
Dead Rising 3 sales rise to 1.2m as Capcom enjoys profit boost

Eurogamer: Xbox One launch title Dead Rising 3 has now sold 1.2m copies, Capcom has said.

Reporting its financial year ending 31st March 2014, the Japanese company highlighted its zombie kill 'em up alongside the PC, PlayStation 3, Wii U and Xbox 360 version of Resident Evil Revelations and Nintendo 3DS game Monster Hunter 4 as million-sellers.

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CaEsAr-3677d ago

Good for them. Now please don't ruin RE7, I've only little hope left for the series.

MrSwankSinatra3677d ago

The irony you have little hope but RE6 had a viral marketing campaign called "No Hope Left". Dude Resident Evil is dead there is literally no hope left for that series.

Bundi3677d ago

Maybe it will come back as a zombie.

badboy7763677d ago

Knack outsold Dead Rising 3.

Lightning Mr Bubbles3677d ago

The only must have so far this gen in my opinion, and it's on XBOX One not PS4. Yet, I still bought a PS4 instead of an XBOX one, tough decision but I think I made the right choice. It still sucks though, not having Dead Rising 3.

Ck1x3677d ago

RE needs a reboot!
It needs to get back to that eerie isolation horror.

Concertoine3676d ago

Knack was bundled in japan.

Grap3676d ago (Edited 3676d ago )

i don't see how Knack relevant to this article. Try Harder next time troll.

sonarus3676d ago

Resident evil as a series isn't dead. Just because they had a small stumble in RE6 doesn't automatically discredit the excellent work they did with RE 1-5. At least let them fail a few more times before you can credibly call the series completely dead.

1.2 million is good sales for dead rising considering the install base. Wow if knack sold better then i am shocked. Didn't expect anything beyond 500k realistically. Even if bundled in Japan i still consider that impressive. Its not like PS4 is lighting up Japan anyways

MrSwankSinatra3676d ago (Edited 3676d ago )

@bundi a zombie is a dead decaying human being, resident evil as a series is already dead and decaying, so in saying that RE is already a zombie

@sonarus A SMALL STUMBLE??? lol I think your being delusional if you honestly believe that. Ever since re4 resident evil as a series has progressively became worse and worse.

mikeslemonade3676d ago (Edited 3676d ago )

1. Dead Rising 3 is not a must have game. It's a broken up-res last gen game. They didn't even up the frame rate haha. It drops to 12 frames a second.

2. RE5 and RE6 has killed the series figuratively. The series is over the hill like Halo is. It's not dead, it will sell, but it will be mediocre to average.

Knushwood Butt3676d ago

Knack was bundled in Japan, for about a month after launch. You can't get that bundle now.

avengers19783676d ago

To those who say knack was bundled in japan, does that mean TitanFall sales don't count cause it's still bundled with XB1, just curious.

OT: good for capcom, good for the series, I'm sure that game helped push a few XB1s

Concertoine3676d ago

Of course they do. So does Knack's.
Its just unfair to bundle a game that wasn't bundled to a game that was bundled with every console at launch in Japan. Are you saying it isn't?

avengers19783676d ago (Edited 3676d ago )

@concertoine I'm saying that everyone counts bundled games as games sold, Nintendo, Sony, and MS, all do it.
And be honest with yourself Knack probably would have done good numbers in Japan anyway. The only reason it was bundled was to give the Japanese gamers something for making them wait for the PS4.

But you want a fair comparison KZ:SF outsold DR3, and Ryse combined

Concertoine3676d ago (Edited 3676d ago )

Oops, excuse my flub. I meant to say its unfair to conpare a bundled game to a non bundled one. There was literally no other ps4 at the japanese launch other than the one bundled with Knack, so why would it be fair to compare a game standing on its own than one that everyone in Japan HAD to buy if they wanted a ps4. You think that's fair? Is you bringing up a completely different (and fair) comparison proof that you don't, but just don't care to admit it?
And yeah, those are impressive sales figures for KZ:SF, fully deserved too.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3676d ago
Dark113677d ago

I know RE is ruined but it's far from dead
RE6 is the 3rd most selling game in capcom history.


ceedubya93677d ago

I actually enjoyed the game. I think the expectations of what a resident evil game should be hurt its acceptance more so than the actual game itself. The game was flawed, but fun, imo.

jc485733677d ago

Resident Revelations finally got 1 million?

insomnium23676d ago

I kinda enjoyed revelations on my PS3. My gosh Jill sure has a nice *ss.

Perjoss3676d ago

I admire your stamina, most people gave up after RE4. Personally I liked 5 but I totally understand why most fans didn't like it.

WitWolfy3676d ago

I loved RE 5, saying killing black people in Africa is racist is like getting mad by saying you killing Muslims in the middle east.

God I hate that race card crap.

3676d ago Replies(3)
randomass1713676d ago

If they have an ounce of respect for their fans then MAYBE RE7 will be somewhat decent.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3676d ago
F4sterTh4nFTL3677d ago

They need a lot more profit boosts to improve their financial situation.

randomass1713676d ago

Agreed. But thankfully Capcom hasn't done much to piss off fans lately. With any luck they'll actually buckle down and make a new Mega Man game.

christocolus3677d ago

Good for them...hope they keep doing better.

