
Firefox 3 vs IE 7 vs Safari 3.1.2 vs Opera 9.5

gadgetzone.com.au has posted a complete comparison test between all the current full versions of the most popular internet browsers. IE 7 takes on Firefox 3, Safari 3.1.2 and Opera 9.5. IE 8 has been left out because it's still in beta. There was a previous smaller comparison between IE7, Safari 3 and Firefox 3 when the latter was still in RC phase, but this is a much more detailed comparison, including four graphs, that includes only final release browsers and has this time included Opera as well, due to numerous requests after the last group test.

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crazy250005823d ago

apple is heading towards being the next microsoft now....why develop safari?

thewhoopimen5823d ago

because Apple likes to develop good software...

funkeystu5823d ago

The article tested speed only.
Overall results were (approximately)
Safari-2.6 (but longer start up time)
Opera-2.75 (failed a java-heavy test page)
Firefox-3.4 (authors said there was no visible diff. and convenience of awesome bar would likely outweigh extra loading time)

It all sounded a tad firefox biased to me - "Firefox got fairly beaten in our tests but is clearly better because...." type of thing.
Not that I disagree (I use firefox myself), but a more objective article would have held more weight imho.

dnf275823d ago

Of course, it goes into a lot more detail than just that so it's probably worth a read rather than just taking funkeystu's comments and being done with it. But thanks for telling everyone that darth Vader is Luke's father!

verb3k5823d ago (Edited 5823d ago )

@dnf27: Your article is clearly biased, all test and benchmarks from all respected websites and journals show that Firefox is the king of the browser speed jungle, especially in JavaScript interpretation.

dnf275823d ago

That's your call to make as a reader. You can take what you want from it. However, I can assure you that the writer, which wasn't me by the way (I may be biased, I use a mix of Firefox and Opera), has no strong browser preference. In fact, he uses IE7 because it came with the machine he uses and he couldn't be bothered downloading another.

gunnerforlife5823d ago

whether his article is biased and all, his still right Firefox>>>>>the rest

thewhoopimen5823d ago

I dunno what reviews you've read, but all reviews have put safari at least = to firefox in terms of speed ... and that was 3.00 . This one just shows that 3.1.2 safari is even faster than safari 3.00, only proving that apple is continuously tweaking and improving the browser. A great thing, b/c it gives everyone a choice.

Bonsai12145822d ago

i've read on a tech forum somewhere that people don't like the awesome bar and reverted it to act like its old self.

plus the numbers speak for themselves. safari > others in terms of speed. i'm running the safari 4 dev build, and let me tell you, it puts firefox 3 to shame.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5822d ago
LFC1EE5823d ago

Firefox is no1 browser it's better than anything out there at the moment it's just fantastic.

user8586215823d ago

just another microsoft paid website trying to make their crappy browser look good

firefox ftw!!!!!

SaiyanFury5823d ago

No doubt Safari is a bit faster after the first load. But it has a ton of incompatibility problems when operating on a Windows platform. That alone makes it an inferior browser when compared to Firefox 3.0's general usability.

shine13965823d ago (Edited 5823d ago )

yeh that's been my experiance with safari...I don't know why opera was pulled there...and opera also has that info tab you can put on the bottom that tells you exactly whats happening, and at what speed...funny I seem to be prefer opera yet I'm using firefox more these days...its all the adverts I tell you...as well as so many websites telling us to use firefox...I didn't even know that opera had gone 9.5, I thought it was still in beta..

edit: just downloaded it..hands down, I think the smart bookmarks (firefox) are better then opera but opera has the best download service in my opinion by far.

SaiyanFury5822d ago

I've never used Opera, myself so I just went with Firefox 3. Glad to see it's working for you though. If you're concerned about web ads and all that rot, look for a program called Ad Muncher. It's a small program that runs in the background and gets rid of most types of advertisements like those annoying popups and lead-in ad pages that often load when you go to sites like ign.com and whatnot. Truly a useful little program.

coolfool5823d ago (Edited 5823d ago )

It seemed like opera was the best all rounder to me. It was almost consistently faster than firefox, almost as feature rich and if you don't have the compatibility issues on the machine you use it then that would be a mute point for you.

I user firefox but overall it doesn't really *kill* the competition......well apart from IE7

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