
Rumour: Newton motion controller finally confirmed? - Prototype pic.


Shhhh . . . In a recent IGN video clip Ken Lobb (Creative director of Microsoft game studios) showed the world game play footage of the latest Banjo- Kazooie installment. With all this talk about a motion controller coming to the Xbox 360, could it actually be happening? Apparently so!

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Superfragilistic5808d ago

This has got to be the worst kept secret in the industry. Is this deliberate? Are MS trying to mislead everyone for a bigger surprise? Or is this just the case of bucket with too many holes to plug?

Either way E3 should just hurry up and get here!

mesh15808d ago

im a ps3 owner and i am planning on getting a 360 so im not biased at all all i have to say is that i watched the amazing banjoo 3 clips and we all know what he means,to rotate the analog stick on the 360 nothing to do with a newton controller.

heyheyhey5808d ago


that made my day....LOL

XboxOZ3605808d ago

You will find an UPDATE on the article which include a full view pic of the controller (two piece) and a link to the developer site Motus who are building it. SO to those who said it's a Photoshop mock up, have another look and see what you say now, remembering it is a prototype and will most likely vary by full production time. Many thanks to Gamer4Life for the link btw.

Milky5808d ago

MESH1 just give up, nobody is fooled by your desperation.

Montrealien5808d ago

Man, this pic is old and yeah, worst kept secret on the internet atm, lol

truth for gamers5808d ago (Edited 5808d ago )

If this is indeed the new controller, I think it's a pretty good concept and a significant improvement over the wiimote.

perfect for saber and sword games, think oblivion and star wars.

bednet5808d ago (Edited 5808d ago )

Gees, it's not going to be epic games that use that thing...it's gonna be kids games, casual games...that's the whole point of getting this thing out.

Be on the lookout for Halo Kart, Halo Play, Super Smash Spartan, Master Chief's Assault Rifle training.

gaffyh5808d ago

This design (and pics) are very old, I saw them a few months back. The design is too big and ugly, and I don't think this will sell well at all.

RememberThe3575807d ago

What the hell did you just say?

skimming5807d ago

Please, Please, Please...

An realistic golf simulation with HD graphics (1080 at 60fps) and 5.1 Audio (nature sounds like ocean, wind, birds, audience, etc) using the two handed waggle controller with true force feedback + wack noise from the controller. Or how about attach a real weighted golf club and perhaps even string attached weighted balls?

Simulate slice, hook, fade, push etc etc with the waggle. None of the idiotic strength meters, please. I can't stand the Wii Sports version, the lame graphics and the even lamer strength meter really turned me off. I'm assuming that MS version of the waggle would be a lot of sensitive and accurate than the Wii version, due to tech advancements and attachable nature of the controller.


How about multiplayer with your frat buds over Live with chatting and vision camera support on the links; tournaments anyone? I can see golf addicts (like I used to be) paying hand over fist for something like this.

My price would be $250 if there's enough realism. Endless DLC opportunities (golfing in warzone with automatic weapons?). As cheapest golf outing costs min of $50 (also too easy to spend 100), this would be a steal.

andyo135807d ago

wev taken a full circle back to stick waggling with the joystick

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5807d ago
Silogon5808d ago

Pretty underwhelming. I expected better from Microsoft and Sony, and I say Sony cause you know they will follow the absurd trend too.

In the end, this won't go well for Microsoft. The controller looks like a vibrator and it isn't really attached to anything of merit right now. The wii is the controller. This, it's a supplement. One that will be forgotten about more than likely.

I know I won't buy one.

XboxOZ3605808d ago

Again, this IS a PROTOTYPE, not a finished item. The two rarely look the same in any business development. What we see sitting on the shelves come the end of the year will NOT be what we see here now.

AngryBot5808d ago

MSs newton looks pretty subpar.

Ali_The_Brit5808d ago

follow the trend? are you on crack? the sixaxis has always had motion controls built in from day 1 of the PS3 so sony can never be accused of copying or following a trend when the idea has always been there,anything more they released would just be adding to it

Montrealien5808d ago (Edited 5808d ago )

angrybot on account numer 52, cute.

And ali, the same could be said about MS, Freestyle Pro is 10 years ago. but I don't care, the more the merrier, they are all fun.

gunnerheadboy5808d ago

This contrller looks like a dildo.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5807d ago
XboxOZ3605808d ago

More like a bucket with way too many holes mate.

Too many people discussing the same thing under different roofs, so little control in who says what and where and when.

