
Lips (new karaoke game for Xbox 360) first photos, check out the mic

Here are the first photos of Lips for Xbox 360 developed by Japanese studio iNiS ( Elite Beat Agents). Scheduled for November 2008, this new karaoke game will be playable with two wireless interactive microphones that react with the player movements and voice. You can also see that the microphones will have light indicators. We hope to get more information of Lips during E3.

Silogon5804d ago

Boy Microsoft is going all out to lose what identity they have, huh? Singstar and wiimote rip offs, loose talk of a mii/home like system. What the hell is wrong with the game industry as of late?

Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are all working hand and foot to collectively break the empire down to its foundation.

Sony with it' high ass, not worth it price tag, junk bunk ass PSN store and lack of exclusive games across the board.

Microsoft with their need to want to be like Sony and Nintendo so bad it is crippling their very own identity in the process. I mean, they actually think a split between Sony and Nintendo is going to work for their aging hardware.

Nintendo with their need to be so turned on their axis to the ones who made them what they are. Nintendo and that garbage remote has killed any and all interest I ever had in Nintendo. It isn't a supplemental system, it's not even a choice for me.

So with that said, these 3 companies can die off the market for all I care. Bring on APPLE!!!!!!

Sez 5804d ago

well i must say you do keep it fair with bashing both companies.

-Maverick-5804d ago

silogon you're such a idiot loser. Just STFU you homo biotch.

Defectiv3_Detectiv35804d ago

C'mon now, we all know that MS doesn't have an original bone in their body. All they do is copy their competitors. All they have done to innovate was to improve online play and have the first console to come with a HDD(the original xbox).

But honestly, w/o Sony paving the way for MS they would never stand a chance in the industry.

eagle215804d ago

You will love it! You will complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain about that awesome system!

It's perfect for a guy like you!


CR7JUVE18975804d ago

You claim that every company is ripping each other off, and this is true.

But, if you think about it. What is left in the video game industry that has yet to be discovered??

Its eerily reminiscent of the music industry, where we are starting to settle for less, because every Lil' Wayne, Jonas, and Britney can basically come out with an album of them saying the alphabet in Swahili, and it will still sell a million copies.

This is a reason why the tried and true sequels that struck a chord with so many people are going to sell, (FF, Halo, MGS,GTA, Mario) because the core product was something that was truly unique when it first came on to the scene.

Much like the way The Rolling Stones, Van Halen, and Billy Joel can go years, sometimes decades without new material, and people will flock, because it reminds them of why they fell in love with the product in the first place

Silogon5804d ago

I agree with what you're saying and think that is probably the most level headed comment I've ever read here on n4g.

It still don't change the fact that the industry is going downhill, though. It's just not something we, as consumers, can stop.

kazuma5804d ago (Edited 5804d ago )

dwd u should really see a shrink, i really think u have multiple personality disorder

CR7JUVE18975804d ago

It's a cycle, man.

The main problem, in my opinion, is that the Gaming Industry is no longer about gaming, its about mainstream entertainment.

Ergo, it is now part of the entertainment industry, and it has lost its identity to most gamers out there who got hooked on it in the first place.

We all want more. As paying consumers, it is our right to always want to get what we pay for.

No amount of technology or gimmicky controllers will ever hide the fact that the industry has definitely seen a decline in quality.

But people aren't so much interested in quality in games, at least not the masses who are now snapping up every version of Cooking Mama that is available. They want a quick fix. They want something that they can enjoy for an hour at a time, in small doses. And the industry certainly has picked up on that.

Even great, great titles such as Gears of War, or God of War, weren't as long as they could be.

Why is that? I think its because we, as consumers, and older consumers, simply don't have the time, or not as much time as we used to. Not when a lot of us have to work double time just to make ends meet.

I mean, the original NES and Genesis, in its heyday, were geared for KIDS. Kids that actually have the time to sit through Zelda long enough to actually go back and play the second quest.

The new systems, particullary the Wii, are geared for a demographic that comes home from work, has dinner, and wants to spend a half hour palying Wii Boxing against a Weeble-Wobble clone for 20 minutes.

The days of innovation might be gone, my friend.

The next company that comes out with something truly revolutionary, not evolutionary, bet it Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo, will be the company that will be remembered for ushering in a golden age, just as Nintendo did with the NES, and Sony did with the Playstation

TheColbertinator5804d ago

Luv Burger,your analysis of the videogame archives deserves a bubble,my friend.Also I am a Hendrix fan.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5804d ago
THE_JUDGE5804d ago

I don't see this going over too well in the States but maybe EU will like it.

chaosatom5804d ago

i thought they already use singstar for this kinda of stuff on the ps3.

sonarus5804d ago

singstar is fun so this is nice. Unless the game has some lip synch technology then the name is stupid

gaffyh5804d ago

I can't see this game being adopted by the 360's more "hardcore" audience. Plus the name just sounds stupid for a game.

