in terms of revenue nonetheless. People conflate sign up numbers with money spent on a product.

anast19d ago

You probably need to worry about yourself and your own expectations.

You still haven't even complete the simplest task in telling me the name of the website. Let that sink in. I asked for the name of the website so I can look at it and you couldn't even complete that task.

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