
Microsoft did it again, shows PC version at Xbox One stand - GamesCom

Luke Kanik:

Specific game Ori and the Blind Forest ran on a PC, while they were stands with Xbox One. We have a photo

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bintarok3589d ago

Ori and the Blind Forest off course being made in Windows DE. Duh

FlameHawk3589d ago

It's like you didn't even look at the picture and see the Xbox One with the kinect. Right I forgot the Xbox One was a PC. /s

bintarok3589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

I didn't say XO was a PC, it just in your mind set.

What i've said, MS indies like Ori and BF are all being made on windows dev kits.

It's not difficult to understand, seriously.

badz1493589d ago


So that means what they see and play over there was the game how it runs on Windows, not Xbone. They should just put it there "this is a representative of the Xbox One version" or something but no, they put a freakin Xbone and Kinect there to try and deceive them that they are playing on it instead! That's dirty false marketing!

HaydenJameSmith3589d ago


I'm pretty sure that is the Xbox running the windows Dev Kit... there are no dev tools on X1 OS. Its not a PC running in the back with X1 out on display if that is what you are thinking...

JeffGUNZ3589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

I thought this is common? Usually the games are on Dev. Kits on PC? The games obviously not completed, so why spend the resources to port a beta/demo version over?

MEant for C-H-E-F below, not sure why it got bumped here.

pinkcrocodile753589d ago

Oh god!

As far as I can tell the game is in development still.

If thats the case they won't have completed testing so the logical step it to run on a dev kit.

If this was a final release happening within a few weeks I'd understand your shock and awe. However it's not.

Both MS and Sony do this. I think the author is getting his knickers in a twist over nothing. That or trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

PoodlePuncher3589d ago

If it's a dev kit why is it using Nvidia hardware (the notification to update drivers through Geforce Experience)?

Syntax-Error3589d ago

It's not a AAA title so why would play any different on an X1 than a PC? Doesn't make any damn sense. All indie games are the same on any console. Why do you people find something to complain about all the time

Eonjay3589d ago

Its deception becasue the player is standing in front of an Xbox One. So if its on PC, just show them a PC. This is still just plain deception. If Sony does it, its also deception.

TheXgamerLive3589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

Ok. Lets see how to say, the Xbox One dev kit just as the XB1 is running windows 8. The windows menu is the normal dev windows for gameplay as its not yet a finished game. Same as a sony product demo, the systems will be connected to pc for various demo reasons. Most important one again is, its not a finished game its not on a bluray

Its running on an Xbox One and not a PC.

WiiUsauce3589d ago

And Sony NEVER shows PC gameplay at their conferences right? lol Sony does it all the time.

tuglu_pati3588d ago

meh! moving on! who cares...

Pogmathoin3588d ago

MS can do no right on this site, why even bother. This is kindergarten.... Normal people buy games.

KarmaV123588d ago

And they NEVER lie about resolution either because they are not Cocky as heck!

ShinMaster3588d ago (Edited 3588d ago )

@ WiiUsauce

Last I checked, Sony didn't put a PS4 and a PS camera in front of you with a DS4 controller to make you believe you're playing on a PS4 instead of a PC running Nvidia hardware.

When a third-party company decides to show off their game at a press conference with PC footage, that's not Sony's doing, nor did they claim "this is PS4 hardware".


Actually, the article is grasping at straws this time around, unless I'm missing something, as this time the games were running on XB1 hardware.

Other times MS or other (many) companies were caught red-handed on this subject it was not about a PC version running on console (as perfectly normal for a game still in development using PC environment), but instead running on PC hardware that despite warning was non-representative of the console power (like in many trailer shown in conferences, not really dissimilar to the bullshot problem, it's about companies promising what is known they can't deliver) or outright lying and saying it's the console running it when it's not (now this may be more or less problem depending on how similar the results between PC and console are, anyway this was MS's actual trouble last year and what apparently got people consfused, demo booths sporting a XB1 were rigged, Windows 7 PCs with Nvdia cards hidden under the table were the ones actually doing the job, with no warnings whatsoever).

Docknoss3588d ago

Sony's done the samething big deal

rdgneoz33588d ago

@XGamer "Its running on an Xbox One and not a PC."

Since when did AMD graphics cards (which both xbone and PS4 use) come with "Geoforce experience"? Not really representative of the final product when you're using a completely different graphics card to show off the game while having the "console" sitting in front of the TV. "This is what the game will look like on the xbox one... if we were using high end nvidia graphics cards..."

