
Lawsuit Against Bandai Namco Claims Anti-American Racism

Bandai Namco – the studio behind several popular games including Rise of Incarnates and Supernova – are in a spot of trouble as a recent lawsuit filed against the company, accusing its Japanese staff of prolonged anti-American racism.

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turdburgler10803278d ago

Got to say I'm not totally suprised. While not all Japanese are racist there is a inward looking mentality when it comes to the country. They sometimes look down upon "outsiders."

kraenk123278d ago (Edited 3278d ago )

Tbh the whole world kinda looks down on Americans though. Also Americans do have their own problems with racism and are deeply uneducated and stereotypical concerning other countries so it's kinda ricdiculous to be offended by that.

nicksetzer13278d ago (Edited 3278d ago )

@kraenk Yep, america is so terrible that we have the highest number of immigrants come here every year, in hopes to better their lives. (Legal and illegal)

Also, you claim americans stereotype people (which is not the definition of "stereotypical," despite your attempt at it) yet you think claiming all americans are "uneducated" isn't a stereotype.

Sadly, it seems your feelings of americans seem more like a self reflection.

NatFanBoyRestricted3278d ago

Thanks Nick. Kraenk, your comment shows the kind of filth and and lack of thought and perception that's in the gaming community as a whole that people have to put up with. Good thing there are people in this world that know not to judge a whole cause the actions of a few.

starchild3278d ago (Edited 3278d ago )


Curiously, your own comment is an example of the kind of stereotyping and uneducated, ignorant thinking you try to paint all Americans as having. Some hilarious irony there.

As to this specific lawsuit, these attitudes and statements wouldn't accurately be described as "racism" in any case, since there are Americans of every race. It would be an example, perhaps, of chauvinism, xenophobia or bigotry.

RedTriangle533278d ago

The united states do have a poor education system for the general public, and they do have a problem with racism and bigotry. These are facts. So I find it absolutely hilarious that you try abusing the racism card just because you don't like those facts or think they don't apply to you. Now that's closed minded, closing off the big picture because it doesn't have enough of you in it.

Criticism of American culture and administration is not a taboo, and never will be. Stop with the drama.

memots3278d ago

@nicksetzer1 "Yep, america is so terrible that we have the highest number of immigrants come here every year, in hopes to better their lives."

If you want to better your life dont move to america lol.

ShinMaster3278d ago (Edited 3278d ago )

I'm sorry but- ""the studio behind several popular games including Rise of Incarnates and Supernova"" -those are their least popular games.

That said, it does sound like a legitimate complaint. Everyone else^ needs to stop deviating the subject and focus on the matter at hand.

Ashlen3278d ago

My question is, why is everyone so quick to assume anything this guy says is true?

This would hardly be the first case of a disgruntled employee making fraudulent charges for revenge or any other crazy reason they justify to themselves.

AndrewLB3278d ago

I find it hilarious that you "enlightened" non-Americans actually took the bait and bought into the left's manufactured race problems they're trying to perpetuate.
The Democrat party in the United States has a complete failure in the White House whose policies have destroyed the middle class, genocide is raging across the middle east because of an irresponsible withdrawl, and he's about to give Iran the bomb which will spur a nuclear arms race across the region. So instead of changing course (which would require admitting a mistake), they've decided convince people that there is a war on women, that cops are murdering blacks at record levels, and if you disagree... they label you a racist, misogynist, or a homophobe to shut down any discussion.

The last thing they want to do is address the fact that they've been in charge of the inner cities for 60 years (baltimore, chicago, Los Angeles, Cleveland, Detroit, etc) and after trillions of dollars spent... those areas have only gotten worse.

Is it a coincidence that their solution to everything is more government and dependency? Keep in mind, the Democrat party is also the party of slavery, of segregation, of Jim-Crow, were the opposition to the Civil rights act, and much much more. The only thing that has changed with them is their tactics.

Ashlen3278d ago (Edited 3278d ago )

@AndrewLB Wow, thats some impressive revisionist history your spewing.

The country had it's best economy in recent history under Clinton. And before that it was Reagan and Bush that took the country to recession. And i'd like to remind you that the current economic problems (to big to fail banks and the problems to come from that) happened during Bush but since it was near the end of his 8 year term he chose to not to do anything and force the problem to be fixed by the next president.

And those problems only were able to come about after years of deregulation by the republicans in congress that allowed the bankers to split up and resell to each other bad credit debt from loans (aka subprime) they wouldn't have even been able to do if there had been more regulation.

And it's just insane to imply the civil rights party is somehow responsible for the simple racism involved with cops killing blacks. And i'd like to point out that the movement and revisionist history your spewing comes straight from the south which is the place where people actually kept slaves and for years have been angry that they lost the civil war and had to change there way of life and deal with the economic collapse from the loss of slavery.

It's pretty funny seeing people fighting to be able to wave the rebel flag in the courthouses and public buildings accusing other people of being racists and insensitive.


The above link shows that banks started failing in 2007 which was when Bush was in charge.

