
Are Tablets Finally Getting "Real" Games? - CasualL Friday

Rev 3:

We know, we know - two tablet-related videos in a row - but with more 'hardcore' games like FTL, Hearthstone and XCOM starting to show up on the iPad, we are genuinely tabbowondering: is this the beginning of a trend of more substantial games making their way to the platform?

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Summons753702d ago

No, they will always be bad ports of real games but they will never be real games.

mixelon3702d ago (Edited 3702d ago )

Hearthstone, XCom and FTL aren't real games now? FTL and XCom are amazing ports.

You have Kefka as a freaking avatar too.. IOS has a load of FFs.. FFT? These aren't real games either?

Summons753702d ago

Have you play the FF one IOS? Awful! Hearthstone is generic card game #9999999999, go on the app store and there are a million more.

These APPS will never be real games. off games were meant to be played with controllers (or keyboard mouse depending on the version).

Tablets and cellphones will NEVER be reliable gaming options.

mixelon3702d ago

Final fantasy Tactics runs great on ios.. Anything with turn based combat is fine.

"It will never be.."

It already is viable and taken seriously by the industry. Not as a replacement for consoles, but complementary. They ARE reliable gaming options used by millions of gamers already.

FTL and xcom are pretty much ideally suited for touch. Turn based or pausable rts, multitouch has some advantages over mouse too.

nope1113702d ago

Agreed. Souless cash-grabs

3-4-53701d ago

Would you settle for having to swipe your hand across your 55-inch TV just to switch channels or watch a replay of the Football/Hockey/basketball/Bas eball/Golf game ?


pakua3702d ago

I'd never consider ditching my console for a tablet. Poor controls and crappy ports.

mixelon3702d ago

I dont think anyone's giving one up for the other, they're complementary.

LAWSON723702d ago

The only games I would buy off the android market is all the FFs through 6, but IMO the price is not right. I think android has a terrible game selection and I will never use it, let alone ever think of it, as a gaming platform. My phone will always be the place I emulate Pokemon and that is it.


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anast1d 16h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics1d 15h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX1d 15h ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon1d 14h ago

We are on the same team brother!

Rynxie1d 10h ago

I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.

just_looken1d 1h ago

The only thing i enjoyed in D4 was the mp side but after they gutted my hunter build then again wanted me to grind for over hundred hours each season i too quit like you.

Its insane though a year has already passed.

Daeloki2h ago

Hard pass, gave it a chance on launch with a friend, but we made it a bit past act 1 only to realise how tedious it was.


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