
Lionhead Studios makes publicity blunder on Cleavage Day

Lionhead studios, maker of the Fable series, has made an epic publicity blunder.

In an attempt to capitalize on trending hashtags, someone with access to Lionheads twitter account thought it would be a good idea to chim in on the ludicrously sexist ‘cleavage day’ with a tweet of an archived photo of the ‘Foaming Jugs’, which is the name of a tavern from the original Fable.

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Yi-Long3354d ago (Edited 3354d ago )

... What exactly was the problem with the image/tweet, and why did they pull it!?

What exactly is so upsetting about foaming jugs!?

-Foxtrot3354d ago

See this is the fear people like Anita has wiggled into this industry

Anthotis3354d ago (Edited 3354d ago )

I wonder how those idiots can support #freethenipple but oppose cleavage day?

The mental gymnastics that go on in leftoids heads must make for one hell of a show.

SilentNegotiator3354d ago

Women exposing their bodies on instagram? A freeing experience that's super important to women's rights.

Men enjoying pictures of women's cleavage from an event started by women? SEXIST.

ShinMaster3354d ago (Edited 3354d ago )

Wtf does "diversity and inclusion" have to do with a picture of fake cleavage, Lionhead?

Also, women were the ones pushing #NationalCleavageDay. It was women who took the photos and posted them.
And yet feminists are saying it's "sexist and exploitative".
This is laughable.

BG115793354d ago

They should have responded by putting a man in the same situation, and not removing the image... None would have said anything if it was a man.
Feminazi are like this. At the beginning they say they want to be treated as equal with man, but end up wanting to be treated differently.
What a warped sense of of equality!

Griever3354d ago (Edited 3354d ago )

I think the word sexist has been thrown around so much that it has lost its actual meaning. People do not even know what sexist means. Depicting an attractive or sexy woman is not sexist. Sexism or being a sexist means to discriminate or be prejudiced based on the sex of an individual. This applies to both men and women. For example, claiming that women are stupid is a sexist comment just like saying men are jerks. Similarly, excluding a certain gender from a job or activity just on the basis of gender is sexist. For example, not hiring women for high ranking jobs. Depicting hot women and men admiring their beauty is NOT sexist.

turdburgler10803354d ago

I really wish there was a bar called foaming jugs.

Gwiz3354d ago

I totally agree,the censorship is seeping trough the cracks of the web.

DragonKnight3353d ago

There is nothing more offensive to a feminist than the female body.

I take issue with this article claiming that this was A) A PR blunder when it wasn't a blunder at all and B) "ludicrously sexist ‘cleavage day'"

WTF do these people have against women and their bodies? "It's men using it." Right, because men forced women to post these pictures up in support of the day and because a man made this picture, obviously he only cares about women's bodies and not their minds. Ok, so then show me a physical representation of a woman's ability to formulate an intelligent idea in her mind and make it into a compelling PR campaign.

I have not seen such shaming of the female form since Puritanical Religious Zealots and these people claim it's for the BENEFIT of women? How does it benefit the women who are actually proud of their bodies and willingly chose, of their own accord, to post pictures of themselves. Why do so many people hate boobs these days?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3353d ago
the_Nard3354d ago

The foaming jugs were not really the problem, it was more that they tried use it in conjunction with 'cleavage day', which is an overtly sexist marketing ploy in and of itself, in order to gain publicity.

It's just poor form...

Yi-Long3354d ago

But.... That's the joke!

What's wrong with that joke!? Are 'we' seriously SO oversensitive these days!?

SpiralTear3354d ago

You do realize that "National Cleavage Day" is supported and endorsed by female representatives of Wonderbra? Wonderbra was designed to give comfort and mobility to women so they could be more active, including in the workplace. The day was also used to support communities in African nations via various charity events.

Also, I think telling women what they can or can't do with their bodies is a little controlling and domineering.

Perhaps, even...


Ogygian3354d ago (Edited 3354d ago )

I think the point is that it's mocking those fools who get offended by everything that moves. Those people need to be brought down to Earth.

Lionhead are cowards to back down in the fa e of stupidity. Shameful, utter cowards.

Dee_913354d ago

What part of this day is prejudice or discriminatory?
I have an overwhelming feeling this guy isn't going to respond..

Rooted_Dust3354d ago

The problem with over using the term sexist is that sooner or later it becomes no big deal.

Sexist could apply to anything that is targeted at only one gender.

The only people practicing poor form are the ones exposing us to their toxic lack of humor.

HighResHero3354d ago (Edited 3354d ago )

@Nord: You forgot to add "in my opinion".

