
These Grand Theft Auto V Screenshots Blend the Line Between Video-Games & Reality

Reddit’s ‘YOLOLOLOLO420′ has shared the following mind-blowing screenshots from Grand Theft Auto V. GTA V looks amazing and while there aren’t any graphical mods or texture packs for it yet, it sports visuals that – at the right angle – can look like real photos.

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KarmaV123325d ago

Those were taken with the GTA editor on PC. Saw them posted on PCMasterRace sub-reddit

hothead3325d ago

it just shows a decent PC build will always get the best graphical results

Bdub20003324d ago

Waiting for PS4 guys to troll about how their system can pull that off too...

Conzul3324d ago

Bro when you can pull this off with ~$400 then you get to say stuff like that...


KarmaV123324d ago (Edited 3324d ago )

If you built a $400 PC, and devs built and optimized the game specifically for that PC structure, you will end up with that. There are thousands of different PC configurations. Devs can't build for each one so they go with the average.

AndrewLB3324d ago

Conzul- Except your PS4 wasn't $400. It costs more like $700-800 when you factor in how much you MUST pay every year for online use. And for $800 you can build a pretty solid PC, especially since the price of a GTX 770 (over 2x more powerful than PS4) can be had for $199. Most people already own a PC though, and if it was purchased/built in the last 6 years, all one needs to do is buy a decent graphics card and it will destroy the PS4. If your PC does fit the bill of being a modern quad-core, for the $400 price tag of just the PS4 hardware you can buy a GTX 780 Ti at newegg. When overclocked that card can throw down just over 6.1 tflops. I own one, it's a great card.

It's a shame so many games have to cater to outdated console hardware because modern graphics potential is so far beyond what they're capable of. The prime example of what an "unhindered" PC game looks like can be seen here: https://youtu.be/hLhaB2GOD8...

Regardless... I think Rockstar did a fantastic job with the PC version of GTA V considering they didn't start with a blank canvas in this case. It does reinforce why many multiplatform games are developed for PC first and then ported to console. Because instead of improving already existing textures and effects, they can simply select one of the lower graphics settings and port the game based on that.

Crimzon3324d ago


PS4 owner here that has a lot of envy for anyone that can play the game not only with graphics like that, but also at 60fps. I wish I had a powerful PC because although GTA5 is nice on console, it really is disappointing when driving fast and the framerate starts to chug in the low 20s. When a port of a PS3/360 game can't even manage a steady 30fps on your shiny new console it certainly makes you question if the money was worth it.

BeefCurtains3324d ago


Any GPU for $200 is about twice as powerful as PS4... So I guess stuff like that can be said.

Utalkin2me3324d ago

Well unfortunately the game actually looks nothing like that while playing. And yes i have a top end PC.

ion6663324d ago

Give a few and online will be rendered useless by hackers and cheaters. like the ps3 version.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3324d ago
3-4-53325d ago

Game runs awesome on PC. I just don't have a good enough GPU to take advantage of it.

jordaninthesky3324d ago

Yeah, it's too clear. I do think that in gaming, everything needs to be clear so you can choose what to focus on. Its not a "picture" of reality, and I can tell that you detect that.

Perjoss3324d ago

Just this weekend I finished building a machine that can play this with all settings maxed including all the stuff in the advanced menu and 4x MSAA. I'm using a 2560x1600 monitor and the game looks truly amazing.

I was pretty much blown away by the old gen to PS4/XB1 conversion and thought they couldn't do much better on PC, the foreground stuff looks a little better but it really shines with insane draw distance and being able to make out the tiniest details that are really far away thanks to the better anti aliasing.

sinspirit3324d ago


Antisotropic filtering, draw distance, and resolution :p

Everything far away just looks immensely more clear. But, most of my favorite games are actually on console but, I currently only play PC and handhelds(sometimes).

subtenko3324d ago

GTA V clearly.... its not hard to tell

Not there yet sadly

kevlar19813325d ago

gta v does look amazing on pc...its just a shame about the random crashes its plagued with at the minute.it can be either 5 minutes into a session or 30 mins and then boom..system crash.a lot of players are having this issue aswell if you check the support page on rockstars site...and then theres the blitz play mission bug where you have to use a workaround or it crashes to desktop...sadly it needs a few patches yet to make it playable,hopefully when the dust settles and all the kinks are ironed out we'll start seeing some awesome mods pop up

Nio-Nai3325d ago

I was having huge issues with the game, but then again I had finally switched away from the 14.9 AMD trusty drives I've been rocking for a while to 15.2/15.3/15.4 which all caused crashing issues with the game and crossfire problems.

