
Rumour: Splinter Cell Conviction Going "Back to the Drawing Board"

Metal Gear Solid 4? Big deal, right? Look at the Xbox 360 line-up for 2008; it contains titles like Ninja Gaiden 2, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts, Gears of War 2, and Splinter Cell Conviction. Oh, wait, one of those titles won't be hitting this year after all. It appears that 360 owners won't be enjoying an espionage experience this year with Splinter Cell Conviction because the title is being taken "back to the drawing board" by Ubisoft Montreal.

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resistance1005857d ago

Ouch, now that's a delay, maybe the reports of it not being fun were true?

I hope the wait is worth it in the end

MikeGdaGod5857d ago

the way some people on here talk, you'd think the 360 never gets delays


expect them to copy alot of mgs4 into conviction.

for everyone tht ever said sam fisher was the spy of the decade....he just got owned by snake

tplarkin75857d ago

I beat AC and the ONLY good thing about it was the graphics and animation. The combat was utterly boring and repetitive. It didn't even feel like a game. SCC uses the same engine. I'm glad they realized the problem.

Silellak5857d ago (Edited 5857d ago )

Why did the title of this article not have the word "Rumor" in it like the original article does?

Oh right. Because it gets more hits that way.


Not saying the news in the article isn't true. It could very well be true. But if you're going to submit an article with the word rumor in the TITLE, then you damn well better include the word in YOUR title as well.

But then I guess N4G has never been the place for anything remotely resembling journalistic integrity. So carry on, I guess.

Auron5857d ago

Yeah I cant wait for Sam to be rolling around in a barrel and covering crotches. get real the two games are so different comparing them is stupid.

ravenguard885857d ago

I can't imagine who thought "HAY GUYS U PLAY A BUM WHO SHOOTS HOTDOG STANDS" would make for a good splinter cell game. Honestly, they need to push back to the original, or Chaos Theory. Double Agent was ok, but I hated that "between mission" junk. Give me traditional Tom Clancy: A briefing, get in, do the mission, get out, an after-action report.

If I wanted crowd-based action I'd play GTA. If I wanted urban shooting (a-la Double Agent) I'd play Rainbow Six/Ghost Recon. I play Splinter Cell because I like the challenge of remaining unseen. The stealth is what makes it fun, not the shooting mechanics.

gaffyh5857d ago

Woah Holiday 2009/Early 2010 is a massive delay, wtf is this Final Fantasy? lol.

I think they are going to put more of the stealth stuff back in, that's the only difference it had between MGS, Splinter Cell used to be very good and complex in the stealth area whereas MGS used a simple form of stealth.

radzy5857d ago

Ubisoft denies Conviction redesign

News by Rob Purchese
Today 09:07

Ubisoft has dismissed rumours that Splinter Cell Conviction is heading back to the drawing board as speculation.

The publisher was responding to a report in Xbox World 360 magazine that claimed the game was being redesigned because it wasn't groundbreaking enough, and had even been outdated by Ubisoft titles such as Assassin's Creed.

The rumours suggested that Conviction would go back into development and be given a fresh release date of Christmas 2009 - or even spring 2010.

Not so, said Ubsioft, telling Eurogamer the report is "pure speculation".

Splinter Cell Conviction was revealed last year at the Paris-based publisher event UbiDays. The 2008 show takes place next week.

The fifth instalment in the sneaky Sam Fisher series does away with all the gadgets and casts you in a fugitive role where you will have to use your surroundings to survive: blend with crowds, throw tables at ice creams at people, that sort of thing.

It hasn't been seen for a while, now, but pop over to our Splinter Cell Conviction gamepage for all of the information to date.

DARKKNIGHT5857d ago (Edited 5857d ago )


eat some tomatoes, they make you smarter!

lol so what? hiding underneath tables, and ooooooooooo throwing chairs is equal to next gen gameplay? because thats better........LOL


its evident that this game sucks (just like the last couple of them) and is gonna be rebuilt from the ground up, heavily following the next gen barrier that mgs4 will BREAK. Notice i said FOLLOW. therefore following in the footsteps of a innovator and leader but never surpassing the genius behind mgs4.
ubisoft will copy alot of mgs4.....imitation is a form of flattery and sam fisher has lost its roots while attempting to become snake for the past 3 years. SO the comparison doesnt have to be forced its pretty apparent who sam fisher WANTS TO BE.....unfortunately for sc fans, he fails like a blind/mute bum at a shooting range.
Youve got to be kidding me if you cant tell this series was heading down the drains long before they mentioned using a chair as a weapon, to be the most exciting part of the game.

innovation owns imitation...im sure kojima is laughing right now at sc being scrapped and sent back to the drawing board. At the end of the day theyre can only be 1 top spot, and kojima productions have that spot secured for a while to come.

dont believe me, you can witness it starting june 12th.
sam fisher got owned, and so did you right now. trade some of your bubbles for some tomatoes, youll be better off.