ShinMaster3354d ago (Edited 3354d ago )

You could use other words to describe it, but "sexist" is not one of them.
There's no discrimination going on here.

Women were the ones pushing #NationalCleavageDay. It was women who took the photos and posted them. No one forced them.
And yet feminists are saying it's "sexist and exploitative".

Yeah #FreeTheNipple, but don't show cleavage... that makes sense.

Yahdaree3354d ago


Your opinion offends ME...

DragonKnight3353d ago

Are you telling the women who posted pictures of their own cleavage in support of Cleavage Day, that they are overly sexist?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3353d ago
the_Nard3354d ago

If it was 'National Expose Your Male Genitals Day' and Lionhead had a big picture of a dong from Fable 2 would you still be laughing?

The term that defines this problem is called a double standard...

Yi-Long3354d ago

Despite the fact that clothed breasts and a pun/wordplay on 'jugs' do not equal a naked 'dong'...

... I certainly wouldn't mind the joke, or be upset about it. What's there to be upset about?

If it was 'NEYMGD', I would simply expect to see naked male genitalia. Not a big deal, tbh.

3354d ago
SaveFerris3354d ago

You mean there actually isn't a 'National Expose Your Male Genitals Day'?

To quote Admiral Orlock "This is an outrage!"

Ogygian3354d ago (Edited 3354d ago )

That would be quite funny. Why don't feminists do that rather than ruining everyone else's light-hearted fun?

Dee_913354d ago (Edited 3354d ago )

I'm not laughing at the picture posted in reality.. Do you think this day is for mocking women ? If fruit of the looms decided to make a penis day I wouldn't give two craps, just like I don't give two craps about this.. Funny in some SJW circles me not caring about national cleavage day would make me a sexist.
Sad you wasted 2 of your 3 bubbles to make asinine comments.

fashionst3354d ago

Pretty tough words from a guy whose handle is literally slang for male testicles.

You're a clown. Get out of here, you slop.

Spotie3354d ago

Dude, you failed. No clicks from me. Try not to be so sensitive next time.

rextraordinaire3354d ago

I would. I love wangs just as much as I like boobs, in all honesty.

Qrphe3354d ago

It'd be a double standard if we had dong day and not vagina day.

ShinMaster3354d ago (Edited 3354d ago )

So you people can't tell the difference between genitalia and breasts now?
Stop treating breasts as pornographic or indecent.

Your view on double standards is skewed, just like other feminists. And even if Lionhead showed a picture of a dong from Fable, men still would not overreact. People in general would not overreact, because it's only women whom we have to treat like babies who can't make decisions on their own and are easily manipulated into "exploiting" themselves, apparently.

Yahdaree3354d ago


You're just the worst type of person and a big part of what's wrong with todays society.

DragonKnight3353d ago

Nard, you obviously don't understand how little men care, and how much they'd support any kind of lascivious or lewd campaign even if it were Schlong Day. The men that wouldn't like it would be more likely to ignore it than to whine about it.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3353d ago
TheCommentator3354d ago

If I saw a woman whose jugs were foaming, I'd be upset too. Doesn't she know how to pour a beer?

Seriously though. If cleaveage is so bad why is the vast majority of fashion made to show it? Seems like most women want you to see it anyways or fashion would trend the other way.

ChrisW3354d ago

The controversy against the image is nothing more than an excuse to hit the streets with fists pumping in the air chanting "Women Power!"

Spenok3354d ago

Liberals and feminists... this country has become a nation of whiners who complain about every little thing until they get what they want. /Sigh

SegaSaturn6693354d ago

The feminists' vicious attacks on everything has rendered everyone too afraid to have a sense of humour.

Zeref3353d ago

What the hell is sexist about cleavage?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3353d ago
BC_Master_Haze3354d ago

I don't understand how "equal rights for all people regardless of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation" can have a gender in its root. It's ridiculous, I actually get a cold scowl whenever I say I'm an equalist when asked if I'm a feminist.

Double standards, male discrimination, heterophobia, you name it. It's hurting the rights movement not helping, it widens the gender gap.

comebackkid98913353d ago

Sexism, racism, ageism, and anti-semitism, all constructs of political correctness (or "cultural marxism" as it was originally known before being re-branded to escape the connotation of communism) designed to breed resentment. The term "racism" or "racisi" was coined by Leon Trotsky, because if one was anti-communist, one was against the "human race".

Immorals3354d ago

Is a British sense of humour being outlawed?

We take the mick out of everything, especially ourselves!

SilentNegotiator3354d ago (Edited 3354d ago )

A leprechaun that tries to take the humor away from everything. He must be removed from humorous situations to avoid a joke being spoiled.