Reminds me of E3 last year.

donthate3588d ago (Edited 3588d ago )

I find it hilarious that people are arguing over this mostly by fangirls just trying to find reasons to moan and b!tch about MS mis-representing, when all they did was try to show you what you can get on the Xbox One later.

I would love to see these hypocrites complain about Sony lying to you about native 1080p on KillZone: Shadowfall.

There is a lawsuit against Sony about this SO I urge you hypocrites go join it quickly seeing how passionate you are about MS supposedly mis-representing things.

Fight for the players!!! :D

badz1493588d ago


You definitely live up to your user name! Just hop on that "Sony is lying about KZSF" bandwagon and see how far you can go. They have proven and explained the trick they used to achieve 1080p60fps and only the opposing fanboys still use it as their ammunition to attack Sony. It's a trick just like how many devs use motion blur to create a sense of speed, low res textures to boost performance, varible res to maintain fps etc. Just give it up!

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3588d ago
C-H-E-F3589d ago ShowReplies(4)
MysticStrummer3589d ago

Both these new consoles are very PC-like, so this really isn't that big a deal unless the PC being used is more powerful than XB1, which would make the game seem to perform better.

JeffGUNZ3589d ago

This exactly. Summed it up well. Bubbles up MYstic.

cee7733589d ago

But I thought it was so easy to port games from PC to xbone not too long ago I heard A Dev say they did it within an hour so really there is no excuse.

RegorL3589d ago

Not really PC like...

XBox is running unified memory against SDRAM like many notebooks / integrated graphics. But with a bigger eSRAM than most, and faster than everyone in this category.
(The new Intel has up to 128 MB eSDRAM, not as fast but
a lot bigger
http://www.anandtech.com/sh... )

PS4 is running everything from the graphical processors GDDR. It is also alone in this category.

ShinMaster3588d ago

So Xbox One uses Nvidia hardware as well?

Wow wee

ThePope3588d ago (Edited 3588d ago )

Are you shocked from the reaction in this comment section? It doesn't matter what MS does, someone will spin it and this site will figure out a way to make it bad, and anti consumer.

OT: If its not running on those X1's in front (which as far as we know the game is running on those boxes) its most likely the case they are used to show what console the game they are playing is going to be on. Its advertising.

No I know I'm just doing damage control because the only possibility is that MS is misleading people and the game will look different. My bad.

Borma3588d ago

"so this really isn't that big a deal unless the PC being used is more powerful than XB1, which would make the game seem to perform better." I think that is the exact point we are trying to get at.....I doubt they used a Phenom Dual Core PC from the year 2005 to show it off.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3588d ago
Blaze9293589d ago

Lol the Microsoft hate really is getting old. Go play some games. We're just grasping for straws now. The game isn't done - of course it's on a developer unit made accessible for the event attenders.

rdgneoz33588d ago

"made accessible for the event attenders."

So Nvidia cards are more "accessible" than the AMD cards that the xbone and PS4 use?

And it's only hilarious because MS has been caught using Nvidia cards and windows 7 to show off it's games in the past.


gamernova3589d ago Show
3-4-53588d ago

At this point I don't even care.

Just got my XB1 and loving it so far.

Playing Forza 5 & Plants vs Zombies and I don't really care if they are in 1080p or 720 p, they are both really fun to play and that is mostly what matters.

They both look great as well. Better graphics is awesome, but it doesn't make a game more fun really.

SKEE3588d ago

Cool story bro....if you didn't care, why even bring it up?

Gamer19823588d ago

Putting a PC for demos is one thing as its not a new thing however putting an actual console in front to make it look like its being played on the actual console is another.. If people don't see the console play the game they think there playing on xbox and don't question it. When things like this happen they realise it was a PC and its okay it happens. However the fact theres a bunch of xbox ones there makes MS look foolish not the fact the games running on PC hardware..

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3588d ago
Askanison43589d ago

This site will really do anything possible to make Xbox look bad. Why do you all care so much?

Shuyin3589d ago

I think it's MS themselves that kinda make their Xbox One look so bad.

gfk3423589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

I agree!

The principle applying:

If you fool me once shame on you, if you fool me twice shame on me.

I refuse to be fooled by MS in every aspect (DRM, kinect, cloud, DX12, games that are presented as exclusive and after that see the release on PC/PS4). And I'm referring solely to this generation without bringing the past.

