
Xbro Interview—#GamerGate Numero Dos

It’s been almost three months since #GamerGate has caused a firestorm in the gaming industry and community. The sides are drawn, the neutrals are being silenced or attacked, and the majority of the parties that pro-#GamerGate are opposed towards still haven’t changed their tune.

I had another opportunity to speak with Xbro, the wonderful rogue that has taken it upon himself to speak out on #GamerGate on numerous occasions. Despite the danger of his very career being jeopardized, he gave me some of his valuable time to answer some burning questions I had regarding the movement.

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Stop Ruining Things: A Commentary on Free Speech

Free speech is a key component of democratic society, and society is apparently confused by it. In the gaming industry, it's even costing people their jobs. It's time to stop ruining things and be real people again.

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Digital_Anomaly2962d ago

Very balanced on both sides and I'd say I agree with most, if not all of it. Sadly, this is an altruistic view of things and as much as the more level headed of us cry out for that balance there will ALWAYS be ruiners and people who generally act like children to keep things out of whack.

This is the world we have created in the internet age. Pretty sad when you really get down to it.

COGconnected2962d ago

Great read! Its just sad this has become all too common. One step forward, 2 steps back.

MercilessDMercer2962d ago

I was curious how this was going to link up to gaming, but it got there. This reactionary style of conducting ones self is something that has become far too prevelant and used as a tool for the uneducated to increase their own self importance. It definitely needs to get reigned in

GrapesOfRaf2962d ago

Hey stop harping on my safe space. /s


VGS - Ethics in Game Journalism with Kotaku Writer Patrick Klepek

Patrick joins the show to discuss a variety of issues including: How Kotaku differs from other video game outlets when it comes to production.

What you need to do to stand out in this saturated field.

Where he see’s the industry going.

His thoughts on GamerGate and the importance of video game ethics.

What life is really like for someone that does this for a living

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Brunelleschi: Age Of Architects Storms Greenlight With A Lot Of #GamerGate Support

One Angry Gamer "Brunelleschi: Age of Architects is an interesting new 3D MMO that focuses on player options, diplomacy and city management. The title is being designed by Aesop Games and it's received a lot of support from the denizens of #GamerGate after the developers were purposefully silenced by the gaming media for not adhering to the narrative that #GamerGate is a harassment campaign."