Tomdc5857d ago

lol which console is the delay station now?

misterssippi5856d ago

The original story is a rumor. Why is it up here like confirmed news. Fanboyism at its finest.

Auron5856d ago

I'm sorry but the only fool here is you. give me an official statement from Ubi that they've scrapped the project like YOU say. anyways your words don mean sh!t to me you sound like a idiot who worships games instead of playing them. grow up and eat some fish heads they make you smarter.

riskibusiness5856d ago

Assassins Creed used the Splinter Cell: Conviction Engine. Then Splinter Cell Conviction was put on ice to complete Assassins Creed. The Engine was further developed during this process.

I'm not exactly sure what good the current engine will do for the Splinter Cell franchise. I can see why, it may be overhauled. I wouldn't doubt it goes back to it's stealth/espionage roots.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5856d ago
sonarus5857d ago

WOW. Looks like my SC hating was justified. End of 2009 sucks though. Wouldn't be surprised if a ps3 version found its way in too. If they are going to do splinter cell right, they should definitely put it out on ps3. I played all the splinter cells on playstation except for double agent so i hope they make it happen

In the end, taking that game back to the drawing board was the best decision yet. Not every idea works.

MikeGdaGod5857d ago

i'd bet it was hard for them to come with something unique that neither MGS4 or Assassin's Creed were doing.

i wonder if someone from the gaming press that played MGS4 went back and told them they'd better go back, start over and try harder.

Dark General5857d ago

Agree. I liked Assassins Creed alot i won't lie. And i like Splinter Cell but i didn't want Assassins Creed in my Splinter Cell which looked like how SC was heading. It sounded/looked like AssCreed with a Splinter Cell coat of paint on it and it was letting me down. Now after hearing this i have some faith in the next SC game.

Amanosenpai5856d ago

Yes lol, Kojima sent Ubi a copy of MGS4...

Kojima (post-it): Did u like it?

Ubi team: Fvck...¬_¬'

Bacon5857d ago

Well Surfer Girl told us it would get delayed because of how horrible it was. Maybe she was right after all.

Bonsai12145857d ago

i could have told you that based on the premise of the gameplay..

bootsielon5857d ago

Back to the drawing board? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Development hell? Oh no, Xbox 360 fanboys are gonna get mad. =(

Anyway, I did have high hopes for this game and I also hope MGS4 is a lesson for them when they are back in the drawing board, so that they can 1up the game. And I may sound like a fanboy, but I do think it's gonna be cost them beating a 50GB game with a DVD9, lack of HDD. Especially emphasizing on the word *cost*, since the game has been a long time in development already, and is back in the drawing board.

Then again, I don't know if it can be more expensive than MGS4, GTAIV and KillZone 2, which have been in development 4 years each, with budgets of 100 million, and more than 60 million for the later two.

005857d ago

Why must my heart be tortured, the should do a new game based on those other splinter cell agents.

permutated5857d ago

Better Ubisoft take it back to the drawing board than release a blemished, broken product like Haze, Lair or Vampire Rain.

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Watch Ninja Gaiden II, Fable 2, Fable 3, and Splinter Cell Games Enhanced for Xbox One X in Action

Microsoft presented a new batch of Xbox 360 games that received Xbox One X enhancements via Xbox One backward compatibility, and here you can watch how they run.

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RizBiz1873d ago

Nothing wrong with more games. As someone who just fundamentally hates xbox, I am pretty jelly that xbox gamers get real BC.

1873d ago Replies(2)
1872d ago Replies(1)
Gaming4Life19811873d ago (Edited 1873d ago )

Finally ninja gaiden 2 is BC, I've been waiting on this since they announced BC.

Bane351873d ago (Edited 1873d ago )

Yeah i thought ninja gaiden was gonna get remaster because it wasnt announced for backwards compatible til just now tho i would've been up for joy if they announced max payne 3 for backwards compatible today instead

hiawa231873d ago

I am so wanting MP3 on BC and X1X enhanced

Bane351873d ago (Edited 1873d ago )

@hiawa23 i think R* has plans to remaster MP3 at this point

Z5011873d ago

You couldn't play your copy of NG2 before this announcement?

Bane351873d ago (Edited 1873d ago )

No it just became backwards compatible today

Movefasta19931872d ago

not everybody still has their 360, that's why

Z5011872d ago

Kept your game, but no console to play it on?
No one sells 360's anymore?

EddieNX 1873d ago ShowReplies(1)
bluebenjamin1873d ago

Ninja Gaiden 2 is the main game I wanted bcthen alone one x enchanced is this game is more fun than bloodborne

Gwiz1873d ago

No contest,souls games are overhyped for difficulty.

bluebenjamin1873d ago

Very overhyped just because of difficulty not because of fun

1873d ago
Movefasta19931872d ago

facts, once you beat a souls game and do ng plus, you have the game downloaded. Once you return to ng1 and 2 you still can get your ass handed to you lol, the regular enemies are a threat, still attacking even when they are on the ground dismembered.

