
Top 10 Most Underated Games of All Time

In the game industry, things normally work out as they should, at least in the long run. Poor games get poor reviews and poor sales, and good games get acclaim and success. True classics get remembered and revered, and the many mediocre offerings that attempt to drown them simply get forgotten. Sometimes though, it doesn't work out like that. Terrible games get great sales on the strength of a licence or huge marketing budget, and great games can simply be ignored for any number of reasons. In an attempt to be as positive as possible, it's these hidden diamonds that this list focuses on.

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n00bzRtehgey5805d ago

Condemned 2. a perfect ten. one of the greatest games this gen. hands down. yet got sh1t scores of 8s. what a travesty.

Silogon5805d ago

Is it really that good, man? I put off getting it cause I didn't think the demo was a good representation of the product. I was just thinking of buying it on amazon, but didn't want a used one. I think I might pick it up and give it a go if it's as good as you and others say.

kazuma5805d ago

condemned 2 isn't worth the disc it's on, 1 was WAY better.

BLUR1115804d ago

yea Condemed 2 was good and it's awesome after you beat it and you get unlimited ammo then its really a blast. plus there's no really decent horror games any more ..well none Really. you should enjoy it

nycredude5804d ago

Condemned 2 is way underated and a must experience game. It has some seriously genuinely creepy setpieces and there is a dreadful atmosphere throughout.

Definitely pick it up especially now you can buy it for 26.99 used at Gamestop. You won't be disappointed.

xboxftw5804d ago

Condemned 1 was developed with 360 in mind that's why it was so good. But POS3 was reason for crippled Condemned 2 so 360 players suffered.

n00bzRtehgey5804d ago

actually, both games are amazing. but C2 just raises the bar beyond what C1 did. C2 wasn't held back by anything. the ps3 version has crappier graphics and jaggiesz all over, but not on 360. 360 is great.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5804d ago
InMyOpinion5805d ago

For Amiga. If you ever wondered where Rockstar got their ideas from it might have been from this game. Probably the first 3D sandbox game ever made.

chasuk085804d ago

Hunter 3d was very good but i think Okami should be no 1.

christian hour5804d ago

I thought I was the only one who knew about HUnter 3d :P Haha. Its never in any game lists or anything like this one that I've ever seen.

LBA and LBA 2 were amazing.

But wheres psychonauts in this list? I believe its the most recent underrated game and definitely deserves place over lemmings 3d. I don't think lemmings 3d should be in this as as far as I remember all my friends had it and loved it :P

I've pretty much played every agame on that list... bar zzt... and... startopia.

I remeber getting urban chaos for pc at christmas and I remember been at a friends parents new years/new millenium party which consisted of us 11-12 year olds playing that, mario party (the original on n64) watching airplane and of course some goldeneye 64 and smackdown on ps1... Good times :) I'd forgotten all about that night until now.

andron5804d ago (Edited 5804d ago )

But it was fun. Very ambitious game for it's time...

Ahh.. the Amiga it ruled...

Organic_Chemistry5804d ago

Im surpirised he never mentioned Clock Tower, one of the first survival horror games, one of the scariest!

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ar5805d ago

LBA2! Ah the memories. Damn I'm getting old. >_<

insane_cobra5805d ago

We might get the third one in several years. Frederick Raynal is currently working on a Michel Ancel project at Ubisoft (possibly BG&E2?) and he hopes he'll be able to get the LBA3 project running once he's done with that.

MK_Red5805d ago

Holy moly, I thought I'm the only LBA fan alive :)
LBA2 was AWESOME. Still have it.

Will Twinsen really return one day?

ar5805d ago

That would be sweet!

LBA2 is a part of my childhood. Spent a lot if time with it when i was a kid. :)

MK_Red5805d ago

ar, same here. I didn't have interent help or walkthrough so it took a huge part of my childhood till I finished that game. Dammit, these articles make us feel old :D

ar5805d ago

"Dammit, these articles make us feel old :D"
Way to old. :)

Superfragilistic5804d ago (Edited 5804d ago )

Wow! LBA had a bullet to the head impact when I played it as a kid. This damn article just made me want to replay what in my opinion has always been the best adventure game I've ever played (BGE was good, but not that good!). Nice to see some other old-school fans. Bubbles for your "mature" taste! :)

On that list the only one I haven't played and continue to remind myself to find the time is Bloodlines. Some people rave about it and how unique and RPG it is. So yet another game that I need time to play this year... lol

MK_Red5804d ago

Too old!? :D

Bubbles for you too Superfragilistic though I think BG&E was that good. Still, if I have to choose, I'd go with LBA. It was beyond good. As ar mentioned, it was part of my childhood and one of the games that I played for a really long time.

As for Bloodlines, give it a try but be sure to play it both unpatched and patched. Unpatched is hilarious. There are so many bugs that make even beta versions of other games seem flawless. I'm telling you. The hilarity starts with the opening movie and bugs just keep coming. Still, there is a really deep and awesome RPG hidden somewhere with many interesting characters. Troika was great team and the best after Black Isle. (Have you played Arcanium?)

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ilkercruiser5805d ago

This game is my number one!
Still installed in my computer.

ar5805d ago

I thought it was the other way around with Halo. ;)

tatotiburon5804d ago

go play some flops like lair and haze

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Days Gone Director Says Bend's Project Costs Over $250M; Says PS Co-CEO Doesn't Want 2 Zombies Games

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shinoff218313h ago

Well that sucks. Seems they want more online trash. I'd rather of had the sequel if it was single player

-Foxtrot13h ago

It would be a shame if it was true that Hermen never gave the franchise a chance simply because he didn't like it and they already had a "Zombie" game with TLOU.

NaughtyDog are most likely moving onto a new IP next so it would have been the perfect time to do it.

ThinkThink5h ago

Here's where xbox steps in and releases state of decay 3 day and date on ps5.

excaliburps0m ago

Yep. Kind of weird since it wasn't a sales flop, no?

I know we have to take what Ross says with a grain of salt since we're hearing just one side of the story, but even so, the game wasn't bad at all. Heck, it's my brother's favorite last-gen game from what I recall.

The amount of zombies on screen, imagine that with the PS5 and SSD? That would be insanely fun!


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