IrishSt0ner3589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

Yea of course it's all Microsofts fault, they're the reason the internet sees this site as biased. Nothing to do with the continual downvoting/dismissal of all positive Xbox One comments and articles.

If anyone needs 'proof' look at the top 'hottest' articles, then go to any other gaming site and look at their top Xbox stories.

qwerty6763589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

@IrishSt0ner i agree, i used to come to this site more frequently, but not so much anymore after realizing its mostly made up of sony fans.

Now I understand that each side has there fair share of trolls. But I've noticed every positive xbox comment or just constructive opinions being pro xbox receives unwarranted downvotes and disagrees.

thehobbyist3588d ago

That's obvious enough. M$ has been making it look like a bad buy since launch and that $1 billion marketing budget is not going to pay itself off anytime soon.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3588d ago
torchic3589d ago

maybe if Xbox was run by people who actually care about gaming they wouldn't be having so many mishaps

Askanison43589d ago

This isn't a mishap. It's a bloody in-development game. So what if they show it on a desktop machine. That's where they're going to be doing most of their development.

Kingthrash3603589d ago

Like they did with ryse for a and dr3.... They displayed PC versions then pulled the bait and switch.
In all honesty they have the x1 there to make you believe you are playing on x1, giving the illusion that its capable of doing something it can't ...just to get a sale. Its bad practice for any company ...lord knows they've all done this.

Askanison43589d ago

What bait and switch?

The game WILL come out on Xbox One. It's an Xbox One booth. It's likely that this is either a PC build or an Xbox One dev build (Which could potentially still run on PC in emulation etc) so what's the harm in showing it?

torchic3589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )


I was talking in general and not specifically about this game.

the reason why Microsoft always seems to receive bad press is because the people who run it make many poor decisions, and this in my opinion is because these people don't really understand the industry, nor do they care for the industry.

mcarsehat3589d ago

It's going along with illusion. If the games aren't console ready, MS will show them on PC and to create the illusion of what it's like to be playing on an xbox, they will make it look like you ARE playing on an Xbox One, it's that simple.

It isn't exactly a bad thing, it's like having a Rocket-shaped Rollercoaster cart, it's still the same thing as any other Rollercoaster but it has the illusion of Space travel instead.

GiantEnemyCrab3589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

King, I think it's to give the closest representation possible to how the game will be controlled on consoles. Whenever I approach the MS booth and ask what system it's running on they never hesitate to tell me it's on a PC if that is the case.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3589d ago
CaptainObvious8783589d ago

To be fair, MS shot themselves in the foot a lot.

"This isn't a mishap. It's a bloody in-development game. So what if they show it on a desktop machine. That's where they're going to be doing most of their development."

That would be perfectly fine is MS gave full disclosure. If MS had a PC in view with a sign saying something like "This is the PC version, however, this is representative of the xbone version", I don't think anyone would kick up a fuss.

But as you can plainly see MS have deceitfully put the console and kinect below the monitor implying the audience is playing the xbone version when that's not the case as all. It's a little pathetic to be honest.

Tell me I'm wrong.

JorboTron3589d ago

It's a 2D metroidvania platformer indie game. Not the mostdemanding game. It will likely be the same quality on pc and xbox one. Everyone needs to relax. Quit making mountains or of mole hills.

Now if they were doing this with like GTA V that MIGHT be worth mentioning.

JeffGUNZ3589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

You're wrong. No disrespect but this is common practice for ALL platforms when the games haven't been completed. Sony did this at E3 with Batman demo, it showed prompts for PS4 controller as well. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. As Mystic stated above, unless it's showing a more powerful version then what the game will actually be on Xbox, then this is normal business. This isn't a demanding game, so it's on an Xbox Dev. Kit.


Jury3589d ago

Anything? Like showing news 4 gamers?

kratoz12093589d ago

Well all the xbox games look good on windows.
Ps4 and pc gameplay at gamescom gents

MysticStrummer3589d ago

"This site will really do anything possible to make Xbox look bad."

You're saying Google Translate is anti-XB?

TheLog3589d ago ShowReplies(5)
Monkeycan83589d ago ShowReplies(1)
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3588d ago
iamnsuperman3589d ago

This is really down to the developers more than Microsoft. They clearly havn't finished it yet. Though Microsoft shouldn't have done the window dressing as it is coming to PC as well

sourav933589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

To make things worse, the game was running on a PC with a Nvidia graphics card.

tgunzz3589d ago

Give it a rest already.....

