
5pb. Announcing Xbox One Game on May 27

Not so long ago, the company began teasing its “Shinasutimikira Project,” which is believed to be an Xbox One game from Cave boss Makoto Asada.

4Sh0w3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

I think this will be a game aimed specifically for the Japanese launch. Not only has Japans console market declined significantly but micro always has a uphill climb without boots there. Well seems they will continue the fight, every sales region helps so good on 'em, hopefully I'm wrong and this game is one of the few homegrown games that appeal outside of Japan, we'll see.

christocolus3663d ago

I think so too and the way the announcement was made makes it seem like they have other titles planned for the console besides this one.

styferion3663d ago

If this gets localized you can bet I'm gonna buy XB1 just for this.
the chance are slim though since this most likely will be a visual novel type and the market for that outside japan is very small.. which is a shame since they're one of the developers with great story-writing skills ever.

truefan13663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

I find it ironic MSFT is announcing Japanese support before the Japanese company. XB1 is the home console the Japanese has been waiting for. XB1 is about to take over Japan!!!

4Sh0w3663d ago

lol, I read that and thought wtf is he smoking, but I gave you an agree for your enthusiasm and the good laugh.

Gazondaily3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

Bro I don't know what you're taking but I know its definitely Class A sh*t.

The day XB1 takes over Japan is the day Israel tears down its walls around Palestine. In other words, it aint happenin!

But its admirable that MS are still trying in Japan. I wish them the best of luck. I hope we get some wicked JRPGs this gen.

AceBlazer133663d ago

I don't know what's sadder, your retarded ass comment or the fact that 9 people actually agree with it.

GarrusVakarian3662d ago

"XB1 is about to take over Japan!!!"

You really need to touch up on your console history to see why that ain't happening.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3662d ago
Aussiebeachbabe3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

What is this game? I would not know whether to get excited or not. Could someone please explain what it is?

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