And I encourage you to read factual information about what caused the collapse on your own.

indyman77773278d ago

Sometimes? They even look down on their own half American Miss Japan because she is not pure Japanese! Because her father is American. I've been to Japan hopefully you take some one Japanese with you when you go shopping, outside of the airport. And not just for language reasons. At the Airport your okay.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3278d ago
donthate3278d ago

I will be following this closely, and if I feel it is true I will be avoiding anything from Namco Bandai in the future.

Magicite3278d ago

americans deserve all the crap they get, remember hiroshima and nagasaki?

Snookies123278d ago (Edited 3278d ago )

I'm American, you're saying I deserve to be hated on because of something I never participated in?

Erik73573278d ago (Edited 3278d ago )

Let's not forget the massacres done by the Japanese on the Koreans, Philippians,Chinese,and more during WW2.

Many people where killed and raped.
If you asked me dieing from a bomb is a lot less worse than getting raped to death.

Also the bombing caused less casualties than an invasion which would of been a lot worse.

Stringerbell3278d ago

Pepperidge Farm Remembers...

starchild3278d ago (Edited 3278d ago )


The underlying logic of your comment is that people can be guilty by association. All Americans, in your view, are guilty and deserve to be hated simply because they are from the same country as some people that did some bad things in the past.

Ironically, that is exactly the sort of thinking that might lead to dropping bombs on random citizens of a country. They're seen as guilty because they are part of a nation that committed wrongdoings.

But if we follow this "guilt by association" logic out to its conclusion every person on the planet would be guilty, because every race and nation has "members", either past or present, that have done terrible things.

3278d ago
kreate3278d ago

They don't teach Japanese students the whole story about ww2.

They just know they got bombed. And that there was a war.

SilentNegotiator3278d ago (Edited 3278d ago )

I remember it like it was yesterday....

Oh wait, 98% of people involved in WW2 are long dead.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3278d ago
MRMagoo1233278d ago

Yeh "holy crap wow" people don't seem to understand what racism actually is even "journalists" it seems. What kind of educations are these people getting.

rainslacker3278d ago

Are you saying that the journalist and the guy filing the suit don't have any reason to call it racism?

While the pure definition of the word is for race, both legally, and in context, racism can also be used to discriminate against people of different social or cultural denominations.

If the guy can prove that the events really did take place, then he will most likely win his case.

The courts take a general definition of discrimination, and discrimination for any reason based on gender, race, sexual orientation, or even country of origin is against the law. There is actually no, "I'm suing for racism", it's always "I've been discriminated against because of -insert reason here-".

Granted, I'm not sure how the Japanese legal system handles such things, so it may be different if he's filing the suit there. I speak from the point of view of the US legal system.

Tetsujin3278d ago

After reading the story there's two sides to this story, and then there's what really happened between this employee and Namco. My question to Tony Le is if the situation was that bad why not do something then? I understand HR asked him to be quiet (as he says) however he had plenty of time to act as it was happening to get Namco investigated.

When I was at EVO last year I ran into some Namco employees and they were nice to everyone equally, especially Harada when his Tekken 7 trailer was shown before it's time. He questioned Ono for it (although Ono denied showing it early, and could have been part of the act) however not someone else.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3278d ago
DarkBlood3279d ago

Well I wont dislike all Japanese from this news afterall theres assholes eveywhere if you look at history deep enough. But just man wow really?

DarkOcelet3279d ago (Edited 3279d ago )

“In 2013, Bandai’s former CEO, Matsuo Masayaka, told Le, “All you Americans are so stupid and don’t know how to run a business”; “If I could I would fire all the Americans”; and “Japan should have bombed Pearl Harbor again,”

Am I the only one who find this hilarious? Its really offensive but i feel like its a line that could be taken from a Seth Rogen movie or something. lol.

Still though, the guy should apologize for making a stupid message like this.

DragoonsScaleLegends3278d ago

Yeah it is funny but I'm more interested in what caused this guy to get so mad lol.

NarooN3278d ago

What's even more hilarious is how he said Americans don't know how to run a business, yet he's now the *former* Bandai CEO. GG no re.

Swiggins3278d ago

I literally read that in the racist Japanese South Park voice and it fit perfectly.

That's never a good sign.

Nosred3279d ago


so the Bandai does not bring their games to the Xbox...

phantomexe3278d ago

Anyone play ff11 most are very racist but not all.

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Square & Bandai Namco Being Honest About Quality Is A Step In The Right Direction

Saad from eXputer: "After suffering from massive financial hits, Square Enix & Bandai Namco appear to be turning over a new leaf but I'm still unconvinced."

Nerdmaster34d ago (Edited 34d ago )

I was talking about games with some Japanese guys here in Japan, and it seems like around here Bandai Namco has a fame of making low-quality games, with the occasional gem.