DragonKnight3353d ago

I thought it was an Australian that loves to show people his knife, thus removing any humour from a situation because people fear for their lives.

Seafort3354d ago

They'll never take our sense of humour! I don't care who they are :D

Lionhead should have stuck to their guns, so to speak, and not caved into sexism nazis who are so two faced it's unbelievable.

I hate the politically correct era we are in now. It serves no purpose other than to suppress everybody's voice.

ShadowWolf7123354d ago

National Cleavage Day was a thing started by women.


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‘It’s been really painful’: Ex-Lionhead devs explain why they’ve announced, and shelved, a new game

An independent UK developer says it’s been forced to announce and postpone its game on the same day, and lay off more than half of its staff, due to the sharp downturn in investment in the games industry.

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Fable – What the Heck is Going On?

Announced in 2020, Playground Games' open-world action RPG has seen sporadic updates and departures but still no release date.

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PhillyDonJawn43d ago

I expect it to be released by 2026

Sonic188143d ago (Edited 43d ago )

I expect it to release by the time the next Xbox releases. Can that be 2026? Sure

DOMination-42d ago

You could say the same for any number of games that were stupidly announced during pre-production. Elder Scrolls 6 & Perfect Dark are current examples, Blade is another recent one and in the past Mass Effect Andromeda and Cyberpunk 2077 come to mind.

I don't think this game is in any trouble. For a start, Playground Games are one of the few under MS Studios that actually have a track record of delivering on time and with quality. We got a trailer last year and I'd fully expect there to be something more substantial at the next showcase in the summer.

No dramas here - just another victim of Microsoft's incompetence. They simply had to announce several games way too early because they had nothing else to talk about.

Michiel198942d ago

how are they a victim when they are clearly being given enough time? They haven't set any release date, haven't had to show any trailers, how is that being a victim? You even say yourself that you think it's not in trouble.

MrBaskerville42d ago (Edited 42d ago )

TESVI was mostly announced to stop people from asking. Like how they gave us a roadmap of first Starfield, then TES then Fallout. So people keep asking whether they'll do another one or not.

But Fable and Perfect Dark was defineately too early.

RNTody42d ago

The same thing that happens to any project when you announce it far too early. Perfect Dark, Fable, The Elder Scrolls 6, Star Wars KOTOR Remake...you actually have to, I don't know, make the game?

I'm fairly confident this game will see the light of day, as Playground have released 5 Forza games of quality and on schedule. Think it was just revealed too early.

Charlieboy33342d ago

The only issue I see is that, as you mentioned, they have only done Forza games. An RPG is completely different requiring completely different facets.

Whole new different open world....not just tracks. Character designs and animations, dialogue, combat systems, quest systems, equipment and inventory managment....the list is very long and none of it falls under their previous experience.

Even with assistance from other studios I believe they are still far off from delivering a complete version of this game.

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Baldur's Gate 3 Producer Has Joined Fable Developer Playground Games

Baldur's Gate 3 producer Ryan Clark, who worked at Larian Studios for four years, has joined Fable developer Playground Games

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Obscure_Observer246d ago

Xbox is definitely the house of RPGs and it´s getting bigger and better by the day!

Fable will be fantastic!

Marcus Fenix246d ago

I hope to see the following at Microsoft’s June games showcase:

Contraband (3rd party exclusive)
ID Software
Machine Games
The Coalition
Ninja Theory
The Initiative
Double Fine

Im sure we won’t see all these studio’s projects but at least 5 of them would be nice.

Sciurus_vulgaris246d ago

I’m surprised Gears 6 hasn’t been announced by the Coalition as of yet. Gears 5 released 4 years and the Coalitions hasn’t another AAA title since then, excluding the co-developed Gears Tactics.

Lightning77246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

Todd hinted at Indiana Jones being at next year's E3.

I heard Contraband is going through some sorta rework. I don't really have much hope for that game at this point in time.

Btw Gears 6 is in full development they took time away to learn Unreal Engine 5. Yeah... If we're going off of Immortals Of Aveum performance. They have allot of work ahead of them.

GhostScholar246d ago

I’m with you, but you had to know that comment wouldn’t be popular here lol

Sonic1881246d ago

The house of western RPGs. There, I fixed it for you

Crows90246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

Not even accurate though. They haven't made a single RPG yet. Starfield is barely an RPG as it is...there's no role picking unlike in elder scrolls games...especially the older ones. No skills...no attributes...just perks.

Imagine baldurs gate 3 where all you get to pick are feats.

Sonic1881246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

Starfield was probably the worse RPG from Bethesda. Especially when it comes to review scores on Steam



darthv72245d ago

All games are RPG if you think about it. You play the role of a character and do the stuff required to win the game.