XiSasukeUchiha3677d ago

Hopefully, now Capcom has learn their mistakes, and RE7 will be perfect.

u got owned3677d ago (Edited 3677d ago )

I don't understand why cant they go back to the first Resident Evil Formula more horror/suspense less action/shoot everything in your path.

ScubaSteve13677d ago

Cause those games weren't scary snd tank controls

cfc783677d ago

Take no notice of ScubaSteve1 only thing that scares him is a mirror as for Resident Evil im in total agreement with you bring back the days when the name and the game actually made sense.

dota2champion3676d ago

Capcom wants the COD sales

randomass1713676d ago

@u got owned Honestly I hope they take steps to accommodate both kinds of RE fans. I like the older games but I loved RE4. That game was just good fun with a lot of creepy action. I want more of that.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3676d ago
3677d ago Replies(1)
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You Can Now Get The First Dragon's Dogma For Less Than $5 Before The Sequel Arrives

Ahead of Dragon's Dogma 2's global release, the first iteration in the series by Capcom has been discounted by 84% on Steam.

sushimama80d ago

If anyone is wondering the first one still holds up well to this day. It's fun


Steam Uproar as Capcom Slips In Restrictive DRM Software

From Xfire: "Steam users and the larger PC gaming community are lashing out at Capcom over a streak of sneaky DRM updates as the Japanese gaming giant continues to flirt with controversy"

LordoftheCritics127d ago


Capcom turning into Ubisoft.

Well success can have that effect.

just_looken127d ago

Yep this shows how bad a digital world is now well for the old titles new games disc or not the drm is there but you can get the old games on dvd then try to monkey the last pre drm update onto the game files.

I love GOG for this reason i saw that skyrim bs update so i know not to run that version as gog you can select what patch to download/install with capcom hopefully we get a list of the update numbers that add this horrific drm.

With denuvo as a alder lake pc user it still has issues with E cores and i remember when the servers were taken offline forcing hundreds of games to be paperweights.


FinalFantasyFanatic127d ago

It's also really annoying how they can cut or change content later, like the Skull Girls controversy, a decade later after the game came out, they decide to censor it. The game is a decade old, if it's not broken, leave it, adding DRM back into older games is BS.

just_looken127d ago


Good point even major sp games got the cut after the fact be it last of us with maps/art or gta 5 removing stuff in the world.

Cyberpunk ps4 day one disc copy the sept build still has stuff the other versions no longer have.

With the gta 6 controversy right now i think back to the days of saints row creating a character beating up cops with a dildo bat and now we have elon crying over gta 6 guns killing cops i bet you if they made saints row 2 hd they would half to cut half the games content or go to jail lol also sad.

Was watching avatar last airbender 13yr old ang kissing katar again can not have that in a kids show or game now.

PRIMORDUS127d ago (Edited 127d ago )

Do they want more of their games to be torrented? Seems like it, I don't mind 🤣 Just ripped them a new asshole on Twitter, as I do not care what I say or post on there LOL.

banger88127d ago

Let me guess, you have a vpn enabled. For your sake I hope it's not in any 5 Eyes territories.


I have ExpressVPN but on Twitter I don't use it lol. For other things I use it :D

Barlos126d ago

Nice. I got a lifetime ban on Twitter back in 2020 for speaking my mind. Don't care tbh, I'm not really into social media. I don't even have a Facebook account.


I'm still trying to get banned to lol I'll keep at it 🤣 I have FB but maybe log in once a month but yeah always speak your mind no matter how bad the words come out, do not hold back online or IRL. Fuck them shit bags lol.

got_dam127d ago

This is classic Capcom. They everything they go on a hot streak and win back some consumer good will they have to turn around and burn it to the ground and have to start the whole process again.

Chocoburger127d ago (Edited 127d ago )

Additional DRM just pushes people to pirate more. These ignorant executives just don't get it. Only the legitimate customer is affected by DRM. 😕

Darkegg126d ago

Drm punishes legit customers and encourage hackers. It’s the wrong way to go about it.

Darkegg126d ago

Drm punishes legit customers and encourages hackers. It’s the wrong approach.

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darthv72199d ago

Grandia, Klonoa, and Parappa... NICE!

MrBaskerville199d ago (Edited 199d ago )

Grandia is especially nice, as I don't think it's available on psn atm. Wonder if it's a psx port or the Switch version.

If they didn't despise ps2, they could have added Grandia 2-3 as well.

shinoff2183198d ago

It's not a despise. Far as I've read their working on better emulation. It'll come.

LG_Fox_Brazil199d ago


StormSnooper198d ago

Is it good? I never played that.

crazyCoconuts199d ago

Been thinking of getting Teardown on Steam for Steam Deck play. Heard a lot of great reviews for it.

MrBeatdown198d ago

Played the first half hour last night. All I did was wreck a building but what a blast.

Elda199d ago

Nothing of interest for me. My sub is up in 2 weeks & I'll go with Essentials only for cloud saves & online. Having Extra or Premium is a waste for me seeing most games that land on the service are old that I've played already or old games I never had any interest in playing.

crazyCoconuts199d ago

Respect your opinion, just pointing out that Teardown is a Day One Extra release for PS, not an old game in this case. Gotham Knights last month was a year old.

Elda199d ago

I have no interest in Teardown. I bought & played Gotham Knights when it was first released in October 2022. Every month I'm always buying the latest AAA or AA games when they first release to play on my PS5, the very reason why Extra & Premium is a waste of money for me.

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