
EGM Review: Akiba’s Trip: Undead and Undressed

EGM - "As the PSP found new life in Japan and a host of developers helped boost up its library of offerings many years ago, I kept an ever-vigilant eye on the most intriguing releases, always gauging if they’d ever have a chance of making it to the West. One of those was Akiba’s Trip, a peculiar game where players ran around one of Japan’s most popular tourist destinations—Tokyo’s electronics district known as Akihabara—hunting down and defeating vampires by stripping them of their clothes (thus exposing their skin to sunlight, burning them to ash)."


Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed Getting New DLC Featuring Kati's Route

Today Acquire announced that its 2013 game Akiba's Trip 2, known in the west as Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed is getting a DLC.

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ChiefofLoliPolice728d ago

Oh sweet loved this game on Vita and PC. Did NOT expect this all. I'm all for it.


10 Games That'll Make You Fall in Love With Japan (If You're Not Already)

Twinfinite Writes: There are a ton of video games out there that let you explore Japan or deal with the country's culture and history. Here are just a few of them.

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derektweed11789d ago

I already am. Since I went to nagoya on a 3 month business trip, had a lot pf fun and ultimately met my, now, wife,


A Look Back at Acquire's Games for PlayStation Vita

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "Just like Artdink, Acquire is a quirky Japanese developer with a history of experimentation and big ideas, but has unfortunately been at the mercy of low budgets throughout the years, leaving gamers with some fantastic titles that suffer from a large amount of jank. Acquire worked on Vita from its launch in Japan through to early 2017, injecting a nice level of variety to the console’s library despite some of the technical shortcomings of its titles, making the company a prime candidate for examination here."

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