Technically speaking.

Zeref246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

I couldn't be happier about that. I heard even Infinity Ward is working on an RPG. I am hyped af to see what they can do outside of CoD!

Crows90246d ago

What new RPGs has Xbox made recently?

jjb1981246d ago

I played the Fable Legends closed beta and actually kinda liked it. It sucks that it was canceled. I'm definitely looking forward to the new Fable.

Crows90246d ago

So it could have been really good. They lacked vision for the end product.

Barlos245d ago (Edited 245d ago )

Absolutely. I loved FF7 Remake and I've been playing the hell out of FFXVI and BG3 on my Xbox and I can't wait for FF7 Rebirth next February!

Oh hang on, none of them are on xbox are they?

House of the RPG indeed.

Obscure_Observer245d ago

None of the games you mentioned are first party.

Those aren´t even exclusive.

In case you didn´t notice, Fable is an first party RPG among many others in development at XGS.

CappyBlack244d ago

When's the last time Sony released a JRPG; let alone an actual RPG? Outside of 3rd party payouts. I can say the same for virtually every genre that isn't a linear action game or a racing game that doesn't press their competition.

Barlos245d ago (Edited 245d ago )

"None of the games you mentioned are first party.

Those aren´t even exclusive.

In case you didn´t notice, Fable is an first party RPG among many others in development at XGS."

And where in your original post did you mention first party? Regardless of exclusivity, none of the games I mentioned - some of the biggest RPGs around - are on Xbox but you seem to think Xbox is home of the RPG. You have Starfield and...oh, Fable. Wow.

But that's OK, if you want to move the goalposts to make yourself feel better, go right ahead 👍

Also, if you want to talk first party, some would say that Horizon and God of War are action RPGs. I personally don't, but they could be classed as such since they have RPG elements.

Obscure_Observer244d ago (Edited 244d ago )

"And where in your original post did you mention first party?"

This topic is about Ryan Clark from Larian joining Playground Games.

I said, "Xbox is definitely the house of RPGs and it´s getting bigger and better by the day!"

Not idea how you though I was talking about third party games.

"Regardless of exclusivity, none of the games I mentioned - some of the biggest RPGs around - are on Xbox but you seem to think Xbox is home of the RPG."

Xbox as a brand, doesn´t have to own all of the RPG games available in the market to be considered "the house of RPGs". I made that statement because today, Xbox is the brand with more dedicated RPG studios under its wings.

Besides, Phil has a new partnership with SE in place, we already got FFXIV from Yoshi P´s team, I wouldn´t be surprised if FF7R and FFXVI are the next. BG3 is also coming to Xbox this year, it´s not like we ain´t getting that game.

" You have Starfield and...oh, Fable. Wow."

Project Dragon
Fallout 5
Clockwork Revolution
The Outer Worlds 2

All first party. So now you know.

Like I said, Xbox is undoubtedly the house of the RPG games. You may not like it, but it´s nothing but a fact. Unless of course, you have some actual facts to counter the facts the brought here regarding first party RPG development.

"Also, if you want to talk first party, some would say that Horizon and God of War are action RPGs. I personally don't, but they could be classed as such since they have RPG elements."

You know as well as everybody that those games are action/adventure games with some RPG elements thrown into the mix.

Unfortunately at the moment, Sony is not investing in first party RPGs or RPG studios. Sorry.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 244d ago
Crows90246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

Still waiting to see what kind of game fable will be. Hope it has gargoyles...probably not.

Hope you can pick between male or female and choose something else to distinguish yourself during character creation.

Super excited for this and perfect dark...excited to see what they make that is. Don't have any high hopes but maybe MS can prove me wrong. Playground has been their studio for a long time and the initiative is their only new studio

Lightning77246d ago

"Hope you can pick between male or female and choose something else to distinguish yourself during character creation."

That's a staple in most if not all RPG's.

henbayward246d ago

Not these days, it ain't! 🤣🤣

VersusDMC246d ago

This is a good get as Baldur's Gate 3 is highly regarded.

But this has to be a hire for their next game right? Why would Fable need a producer now?

BrainSyphoned246d ago

Because the current producers at Xbox are helping produce some real bangers.... I'm sure Fable is in a great state right now.

Charlieboy333246d ago

Can't wait to see what their '10 year plan' is for Fable.....just like Halo and now Forza. I'm curious to see just how badly they fuck this up with online focused, drip fed content, design and gameplay. Because I know it's going to be nothing like the previous games and anyone expecting that is in for a nasty surprise.

Popsicle245d ago

I really am hoping against hope that you are wrong, but I think you are probably right. Unfortunately

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