
GameInformer- Evolve Review

GameInformer- Turtle Rock hasn't been shy about getting Evolve into the hands of players. The developer provided play sessions at virtually every gaming convention over the past year, and offered fans extended alpha and beta sessions before release. That "proof is in the pudding" approach revealed the core gameplay experience of Evolve, but also opened the door to questions about its breadth and longevity. At long last, the final game is here, and remains true to what we've seen before; Evolve is a concentrated and highly replayable experience, if you can accept the limitations of its unique format.

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DarkOcelet3399d ago

"despite all the pre-release whining about there only being three monsters"

Thats all he mentions. Nothing about the dlc nor microtransactions. I am really disappointment right now. I remember Angry Joe getting really pissed about Metro Last Light Ranger Mode being dlc. I wonder how will he react to this $hit right here.

MasterCornholio3399d ago

Angry Joe is going to explode.

We will see our friend "the evil corporation" appear in that video.

vishmarx3399d ago (Edited 3399d ago )

while i dont always agree with joe, i like how he has the balls to lash out at these so called big guns that are getting 9s and 10s everywhere,he gave destiny nice beating, he gave cod aw a well deserved 6(which i got conned into buying seeing all the reviews) and he also gave dying light a 6/10

i knew this game was gonna get great scores,
look at all the ads everywhere, look at all the awards it got more than year before its release.
i mean how the hell does something deserve 50 awards when its not even out for a year?
these are the same people that criticize the order ever chance they get, yet 100s$ worth of dlc, no story, sp or forced online isnt even worth mentioning.
how are these so called reviewers okay with the fact that 2/3rds of the game isnt even on the disc and is being sold separately day 1?
pathetic, good thing i stopped taking reviews seriously. this and dying are a wonderful start to the dependability of gaming media in 2015. 5 billionth zombie fps game with a lot of online and crappy everything else and pre order exclusive game modes, and a dudebro online only fps with monsters and shizz with more dlc that what content itll have in its next 2 games.both littered with 8s ad 9s.

ive made it a point to not get a single game of this kind from now on even its a 10/10 on every site.and ill buy the order,type-0,bloodborne etc even if they have their metacritic in their 30s .

Kamikaze003399d ago

And people act like there are nothing wrong with reviews!! This game is bare bones, the most ridiculous DLC to date, and the beta was the most boring thing i've played for a while.

And apparently I've been ridiculous to believe reviews are tainted by western media.

Jokers will believe reviews, the others will make their mind up from previous footage they've seen.

Ricegum3399d ago


How did you get conned into getting Cod? Ridiculous. And I'd say Advanced Warfare is at least a 7.5-8, as well as Dying Light being worth more than a 6. People will always have different opinions, no one seems to accept that. You know you don't have to listen to reviewers right?

vishmarx3399d ago


it was advertised as a true evolution, like it was really different from the rest of the cods.
but it wasnt. the guns still fired like toys and have not impact whatsoever and the only evolution was booster jumps. that is it.
everything else was just snazzily renamed .
the only 2 good things about the game were the visuals and kevin spacey.

Griever3399d ago

These are the kind of games that have been getting rave reviews this generation. The reviewers just never mention any of the major problems and flaws with the high profile games such as micro transactions, bugs, poor performance and little content. On the other hand, games like Order 1886 are bashed to no end for subjective/perceived issues such as short length, black borders and not being innovative enough. Gaming media has become too commercialized and corrupted. If selling your integrity makes you money or keeping it loses you money then to hell with integrity. Just say what the corporate overlords want you to say and enjoy the rewards. :/

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Rimeskeem3399d ago

I don't under how a game with 136$ of DLC gets 8.5 and higher

003399d ago

I wonder how much 2k payed for all these reviews.

BattleAxe3399d ago (Edited 3399d ago )

This is brutal...... I think that these high scoring reviews are just as big of a story as Evolve's DLC and low initial content offering.

Pintheshadows3399d ago

This is PR companies trying to bury the consumer negativity. The gaming media everyone. May it burn in hell forever.

Even without all the crap surrounding it, it is 85% running, 15% action. And the action is one dimensional.

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Evolve or Die: The final days of the follow-up to Left 4 Dead

Back in 2016, Turtle Rock announced that support for its 4v1 monster-hunting shooter Evolve would end but fans wouldn't let it die.


‘Evolve: Stage 2’ is back from the dead as peer-to-peer servers come back online

From NME: "Evolve: Stage 2 had its multiplayer servers shut down back in 2018, but today players are once again able to matchmake and join peer-to-peer multiplayer games.

Several months ago, peer-to-peer functionality was lost for Evolve Legacy, which was the only way fans of the series could play with friends. Upon a multitude of players reaching out to publisher 2K, the issue was eventually fixed earlier in July. It seems 2K have gone a step further now, and reinstated peer-to-peer and matchmaking functionality for Evolve: Stage 2 after four years."

MIDGETonSTILTS17675d ago

^^this, I have so many awesome skins on Xbox that I’d rather not lose

Germaximus675d ago

Yes so far because it's just the servers alone coming on and the console version never had the free-to-play update.

I imagine if they find people playing the PC version and enough players are enjoying it then they'd probably reconsider opening console as well but I wouldn't count on it.

The game was epic as a monster. Hunters were really boring to play as to me.

LordoftheCritics675d ago

I used to play this a bit.

Was kinda fun.


Evolve or Die

Evolve is an asymmetrical multiplayer experience born at the tail-end of the wrong era, in the multiplayer world.

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Highrevz1144d ago

Great idea but poorly executed and destined to fail from the begging. Only thing I’m grateful towards this game is that it’s the one that convinced me to never buy a game blind again.

Shadowrun for the Xbox 360/PC would of been a better example of a great online game that launched At the wrong time.

Livingthedream1144d ago

Shadow Run was fantastic! Would probably do alot better now.

DaveZero1144d ago

Is this a new evolve game??