NO_PUDding5804d ago (Edited 5804d ago )

Well how does it differentiate itself from Singstar?

Or is it just a downright copy-cat? I mean I know it's copying somewhat, but the 360 isn't at all that biug in Europe and that's the only place Singstar sold.

I know I am goign to pick up Signstar next week. It seems liek a lot of fun.


About Xbox Mixer below... What a laod of crap, that was awful, you coudl sing alogn to the music. And it wasn't competetive.

Was a totally different thing.

KingME5804d ago (Edited 5804d ago )

"I can't see this game being adopted by the 360's more "hardcore" audience."

WRONG, this is exactly the type of game needed on the 360.

I think this is cool. I already have Singstar and love it, but I will still buy Lips as well. One thing that it already has that I like better than Singstar is the "Wireless" microphones. And if they add more up to day music it'll probably make me stop using Singstar. Right now, Singstar has a very stale music selection. And seems to be very high on rock and pop, while rnb, rap, and indie fans are getting the shaft. So if Lips has more rnb, rap and indie, I'm in.

kewlkat0075804d ago (Edited 5804d ago )

a little different, well they won't buy it anyway...WTF

Anyhow these are not my types of games, thePS3 does have Singstar and I don't know anyone that has that game..it's def more popular in Europe and such

I bet you if the Wii gets something similar it will sell like hotcakes, it's all about marketing with these types of games.

sonarus5804d ago

You would be surprised how many people play singstar in the states. Since i got it girls have been coming over to the crib a lot. Thing is a better chic magnet than a wii lol

But seriously lips sounds nice and i am liking the dancing part but what kind of name is lips.

xhairs95803d ago

Do you need batteries for the microphone?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5803d ago
BLaZiN PRopHeT5804d ago (Edited 5804d ago )

Before everyone starts with the its a Singstar rip off MS had a karaoke game back in 2003 a year before Singstar came out. This game has the same basic features just a new name.

BulletToothtony5804d ago

and i'm surprised MS abandoned it... i guess they gave up too quickly, because according to wikipedia there's more than 70 different SKU's of singstar around the world..

I love singstar is the life of every party i have.. that and alcohol of course


I swear this guy does covert PR for MS.

Doesn't matter if they had some game 5 years ago, they're still trying to monopolize on anything that's succesful.
And this is pretty much a blatant ripoff.

ps3FTW5804d ago

It is still a rip off of Karaoke Revolution.

JOLLY15804d ago

I still have that game. There are a few peoplethat still come over and play it. What the crap is the name!

Bnet3435804d ago

They had some game I think it was called Music Mixer for Xbox 1

Dir_en_grey5804d ago

If you are trying to say who's first....
Dreamcast had a Karaoke add-on with downloadable songs and a library of more songs than any of the current music games.
Heck the original Famicom (Red & White Nintendo) had Karaoke games, the friggin mic even came with every Famicom built into their controllers...

They need to bring that mic on controller thing back... imagine playing a stealth game and you get detected because the mic picked up actual noise. Or you actually having to yell "Sunlight!" in MGS4 with the Solar Gun.

BLaZiN PRopHeT5804d ago

@2.1 its was called Xbox Music mixer its the same features as Lips they came out with 2 of them.

@2.2 and i swear all you do is troll 360 thread it doesnt matter what site huh?

@2.3 it came out before Karaoke Revolution.

@2.5 how am i Hilarious?

@2.7 im not trying to really say whos first. just that they had a music game with the same features as Lips 5 before singstar hit the market. I figured there would be a lot of people typing singstar ripoff. just trying to educate the masses.

NO_PUDding5804d ago

Noen of them were competetive though.

Singstar was competetive and based on Karaoke, not being a multimedia enhacement DVD, like Xbox Music Mixer was.

Singstar is all about the music, (which it has tons of of) and the competition in accurate tonality. Lips will be copying that.

mcgrawgamer5804d ago

how you get disagrees for stating facts? the likes of this site will never cease to amaze me. but I forgot MSFT is the kakashi of the gaming industry. The copy ninja, LOL; at least in the eyes of fanboys.....

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5804d ago
Dark_Vendetta5804d ago

Elite beat agents was actually damn good. Hopefully they can make a good Xbox360 game too

Dark_Vendetta5804d ago

By the way this should pretty much confirm Xblade (the list with Lips and Xblade was released few weeks or months ago)

5804d ago Replies(4)
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0mega45035d ago (Edited 5035d ago )

i think the whole music simulation genre is slowing down in popularity

it was an amazing way to experience new&old music but now its not much more than greedy companies competing to get the next sequel out as fast as possible with little innovation

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