
'Amazing Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Gameplay Montage'

Amazing and fluid gameplay from this anticipated ps3 title. Thank u AznSniper for the upload. Enjoy the awesome special attacks gameplay from, "Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm."

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clintos595817d ago

Reason I say this is because I am a huge naruto fan and have played many of the games out now for this awesome anime show and after watching these videos, I am sold on this game and I think I will be one of the users who buys this off the psnetwork just to try the demo. I mean its only 2.99 so its not much but I think this game will sell very well not only in japan but also in other areas aswell, since naruto is starting to get popular just as dbz did. Should be an awesome and fun game. :)

Time_Is_On_My_Side5817d ago

The animation and graphics are making this game a purchase for me. As with the show I started watching it but never really got into it. My sister keeps me updated but I haven't seen an episode in a long time.

CrazzyMan5817d ago

otherwise it`s a waste with amazing graphics..

ActionBastard5817d ago

The devs confirmed no online mode, but will support the game with DLC. I watched this being played and the battle went from land, to on top of a lake, to the side of a mountain...all in 1 stage. Absolutely amazed at how well the animations were. It looked like you were seriously playing the anime.

Rick Astley5817d ago

Damn I can't wait for the demo next week. I just got Qore. =)

roybatty5817d ago

I hope they include the original Japanese voices and not the gay American dub jobs.
Japanese soundtrack and subs option please Namco!

Tetsuryu5817d ago (Edited 5817d ago )

The title release will include both Japanese and English voice overs with the option of subtitles.

CAPS LOCK5817d ago

both jap and english voices are available...I watched a video from gamespot and that was one of the questions, it was confirmed. But there is no online on this game which really sucks...

Dannycr5817d ago (Edited 5817d ago )

Yeah, the great news is that they're including the original Japanese voices (Thank God)

The gameplay looks really original and based on what i saw, i predict some epic (Local) Vs fights.

Edit: i just bought Qore. As soon as they said that a demo will be included there before the non-qore users) I REALLY want to try the demo now!

The Wood5817d ago

to the Japanese voices. 'Dattebayo' not 'please believe it' thank you very much....no offence yanks;)

Tetsuryu5817d ago (Edited 5817d ago )

The new trailer is included in this story for those interested. Click the alternative link to see the trailer directly.


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No One Makes Anime Games Quite As Well As CyberConnect2

There's nothing quite like flying in DBZ: Kakarot or Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm's battles.

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TheColbertinator1068d ago

That's also the problem. They are decent but never truly ambitious in challenging the powerhouses of any genre whether RPG or fighting.

Outlawzz1068d ago

Completely agree. Their games never quite reach that high point. They have potential but it's like they hold themselves back.

melons1068d ago

They do seem to have taken a safe route with the new Demon Slayer game though, which has no demons to slay (???) and is very similar to Ninja Storm.

spartan112g1068d ago

I mean, ArcSys makes better anime games in Guilty Gear and FighterZ, so this argument fell on its face quick.

Pepsi_Man30001068d ago

Those are both fighting games based off of an anime. Naruto storm, my hero one justice, that shitty one punch man game, etc are the games the writer is talking about Im sure

lucian2291068d ago

except naruto games are barely actual deep fighting games

BrainSyphoned1068d ago

Or 20 second fights fall on their face when portraying multi season anime.

Outlawzz1068d ago

I like the games they work on and how they recreate the feel of the anime. They are masters of that imo but the gameplay is usually basic and doesn't ever try anything new. It's mostly the same over and over.

So that basically only ever makes it a good game with lots of potential to be a great game.

Pepsi_Man30001068d ago

CC2 has a lot of potential. Theyre amazing when it comes to spectacle. Naruto storm looked great and asuras was amazing cinematic wise, but theyre gameplay needs so much improvement. Its so damn basic. Its like they hold themselves back. I remember the reveal trailer for asuras wrath having body slams, and suplexes, dragging enemies across the ground etc. And for some weird reason all of that was removed for gameplay that was hardly anything more than mashing the circle button.

And its even more frustrating cuz theyve done how many storm games now. Youd think they wouldve managed ti improve but tis like theyre not even trying. Idk man. I just feel like a dev like them shouldve been way bigger by now

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Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm- Retrospective Review

Nevada Dru from Bits & Pieces finally got into Naruto and works his way through the Ulimate Ninja Storm series, starting at the begining.

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