Gaming4Life19811872d ago

Agreed dark souls, bloodborne, and sekiro are overhyped games and dont compare to ninja gaiden 1 & , ninja gaiden 3 sucks.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1872d ago
Z5011873d ago

What does BB have to do with NG2?
Why not insert Contra Shattered Soldier while you're at it.

bluebenjamin1873d ago

Ninja gaiden was once considered one of the hardest games ninja gaiden 2 has rpg elements so does bloodborn they have similar combat but ninja gaiden 2 just looks better doing it plus its fast pace and flashy combos removing limbs of foes remember 360 put more enemies on screen than ps3 on this game 360 had more dismemberment of limbs than the ps3 vs.360 had a better gpu but ps3 still to this day has an awesome cpu the ps3 had the prettiest ninja gaiden because of native 720 p while 360 pushed 640p now the one X has both higher rez and 360 style dismemberment But Ok for you contra ps2 version and nes

1873d ago
1873d ago
Movefasta19931872d ago

I do think ninja gaiden 1 and 2 are better than souls games, but they aren't even comparable

Z5011872d ago

Again. Why'd you pick BB?
Ninja Gaiden has ninja dog mode = easy
NG2 has a jump and block button
BB has none of those.

You could've picked a Devil May Cry or Bayonetta game. They're more similar to NG2 than BB.

What does PS3 have to do with this announcement? Your insecurities are showing.

Gaming4Life19811872d ago

I think they are being compared because of difficulty but I dont even think that is comparable imo. Ninja gaiden games are better though that's just facts.

Hungryalpaca1872d ago

And Forza is Better than MARIO Kart!!!!!

See how stupid that sounds?

bluebenjamin1872d ago

No Mario Kart is the best racer ever almost anyone can play

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1872d ago
timotim1873d ago (Edited 1873d ago )

Amazing news! NG2!?!? Three Splinter Cell games!!! Fable 2&3 (the first is already enhanced)!!! This is what separates Microsoft's version of BC from others...its that they enhance both the performance and visual quality of these titles to keep them current in a lot of cases, instead of playing them exactly how they played and performed back in the day. Whats even better...I don't need to do ANYTHING but download the new patch...amazing.👏

Keep it coming Xbox!

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Are the free Xbox Games With Gold titles for July 2018 any good?

Neil writes: "Every single month we hear the same old thing about the Xbox Games With Gold titles. "We don't want that rubbish - we want decent games, we want AAA blockbusters, we want something different". Well, the free Xbox 360 and Xbox One titles being given away during the month of July pretty much tick those boxes. What's the chances there will still be complaints?"

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AG1002162d ago

Tom clancy and virtua fighter are great death sqaured is pretty cool idk about assualt

lxeasy2162d ago

Splinter cell conviction is great, vf 5 is fun. Haven't played the other two so I'm excited to try them out.

ApexWolf222162d ago

Great month for 360 titles, X1 titles remind me of early days when all they gave away were indies, I hope they dont start doing that again.

AG1002162d ago

at least you can play the 360 games on xb1 too lol

Goldby2162d ago

Now that there's gamepass, expect bugger AAA to have priority in that, more money for both the dev and Ms more likely

yomfweeee2162d ago

I though Plus was lackluster this month. Gold is way worse.

BQ322162d ago

Vf5 fs is the best fighting game of all time abd backwards compatible, so it is a huge win in my book.

annoyedgamer2162d ago

No these are pretty awful. Virtua Fighter is great and so is Splinter Cell but those are 360 titles.

lxeasy2162d ago

so what if there 360 titles it's still awesome

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A new Tom Clancy adventure can be enjoyed on Xbox One due to Back Compat – Is it worth the return?

Carlos writes: "Xbox Backwards Compatibility has shown a strong start to 2018 with a number of top titles being made available to play on Xbox One, but whilst this week doesn’t bring quite as many new arrivals as the past few weeks, there is still one addition for us to get stuck into once more... and it’s one that’s sure to prove a popular addition."

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NotanotherReboot2302d ago

god bless backwards compatability

TheSplooge2302d ago

And thank god we dont have to pay for it.

2302d ago
Gman322302d ago

yeah Microsoft get points for that

TheOttomatic912302d ago

I’m still waiting for Blacklist

PlayStation_52302d ago

Don't confuse the Xbox gamers. They have enough problems to deal with... : P'

Mister_Wolf2302d ago

I AM an Xbox gamer aswell as other systems lol.

TheRealHeisenberg2302d ago

No confusion at all. Just another game added to the list if anyone gets nostalgic.

Vectrexer2302d ago

Are we confused? We get games that we've been enjoyed before at no cost to us!

C-H-E-F2302d ago

"new"? an "old" Tom Clancy Adventure can be enjoyed on xbox one due to back capat is worth the return"


zerocarnage2302d ago

Yes, I loved conviction the co op was ace.

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