Plus it's an ideal way to turn up heat on a topic and make it topical within the gaming industry at large. What better way to "leak" things out. It's a common practice to "leak" information out through "reliable sources" so that it gains some credibility, and at the same time, creates a great deal of discussion and speculation, not to mention heated debate (read fan flame wars).

Both of which 'drive' the internet at its core.

Montrealien5808d ago

yeah, leaking is cheaper then any marketing campaign.

heyheyhey5808d ago (Edited 5808d ago )

jeez they could of at least tried and make their controller look different from the wii-mote


ok fair point- i realize that this is a prototype

but mind if i quote you and then we'll see what the finished product looks like?

XboxOZ3605808d ago

Prototypes generally do not look like the finished item.

God, you should have seen the final 10 Xbox360 prototypes - shudder.

So the real one will probably bear some resemblance to this, in some ways, but the nature of prototypes is to disguise the actual final product. Ever notice how a prototype car never looks the same as the one that roles off the production line.

Many aspects have to be taken into consideration once the "basic' idea is concreted. The whole ease of production, mouldings, components then are taken into consideration, and from that, a final production model is come up with. That then has moulds and dies made from it for the casings and the internals, which are then made to fit.

So it's not a what-you-see-is-what-you-get thing with prototypes. But hey, try telling those basic steps to any fanboys and you might was well bang your head on a concrete wall, you'll get a better response from the wall. hehehe

InMyOpinion5808d ago (Edited 5808d ago )

At least they didn't recycle their controller design from last gen, like one other company did.

pwnsause5808d ago

Jenzo, people wanted that controller Recycled, it is one of the best controllers that has been around for over 10 years already, just put it in your think skull, there must be a reason why it has been around for more than 10 years.

truth for gamers5808d ago

it doesnt look anything like the wiimote, this is round the wiimote is rectangular

supahbad5808d ago

cuz their's wasn't a piece of giant crap

CrashSharc5808d ago

@ jenzo

if it's already perfected, why change it? Seems like the other companies are still trying to find out the right formula for a great controller. They'll get it eventually.

cool85807d ago

only becouse its the best controller ever invented!

Zeevious5807d ago (Edited 5807d ago )

A large firm will have their own Rapid Prototyping hardware and easily run 100 variations of designs just for testing. (think of a Star Trek replicator, but it takes more than a few seconds...hours depending on the size & materials chosen: SLS, SLA, FDM, PolyJet, EBM, alloys, etc.)

You're just seeing one of those tests. The Wii's proven it's formula or it wouldn't be first in sales.

Sony's Controller?
The comments about the Sony controller are wrong...

Sure, you got the best PS3 controller from the past 10 years but missed out on the best controller for PS3 gaming.

Yes, the "ugly boomerang" controller. Most Sony gamers hated it, without even trying it or more importantly realizing WHY it was shaped so uniquely.

Think about it as a controller designed for not only motion feedback, but to be as versatile & simultaneously comfortable as possible.

That's a pretty large order and after tons of RP model tests the controller's form followed it's function, not the reverse. (The ones shown publicly where not at final scale)

Imagine holding the controller vertically, by the arced-extensions...It's a steering wheel.
Hold it horizontally: You're hang gliding or flying a plane.
Hold the grips with one hand in front of the other: You're firing a machine gun.
Notice the carefully sculpted space between the analog sticks...for your thumb, with the PS button moved up so you can still tap Select-PS-Start: You're bowling, throwing a ball or any number of other unique ways to use the controller.

So the PS3 does have the best controller from the past 10 years, but not the best one for the next 10...ugly or not.

As far as prototypes, I'm looking to see what both MicroSoft & Sony have to show for their innovation in motion at E3.

Oh yeah, did I mention that unlike needing the wriststrap on the Wiimote, if you happened to drop or throw that PS3 controller, it would just fling around and come right back?


Seeya' at E3.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5807d ago
Godem5808d ago

I hope this is not true, I liked how the 360 was the console that PREVENTED Muscle development... lol

XboxOZ3605808d ago

Ahhhh this is what I love about the net . no one reads, just looks at pics (no offense meant mate).

The Newton aka The Darwin Project, is only for certain games within the xbox360 and XBLA system. Games such as the new Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts-N-Bolts, and a few others under development right now which will be aimed at "social gaming" not HARDCORE gamers.

Aimed at "families, fun party games and social gathering style gaming. NOT the FPS, RTS, MMO etc etc etc.

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Rynxie2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


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DefenderOfDoom23d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..