
Frugal Gaming Review | Warhammer 40,000: Storm of Vengeance

Cor blimey. This game is going to cause some controversy and no mistake - Writes Karlos Morale

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PridedLlama3710d ago

Worse thing GW have done in a long time is to split the rights to its IP up. So far we've had this dross and space hulk which was meh at best. I know it wasn't everyone cup of tea but space marine was a pretty good game. It had a half decent story andbI would have loved a sequel. Think the downfall of THQ made GW a bit nervous. And for the love of god where is Dawn of War 3? Fingers crossed that the in development mmo can turn things around otherwise the IP is dead as far as games go.

UglyGeezer3710d ago (Edited 3710d ago )

It's another one of those weird ones for me. I'm not clued in to the Warhammer games. hey exist in shops full of beardy men smoking pipes, but the games themselves (from my very limited experience)seem to be aimed at the younger gamer.

yog-sothot3710d ago

Seriously GW ! Take care of your goddamn IP's ! They need to realize that they will soon be unable to milk their customers with the sales of overpriced figurines (hello 3D printers). Hopefully, the upcoming Warhammer game from The Creative Assembly will be great !

In recent years, we've only had the Dawn of War series as really great games. Space Marine was allright.

Shnooze3709d ago

GW stop handing out your IP to every single schmuck out there.

TheSaint3434d ago

I did when he was console only, now he's a PC player it would seem.

dreamoner3434d ago

He was always a PC first player. He had xbox 360 and no ps3. Now he has both ps4 and xbone along with da PC. While I don't mind anyone playing games on consoles and count myself a PC player; he's a lot more diverse and plays most genres of games as well, far off from being a PC fanboy.

UltraNova3433d ago (Edited 3433d ago )



Maybe I'm missing something here...

TheSaint3433d ago


Where did I say PC fanboy?

And you agreed with me that he was 360 first and this gen he got a PC, so I guess I was right all along.

dreamoner3433d ago


You misunderstood. He had PC and xbox 360 to begin with. I don't know exactly which one he had first since I don't know him personally but I'm pretty sure he was a PC gamer to begin with based on his favorite games and such. f.i. he always says he's a sucker for 4X strategy games.

I didn't intended "PC fanboy" thing as a reply to you, was just making a point that he plays most games on most platforms.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3433d ago
KiwiViper853434d ago

Great list Joe, seems like a win for the new consoles. Only Amazing Spiderman 2, which I agree is really Bad, but I still enjoyed my time with it.

Xristo3434d ago

Honest list. Happy he didn't go all stupid and pick AAA games just because they were "disappointing" to him. This list is truly full of suck haha.

hkgamer3434d ago

not sure if it was a collaboration or something, but using other peoples videos in your top 10 is just lazy.

i dont watch his live streams or anything like that so im not sure what he has been upto, but he has been lacking in 2014 reviews.

did he even play all those games in that top 10?

Relientk773434d ago

Guess I gotta find 45 minutes so I can watch this

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