GrandpaSnake3589d ago

the only thing im trying to understand is if they actually just put the x1 and run fake cables through it. all while having hidden cables connected to a pc.

Show all comments (143)

Playing Ori Games On Xbox Game Pass Does Not Help The Studio, Claims Moon Studios CEO

The Ori and the Blind Forest studio CEO has asked the fans to purchase the game instead to completely support it.

Terry_B97d ago

oh really. The Microsoft /Game Pass Dream Bubble is bursting, eh?

Outside_ofthe_Box97d ago (Edited 97d ago )

I've been told that this is an outlier and 99% of devs feel the opposite of what moon studios is saying right here.

thorstein97d ago

"It can be? If you're a smaller dev and get an upfront fee to put your game on gamepass and it blows up, that's great.

I merely pointed out that Moon would make no money at this point from people playing Ori on gamepass - so not the best way to support us!" - Thomas Mahler, Moon Studios

Asplundh97d ago

"This is the exact argument people have been saying about GP for years now"

It's not. Moon studios had no say in their game going on GamePass, because it's a 2nd party game and Microsoft own the Ip and games. Moon was paid for developing the games and presumably get a cut of sales, GamePass is hurting their sales but this is a different situation.

97d ago
Lightning7797d ago

Because it is. You can name on one hand the studios GP doesn't help.

GamerRN97d ago

They make no money because they were already paid an upfront fee. So they MADE money, but make no additional money.

Markusb3397d ago

yeah of course because people renting games and not buying them is so much better for studios.
Microsoft has conditioned people not to pay for their hobby or at least not to pay to own anything

Outside_ofthe_Box96d ago


"They make no money because they were already paid an upfront fee. So they MADE money, but make no additional money."

So it's a good thing that they make no additional money despite their game having continued success well after the initial payment?

Einhander197296d ago


"Because it is. You can name on one hand the studios GP doesn't help."

Just in the past few months we have had statements from Larian, 2k and now Moon Studios (as well another indie studio that released it's game pass but I can't remember who it was) have made similar statements recently about the effect of subscriptions on sales and profitability.

Heck you recently saw in Insomniac's leaked slides that after games were put on subscriptions the sales of the games almost totally dried up, which is something they have publicly been saying for years. And on top of that even though xbox fans constantly deny it, Microsoft leaks as well as their own statements and actions (like putting thier games on rival platforms) clearly show that putting games on subscriptions lowers the potential profit of a game.

It's time to accept the reality that the long term effect of subscriptions has been lowered revenue and profit for game sales almost universally across the board.

Credible research and information keeps showing that people don't buy games that are on subscriptions and more and more people don't buy games they suspect are coming to subscriptions.

RGB96d ago

Look into Outriders situation, unless you are a very small indie dev, gamepass loses money for everyone involved, including Microsoft.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 96d ago
Obscure_Observer97d ago

"oh really. The Microsoft /Game Pass Dream Bubble is bursting, eh?"

I don´t think Sony agrees, because they´ll continue and release yet another brand new MBL game on Gamepass day one for the fourth time in a row!

Crows9097d ago

Because they have a choice right?

97d ago
Christopher97d ago

That's not by Sony's choice... This is a poor argument.

notachance97d ago

dude just randomly mention sony out of nowhere lol

Obscure_Observer97d ago (Edited 97d ago )


"Because they have a choice right?"

Yes they do. They could say no. Nobody is forcing Sony to make MLB games to Xbox at gun point, especially day one on Gamepass.


"That's not by Sony's choice..."

Of course, it´s their choice. They could just said *no* to MLB and made their own baseball game just like EA did.

Besides, It´s a GaaS title after all and one of the most played on Xbox. So it´s not really hurting Sony in any way, and I´m 100% positive that they relly love those fat checks from MS.

"This is a poor argument."

You can say that, but, the Interesting and undeniable fact is that after four years making MBL games available on Gamepass day one, nobody from San Diego studio got fired in Sony´s recent wave of layoffs.

Just food for the brain.

97d ago
Elda97d ago

That's not a business choice that was decided by Sony, that decision was decided by the MLB. Sony will reap the rewards only because Sony's first party developers (Sony San Diego Studios) develops The Show. If it wasn't for the MLB licensing contract of The Show the game would still be exclusive to PS.

outsider162497d ago

"Of course, it´s their choice. They could just said *no* to MLB and made their own baseball game just like EA did."

Well this isn't EA, they lost the license to Fifa, not Fifpro, or the premiere league or champions league or the euros.