Switched back to the old 14.9 and haven't had an issues since, Just finished with a 8 hour session actually. Games a blast.

However it wasn't fun getting it to work properly, I spent a good 12 hours troubleshooting my desktop by canceling services one by one till I found issues with the various drivers and then having to boot into save mode to fix BSODs from bad uninstalls. But after all that game works fine again.

(*if one person makes a "AMD" comment I'll probably smack them since the same issues happening with my old 2x 770 system I sold to a friend and I had to the same process for him, but I already had the drivers downloaded and knew which one to set it to*)

hiredhelp3325d ago

7970 here no crashes latest Beta driver but still have problems online.
No need fight about it thoe..
Actually your problems dont supprise me Ive seen crash posts on Nvidia forums too with the game. :)

mattdillahunty3325d ago (Edited 3325d ago )

i haven't had any crashes, but i get random stuttering at times, and when i turn my character quickly, the game stutters and gets choppy for half a second. i have SLI 970s and a G-Sync monitor, so i'm really surprised that that happens. especially when i get 80-100fps most of the time, and that's with almost everything on high or max.

other than that, though, the visuals are amazing and the game is super fun.

GameSpawn3324d ago

As a Crossfire user here I can say you don't do SLI or Crossfire without knowing the consequences from the get go. I had issues with Skyrim for MONTHS until both a better AMD driver was released (I used the beta drivers until this, but I experienced random crashes to the desktop with many games) and an update for Skyrim that addressed issues with Crossfire/SLI.

shaenoide3325d ago

I have no problem at all. Do you have an AMD card or something?

Maul_T_Pass3325d ago

There is a huge memory leak in the game atm. Search Google and you'll find tons of threads about it. Rockstar has been pretty silent during the whole thing...

Skankinruby3325d ago

Too bad the rest of the game looks like a comic strip

3325d ago Replies(1)
N0TaB0T3324d ago

You sir are a disgusting excuse for a troll.

Skankinruby3324d ago

Oh no, you're breaking my heart.....seriously

PersonMan3325d ago

That grass comparison screenshot they posted is only because of higher draw distance on PC.

Moldiver3325d ago

Looks like a leap above GTA V on current gen consoles. Almost not even the same game in those pics. Insane detail and IQ.

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gold_drake10d ago

i think the only real loss is GTAV

OtterX9d ago

I think everyone and their sister owns the game by now. They likely want to squeeze the rest of the holdouts before GTAVI releases.

Profchaos9d ago

That game comes and goes from subscriptions so frequently I think it's expected now. Like rdr2 on gamepass Rockstar Games only last a max of 3 months On a service

MrBaskerville9d ago

Talos Principle is the real loss.

BanginTunes9d ago

Facts that game is good as fuck I'm playing through 2 now, very underrated

Huey_My_D_Long9d ago

indivisible was pretty neat. Cute artstyle, fun throwback to older RPGs, shame its leaving but it is on sale often

shinoff21839d ago

Definitely. I e joyed what I played of it. Still gotta grab the physical at some point

Petebloodyonion9d ago

I'm not surprised by GTA V removal, Rockstar never allows this game to stay long on a subscription service.
They usually allow 4 to 6 months.

lodossrage9d ago

Yeah, they do that routinely with both GTA and Red Dead.

But it's because they know they can still sell them so they take them off and on to these sub services in cycle.

The weird thing to me is why is anyone still buying those games at this point? You would think after 3 generations of being sold GTA 5 that everyone and their momma would have it by now

RNTody9d ago

I fail to see how the loss of an almost 11 year old game that released across 3 generations is in any way a problem.

9d ago
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