
Good work, Microsoft: You’ve finally sold me on the Xbox One

Brad Reed of BGR: At this time last year, I was practically a guaranteed Xbox One customer. I’ve loved my Xbox 360 for years and I just couldn’t imagine making the switch to a rival platform, especially since I always thought that the Xbox 360 had better exclusives than the PlayStation 3, lead by the highly acclaimed Halo series. But then Microsoft made a truly bizarre set of public relations mistakes that made me seriously question whether or not I wanted to spend $499 on its newest console.

corvusmd3673d ago (Edited 3673d ago )

Nice, welcome to the club, the more the merrier.

Edit: Huh? Who would downvote this?

UltimateMaster3673d ago (Edited 3673d ago )

Good work, you're now officially the shadow of the PS4.
What a way to be a doppelganger...

What ever about to originality?

mikeslemonade3673d ago (Edited 3673d ago )

I will buy a X1 because I have money, but I will wait so I don't vote with my dollars when it still matters in the console war.

As for regular consumers, this shouldn't sell you on the console. The PS4 still has the majority of the advantages in this generation, so therefore the PS4 should be your first system of choice.

christocolus3673d ago (Edited 3673d ago )

A bunch of my pals are also getting the kinectless bundle. Im happy more people are jumping in.

HyperBear3673d ago (Edited 3673d ago )

I completely agree, I seem to be the only one who thinks Microsoft did a lot of great things today to boost the Xbox One and it's Live services, and can't wait to buy me an Xbox One on June 9th (Day after my Birthday and Day One of E3 :D)

And it's not like they are dropping Kinect completely. There will still be a $499 retail SKU with Kinect + Game..And they will still be selling Kinect separately for those who buy the new model, but may want Kinect down the road.

At least they didn't pull a Sony and jacked up the price to $449.99 in Canada. Now technically, at least in Canada, Microsoft has the upper hand on both Console with Camera or Console without Camera and being cheaper than the PS4 in both regards.

DanielGearSolid3673d ago

You "seem to be the only one" ???

Stop lying to yourself

kratoz12093673d ago

Meh I still prefer the ps4
I am loving all the f2p and mmos that are coming.
Ff14 is alot of fun


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Ninjamonkey822h ago

Wish the hadn't put them among the event camos.


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