About Square Enix, I believe they lack the capacity to improve. They should learn with Capcom (although even Capcom still makes some bad mistakes), but I don't think they ever will. They keep chasing whatever is new at the time (blockchain, AI...) to say "we innovate", without considering the public perception and if these things actually improve the games or not. Them releasing too many small games with no advertising also shows a lack of trust in its own products. Even with their biggest games, like turning FF into an action game with XVI and the very divisive plot changes regarding whispers and timelines in VII Remake, shows them trying to attract a new generation of gamers without understanding what made the series so big in the first place.

shinoff218334d ago

I want a true ff7 remake. With thatcsaid I'm way happier with 7 remake then I was with ff16. I'd still prefer turn based but square keep chasing these Lil kids

Snookies1234d ago

Man, it is perfectly fine to prefer turn based. Turn based is amazing. But there's zero reason to call anyone who likes action games "lil kids". Liking one gameplay system over another does not make you more mature in any way.

VersusDMC34d ago

People love the new FF's overall...the problem is the abundance of 7's they release that lose money or make very little like diofield, star ocean divine force, Valkyrie asylum, harvestella, foam stars, etc. Advertising wouldn't have saved those games. Apparently Forespoken had a big Advertising budget but we saw how that went.

shinoff218334d ago (Edited 34d ago )

Star ocean divine force actually sold well from what I've read not ff type numbers but well enough. Was a dope game to.

FinalFantasyFanatic34d ago

Bandai Namco is going to Bandai Namco, I do believe that Square Enix can't change without changing the entire management, they've had these issues for more than a decade and haven't learnt, I have very little faith they can course correct. I'll still buy their better remasters/remakes like Star Ocean 2 though (not FF7R).

Asterphoenix34d ago

Namco is just milking the same Sword Art Online with lack of budget as well as anime IPs that don't go to decent developers like Jujutsu Kaisen and My Hero Academia. Namco deserves their losses and no future Dot Hack or Xenosaga remaster :(.

Square allocated lot of their budget on Forspoken was a mistake. Square always had management issues. Star Ocean 2 was a great remake and I found their recent entries of FF(16 and Rebirth) better than 13 and 15.
I think they were better than 360/PS3 generation where Square went really downhill.

CrimsonWing6934d ago

I don’t know why NOW they decide on this, but I guess later is better than never.


Tekken 8 Mods Website Receives Infringement Notice From Bandai Namco

A popular Tekken 8 mods website has received a notice of infringement from Bandai Namco, but they're fighting back for the players.

Terry_B52d ago

What Namco is doing here totally sucks.

H952d ago

Namco is even attacking Tekken 7 mod videos

PRIMORDUS52d ago (Edited 52d ago )

I torrented the game on PC, and now will post the link right on their twitter account ripping them a new asshole and then say now you can't do shit LOL. Leave modders alone. Sooner or later the way the industry is going I will not buy anything anymore, and just take what I want. I'm buying very little now, as it is. The future does not look good at all.

KwietStorm_BLM52d ago

Daaamn they won't know what to do with themselves


Nope LOL. The game industry is going to get worse before it gets better. Actually I don't even think it will get better which is the sad part. Even if Bandai does not see that link, by me posting it I can influence people who don't know much about torrenting can now maybe get interested and learn about it. 😁

DivineHand12551d ago

Don't do anything to put yourself at risk.


But I do this often, 😁 I'm sure companies must be pissed because they know they are helpless with taking down torrents, and maybe I can teach some people how to do it by posting links, they might take an interest LOL

KwietStorm_BLM50d ago

Oh you thought I was being serious. My apologies.

CrimsonWing6952d ago

Why are publishers cracking down on mods all of a sudden? It’s like if you bought a coloring book and then drew over the art and made the art look like something popular. Are the coloring book companies going to pull this sh*t?

Why is industry going more and more full r*tard?

Skuletor52d ago

Why? Because they want to nickel and dime customers with cosmetic microtransactions. It's hard when the modders do a better job then them plus at no extra cost.

TriniOutsider52d ago

A lot of it has to do with copyright infringement. Something similar happened with Little Big Planet back in the day. Where Nintendo wanted created levels pulled from the game because people made almost full blown Mario Levels.


Just take the games for free on PC. I'm having no respect lately for any game company. ID Software was the best in terms of modding they wanted you to mod their games, total conversions etc. Now we have shit.

CantThinkOfAUsername52d ago

Only a handful of publishers are pro-mods like Bethesda, CDPR, and Larian; the rest either don't care like Sony or anti-mods like Capcom and the extreme being Nintendo-level of BS.

Yi-Long52d ago

They want you to believe their nonsense about development cost being sky-high and taking weeks/months, and then you have unpaid folks who do this all for free as a community-service and just because they enjoy creating and sharing stuff, and they come out with gorgeous new outfits and skins etc etc, within days.

So free mods expose the BS these companies spout in order to justify their excessive greed.

DivineHand12551d ago

I believe this started with Tekken 7 when the Elden Ring mod came out. They were shocked by the quality and gave a warning to stop modding the game because people were coming at them asking how to get those characters in the game.

The modders will have to be strategic.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 51d ago
Snookies1252d ago

Absolute stupidity. The hell are they even thinking? Damn, this game was looking so good when it was about to launch. Now, it's just been downhill for everything since then.

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Report: Tekken 8 Mod Videos Being Struck Down by Bandai Namco

Popular videos from Tekken 8 mod creators have begun getting struck by Bandai Namco, even getting some channels deleted entirely.