MLB I'm guessing (i don't play baseball) is the only licence to it. They have no choice, indeed. American gamers will want authentic teams im sure.

97d ago
97d ago
Futureshark97d ago

What an Obscure Observation!!?!!

1Victor97d ago (Edited 97d ago )

@christopher: “That's not by Sony's choice... This is a poor argument.”
Have you see him have a rich valid argument when it comes to Sony. 🤷🏿

@obscured: “Yes they do. They could say no. Nobody is forcing Sony to make MLB games to Xbox at gun point, especially day one on Gamepass.”
Sure buddy whatever keeps you happy same as no one is forcing Xbox to now and in the future release their games on PlayStation and Nintendo oh btw in the near future Xbox will go fully 3rd party like Sega 💵💰

Markusb3397d ago

do you understand the concept of licensed games? good lord the straw arguments or just lack of actual real information is astouding.

Terry_B97d ago

I don't think many of your comments are thought out.

Christopher96d ago

*** Of course, it´s their choice. They could just said *no* to MLB and made their own baseball game just like EA did. ***

That's an illusion of choice. It's not a choice. You're acting ignorant to try and serve up a bad argument.

Sonic188196d ago


At it again huh LMAO

96d ago
96d ago
+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 96d ago
Neonridr97d ago (Edited 97d ago )

you have to remember that these games are old now, they are given a fee upfront for their titles to be on gamepass, but for new people to play the games naturally you want to drive them to standalone sales as opposed to them playing on a service that they've already been paid for.

Outside_ofthe_Box97d ago (Edited 97d ago )

I don't understand what you are saying here. This is the exact argument people have been saying about GP for years now. In the short term the upfront cost is good, especially if your game is either trash or was never going to be popular in the first place, but long term and if your game exceeds expectations then it's not as good. Also if your game is AAA and is a sure fire going to sell millions day one, people want those titles day one on GP as well and think it's sustainable for some reason when logically that doesn't make sense.

Neonridr97d ago (Edited 97d ago )

@Outside - I don't know if MS has any incentives in place where devs get bonuses if games do well. You'd have to talk to someone in the know there.

Neonridr97d ago

I bought the collection on my Switch. Love these games.

darthv7297d ago

Same here. its a nice little compilation. Plus I have the XB special editions on disc (still sealed)... and it was all thanks to playing them in Game pass. I dont get why its so hard for people to understand how this service can actually lead to sales, not just blindly accept the few who complain about how sales weren't as good as they expected.

remixx11696d ago

Because not everyone is like you.

Most people wont go out and purchase a game on other consoles or buy special editions of games they already played if they can just try it on their cheap subscription service and move on once theyre done with it.

GotGame81897d ago

I bought Ori for Switch because it's on GP and wanted to be able to play it on the go. That being said, at 120fps and 4K on Series X, that is the way to play.

LoveSpuds96d ago

Fingers crossed for a release on PS5, I'd snap them up even though I have them on Switch already.

OneLove97d ago

No one forced you to put it on there wtf👀

Sciurus_vulgaris97d ago

Moon Studio had no choice. They do not own the Ori IP, Microsoft does.

rippermcrip96d ago

They didn't have a choice to partner with Microsoft for funding and create the game for them?

ChasterMies96d ago

I’m with OneLove on this. Don’t go begging to fans when you already took Microsoft’s money.

Kornholic96d ago

For smaller companies to even have a CHANCE to make some money on Xbox, they often have to put their games on Game Pass. Don't be dense.

SPEAKxTHExTRUTH97d ago (Edited 97d ago )

Anyone who wanted Ori has most likely already bought it. The game is not going to sell significantly anymore but GP will offer free exposure so that when Ori 3 comes out people may be willing to buy. If your game is good enough people will support in even if they can get it on a subscription. I still buy plenty of games that are available on GP and I also have played plenty of games that I would not have played thanks to GP. Bottom line is this, make a product people want and they will buy it.

badz14997d ago

Tbh, the game has never sold significant numbers to begin with.

Eonjay96d ago

I think what the CEO is implying is that the studio makes more money per copy sold vs a player on GP. But I think we know that as common sense. Even without being privy to Moon/Microsoft's contract, I think we can assume that because of the nature of GP, more money can be made per player at retail than via subscription. And honestly this would also probably apply to Microsoft as well. As in they would make more money too. Thats why the only way to maximize the utility of a subscription is to have a really large subscription base.

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